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1. Schiel & Denver Book Publishers opens up new book publishing market channels outside the U.S. and Europe in Australia and Asia

The world is looking for solutions. At Schiel & Denver Book Publishers, one of the reasons we invest so deeply in sustainable publishing methods, and cherish our independent authors and talented writers so much, is that you have taken the time to make the changes needed to achieve a more shared, secure and sustainable future through your work. Whether you’re a children’s author giving a child that first love of learning to read, a poet, thriller writer or Christian author; we pledge our support to your continued literary brilliance in the fantastic independent books that you pen, and on your admirable personal commitment to your writing.

The fact is that world needs more writers. The literary output of the U.S. can never be too prolific. Sustainable development is a global imperative: over one billion people lack access to food, electricity and drinking water; a majority of our ecosystems are in decline; and there is an enormous deficit in decent jobs, especially for youth globally. Climate change will only compound these challenges – and threatens progress, peace and stability in societies and global markets – including books and publishing.

The book publishing industry is changing beyond all recognition, and for the independent author, getting your book into the hands of reachers in a timely fashion with expert speed to market, has become an increasingly dominant critical factor – where once publishers and authors could rely on long-tail sales and word of mouth. Schiel & Denver Book Publishers is therefore committed to professional book distribution into all markets, on behalf of our authors, and we are pleased to be opening up new channels in Australasia, Asia, China, Africa and Brazil, (outside our main infrastructure in North America and Europe) as a means to set our authors apart in the market with greater numbers of books printed, more sales and more royalties generated per ISBN title.

In a time when reaching agreement on critical issues is proving difficult and divisive — whether at home domestically in America or on the international platform — Schiel & Denver‘s comprehensive book publishing strategies will continue to give independent authors a voice, with dedicated marketing to the retail buying units of stores like Barnes & Noble, Amazon and Books-A-Million, to ensure your voice is heard.

Our corporate sustainability is charging ahead as a collaborative and innovative space for action based on the risks and opportunities at hand. After more than a decade of building up principles and partnerships, we stand on the brink of unleashing global business action as a main-stream, independent book publisher championing author’s intellectual output on a massive scale.

Schiel & Denver only succeeds when our authors thrive with successful book sales derived from worldwide market access and expert distribution to major bookstores. Making this happen is our enduring commitment: more engagement, more innovation, more collaboration.

Book publisher and Self Publishing Information provided by S&D book publishers and christian book publishers as a courtesy.


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2. 2013 UN Resolution renews emphasis on strengthening the rols of Global Compact with local book publishing networks

Schiel & Denver Book Publishers has moved steadily into the New Year with a wide range of events, webinars, and engagement opportunities in the works. On the eve of the 1st January 2013, the Second Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (Economic and Financial Committee) adopted a potentially far-reaching and broad resolution on the changing relationship between the United Nations and the private book publishing sector (with particular emphasis on American book publishers) to fulfill the committee’s mission statement of:

The vital role the UN Global Compact Office continues to play with regard to strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to partner strategically with the private sector.

As always, some book publishers activities will be open to all signatories while others will be restricted to US Network members. The results will highlight that Governments who were invited to support the local networks, in co-operation with the Rio+20 Secretariat, and the Global Compact Local Network based in America are more proportionately more likely to invest in the “inside-belt” of the book publishing industry; giving fresh credence to the notion that local authors need to work with a book publisher with far reaching contacts into the UN system, such as Schiel & Denver enjoys, to benefit from local distribution widely through bookstores in both developed and developing countries.

Schiel & Denver offers massive global book distribution to a wide-readership through over 165,000 bookstores across 4 continents. With more than 1,250 authors from over 100 countries in 2012, Schiel & Denver’s ties to worldwide book distribution, together with professional editing capabilities, and particularly being backed by the publishing power of the United Nations Global Compact, forms proof that one of the largest, most comprehensive studies on global corporate responsibility implementation is within reach of independent authors who choose to work with the company to fulfil their dream of becoming published. The UN Global Compact’s input is critical.


Book publisher and Self Publishing Information provided by S&D book publishers and christian book publishers as a courtesy.


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3. News From United Nations Global Compact: A new resolution to put emphasis on strengthening the role of local GC network

The United Nations Global Compact can be a secret weapon for professional authors in getting an unheard-of-before title into the mainstream distribution channel, as retailers increasingly look for a more global literary flavor to offer readers. As a committed stakeholder of the United Nations Global Compact, and one of the few U.S. book publishing partners to maintain an active role, Schiel & Denver is pleased to add our support to the Second Committee of the United Nations General Assembly (Economic and Financial Committee) as they took the progressive step of adopting a resolution on the evolving relationship between the United Nations and the private sector in the American publishing industries.

For those unaware, the Global Compact initiative has made substantial progress for book publishing in America, less than a year after the critical UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), which brought together different factions of government leaders (from both developed and developing nations) in an effort to build consensus on a more sustainable course for representing publishing and printing business in partnership with governments, local authorities, civil society and UN entities.

As a book publishers with a modern chain of custody gradually ending dependence on wood fibers and pulp to make our books, and keen on embracing digital eBook publishing – particularly in our Christian book publishing division, our view is that the Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum is shaping up to be a vibrant and unparalleled platform for innovative businesses like Schiel & Denver, and key stakeholders to demonstrate real action, make commitments and mobilize genuine consumer growth towards a more environmentally sustainable future.

Putting our authors first continues to be Schiel & Denver’s primary mission, and with on-going author support on a daily basis – our book publishing program is designed to provide a firm infrastructure for our partners, leverage opportunities and harness our book publishing logistics. Schiel & Denver succeeds at building momentum for our author’s books, as they move into the competitive marketplace to sell to the book buying public.

As 2012 closes, Schiel & Denver is pleased we continue to be of value for our passion and commitment to new writers, not least the broad efforts that our business plays to help set a better course for emerging literary talent. Being able to ‘tap’ the United Nations Global Compact’s mainstream benefits for global book distribution forms a corporate sustainability service that our authors’ need and deserve.

Book publisher and Self Publishing Information provided by S&D book publishers and christian book publishers as a courtesy.


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4. Similiarities between the Boston Tea Party and the Mitt Romney / Paul Ryan 2012 Presidential Race Nomination Ticket

Let’s first consider the historical setting, as any writer who wishes to make a decisive introduction to retrospective comparison should consider. In 1773 the English Parliament passed a tea act, taxing colonial merchants; and in doing so outraged the Colonists and united them in opposition. When the first small cargoes of tea consigned to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston were not allowed to be unloaded, it was a shock to England. The tax was to be enforced and paid by midnight of December 16th. The reaction was swift and nonviolent. The English put up no resistance and the ships were not damaged.

The Colonists, disguised as Indians, boarded the tea ships in Boston the night of December 16, 1773 and dumped the cargoes into the water. The captain’s log book, dated Thursday, December 16, 1773 stated:

Between six and seven o’clock this evening, came down to the wharf a body of about one thousand people, among them were a number dressed and whooping like Indians. They came on board the ship, and after warning myself and the customs-house officers to get out of the way, they undid the hatches and went down the hood, where was eighty whole, and thirty-four half chests of tea, which they hoisted upon deck, and cut the chests to pieces, hove the tea overboard, where it was damaged and lost.

The event was publicized as “the destruction of the tea” but was not recorded as the “Boston Tea Party” until the mid-30s, around 1834/5, when the new moniker was born, for opposing oppressive government control.

The tea party of 1773 united all of the Colonists under a moniker surviving today. Whether protesting as tea party members, as patriots, as occupiers, the opposition and clamor to correct abuses is louder than ever. It gives us our Republic and a Republican form of government.

The Republic is a renovation of the natural order of things, a system of principles as universal as truth and the existence of man, and combed moral with political happiness and national prosperity. It is the natural order to preserve liberty, property, and security as guaranteed rights of man. It extends the sovereignty of such rights into the political associations which comprise the nation and demands that such associations, whether individual, or as a body of men are only entitled to that authority which is expressly derived from the people.

What is called the Republic is not any particular form of government like democratic, aristocratic, or monarchy. It is wholly characteristic of the matter or object for which government ought to be instituted, and to which it is to be employed— A REPUBLIC, the public affairs, or the public good; or, literally translated, the public thing.

It is a word of a good original, referring to what ought to be the character and business of government; and in this sense it is naturally opposed to the word monarchy which encompasses arbitrary power vested in an individual person, the exercise of which is the person, and not the republic.

The REPUBLIC, public thing has as its origin the Greek “Democracy”; however, there are many strong limitations in the Democratic form of government. It ultimately leads to the failure of a true Democracy in guaranteeing the innate rights of man.The true distinction between a Republic and a Democracy is that in the Democracy the people meet and exercise the government in person. In a Republic, they assemble and administer it by their representatives.

Democracy will, by necessity, be confined to a small spot. A Republic may be extended over a large region. Mitt Romney’s negative ad attacks on the Obama presidency and healthcare reform are an example of this kind of modern comparison.

Democracy works well as a form of government where limited in scope of size and population it can conduct the REPUBLIC or the public business of a nation until, however, it becomes too extensive and populous. Democracy cannot work effectively as the separate parts soon become oppressive once becoming powerful.

Space and size quickly destroy the effectiveness of Democracy. Ancient Greece discovered this quickly as power shifted from Athens, and the demand for centralized power in the government arose out of strength, not voice. Under a Republic, the public voice, as pronounced by the representatives of the people, is more consonant to the public good than if pronounced by the people themselves.

Our Tea Party fought not so much for sovereignty, but for the public voice to be heard by abusive powers. Their voice, being unheard, soon results in a voice demanding to be heard. They wanted representation then, most of all. And when denied, the very voice which believed in natural law, gave birth to a new nation and a new form of government: the Republican Form.

This startled the world juxtaposing a new voice within a Democracy. A people’s voice creating a Republican form of government: a government established and conducted for the interest of the public, as well individually as collectively. It did not connect with any particular form which the world understands.

It defies being subservient to another power and declares itself sovereign by divine right and by voice. And that voice declares itself by representation.Adding representation upon Democracy creates a system of government which embraces and brings together all the various interests and every extent of territory and population known.

The Republican form of government immediately concentrates the knowledge necessary to the interests of the parts and of the whole. The whole is now the nation, the parts are states, the people are also parts of the whole, yet their collective voices, by representation, become the whole.For once, government can be seen as the child of the voice of the people who created it. Every man is a proprietor in government, and has the duty to consider it a necessary part of his business to understand. The Republic concerns his interest, because it affects his property, his life, and his pursuit of happiness.And these interests have costs which derive themselves from all men being created equal.You can examine the cost and compare it with the individual or collective advantages. And your voice, alone must represent your examination before all others.

With the advent of a Constitution enumerating what you grant, you do not have to adopt the slavish custom of following what in other governments are called leaders.

As Benjamin Franklin quickly noted when asked what kind of government is formed, he answered prophetically: “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

It is not easy to preserve and keep a Republic once it begins to fall away. The heart of the republic is the voice of the people and the voice of the people is expressed through its mandated representation.

How often have you heard representatives say, I voted for the “good of the country”, or for the “good of the party”, when the voice going unheard is the voice of representation which says… vote for the good of the republic within the district you represent?

Representation must represent only those constituents who exercised the sovereign right to put them in power and position to represent.

Your Congress represents elected officials representative of a part of a whole. They are not the whole, nor can they represent the nation without consent from the majority of the other parts which form that whole. The whole is the nation; however, the voice of the nation is the people collectively expressing themselves through individual representatives.

A nation is not the body, the figure of which is to be represented by the human body; but is like a body contained within a circle, having a common center, in which every radius meets; and that center is formed by representation. The representatives, too, represent themselves only as a part of their very constituency and are one voice within their collective membership when in Congress Assembled. There can be no vote taken by them for the “good of the country”.

As representatives sitting in the federal government, the “good of the country” only occurs concomitantly with the consent of the rest of the nation.What is government but more than the management of the affairs of a Nation? It is not, and from its nature cannot be, the property of any particular man or family, but of the whole community, at whose expense it is supported; and through by force and contrivance it has been usurped into an inheritance, the usurpation cannot alter the right of thing.

Sovereignty, as a matter of right, appertains to the Nation only, and not any individual; and a Nation has at all times an inherent indefeasible right to abolish any form of government it finds inconvenient, and to establish such as accords with its interest, disposition and happiness. Every citizen is a member of the collective sovereignty; and as such, can acknowledge no personal subjection – his obedience can be only to the Common Laws.

As members of the national government, the good of the country is only that under powers given by citizens, and granted to the national government, such as the management of foreign affairs wherein the states waive all rights to make a treaty, enter into an alliance, receive a foreign ambassador, or deal in any way with a foreign government.

The balance of power, conversely, and ultimately, flows from the bottom up rather than from the internationally recognized top down. Such principles of Declaration are the truths to restore our Republic. They are reserved in the declarations made by the Tea Party forefathers. What have we learned?

That man has rights, — life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. This is the legacy left us. The ideal of individual liberty, that an individual has certain fundamental and inalienable rights which municipal, state or federal government can never override without permission.Governments exist for the benefit of the governed to secure and protect those rights of man. Government is FOR the people.

And that these governments “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Government is OF the people and BY their consent. Whenever any government usurps power and becomes destructive of the rights of man, then it is the right of the people to overthrow that government, and when necessary to do so, it is also the right and duty of the people to establish a new government on whatever principles and in whatever form will insure to them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That under law and government, and in the protection of the rights of the people “all men are created equal” and must be allowed the fullest and freest exercise and development of their natural powers.

And that these governments“derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.”Government is OF the people and BY their consent.

Whenever any government usurps power and becomes destructive of the rights of man, then it is the right of the people to overthrow that government, and when necessary to do so, it is also the right and duty of the people to establish a new government on whatever principles and in whatever form will insure to them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That under law and government, and in the protection of the rights of the people “all men are created equal” and must be allowed the fullest and freest exercise and development of their natural powers.

And to do so, our forefathers decreed: “there shall be freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of peaceable assembly, freedom of petition. The homes of the people shall be secure against search, seizure, or intrusion, except by legal process. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offense, nor shall any person be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”

Continuing, “no bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it, but any one accused of crime shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime may have been committed. He shall not be arrested except by legal process; he shall be informed of the exact nature of the accusation; he shall be confronted by the witnesses against him, and shall not be compelled to testify against himself.”

Some of those who represent us now in Congress Assembled are ineligible to represent us and have lost their citizenship.

Do you know the ORIGINAL THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT was passed in support of Article I, Section 9, of the United States Constitution?

“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the consent of Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

Said original Amendment is a matter of record notwithstanding it being continuously omitted in reproduction as it clearly provides the penalty for enforcement of Article 1, Section 9.


Passed by Congress February 1, l865“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatsoever, from any Emperor, King, Prince, or Foreign Power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”Is it any wonder, then, that the following two questions might just be answered with an emphatic: NO!

Can any attorney taking oath to any Bar association which pledges itself to the Crown of England still be a citizen?

Can any Congressman, in the House or Senate, accepting financial support from corporations or lobbyists outside their constituency and venue still be a citizen?

Thus, it is time again to restore America to its rightful place in history as that nation which first introduced the Rights of Man as being the grantor of power and privileges to uphold and defend its rights.

To do this, the Republic needs the voice of the people once more. We need to speak again as in 1773 where the real intent of the Boston Tea Party was not to just dump tea in protest of taxation. It was to demand representation and voice. Again, today, We the people, need to speak.It is our duty. Our rugged Constitution clearly gives us the Right to speak within our Bill of Rights with no less than six specifically identified amendments.


The only lawful constituent voices are those who can delegate representation in municipal, State or Congressional districts, and are limited to:

CITIZENS, who have been identified and are registered with district rights to vote for representation at municipal, State, or federal levels.

CORPORATIONS (like Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital) which have only recently been identified by the U.S. Supreme Court as being persons.

Under Article XIV, Section 1, and having corporate headquarters in a specific Congressional district, they may lobby (one vote) only in their district for representation at municipal, State, or federal levels.We need now reformation of the process of creating and submitting bills for consideration and ratification. The following procedures are suggestive ballot measures to be sent via e-mail, blog, or what have you, to your representative or as a ballot measure for submission to voters on the next ballot to bring back the voice of America for the benefit of its people.

Book publisher and Self Publishing Information provided by S&D book publishers and christian book publishers as a courtesy.


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5. Exploring ISBN Book Publishing Issues Through The Federalist Papers

Our Constitution was finished in September of 1787. But it had to be ratified by the individual states through popular conventions. The people of the states, rather than the state governments, had to approve the new document. Supporters of the Constitution had to appeal directly to the American people. It was not easy as the Colonists were reluctant to give more power to a central government controlled by an established political elite.

The Revolution promised power is in the local community and the hands of the common folk. Now the writers of the Constitution wanted to change all that. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay used the widespread and widely read newspapers of the day to distribute a series of short essays known as the Federalist Papers to influence America to accept and ratify a Constitution.

The essays covered a broad range of topics, including presidential authority, taxation and representation, and the division of power between the national and state governments.In the end, the newspaper plan worked. The Liberty Bell rang so long, it finally cracked. Americans were persuaded to support the Constitution, but the Liberty Bell could not ring in the Bill of Rights, which guaranteed the sought after freedom and individual liberty for all.

The Federalist Papers are now considered the first – and most important internationally – discussions of federal government.

The Federalist Papers serve as a model of political reasoning, and so can readily be ascribed to the reason the Colonists were influenced and prepared to ratify a Constitution for the United States of America.

No other set of essays created such an international clamor for independence and a new kind of power in that eighteenth century. No man could believe or envision that Power actually emanates from the bottom up. Power is by the will of the people and is granted by Providence. That is what happened. The Natural law then, would soon be an Organic law in a written Constitution of the United States to protect the rights of all men created equal.

The sentiment swept the nation then and such is the sentiment which was later so historically and strongly expressed by President Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address on November 19, 1863.

That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

We are again at that same crossroad where sovereignty and liberty intersect. The basis for our Constitution is inherent in its Federalist Papers. But who knows of them? Our Constitution, after months of work, finished in September 1787 and is a document that cannot by any standard be ratified by the individual state unless their populations wants them to do so.

The Constitution FOR the United States of America is ordained and established in its Preamble by the People OF the United States.

Its Federalist Papers (number 39) established two things:

  • A country to be known as the United States of America (U.S.A.).
  • A national government for that country to be known as the United States (US).

All American citizens are Sovereign citizens OF the United States of America – the Country. They live under the Common Laws of the country (Nation) known as the United States of America (U.S.A.)

The United States, as such, is only a national government (US) representative of the union of all states, known as these United States (U.S.A.); and is not to be confused with the nation (country) known as the United States of America.
The only sovereignty delegated to the national government (US) is that of foreign commerce and treaties.

It is this area where the States granted international powers to the federal government, albeit with the checks and balances accorded the separation of powers among the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial departments.

Book publisher and Self Publishing Information provided by S&D book publishers and christian book publishers as a courtesy.


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6. An Excerpt from Ruben Dario Diaz’s ‘Future Block’

Schiel & Denver is very pleased to bring you an excerpt from novelist Ruben Diaz’s Future Block, which can be bought here on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Specializing in providing independent authors with major distribution to top bookstores with large print runs across America, Canada, Europe and Australia, Schiel & Denver Book Publishers offers a viable option for authors who wish to profit from their work while keeping all rights to their books.

The dawn’s early light has a beautiful brilliance to it and the surrounding fog gives the forest an almost heavenly feeling.  Outside of this natural forest lie a city, a town and a community where humans fight for survival in the same manner as Darwin’s origin of species.  These morning droplets of liquid rain shower the beautiful foliage and the leaves of golden brown provide the forest with a soft carpet for the creatures of the night and day to walk or crawl upon.A dark black helicopter hovers through the clear blue sky and scans the approaching town with an eye similar to a gliding osprey.  Tigre has sparkling green eyes and sees the dawn’s early light very clearly.  The hovering doves replace the black helicopter as the kings of the sky for a moment.

Tigre is an orange and white patched feline that prowls through his domain. Tigre is Vicente’s prized cat; Vicente discovered Tigre when he was a child.He remembers very well how he saved Tigre from a blazing forest fire.  Tigre has been with him through it all: through the sounds of the doves cooing in the morning and the construction trucks rumbling through the town as the day unfolds.  The Warlocks love to roar through the town on their Harley Davidson motorcycles as the morning approaches and the sky illuminates radiantly blue with a million points of light. The Aztec Indians worshipped the sun and had a Sun God. The residents of this town avoid the sun like a plaque and Tigre and Vicente stay inside when the sun’s piercing rays scorch the terrain and create halogen heat waves through the town and into the city.Every day I visit Vicente and attempt to unleash the power of his computer proficiency.  The ease he has with programming languages, the gift he has constructing digital networks, and the playfulness he possesses to share his mastery of these complicated and technical realms that puzzle the rest of society make him a top prospect for developing a software solution I dream about night and day.

By deductive reasoning, Vicente and I are best friends, and Tigre stands by Vicente’s every move like the beat of a tiger.I don’t care much for Tigre but I do see a genius caged in Vicente’s mind when I glance at him.  We all have our concept of the future, and my intention is to unleash a future that will provide everyone with a community where suffering is lessened and joy is unraveled like the precious diamonds of Venezuela.  The town Vicente and I live in is experiencing astronomical growth.  Vicente and I engage in deep conversations much like this:  “Vicente, do you remember our conversation last week? You said that you were afraid. Do you remember that, Vicente? What do you fear?”  “Silvano, I fear the sounds I hear. The knocks that creep into my walls, the aerodynamic sounds of planes that fly overhead every time I stop to take a bite out of my sandwich, and most of all the voice in my head that cries:Fuego, Fuego, Fuego. Over and over again the sound of Fuego, and then I feel the air all around me heat up in swirls of hot wind.”Vicente and I have been best friends

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The Star-Ledger - NJ.com

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9. Thousands Of Rare Books, Journals, Writings Burned At Institute d’Egypt In Cairo – Hindustan Times

Hindustan Times

Thousands Of Rare Books, Journals, Writings Burned At Institute d'Egypt In Cairo
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17. Christopher Hitchens, 62; writer’s ideas enlivened books, magazines, Web – The Boston Globe

The Hindu

Christopher Hitchens, 62; writer's ideas enlivened books, magazines, Web
The Boston Globe
Young Christopher would have rather read a book. He was a “a mere weed and weakling and kick-bag'' who discovered that “words could function as weapons'' and so stockpiled them. In college, Oxford, he met such longtime friends as authors Martin Amis ...
Christopher Hitchens dies at 62; engaging, enraging author and essayistLos Angeles Times
Christopher Hitchens, militant pundit, dies at 62CBS News

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18. Maureen Corrigan’s Favorite Books Of 2011 – NPR

Maureen Corrigan's Favorite Books Of 2011
Book critic Maureen Corrigan says that 2011 was a banner year for fiction — especially for several first-time novelists. by Maureen Corrigan This was a terrific year for fiction and a particularly strong year for first-time novelists. ...

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19. Steve Jobs book is Amazon top seller – The Nation, Pakistan

The Nation, Pakistan

Steve Jobs book is Amazon top seller
The Nation, Pakistan
Walter Isaacson's book claimed first place at the expense of Tina Fey's Bossypants despite launching as late as October. Amazon did not reveal specific sales figures, but its senior editor of books Chris Schluep described them as “phenomenal” in both ...
Steve Jobs Biography, Tina Fey Memoir Top Amazon's Best-Selling Books of 2011Hollywood Reporter
Amazon Names "Steve Jobs" Biography Best-Selling Book of 2011DailyTech
Recommended: Steve Jobs biography is Amazon's best-selling book of 2011msnbc.com
MarketWatch (press release) -Los Angeles Times -TechFlash
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20. Wine Books Worth Reading – New York Times

Wine Books Worth Reading
New York Times
ALONG with top 10 lists, columns on sparkling wines (next week's treat) and gift roundups, the end of the year would not be complete without a torrent of new books on wine and spirits. Here are four of the most notable. ...

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21. Back To Square One In The Google Books Settlement – paidContent.org

Back To Square One In The Google Books Settlement
It's been more than six years since the Authors Guild first sued Google (NSDQ: GOOG) for scanning books. Today, with a proposed settlement in tatters, the writers group took a fresh step to revive the case and move it towards a trial. ...
Authors Guild Seeks Class Certification in Google Suitmediabistro.com
Authors Guild Files Motion For Class Certification In Revived Suit Against GoogleWall Street Journal

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22. Top 10 business books of 2011 – Globe and Mail

Globe and Mail

Top 10 business books of 2011
Globe and Mail
The best reading in business books this year is Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. If I had to name a book most people would enjoy delving into over the holiday season, it would be this biography. It's a hefty read, at 571 pages, but I never tired of it, ...
Steve Jobs Legacy Continues, Biography Tops Amazon's 2011 Best-Sellers ListInternational Business Times
Steve Jobs Biography, Tina Fey Memoir Top Amazon's Best-Selling Books of 2011Hollywood Reporter
Amazon Names "Steve Jobs" Biography Best-Selling Book of 2011DailyTech
CNET -msnbc.com -MarketWatch (press release)
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23. E-books: The slow wave – The Sun Daily

E-books: The slow wave
The Sun Daily
Books, however, are much slower in going digital. Many book publishers – even in the US – still focus on print. Unlike newspapers, which can be published online, there is not really a viable business model for online book publishing. ...

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24. Morgan Stanley books $1.8bn loss on MBIA deal – Financial Times

Chicago Tribune

Morgan Stanley books $1.8bn loss on MBIA deal
Financial Times
Morgan Stanley shares are down 41 per cent since the start of the year – valuing it at about half of its book value – albeit it was trading slighlty higher at midday on Tuesday at $15.72. Please don't cut articles from FT.com and redistribute by email ...
Morgan Stanley reaches settlement with MBIA that gets risky assets off books ...CanadianBusiness.com

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25. Dean Koontz and Auryn Bring Beloved Trixie Books to Life for a Charitable Cause – Sacramento Bee

Dean Koontz and Auryn Bring Beloved Trixie Books to Life for a Charitable Cause
Sacramento Bee
13, 2011 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Blockbuster author Dean Koontz has selected award-winning app publisher Auryn, Inc., to bring his children's books alive on mobile platforms for millions of his fans around the world. I, Trixie Who Is Dog, a children's book ...
Dean Koontz and Auryn Bring Beloved Trixie Books to Life for a Charitable CausePR Newswire (press release)

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