Wow, I have been a neglectful writer! I apologize.
January and February hit me with a wallup. Part of this was due to the fact I began my part-time Library Media Specialist Endorsement classes, to add some hireability in different ways to my teaching credential in Oregon. Although it is just two classes which are essentially online, the pace of keeping up with the coursework around things like a social life and volunteering took some getting used to. I've recently fallen into a habit of writing around Monday in the afternoon and, if I am good and efficient, again later in the week when my homework is out of the way. The classes wrap up in April, so I imagine after that I'll have more writing time before picking up a couple summer courses in the program.
PIT6 has developed slowly. It's being a bit of a difficult birth. Part of that is due to inconsistent writing time. (See above.) When you pretty much forget some of the little details that you wrote a month ago, or are constructing a scene in fits and starts, it just...doesn't flow well. This is a first draft, though, and my first drafts are always "all over the map," as I call it. I'm not sure about the likelihood of having a first draft done by August, though. Really, that may not happen this time around.
Beyond that, no real writing developments to share. I'm going to be participating in a writing function in the area in another month, but when that gets closer, details will be shared.
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Blog: Partners in Time: The Series (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: drafting, pit 6, the writing process, Add a tag
Posted on 3/1/2011
Viewing Post from: Partners in Time: The Series
A behind-the-scenes look at the evolution of a book/seriesBlog: Partners in Time: The Series (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: drafting, pit 6, the writing process, Add a tag