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Results 1 - 9 of 9
1. Sunshine on a Cold Day

Rascal on a warmer day
Rascal and I went on our usual walk this morning. Believe me, it was cold when we started out. The ground was frozen, with snow and ice still clinging to bits of the grass. I knew we needed the exercise, but the effort felt more like a chore than anything else. Something to get over with, so I could get back into my nice, warm house. 

Then the sun came out!

The temperature remained the same, but everything looked brighter. Not only that, I could feel the warmth of the sun shining on my face and even on my legs under my slacks. It's effect was amazing, transforming a frigid day to a pleasant one. Whereas before, I could hardly wait to get home, the sun's warmth made me want to walk further and enjoy it more.

In a way, it reminded me of authors. We work hard in isolation to get our books finished, all the while wondering what readers will think of them. When our books are done, they're thrust out to walk on their own in the cold, cruel world. Will they have enough stamina to continue on, or be forced to retreat in defense from an onslaught of criticism?

Then, magically, a reader says a kind word, or posts a nice review, and everything changes! 

Such kind words are like sunshine to an author. They not only make the struggle worthwhile, but encourage us to carry on. They also give our books strength and longevity in the marketplace, making it possible for more readers to enjoy them.

Thanks to everyone who has spent the time to write a review for any of my books, or told me in person or writing that you liked it. Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated! 

Morgan Mandel

Morgan Mandel's current release is
Her Handyman, a romantic comedy,
Find Morgan's romances, mysteries & thrillers at
Follow On Twitter: @MorganMandel

21 Comments on Sunshine on a Cold Day, last added: 1/6/2013
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2. Detour to My Guest Post, Please

Please stop by The Book Connection today. I'm over there sharing about the dog who owns me, and the one who owns my heroine in Her Handyman, my new romantic comedy - Here's the link - http://thebookconnectionccm.blogspot.com/2012/09/guest-blogger-morgan-mandel-author-of.html

Morgan Mandel

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3. Her Handyman by Morgan Mandel Coming Soon!

Things have been hectic lately, since I've been working on a new romantic comedy, which I'm calling Her Handyman.

I hope to have it out and about by the end of August. In the meantime, I'm offering a sneak peak at the cover.

Yes, this one has a dog in it. It's a Chinese Crested.

The only resemblance between this dog and my own dog, Rascal, is they both are white with black spots.

This one is cute in an ugly sort of way, which fits into the story.

Now, I'm back to my writing.

For excerpts and buy links to my available books, check out http://morgansbooklinks.blogspot.com/

2 Comments on Her Handyman by Morgan Mandel Coming Soon!, last added: 7/27/2012
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4. Going to the Dogs by Morgan Mandel

You may see more Rascal pics on my blogs off and on. That's because I'm going to the dogs, well, kind of.

I'm trying to piece together a children's lesson book with Rascal as the star. It's slow going since I've never done a children's book before. I need to learn such basics as how large the pages are, and all kinds of other not as much fun thing that drags down the process.

Since I'm not as organized as I'd like to be, I've had to hunt down all my Rascal photos. They've been hiding in all sorts of digital photo albums on two computers. Anyway, I think I may have them all, or close to it. I've copied them onto a memory stick, so I can pick and choose from them for illustrations.

Most of my videos of her are on Youtube, so at least I know where they are, thank goodness. Tonight, I was working in Microsoft Publisher, Adobe CS4 and Adobe Elements 7. As you can tell, I was all over the place, trying to get my bearings. It's got to get better. Well, at least I hope so. I'll keep you apprised of my successes and obstacles in the project.

What about you? Have you written either a children's or a book about a dog? Or, maybe you've included a dog in an adult novel. Please share.

6 Comments on Going to the Dogs by Morgan Mandel, last added: 1/28/2010
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5. Starting Over by Morgan Mandel

There's something about the start of  a New Year that makes people want to start over. I'm sure you've seen countless ads featuring organizing containers and other items designed to relieve household clutter. I wish it were that simple.

Then, there are the machines and weights and cute outfits to wear so people can work out and lose all those extra inches. If only buying those products would do the trick, without the added ingredient of will power.

As a writer, I'm examining my goals for 2010.  Though I don't want to ignore my present release, Killer Career, it'll soon be time to get cracking on my new book. I do have one in mind about Rascal, which I should get done, instead of talking about it all the time. That will be my goal in the coming months.

I've also got my Boomer thriller waiting in the wings, but first things first.

What about you? What's your goal for 2010? To lose weight? To declutter your house? To get a new book finished? I'd like to accomplish all three. If only it were that simple.

Okay, it won't be simple, but let's see how far I get by this time next year.

Morgan Mandel

12 Comments on Starting Over by Morgan Mandel, last added: 12/31/2009
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6. Children's books

I keep saying this, but I do mean it. When I get some time, and I believe that time will be coming soon, I'm getting my children's book about my dog, Rascal, finished. Whether or not I self-publish it is still up in the air.  I've never written a children's book before and have lots to learn first.

I'm mentioning this sidenote for a purpose. On Tuesday, Mary Cunningham was my guest at my personal blog, http://morganmandel.blogspot.com/. She left an excellent post about her new children's mystery book, The Magician's Castle, part of her Cynthia's Attic series. She's also got one of the most entertaining book trailers I've seen in a long time. I've left her post up for more people to enjoy.

If you haven't seen it yet, we'd both be happy if you dropped by to check it out.
Rascal says for now she'll wait to take center stage. That's unusual for her, because she loves being made a fuss over.

Morgan Mandel

3 Comments on Children's books, last added: 12/9/2009
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7. Advertising Can Be Obnoxious by Morgan Mandel

As I sit in the commuter train on my way to my day job in Downtown Chicago, I can't help but be annoyed. That's because on select cars at varying times, a bunch of signage covers the car. Today, it's the one I'm in. When I glance out the window, it's like looking through a screen door. Apparently, aesthetics aside, Metra has found a way to get advertising dollars, which in this day and age are sorely needed. If it keeps the fares from going up more, it's worth the inconvenience.

When he sees a commercial come on, my DH grabs the remote and flicks to a different channel. I'm more willing to watch, but what drives me crazy is when a short commercial comes on, is followed by a different commercial, and then after the second one, the very same first one appears. At that point I'll get up and let the dog out or do some other chore because it's just too irritating.

As an author, to get my brand out I'm forced to do advertising, which we like to call promotion. How else will the public know that I've so far written three books? So, I do book signings where people will still stop by and say they've never heard of me before. "That's why I'm here," I usually tell them.

I hand out bookmarks, I get reviews and post them, I send out postcards, I do presentations at libraries, I do so much networking online on blogs, egroups, and networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, sometimes I wonder if I'll ever have time to concentrate on my work in progress.

Lots of authors find the promotion side of the coin obnoxious. Most of the time I have to admit I enjoy it, maybe even too much - Except for those times when I see thirty emails waiting to be opened so I don't miss something important and I just don't have time to open them, or when I just want to spend time with my husband and our dog child, Rascal and I have to tear myself away from the computer and ignore it.

A happy balance would be nice, but in this competitive day and age, somehow that doesn't seem possible.

What about you? Do you enjoy promotion? Or do you consider it obnoxious? Please share.

Morgan Mandel

0 Comments on Advertising Can Be Obnoxious by Morgan Mandel as of 1/1/1900
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8. Review: Sherman Alexie's Wonderful Story

In some ways, it's unfortunate that Sherman Alexie's latest novel called The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian recently won the National Book Award. I don't mean to imply that it is not worthy of the award. It is and then some. But here's hoping that the sassy title will win over readers who wouldn't go near an award-winning book.

At its core, it's about a boy caught between his past and future. The story of Arnold Spirit or "Junior" is in many ways a coming-of-age-story where the protagonist is ready to grow beyond what his community can offer him. His future is different than his best friend Rowdy's, and they both know it. That doesn't keep them from hurtfully playing out the transition of their relationship, however. Rowdy must save face on the rez, so shunning and harassing Junior when he chooses to leave for another school, gives him a way to deal with his anger, sadness and jealousy. And his friend Junior understands.

One of the wonders of this story is how the author illuminates institutional racisim against the Indians. It's a core ingredient of the story, but it doesn't overwhelm the story. The events of life on the rez with the Spirit family are difficult and we cheer for Arnold Spirit as he breaks away to make a different life for himself. He is a young man who has a vision strong enough to manifest for himself. But he still feels the emotional pull to his family and life on the rez.

Junior's drawings are embedded throughout the story and are an integral part of how we come to know him. Through their graphic language, the drawings communicate the essence of the dilemmas that Junior deals with throughout the story. Pictures push the story forward and are as integral to a full understanding as the words.

The writing is masterfully simple and on target. Alexie's narrative puts us right "there" with Junior. We can feel the heat, we're at the basketball game, we know how long that walk is back to the rez. It's a story of triumph. A boy has a dream and overcomes adversity to achieve it. I highly recommend this book.

ISBN 978-0-314-01368-0

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9. Through Darkest Adolescence: With Tongue in Cheek and Pen in Checkbook

"a 1962 book by Richard Armour... Susan Perl is credited with the illustrations"
From Cartoon Retro where you can see many more illustrations.

0 Comments on Through Darkest Adolescence: With Tongue in Cheek and Pen in Checkbook as of 3/30/2007 2:47:00 PM
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