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1. January 7th Stream

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I Like What Bob Likes
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Shared high tide.
high tide
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New Years at Mars

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2. January 6th Stream

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To help everyone stay warm today

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3. January 5th Stream

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Shared Moonset #2.
Moonset #2
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Yes, we finally got some snow today

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4. January 4th Stream

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Shared Reflected..
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Playing with her new Sensual brush

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5. January 3rd Stream

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Sums Up 2014 for Me in Arizona
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Travis. Empty beach
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One of the best #Christmas presents I've ever gotten - a #LuchaLibre bottle (#beer) opener.  I'm going to get a magnet for this dude and put it front and center on our fridge.  #family #instagood #holidays @emilyywhitee123 @bouboule1 @charliefaricy @tonyf
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Shared 3 photos.
Ugh OF COURSE the package came today.... I'm bored. Stop working and PLAY WITH ME

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6. January 2nd Stream

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Oh my glob. It's almost 2015.
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Shared 4 photos.
Inspired by Cindi's Jack Cam, I give you Ella Cam working from home today Our New Year's Eve tradition is an incredible meal made by Kathryn. This year's was Julia's Boeuf Bourguignon and cranberry cake. Yum! And all the best in 2015!
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Happy New Year! #RoseParade watched, Love Boat theme stuck in my head, and Broken Glass #jello done.
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My brown eyes baby #dogsofinstagram #dachshund
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Shared 3 photos.
Traditional New Year's Day Pajama Brunch toast! Another New Year's Day tradition - a healthy dinner after all of the December debauchery 2015 New Year's Day Pajama Brunch

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7. January 1st Stream

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Shared 3 photos.
Inspired by Cindi's Jack Cam, I give you Ella Cam working from home today And all the best in 2015!

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8. December 31st Stream

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Drawing on the train

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9. December 30th Stream

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10. December 27th Stream

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Shared 4 photos.
My contribution to tonight's feast - bacon-wrapped dates New games! Playing Tumble! I got a pretty awesome poster from Michael
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Shared Gift from M.
Gift from M
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Hy-Vee, you're singing the song of my people.
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Shared 3 photos.
Blue sky Sunshine! Sunset

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11. December 26th Stream

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Shared 3 photos.
My contribution to tonight's feast - bacon-wrapped dates New games! Playing Tumble!

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12. December 25th Stream

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Shared 2 photos.
Merrrrrry Christmas! Thanks, Michael!

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13. Library-related Kindle Screensavers

I finally took some time to personalize the screensavers on my Kindle 3, thinking it would be a quick hour or less. And indeed, the process of jailbreaking a Kindle and hacking it to load your own screensavers is drop dead simple. That part really didn’t take any time at all.

The hard part is more deciding what pictures you want to see as a screensaver every day, a task that ended up taking me all afternoon. I first got caught up thumbing through the free downloads on the Kindle Wallpapers Tumblr, which is fascinating on its own.

Then I decided to add a few of my own pictures, so I found a half dozen of my favorites, converted them to black and white, and shrunk them down to 600 x 800.

When I posted on Facebook about what I was doing, someone lamented that she’d recently left her Kindle on a plane, which made me flash back to something I read several years ago. I can’t find a reference to it right now (little help?), but I remember reading about a guy who took pictures of himself and text on signs about how to return the camera if someone found it. He then kept those picture at the beginning of his camera’s memory card in case someone ever found the camera and looked through the photos.

I’ve always thought that was brilliant, so I figured I’d try it with my Kindle. I took a picture, added some text, and then loaded it as a screensaver.

Thank you" in advance for returning my Kindle (should I ever lose it)

Granted, it’s unlikely that this particular image will be displaying if I lose my Kindle, but my hope is that whoever finds it will be interested enough in the screensaver that is showing to scroll through them. I know it’s a long shot, but it was also something fun to do.

Which then got me thinking about libraries. Are there any libraries customizing the screensavers on their Kindles? As a librarian, I came across some free, library-related screensavers, so I put a few of them on my own device. If you, too, want some library-themed screensavers, here are the ones I’ve found so far:

Do you know of other images we could use to build a list for libraries and librarians?

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14. Changes to My Site

I’ve been trying to get back to blogging for the past couple of years, but so far out of all of the things I do in the 24 hours of a day, it’s the activity that’s fallen by the wayside the most. I still hope to blog more this year, but the reason I implemented the lifestreaming back in 2009 was to provide an aggregated glimpse into my overall online activity in the meantime.

Unfortunately, the wp-lifestream plugin I was using died for no apparent reason last October. I spent a couple of months trying to get it working again but to no avail. I haven’t been able to find a good replacement that lets me import my activity into my site (as opposed to just displaying something that only lives elsewhere) and publishes it as a daily blog post.

The best I’ve been able to do is hack the heck out of the complexlife plugin to display my lifestream on my home page. It’s not as comprehensive as the sites available in wp-lifestream, but it’ll do for now. Right now, it’s displaying my public Flickr pictures, my tweets, tweets I’ve favorited, my public Diigo bookmarks, things I’ve liked on FriendFeed, shared items from Google Reader, and posts I’ve made on ALA Connect.

If you want to track even more of what I’m sharing online, you’re better off looking at my FriendFeed stream until I figure out how to add more sites here in complexlife. If you want to subscribe to my online activity to get daily updates pushed to you, I’d suggest using my FriendFeed RSS feed.

So now if you visit the TSL home page, you should see a link to the latest blog post at the top, followed by 30 days of lifestream activity. If/when I get back to blogging, I’ll probably play around with the home page again to better display the blog posts, but for now subscribing to the main RSS feed will again show just the posts; in other words, not much.

You can also go directly to the blog page to view just the posts. Overall, my goal is to post shorter, tumblr-like posts going forward to try to get back in the swing of things, but we’ll see how I do.

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15. An Open Letter to Comcast/Xfinity

When we got home yesterday, we were surprised to find a weird “activate your device” message when we tried to go online. I turned on the TV, and there were no cable channels. Something was afoot.

So I called the number on the “activate” screen and had an automated message tell me that my account was delinquent, I owed hundreds of dollars, and my service had been discounted. Imagine my shock to learn this when I’d had NO PREVIOUS NOTICE. Even worse, I couldn’t get through to a customer service representative without paying my bill first (sleazy — what if it had been your mistake?).

Long story short, when my card number was stolen back in October, the bank canceled it and issued a new one. I forgot that the old one was registered for your automatic payment program, so your were unable to process payment in November and December. Fair enough, but maybe you could have mentioned that to me at some point before taking the extreme step of disconnecting my service.

Clearly you had my email address. While I received weekly “Xfinity What to Watch” spamails that I was too lazy to unsubscribe from, I never once received a “hey, there’s a problem with your payment” notice. And when I called to try to talk to a human being about the problem, the automated voice verified the last four digits of my phone number, so obviously you know how to reach me by phone. In fact, after a second call when I could finally reach a real person, I received an automated telephone survey, so calling me is proven to work. Not once, though, did I receive a “hey, we’re going to disconnect your service” call during the last two months.

And while we’re at it, we’re on the verge of 2011 and you’re my cable and internet provider. Don’t you have the technology to pop up a message on a screen saying, “hope you’re enjoying this, we’d like you to keep enjoying this, but can we talk about the problem with your card number? please call.” On the TV or on my computer screen — your choice. Or go old school because you know what else still works? Postal mail, a channel you and I will be returning to using.

Honestly — in 2010, you couldn’t find *some* way to contact me to let me know there was a problem? On top of that, I now have to go anti-green and re-activate paper bills if I want to be sure I see problem notices, because the only billing-related emails I received from you during the last two months looked exactly like the one below. Which looks exactly like every other “your statement is ready for viewing” message I get each month.

Comcast thinks this message equals "we're going to disconnect your service

That message is the only billing-related one I received from you for the entire month of December. If you saw that message every month from your electric company, would you think there was a problem? Would you expect a little something more from them that they’re turning off your service? I expected more from you.

Yes, I could have logged in during those two months and seen a notice on the screen, but I also think you could have added a notice to that email or sent a separate notice to make sure I knew there was a problem. Good customer service this ain’t.

And now you want to charge reconnection fees because you disconnected my service without any heads up that there was a problem. Seriously?

Now that I’ve calmed down, I’m submitting the following requests so that others don’t have to spend a frustrating evening the way I did.

  • Change your procedures so that customers using your e-bill service receive separate notifications that there’s a problem with payment. Or add a notice to the standard te

    8 Comments on An Open Letter to Comcast/Xfinity, last added: 12/29/2010
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16. October 20th Stream

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Like a half-billion people before him, Simonetti joined Facebook and began typing in his status updates. But in this case, Simonetti’s only friends were a hand-picked roster of more than two dozen volunteers who agreed to sift through their news feeds for the duration of our experiment, dutifully recording any Phil sightings.

As our volunteers checked in with their reports, some remarkable findings began to emerge:

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@lukelibrarian definitely under consideration but will have to marshal the resources for it. thanks for the suggestion. [shifted]
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17. October 19th Stream

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for a presentation I’m giving: what mobile (or other new) services would you like to see vendors offer on the exhibit floor? [shifted]
twitter (feed #3)
@lukelibrarian thanks! we’re already working on most of that ( http://ow.ly/2VSx6 ) & will be looking at qr codes. other ideas for exhibits? [shifted]
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@loidagarciafebo well, that’s a separate discussion :-p I’m looking for new ways you want to interact with vendors on the exhibit floor. [shifted]
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18. October 18th Stream

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Shared 17 photos.
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@dcbcd I stocked up on vitamin c on the way in to work and am lighting a candle to the health gods.… [shifted]
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19. October 17th Stream

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Shared joy.
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20. October 16th Stream

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21. October 15th Stream

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@HiddenPeanuts this will change my behavior — was clipping everything of interest; now have to be more careful :-( http://ow.ly/2TOlJ [shifted]
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Shared 7 photos.
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22. October 14th Stream

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OH: “our goal is nightmare reduction.” #livingininterestingtimes [shifted]
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RT @oitp: Does your library do any digital literacy programs? We want to know about it. Tag your tweets with #diglitlib #transliteracy [shifted]
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23. October 13th Stream

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Shared 5 photos.
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@itsjustkate @jaimebc you know ALA Annual is in #vegas in 2014, right? what happens in #vegas stays online forever #ala14 [shifted]
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RT @efilgo: This is one of the most amazing things I’ve heard in a long time: http://inbflat.net/ [shifted]
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“we behave in the boring ways that make life livable”- http://ow.ly/2SOC9 #cerealforbreakfast [shifted]
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24. October 12th Stream

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Epic Librarian Photo
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Shared 25 photos.
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25. October 11th Stream

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Shared 2 photos.
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I’ve always said net skills have nothing to do with age. Glad studies help prove that. http://amzn.com/k/IE0LTIW15T6B #Kindle [shifted]
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@librarianbyday yw! I’ve sold 3 copies of that book just by sharing highlights. have to check to see if affiliate program includes ebooks! [shifted]
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Want to ditch the heavy backpack full of books and join the digital book revolution? Here’s out guide to creating a digital copy of just about any book — whether it’s your own masterpiece or an old paper copy of Cervantes — into a digital book.

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“We laughed at every new technology because we are grounded in the perspective of the media we use today.” http://ow.ly/2Rr6p [shifted]
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