I put the kibosh on this piece at around 1AM while sitting in my darkened home office watching MST3K on DVD, and listening to my wife snore loudly in the next room.
Life is a wondrous and splendid thing, is it not?
Some good news is that after a bit of a hiatus from my novel, I dove back into it yesterday. I think the time away from it did me good. Recharged the batteries. I'm on the homestretch now, and hopefully I'll be finished with my first draft of this thing in a month or so!
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Blog: Steve Draws Stuff (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: work, science, mystery, theater, bird, finished, completed, dinosaur, done, morning, watcher, early, mst3k, 3000, Add a tag
Blog: Steve Draws Stuff (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: weekend, work, progress, bird, dinosaur, quick, simple, short, watcher, two, step, tough, Add a tag
It's been a long (and very rough) couple of days for me, so I'm going to keep things quick and simple: Here's the progress I've made on a piece I'm working on. Hopefully I'll have it done sometime next week.
Blog: Steve Draws Stuff (Login to Add to MyJacketFlap)
JacketFlap tags: wall, hate, brick, forts, total, quato, watcher, binoculars, reactor, recall, novel, project, bird, eat, eye, steven, novak, mars, dinosaur, new, Add a tag
Not a whole heck of a lot to report today. The above concept sketch is from a recent project I picked up recently. Guy watches bird, giant dinosaur watches guy - fairly simple concept, no?
I hit a brick wall in the writing of my novel last night. Suddenly everything that I write is little more than a pile of poop, stacked on top of another pile of poop. Hopefully taking a few days away from it will clear my head and help me finish this thing. I've started so many novels in the past and have ALWAYS had problems when coming down the home stretch. Some of them I ended up finishing, but absolutely hating, while others I never touched again. I really would like to finish this one - so I need to get my act together.
In other wonderful news I have this weird thing growing on my eyelid. It sort of looks like a zit, but not really - it's a bit more like Quato from "Total Recall." I keep waiting for it to grow arms and tell me that I need to "start the reactor," but it hasn't happened yet.
Okay, I have a new game plan for your career.
A Memoir!
It's genius, really...
Your writing style is somewhere between David Sedaris and Augustan Burroughs. I think a publisher would be crazy not to offer you a deal.
Just think... you could have Oprah's next book club book...
Now wouldn't that make YOU uncomfortable, Mister Unsocial-Pants.
Wait, so you want a thirty year old man, who hasn't really done anything of note as of yet to write a memoir?
I should reach through this screen and slap you. ;)
David Sedaris never did anything interesting and he wrote a memoir... several of the actually.
See, the most uninteresting of people becomes the narrator and tells of his family's oddities.
It's clever.