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Results 26 - 50 of 51
26. Escape Pod

A sketch I did for the Robot Museum. I'm thinking now it'd be a great middle grader book, heavily illustrated. I'll keep working on it and see where it goes. Working on a bunch of different things today, waiting to hear back about a potential new contract.

2 Comments on Escape Pod, last added: 3/19/2011
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27. The Case Of The Unexpected Week!

So, with Julie and Henry away my plan was to work up some new portfolio pieces and get caught up on some projects, but publishing is one unexpected thing after another and I ended up doing some sample illustrations for a new client.

The above drawing is unrelated, just a sketchbook sketch. I'm actually pretty happy with it and am going to explore this look a bit more.

2 Comments on The Case Of The Unexpected Week!, last added: 3/15/2011
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28. Henry In My Hat

A quick Cintiq sketch of Henry done last night during a work break. I used one of my favorite photos of him as reference.

What's interesting and important to keep in mind when drawing digitally is that the aesthetic relies entirely on composition rather than on any materiality. Meaning that everything that's important occurs  in how you lay down the lines, blacks, colours etc. and not in the look of the material itself like ink, charcoal, watercolour etc. I'm realizing that the lack of materiality is one of its defining features. I'm not sure this is entirely detrimental but it's something to be aware of.

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29. Abandoned!

Julie and Henry have taken off to visit Ottawa for a week leaving me here to wallow in loneliness and despair. OK, I'm totally exaggerating. I have a lot of work to do as well as a pile of books to read. I saved the Everyman's Library collection of Ray Bradbury short stories as well as the Hammer Story for when their gone.I'm actually kind of envious. Ottawa is an amazing city and along with New York, Quebec City and Florence it's one of my favorite cities, of the ones I've been to. It's a beautiful city, drop by if you ever have the opportunity. I love cities situated on a river.I'm desperate to get the wireless working in my studio again so I can talk to them on skype. My studio is like the furthest tower in a rickety old castle and my connection fades in and out, mostly out.

My wife says this picture looks more like me than any other self portrait I've done. I think she's right.

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30. Express Drawing!

Something I've been doing in the mornings is trying out different software to use with the Cintiq. These sketches were done this morning using the cheap Sketchbook Express software I had picked up some time ago.I'm really impressed with how quickly I was able to do these, you can draw and erase as fast as you think which is pretty fun and it can turn drawing into something that almost feels like performance. I have no explanations for the top two pictures but the bottom one is inspired by Ronald Searle, thanks to Drazen for introducing me to his work! I notice it was just mister Searle's 93rd birthday this week. Happy birthday sir!

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31. Digital Penciling, First Try

Yesterday I made my first pass at digital penciling, doing a sketch layer in Photoshop to ink on top of. I wasn't happy with this so I started over, but it was an interesting experiment. One thing I had to establish was how much of a sketch to do, in this picture I had decided on having the pencils be a three tone value sketch. The thing that took me the longest time to work out was inking then panels. I had no clue. It's actually kind of hard to draw a really straight line on the Cintiq, that's when you notice the slipperiness of the surface. I ended up using the line tool, something I'd never used before.On my second pass at doing the pencils I chose to have them just one tone, which is seeming to work better. Less busy looking. The one thing I'm trying to work out now is how wide my brush stroke should be, I'm trying to get something more or less the equivalent of .005 marker. But Photoshop likes to talk in pixels, not inches and millimeters. 

6 Comments on Digital Penciling, First Try, last added: 3/6/2011
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32. The Spider Goblin king

Another redesigned Maddy Kettle character, the king of the spider goblins. Today is a bit of reprieve, all my assignments are up to date and I can breathe a bit easier.I'm taking a bit of time to work on personal projects and collaborations which feels great.

0 Comments on The Spider Goblin king as of 3/6/2011 12:35:00 AM
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33. Mr Bill Kettle, Kangaroo Rat

Another character redesign for Maddy Kettle. SO much happier with this than my original kangaroo rat sketches. Sometimes it seems to take a bit to get the actual animal out of my mind and draw a cool character. Or like I need to internalize the animal until I don't have to draw it as it really is.

Currently rewriting the ending to Maddy Kettle. I finally managed to get it where everything seems to resolve logically but I'm trying to figure out the moment and the note where it ends. It's a continuing series of books so it doesn't need to end like a novel. Which it ain't.

2 Comments on Mr Bill Kettle, Kangaroo Rat, last added: 3/7/2011
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34. Little Monster

Just a little Cintiq sketch, today. Never been crazy about computer coloring. I always want that flat Tin Tin like look but can never get it.

3 Comments on Little Monster, last added: 3/3/2011
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35. The Thumbnail Machine

Yesterday on Facebook and Twitter I was talking about how much  I was enjoying thumbnailing using the Cintiq. Some of you were curious about what they looked like so I thought I'd post some contrasting images here.

 While Maddy Kettle is already underway my editor asked me to revisit some scenes and refine them. So I took scans of the most recent marker and paper thumbnail draft and started drawing over top of them on the Cintiq using Photoshop. I found this a really useful process as I felt totally free to try different things without feeling tied down to a composition.
Here's page one. On the left is the version drawn on the Cintiq and on the right is the original drawn on paper with marker. My intent on page one was to just tweak it but I found myself redrawing it entirely and in the process discovering how static the original composition is.I ended up erasing the whole image and replacing it.

And this is page three, again the new version on the left and the old on the right. Here is an example of me tweaking a page digitally rather than redoing the whole thing. Because I can zoom in I found I could define actions better, hand gestures and head tilts that I find difficult otherwise in this stage of the process.

Please don't think I'm suggesting the Cintiq is the best tool for drawing period. I find I'm taking to it quickly and it's very suitable for the kind of work I'm doing right now.

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36. Testing The Waters

Yesterday I spent some time doodling on the Cintiq, to see what it could do and how I should set it up for best use by me. You can really personalize this device, have it run how it suits you best. These are both freehand sketches. I'm continually shocked how close it is to pen and ink, you can use a line in Photoshop that is the same width as the markers I've worked with for years. It's tempting to zoom in and work in extreme closeups but you really need some restraint with this device. You could work on a square centimeter indefinitely. I'm finding the tactile sense of pen to screen isn't bothering me, I used pretty cheap materials before and I'm used to a lack of tactile luxury in larger projects.

For Cintiq sketching I'm finding the obvious route is to almost treat it like oil or acrylic, blocking in all the shapes and values with fat lines which get pared down and refined using white into black. You can see what I mean in both drawings, I've left big chunks of line and value here.

I'll be doing some comic work on it soon, which I'm looking forward to sharing.

4 Comments on Testing The Waters, last added: 3/1/2011
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37. New Set-Up

All set up in my studio with my new tool, a great big Cintiq. My studio is pretty cramped so it was hard to get a good angle where you could see how I work. It took hours to get the Cintiq running. After a lot of help from people on Twitter and Facebook I discovered the issue was that the software that came with it wasn't good enough and I needed more recent software from the Wacom website. After it was running I sketched for hours, it's such a fun tool.One last issue is that the wireless can't find me easily up here, it has to wind itself through all the weird turns and angles of this old house.

7 Comments on New Set-Up, last added: 3/2/2011
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38. Art For Sale

I was planning on doing this post tomorrow but soon after I posted that I was selling art on my Etsy shop stuff started selling really, really fast. So, I put a ton of work here on my Etsy shop. I'm saving up for new studio equipment, specifically a Cintiq for inking. If you can purchase something it'd be a really big help. If not, that's fine too, my work will always be free to see here.

2 Comments on Art For Sale, last added: 2/23/2011
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39. Cintiq Doodle

My friend Drazen Kozjan very generously let me come over to try out his Cintiq and boy, what a fun tool. This is my first ever doodle on the device. It's very intuitive, not a huge learning curve. The one thing that takes a bit of adjusting is that the screen feels like it's between you and the drawing, so the pen tip is always slightly off from where you're drawing. This is somethng you get used to pretty fast, though.

I'm considering inking with the Cintiq in the future after running into  number of inking problems on my last book. Drazen also lent me a Wacom Tablet, so I'm spending some time practicing my digital inking, seeing how close I can get it to traditional.

And, if you're interested the Advertising Week blog did an interview with me. You can read it here.

2 Comments on Cintiq Doodle, last added: 2/23/2011
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40. Watch Scott Adams Draw Dilbert

Another Cintiq inspired post! Check out Scott Adams working and how he uses his to create his Dilbert comic. Watch it here.

Here's the youtube version but it's pixelated for some reason. I like how he has his Cintiq resting on the corner of his desk and then takes his keyboard and does the same thing. Always fun to see a persons set up.

I notice many others work with their Cintiq quite high. I have mine much lower as you can see in this pic. Currently, I have everything on one long craft desk. The desk is high so I had to buy a drafting chair that I can raise quite high too. So far this is working best for me. I still incorporate my Wacom tablet- sort of switching back and forth.

FYI - the Cintiq is already proving to be an invaluable tool. If I only ever use it for sketching out pages, it will be worth every penny. I have a looming deadline and I'm so relieved that I can sketch directly on there without dealing with my scanner (which has decided to go kaput on me right now, anyway).

1 Comments on Watch Scott Adams Draw Dilbert, last added: 10/27/2010
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41. Cintiq to Imac hook up

Hi all,

This is just a quick post to share how I hooked my Cintiq to my Imac. I was going through some hiccups that I shared over at facebook but I want to post the solution here just in case anyone finds it helpful in future. I apologize in advance for the quality of the photos (quick phone shots).

So yes, very excited to get my Cintiq and thought it would be a case of simply taking it out of the box and plugging in. It turned out, however, that I needed an adapter.

Here is the layout of ports on the back of my Imac...

Imac back

Dvi port

The far right port is the the DVI port which is used to connect with the Cintiq. In my manual it only shares what you will need if you are attaching to a mac mini. So I found an ehow article that takes you through the hook up step by step to an Imac. As it turned out, it wasn't the adapter I needed either. It said to get a "mini display port to dvi adapter" (which I purchased) but the only port I could get it to fit into was the firewire port.

After some research, it turns out that I simply needed a "mini dvi to dvi adapter" which looks like this:


I got mine one from the Apple Accessories section at Best Buy for $16.00 (Dynex was the brand).

Phew, running like a charm. =O)


(Emily relieved that mom isn't stressing anymore)

BTW, isn't the desktop calendar cute? It is by teddy bear artist Jenny Lee, of Jenny Loves Benny.

I download her calendar every month. Her creations make me smile. =o)

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42. Too much Rail Time

In order to pay for the new Mac I had to work extra hours at the art store. This means lots and lots of travel time. I live an hour away from the store by street car. And this means that I've sketching a lot on my iPod with the Brushes app. So I have a small collection of doodles to post. I still love this app, so great for sketching. Now that it has layers it is even deeper and a compulsive way to draw.

In the NEWS I emailed all my editors before work yesterday and got mostly positive results. Oni and OnSpec are both really happy with the work I've sent them which is a great ego boost. Today I'm scanning the Maddy kettle thumbnails for Top shelf and working on completing The Situation for Tor. Can't wait to be throiugh this run of full time day job shifts, I'm feeling really burned out. It doesn't help that it's so hot here. My computer screen is wilting.

Also, I'm looking into getting a Cintiq tablet. I'm so excited about this....

3 Comments on Too much Rail Time, last added: 9/3/2010
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43. Cintiq

Well, After some encouragement from Illustrator friends and family, I think I'm finally just going to go for it. I have been obsessing over a decision on getting a Cintiq off and on for several months. Well, actually, a couple of years. =o) I got an Intuous 4 tablet last summer to buy myself some time and ,oh boy, it was such a dramatic change to my work flow after using a mouse.

But now I'm back onto the Cintiq. Mainly because I have steady work through January and I am hoping it will help me with my shoulder pain not to mention help improve work time.

So it's yes to getting one but now the next big question is, which size?

I have been glued to review pages for the past couple of days and also asking the opinions of others that work with a Cintiq. The consensus is to get the larger one if budget allows.

I was seriously looking at getting the smaller one because of the price and size (it looks like it's similar in size to my intuous4 which appealed) but there are issues with it that are concerning me:

*Not as portable as it claims to be due to a heavy box /cables.
*Gets extremely hot under your hand after a couple of hours.
*Screen resolution not that great which is a necessity in this profession.

However, if there is anyone out there that has the 12wx, I'm all ears!

I will keep you posted but for now, check out these posts from Paula Becker and Rachel Anne Miller about their tablets. Very informative and helpful.

8 Comments on Cintiq, last added: 8/26/2010
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44. Paula On "My Favorite Art Tool/Suppies"

I work digitally %100 percent so I rarely pick up actual paints, pencils, papers, etc. these days, except to do my non-work-related sketching. So in sharing my "favorite" art tool or product, I'm going to have to vote for my Cintiq. I've been drawing on tablets for years and it has become second nature to draw to my right and watch the drawing actually take place on a monitor to my left. No problem. But now, with the Cintiq, I can draw directly on the monitor itself, just as if I was drawing on paper or something. It's a most cool tool to have and I liked it so much, I also bought the baby Cintiq so I could take with me when I go south during winter. There are a lot of demos out there on You Tube and like places to see the Cintiq in action. So if you're curious, do a search and check them out. I'll just leave you with some pictures I took of them yesterday in my studio.

7 Comments on Paula On "My Favorite Art Tool/Suppies", last added: 10/14/2008
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45. Tom Richmond reviews the Cintiq 12WX

MAD Magazine’s Tom Richmond has written up a lengthy review of Wacom’s portable sketchbook-sized tablet screen, the Cintiq 12WX. The consensus: perfect for those who can’t afford the larger model or want to be able to take their work on the road.

Tom Richmond’s numerous tutorials
Wacom Cintiq 12WX video review
Wacom Cintiq 12WX LCD Sketchbook

2 Comments on Tom Richmond reviews the Cintiq 12WX, last added: 9/15/2008
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46. Sketches

Another darned faun. Cintiq + Sketchbook Pro Cintiq + Sketchbook Pro

0 Comments on Sketches as of 8/5/2008 3:11:00 PM
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47. Bird

Playing around with tools in Painter Cintiq + Painter

0 Comments on Bird as of 7/21/2008 4:27:00 PM
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48. Warm-up sketch

Created using: Cintiq + Sketchbook Pro

1 Comments on Warm-up sketch, last added: 7/17/2008
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49. Splash!

I took the digital plunge yesterday and bought a Wacom Cintiq. I got the Cintiq 20WSX model. I couldn't wait to get it home, unbox it, hook it up and test it out. I had a little issue hooking it up because I lost the adapter that came with my iMac (doh!) and then I found out my iMac didn't have the capability to support a dual monitor setup. I downloaded a patch and everything is in tip-top

4 Comments on Splash!, last added: 5/29/2008
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50. Cintiq 21UX

Cintiq 21UX
I did it.

I said I didn't see the use -- I already feel 100% natural on the regular Wacom tablet, but watching the demo videos and realizing I could pivot the Cintiq around like an animation board was something I hadn't thought about. I've got a new picture book in the works with old NYC in perspective and I don't use straight edges so I've got to be able to tilt the tablet to draw accurate lines.

Here's how I'm set up, L-shaped desks (actually cheap Ikea dining tables) and my chair with arms removed and set at maximum height. I have a stool under my desk for my feet. I had thought to put the Cintiq straddling both desks (diagonally) and keep the keyboard on the left for typing software shortcuts in Painter/Photoshop -- but decided to go cold turkey and get used to using the Cintiq tabs for the shortcuts I use most often.

My other two concerns in investing in the Cintiq were messing up the screen with my palm (I'm the type to yell "DON'T TOUCH THE SCREEN" if anyone so much as points in the direction of one of my monitors) and secondly, it seems to me that perching bent-necked over a table again is a step backwards in terms of ergonomics. Time will tell. Stay tuned.

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