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1. Domestic Abuse - A Voice in the Night by Erin Ireland

I usually blog and promote fellow children's authors through Write What Inspires You and today I am compelled to shift gears a bit. Author, Erin Ireland as she braves the world to share her story… 

Please welcome guest author blogger, Erin Ireland! Applause, applause!

A Voice in the Nightwas a long time coming. Many obstacles were fighting me and making me doubt that I would ever be able to express my thoughts in print. Number one action was, for me to get from under the pressures of life. The book rested in the back of my mind with thoughts that reminded me; no matter how difficult these times are, I still have my voice, and someday I will express them to the world and be able to write a book.

Well that time came in 2012. I had been homeless for two long years and finally I found refuge in an apartment. After all of the humiliation, I could now have some dignity. Finally I could be counted among the normal people. I went to the blind center and bought a computer for $100. Whoo! Whoo! I was set.

I contacted my publisher and she accepted my books once again. A few years before they had been under contract with her, but unfortunately I was forced to cancel them. The Publisher so kindly gave me new contracts. How blessed was I?  I was on top of the world. What more could I want? New contracts, new place to live; I was starting a new life.

Then along came Steve Harris and Jack Canfield and they offered a new program titled The Best Seller Blueprint Program. There were lots of new things embracing my life. The program was expensive and I had little money, I pondered the indulgence of taking a course I really couldn’t afford. I thought and thought, my money was precious, but in the end, I signed up.

I spent the entire summer, twelve weeks studying with those guys. Every day I was like a kid in a candy shop with all they had to offer. I was floundering with my book of memoirs and how to put it together. I would write an event from my life, but couldn’t get it in order, no matter how I tried. I wasn’t able to pull that emotion out and express it properly.

Then Jack and Steve said trying to write your own story before you have given something to others is not going to fly. They are avid believers in giving back first and then going forward with what you desire; giving before you take.

That sounded right to me. I thought, maybe I need to back up here and write a book that will help others instead of trying to self-indulge in my experiences. After all, my experiences have probably developed into expertise in the subject of abuse. I could actually save lives if I were to present a self-help book that would open eyes and guide people to a better life. This had to be better than me just telling my personal story.

Well, once the idea resonated and permeated my brain, I was off and running. They taught me how to structure the book. How to set up the chapters, and how to bring my expertise to the page. I had finished the first draft in three months. I spent the next year revising and getting two professional edits. They recommended two edits, so I was fortunate enough to be able to get two edits.

I thought, wow! I’m going to publish this book before the end of the year, 2013. I was hoping for October because I was told that was National Abuse Month. The plans of mice and men as they say, came to a disastrous crash. I became ill and in November the unexpected happened. To my horror, I was homeless once again.

Late at night chemicals came down into my apartment. The smell was like cherries that were mixed with chemicals. It shot my blood pressure up very high. I went to the hospital with a heart event as they call them. That happened three more times in a span of about eight days. Everything I owned was destroyed and I had to throw it all away. I was left with almost nothing. Nowhere to go, living in a hotel. I was off line for nine months and unable to write. I had no computer. Everything had been polluted.

Many events took place between these times, but better left for the next book. A short while ago I bought a new computer. I took my files to be transferred on to the new computer. Came home and realized they had lost 50% of my files, including the final edit of my new book. I was beginning to believe I wasn’t to publish this book. Luckily my editor had a copy and my friends had copies. I was back in business.

Writing this book was inspired by Jack Canfied and Steve Harris, but also it was inspired by knowing that I have experiences that are not and should not ever go to waste. Our experiences in life, good and bad, are our tools to inspire and help others. If we throw away our tools we can’t do God’s work. Abuse is a terrible thing and I feel in all of my turmoil that I have been blessed by God to bring enlightenment to all those who wish to listen to my words of down in the trench experience. I have been in the deep and dark, and I do know what it is you need to do to avoid the physical and emotional battered life. I wish for all to know that they are entitled to an abuse free life. For no man/women is happy if they are not free.

A Voice in the Night is available at Smash words from my site www.erinirelandwrites.comand on Kindle at Amazon here.

About Erin Ireland

Erin Ireland writes for those who feel they have no voice. She is a woman who has spent many years observing the abuse of others. Her experiences have been many in the direction of others who suffer in silence with isolation, controlled obsessions, verbal abuse, Superior attitudes, deceit, jealousy, physical, and sexual assaults, and many more indignities suffered everyday by beautiful people.

Erin Ireland has suffered a great deal of abuse in her own life, and writes from her heart when explaining what she feels is an inappropriate act against another.

Her passion for the subject of abuse runs deep, and reflects in her sometimes overpowering expressions of what she would like to change in life for you. She wishes for all to come to her website, feel welcome, and hopes that all will find some refuge and comfort here. www.erinirelandwrites.com

Erin Ireland is a nom de plume, in order to protect the innocent. She will always speak her mind and the truth for the betterment of all those who seek answers and comfort. She has written a book Titled, A Voice in the Night: Silent Abuse, The Early Warning Signs That Could Save Your Life. This is a book to help others bypass the long suffering that can be eliminated if they can learn to view the traits of an abuser early on.

She is writing for others to see the light. Erin hopes for them be a lamp unto themselves. She wishes for them to find there safe ground to stand on, before they have spent their entire lives wondering: what it is that they have done to deserve such demeaning treatment? Abuse is a conditioning that can be unlearned. Every human being is entitled to an abuse free life.

Erin, it's been my pleasure to host you today. Best wishes to your success! 


Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Multi Award-winning Children's Author

Ignite curiosity in your child through reading!

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A Sandy Grave ~ January 2014 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2014 Purple Dragonfly 1st Place Picture Books 6+, Story Monster Approved, Beach Book Festival Honorable Mention 2014, Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Powder Monkey ~ May 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ Story Monster Approved and Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Hockey Agony ~ January 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ Story Monster Approved and Reader's Farvorite Five Star Review

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval, Readers Favorite 2012 International Book Awards Honorable Mention and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist

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2. Releasing the Brakes with Jack Canfield

Today I have an article by Jack Canfield. For those who don't know who he is, he's the co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and co-creator of all it's trimmings. Along with this, he has built an amazing empire of coaching. I love this article because it deals with us getting out of our own way. And, all to often it's the individual who creates self-made road blocks to happiness, success, and even health.

Releasing the Brakes
by Jack Canfield

Have you ever been driving your car and realized that you'd left the emergency brake on?
Of course.  We all have.  But when we discover the brake is on -- do we press harder on the gas pedal?  Of course not!

We simply release the brake… and with no extra effort we go faster.

Going through life is a lot like driving a car.  But unfortunately, most people drive through life with their psychological emergency brake on.  They hold on to negative images of themselves... or suffer the effects of highly emotional events they haven't yet released.  To cope, they stay in a comfort zone entirely of their own making.

And when they try to achieve their goals, these negative images and preprogrammed comfort zones always cancel out their good intentions—no matter how hard they try.

Call them "blocks" or "limiting beliefs" or "being stuck" -- but these images and past hurts are nothing more than driving through life with the emergency brake on.
Successful people, on the other hand, continually move beyond their comfort zone -- not by using increased willpower, but by replacing their beliefs about themselves and changing their self image.
They release the brakes -- and, just like a car, they instantly go faster.


Think of your comfort zone as a prison you live in – a largely self-created prison. It consists of the collection of can’ts, musts, must nots, and other unfounded beliefs formed from all the negative thoughts and decisions you have accumulated and reinforced during your lifetime.

The good news is that you can change your comfort zone. How? In three different ways:

1.    You can use affirmations and positive self-talk to affirm having what you want, doing what you want, and being the way you want.
2.    You can create powerful and compelling new internal images of having, doing, and being what you want.
3.    You can simply change your behaviors

All three of these approaches will begin to shift you out of your old comfort zone.


An important concept that successful people understand is that you are never stuck. You just keep re-creating the same experiences over and over by thinking the same thoughts, maintaining the same beliefs, speaking the same words, and doing the same things.

Too often, we get stuck in an endless look of reinforcing behavior, which keep us stuck in a constant downward spiral.

It goes like this: Our limiting thoughts create images in our mind… and those images govern our behavior… which in turn reinforces that limiting thought.

This is known as the Self-Talk Endless Loop.

As long as you keep complaining about your present circumstances, your mind will focus on it. By continually talking about, thinking about, and writing about the way things are, you are continually reinforcing those very same neural pathways in your brain that got you to where you are today. You are continually sending out the same vibrations that will keep attracting the same people and circumstances that you have already created.
To change this cycle, you must focus instead on thinking, talking, and writing about the new reality you want to create. You must FLOOD your unconscious with thoughts,

1 Comments on Releasing the Brakes with Jack Canfield, last added: 6/30/2010
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3. Determination, Focus, and Perseverance

I’m a huge fan of positive thinking and projection. I believe our mind has a great influence over our well being and the direction our life can take. Granted, it’s not always easy to harness that influence, but there is enough content out there, including The Secret, to at least strive to think positive and project.

For example, Jack Canfield and co-creator Mark Victor Hansen, of Chicken Soup for the Soul, were rejected 144 times from publishers. Finally, in 1993, their book was accepted. Since they were in debt and couldn’t afford a publicist, they did their own promotion. In 1995, they won the Abby Award and the Southern California Publicist Award.

In a teleconference I attended with Jack Canfield as the speaker, he said the co-authors created vision boards of what they wanted. They even took a copy of the New York Times Best Selling Page, whited out the #1 spot, and replaced it with Chicken Soup for the Soul. They put copies of it everywhere, even in the toilet. They envisioned and projected success. The rest is history.

On a much smaller scale, my daughter and co-author of Day’s End Lullaby, Robyn, practices the philosophy of The Secret. For ten years she’s dreamed of being in the audience of the Oprah show. She actually got tickets twice, but for one reason or another, she was unable to attend. But, it didn’t stop her, she persevered and kept trying. Well, the weekend of May 8th, Oprah had her Live Your Best Life weekend in New York City. Robyn got a ticket for the weekend event and ended up being photographed. Her photo is now on Oprah’s website. In addition, she was about four feet from Oprah at one of the events, while she took a picture. This may not mean much to some, but for a young woman who has dreamed of being in the same room as Oprah, it’s a big . . . no HUGE deal. You can check it out at (she’s the one on the right, her friend Christine is on the left):


So, what has this to do with you and me as writers . . . plenty . . . just about every writer has heard the adage, it’s not necessarily the best writers who succeed, it’s the writers who persevere. Stay determined and focused on your writing goals. Don’t let rejection stop you . . . persevere.

Related Articles:

Writing to Get Published
Writing, Motivation, and Guidance

A great way to stay focused is to join:
Write More, Sell More, Make More Money Than EVER in 2010 Coaching Program.

This program is facilitated by Suzanne Lieurance and provides daily writing motivation, guidance, resources and tools to help you get published. You can even ask your writing and marketing questions, Suzanne will answer them in a weekly audio clip.

Or, for more hands on instruction and guidance, check out the Children's Writers' Coaching Club. You are given weekly teleclasses on writing and marketing from experienced and multi-published authors. And, you can submit a weekly manuscript of up to 1000 words which Suzanne Lieurance will personally

2 Comments on Determination, Focus, and Perseverance, last added: 5/17/2010
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4. By-Pass Marketing and Book Selling

In a recent teleseminar presented by Steve Harrison, with featured speaker Jack Canfield, I learned that “only one out of seven people in the United States go into book stores to buy a book.”

According to an April 17, 2010 release from The Association of American Publishers:
The Association of American Publishers (AAP) has today released its annual estimate of total book sales in the United States [for 2009]. The report, which uses data from the Bureau of the Census as well as sales data from eighty-six publishers inclusive of all major book publishing media market holders, estimates that U.S. publishers had net sales of $23.9 billion in 2009, down from $24.3 billion in 2008, representing a 1.8% decrease. In the last seven years the industry had a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.1%.
 Although net sales were down 1.8%, American book publishers still had net sales of $23.9 billion. So, where are all these books being sold if not in book stores.
Through this teleseminar, I learned of the term, by-pass marketing—Jack Canfield mentioned it. What exactly does it mean? And, since Canfield explained that only one in seven people buy books through bookstores, where exactly are the rest of the books being purchased?

By-pass marketing is selling in places you wouldn’t expect to see books for sale. Canfield mentioned venues I never even thought of. Putting on my thinking cap, I thought of a couple more.

Some By-pass Venues for Selling Books:

Nail salons
Gas stations
Beauty salons
Doctor offices
Chiropractic and Acupuncture offices
Radiology offices
Local restaurants

You get the idea; sell anywhere you can. Think of establishments in your area where you have to wait for services or that get a lot of traffic. Talk to management or the owner and offer a percentage of sales or a set amount per book. This is a win-win situation for you and the establishment. They have absolutely no investment of money, time, or effort, therefore no risk. Yet, they have the opportunity to make money. This should be a no-brainer on their part. All you need to do is ask.

Remember: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Related Articles:

Inbound Marketing and Twitter
Article Reprint Strategy

If you want to write for children . . . I mean seriously . . . if you are striving to actually get published . . . then the place to be is The Children's Writers' Coaching Club. Read this article that describes just how beneficial it is:  http://www.karencioffi.com/2010/02/write-for-children/

Finally, for a guide to writing, publishing and marketing, check out:
Writing, Publishing, and Marketing - You Can Do It!

Until next time,

Karen Cioffi
Author, Ghostwriter-for-hire, Freelance Writer, Reviewer


20 Comments on By-Pass Marketing and Book Selling, last added: 4/30/2010
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5. Beyond Book Sales Income: Marketing and Diversification

I love the internet . . . you can find almost anything and learn just about anything by doing a search. My latest learning session was on a teleseminar provided by Steve Harrison of Quantum Leap. The guest speaker was Jack Canfield. For those of you who haven’t yet hear of him (this would be amazing if you are in the writing field), Canfield is the co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen had a dream. They would have a New York Times best selling book. But, the road to success wasn’t easy . . . they received 144 rejections from publishers. This did not stop them—they moved forward with visualization and positive projection techniques. Chicken Soup for the Soul came out in 1993. Since they didn’t have enough money for a publicist so they did their own marketing. By 1995, they won the Abby Award and the Southern California Publicist Award.

This is the second teleseminar I’ve had the privilege of attending featuring Canfield. The information offered was geared toward the strategies needed to make money publishing books through marketing and diversification. This concept is very similar to a video clip I watched of Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, which was also presented by Steve Harrison.

So, what exactly are these concepts of marketing and diversification?

Tips to Make Money Along with or After Book Publication

1. Have a platform.

Start your platform when you are thinking of writing a book—don’t wait until you are published. Creating connections, contacts, and readers takes time.

2. Realize you will most probably not get rich writing books.

Yes, that’s right, you will not automatically become wealthy from book publication. But, while you won’t get rich, it will open doors that will not otherwise be open. This is the opportunity for diversification—don’t just look straight ahead—use your peripheral vision.

3. Learn how to market and sell YOU and your books.

Never stop learning about writing, marketing and promotion. Read about the subjects; attend conferences and teleseminars; join writing and marketing groups, and follow blogs that provide valuable and up-to-date information. But, remember, you don’t want to just sell your books, you want to sell what you have to offer along with your books.

4. Research areas you can diversify in.

If you are published, there are a number of doors that will magically opened. You can create e-books; you can present teleseminars or workshops; you can offer classes or coaching; you can even write a book about your experiences and successes.

Tip: Before you start charging for your expertise, offer some free services to help others learning to write and learning to market their books and themselves.

6. Never stop selling.

Find new avenues to sell your books and services. Utilize some of the suggestions in #4 above.

7. Believe you can do it.

This is probably the most important tip for success. Canfield is a firm believer in the power of tweaking your subconscious and projection.

8. Pay it forward.

As the Bible tells us, “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” New World Translation, Acts 20:35.

Aside from being good for you as a writer and marketer, giving back is good for the universe and our troubled world.

Please note: I am not promo

5 Comments on Beyond Book Sales Income: Marketing and Diversification, last added: 4/28/2010
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6. Painting Wishes

Here's the latest painting from yesterday. It's called Wishes. I'm still working out how to get nice looking text on it. In this picture, I added the word "wishes" in Photoshop. I really must practice my decorative writing. For this painting I took the "Vision Exercise" from The Success Principles by Jack Canfield and incorporated it into the painting. Each of my "wishes" is written under the petals and leaves of the painting. It's my way of putting those dreams out into the world. I should have added "Nikon D60" under one of them and "new iMac" under another;-)

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