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Results 26 - 50 of 90
26. A Brand New Day!

It’s a brand new day!  Yesterday was a hair pulling, weird, tweaking, changing, tossing, scratching head kind of day in the studio.  Those days come to all of us. Today started off differently.

I woke up, showered, ate breakfast and let my  little doggies out.  While standing on my steps I heard a noise.  I looked into the tree to see a HUGE something on a branch above me. I kid you not, it was so NOT a squirrel!  I kept thinking it was a racoon!  No?  Then it moved and I could see it was a huge bird!  I slowly walked toward the back door so as not to scare this bird off.  I put my small, rodent sized doggies in the house and hollered for Gary to grab the binoculars.  We walked back outside and found the best vantage point to view this spectacular bird and decided it was a Golden Eagle!  YES!   Just then the birds wings stretched our broadly and it took flight, right before our very eyes.  The wing span was HUGE!   I am still in awe of the sight.  It was then that this word came to me.

“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary.They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:30-31)”

Today will be a GREAT DAY!

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27. Let the Fun Begin!

I just place an order with Spoonflower for this larger sized image of Newton. It is an experiment.  I want to make these into small stuffed animals. Newton is only a little over 9 inches high but he should fit nicely into a little child’s pocket!  La la la!  It’s fun to play!

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28. another day gone by by bye!

I get a little antsy when I don’t get to work enough. With the new computer and printer at hand I am in learning mode. I think everything is hooked up and working. It is great having a wireless printer/scanner/copier. wow

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29. New site

Stay tuned for my new website, Fairy Online School. There will fairy goddess gowns, fairy research, fairy classes and fun for those who love fairies and animals. I will be posting the info here on my blog!

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30. Busy, busy

I’ve been busy on creating the new website, buying the domain, planning and more planning. And, readings have started again (see Readings page for details and info). There is much to plan in the new garden, which I am so excited about.

The Fairies have been very busy also–bothering me! I sat down in meditation the other day just to get some guidance and big mistake, called on the Fairies of this house and yard. Next thing you know, I had a long list of things I needed to plant. The ironic thing is, I am so into plants, but no knowledge of what I am doing! I’ve been known to kill houseplants. Luckily, my friend Jan Marie is coming by today to lend some advice. She gets guidance as well, and is my major source of Fairy and Native American info.  I’ m sure the Fairies will be bossing her around also!

Went to a lovely Pipe Ceremony last night, and the week before, a Seance. Both times animals that have crossed over had messages to be heard and were very persistant and pushy to have themselves be known. I’m not sure about this trend but I have been asking for direction lately and what my general purpose was. Hmmm. Makes you wonder.

Lots of baby steps forward. One foot in front of the other.

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31. Flippy Floppy Website

A little announcement–my website has been on-again off-again. My hosting is all screwed up right now and I’ve been trying to square it away the past few months. I’ve been playing with the idea of making a new one with new domain for the Fairy Online School, but waiting to hear guidance on that. So, in the meantime, I’ll be hanging around here and you can reach me on this blog.

I am doing some readings again–slowly being pulled back in. Contact me through this blog. See readings page.

Lots of wild realizations, abilities increasing, and change over here.

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32. My Brother

Here he is!  My dear brother Bob Gillis.  He is one of my heroes in life.  He was very brave to live with three sisters throughout his growing up years!

Why post about my brother?  Because he is a creative soul and he inspires me.  He is an awesome musician!

I grew up listening to him play his trumpet every day.  Music is his passion. He teaches others to find their way along this same artistic path.  Music is in his soul and that makes me happy!

I love you Bobby!!!!!!!

Check him out!


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33. Gotta Dance!

Some days you gotta dance!

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34. On Being Brave

Life as an artist is not always a path that they feel they have chosen.  More over it is a journey one feels compelled to take.  To not take it means a life unfulfilled and a gift that is wasted, not to mention that inward voice that whispers,  “CREATE IT!”

To be successful, one must be committed to the work, hardened to rejection, and open to change. All of those things are challenges. The art we create is a part of who we are.  To subject it to criticism does not feel good! …. even yet our motto should be… “Get over it and move on!”

I believe the good artists do just that!  They move on!  In fact, any successful person in life continues moving on.  We learn from the past but we don’t live in it!

An artist must be brave!

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35. Aesop revisited in the western desert

The old tale of  Tortoise and Hare tells that falling asleep while doing a task is bad.

Jack the rabbit read it well, thought to himself, “the light this sheds is sad !”

No member of my global community is so lax, I’ll get that title back !

To that end he checked out the local Tortoise, Goggling on his computer for every fact.

He bought goggles and bomber cap from a site on the internet .

And while he was at it, found some sites and  placed a few side bets.

The odds were good, in the turtles favor.

The money Jack  knew he would soon savor !

Come race day the a crowd came out and the sun did shine.

The Tortoise was ready and Jackrabbit looked quite fine !

The race got started with a flurry and flash.

The rabbit was off  like a shot but Tortoise got hung up in desert trash.

Jack was far out in front and in sight of the finish line .

But Coyote spied the race, thinking Tortoise and Hare would taste just fine.

Coyote joined in the race with turtle the first one he caught just rounding the bend.

Tortoise pulled up shy  in his shell and, though Coyote knocked, would not let him come in.

So off  Coyote sped to catch his other pray but Jack saw him coming  and did not want to be Din Din.

As things often go the race was a bust and no body won.

Jack was diligent and did not sleep, so lived to have another son.

Tortoise, though he was slow, lived long and finally came out.

But Tortoise forgot what the race was about.

So when you hear another famous fable.

Just finish your spinach and clean up the crumbs before you leave the table.

So you may live long like Tortoise and Hare,

Though like Tortoise your mind may not be there.

And fast is good when you are fast as a bunny so you may outrun the danger.

Like Jackrabbit, you may have to change your course when chased by a stranger.

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36. Haiti

First … I think it is imperative we help the peoples of Haiti, no ifs ands or buts !!!

Secondly however … I think the people of Haiti need some major educational efforts along with a way to make a living and not from tourism !!!

Food is basic to stability in any society. When the populace eats enough that they have a little time to put forth extra efforts they usually come up with good Ideas to keep growing. If hunger keeps them on a constant search to fill bellies with no education on productive farming practices you get things like denuded hillsides, eroded ground, poor soil stability and ever poorer quality of land that eats away at itself in an ever spiraling downward cycle until the populace is always in flux and no political system can last, giving way to warlords and crime in general.

The earthquake in Haiti can be a positive thing if more than money is poured in just so people feel good about helping. It must be made to work for the common good of all these people as in ways to create potable water in a manner that is sustainable by relatively low levels of education. Agricultural practices that lead not to large commercial Agra-business but small plot farming. Micro investment so the populace can make extra money or even sustain a family and rebound even with natural disasters that seem to hit this part of the world .

Education more than just primary, though that seems to be badly needed as well, where the region can have native knowledge that will grow to help itself with forethought to that which is possible for building society and structures that will be safe. The populace needs to be put to work in the reconstruction efforts, not companies brought in from somewhere else, so cultural elements will be understood. At first this may need to be overseen by outside help (show them how to build , don’t build it for them) but only until educated native elements can be found or educated to take over and NO LONGER!

A government that is of the peoples choice, even if we do not like it, should be supported and worked with to stabilize it in a world culture as legitimately wanted  and promote aid in ways that do not force political agendas but aim at the well being of common citizens. Care should be taken that the help does not end up in the pockets of a few elite .

We and they will be all the better for this kind of help and some day we may indeed be helped by them in return.

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37. Hamsters go to heaven

Lucky is as lucky does but no rabbit he !

Lucky sees future things that wishes do not fulfill and makes them happen just because …

He knows the rabbit was not so lucky that gave a foot so that you might be …

Hamster ways like hamster days are short stepped and burrowed with mini paws …

But believe or don’t,  the magic carried in his Shillelagh, makes no difference to him …

Shillelagh or no, making things happen is Lucky’s way …

Fury lil ball-o-fat forever treading mill is not  his whim …

For every time a C notes found forget the leprechaun, it’s Lucky’s day !

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38. Hi priced gas and 90/80 air

Few rewards are as fun as taking that first spin in you own car.

In my case it started out pretty quick to be “First series Chevy” trucks and through the years I have had seven that ran and this one will be my last I think.

Not because I wouldn’t want a thousand more but gas and the the roar of engines with a smell of burnt petroleum smokin from the tires is almost past to the status of legends.

Carburetors are tossed for EFI 350 V8 blocks or some such but give me that old stove bolt 6 that sounds like a well oiled sewing machine any day.

Gas that once was cheap even for a $0.75 an hour kid is hard to justify but I will until the dinosaurs give up the last drop I can afford just to feel the freedom of wind blowing through the cowl vent, windows down even in mid winter, the purr of early iron   and finicky gauges bopping with the bumps and Mr. Butterfield’s  ”East West”  drifting with the breeze around my head from cheap speakers and a shared drink stashed between me and my girl.

There are few finer feelings than nowhere particular to go, all day to get there in no particular hurry.

Keep um rollin!

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39. It’s FREEZIN’ Outside!

Long underwear, long sleeved t-shirt, sweater, thick socks, fleece lined boots, warm fuzzy scarf, and even a wool hat, coat and a space heater!  Good grief!  You would think I worked in the freezer section of the grocery store, not in my home office!  Oh well, whatever it takes!  Spring is only about 12 weeks away!

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40. Gone

“I was there once” I said to myself  and wondered who said that.

“I know there are deer just beyond those trees” I can smell them, it’s old hat.

I hear words like “no” and I know there is something I shouldn’t do but why, I do not know.

They smell delicious, I would share and the chase would be a wonderful thing so let’s go.

He is telling me something that sounds like I will regret it but I know I won’t.

There they are just a short sprint over easy ground but here it is again “Don’t!”

I like him even if he is a pill! Why he even roasts perfectly wondrous raw kill.

Oh now I’m going no matter what it is he’s trying to say.

Look at them all dancing with excitement, what wonderful prey!

I could run forever mile after mile but I’ll go back and let him see my happy smile.

Hey what’s this ? no “atta boy” or “good boy you” ?

I will never understand that attitude after such a wonderful chase, where they all almost flew!

OH I see … I didn’t catch one to bring back with me.

Next time I’ll not ask, just go and bring back a present then perhaps he’ll be much more pleasant.

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41. Can’t get enough of this Rabbit stuff

Having fun is coloring outside the lines sometimes …

Having fun sometimes  is no color at all …

And sometimes fun is really, really small

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42. It’s Christmas for goodness sake …

“Well I was wet, your side of the truck was dry,

I like dry,

that side didn’t have your name on it,

so I am a bad boy…

it’s Christmas … go tell Santa or get over it !

Sheesh Murph !!!”

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43. By Polar News

He was young and idealistic but RANDOLPH

thought there would be no discrimination just

because he was a Black tail and not a Rein deer.

Unfortunately he had not counted on local

animosity of the more famous deer who worked there

and was found crossing the north pole border unlawfully.

It was said he must have lost his way or gone back home

and no further investigation was launched though many years later

rumors surfaced that he was spotted in Santa’s barbershop relaxing.

This could not be confirmed though because of the

security worries about lists compiled on humans stored there.

The tapes of all comments were lost some how by accidental erasure.

By Polar News Service …

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44. Wasn’t my fault …

I am innocent I tells ya, It’s society made me do it.

Why sure that was my hand in your pocket but you never said I couldn’t do it.

If I’d heard even one moan I would have stopped and shot again but through the gurgles I never heard a tone.

The clergy said it was ok not to tell the truth on a need to know basis so I told you my name was Ruth.

Why just one twitch and I’d have started praying instead of preying, Honest, I say this without a hitch.

Had I known you didn’t want me to pull that trigger in the first place you wouldn’t have shown me your wallet was so much bigger.

My mother played a part for never spanking me ya know and my father said nothing, he wasn’t there, he had to go.

My teachers were all handcuffed by my lawyers, I would have sued them so, there’s profit in nonprofit don’t you know.

They never stopped me for speeding enough times and that warped my mind to have so many chances to cross the lines.

Drunk and murderous they once called it but had no more room in the mental ward so let me go which means I am cured now don’t you know.

No one cared as long as I was not knocking at their door so it is ok to do it if I do it to the poor.

The priest he said it was OK, that I should never tell. He had to go to another place but not to fear, he’d teach them there as well.

I am sorry Mr. John Doe, I was always on your side but you had too many golf clubs and such a pretty bride.

I was looking through your wallet and found a child or two, why didn’t you wear that wedding ring, I could have had that too.

The Army tried to do me right, maybe best of all but society had already messed me up so they sent me down the hall.

My brothers were all coming back it seems but had no place to go, the economy already took their jobs, left them with their nightmare dreams.

They sent the bad guy money makers, most of them, to jail. I mixed in quite well though I got a stiffer sentence while they all got to sail.

The judges were all concerned, it was so sad but their hands were tied, had it been up to them I may have surely died.

But society has set the course on which they then must follow, with hopes of course in a supreme seat they may also wallow.

And what about your cutting police and pay so a budget minded civic leader could get another raise, for that you win my praise!

He wasn’t here to see or even near to help me hear your plea.

So for your last gasp Mr. councilman it should be to thank yourself  if you will, it was society did it to you, it wasn’t me!

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45. Life as we knows it changes

I haven’t blogged. I apologize. My entire life as I knew it blew up in a small period time. I won’t get into the details, but I will be pressing on by myself and with my animals beside me. What I thought I had, I did not. It’s all part of a bigger plan to get the people in my life the help they need, but it doesn’t take away the overwhelming hurt and the grief. I have to slowly piece together the many thousand pieces of my heart, but maybe I will rebuild a whole new one in the process.

 But I am extremely grateful for good friends, numerous clients and acquaintances, family lending so much support, my animals by my side loving me up, and the presence of my Guides or Angels whispering messages and help. Oh, and never underestimate the help of a good therapist and the amazing process of EMDR for clearing trauma and emotional gunk accumulated through the years. This process is amazing. I hope to include this work in my studies when I go back to school for my Masters and Phd.

As empaths we know, because we can feel it, we think we are the ones to fix it. This is the biggest lesson I am learning. Let others take the natural consequences. It’s not yours to carry! I heard this so often from my Guides I thought my ears would ring uncontrollably.

I’ve been doing more readings lately as I myself recover and I am finding that without carrying so much that I did before, I am able to really hear so easily. It’s overwhelming the change! Many of the migraines are gone also that I now realize was related to the negativity in the house I was living with. One animal reading I did came so quickly that I actually had to tell the animal to slow down! The information was just there.

I am amazed of the strength and resilience so many of us have that we take for granted! If I truly was the strength of the family, I need to use that strength for myself to carry on. I also realize that I have to learn to be a good parent to myself. I have gotten so used to parenting others as my prime focus, so much of the time I came dead last. I had no idea until now how much my own needs and feelings didn’t even come into question. No one was looking out for me!  Slowly, I will learn how to focus on myself and be more “selfish.” (I think that word should be removed from the english language, by the way. Those who are, don’t need to be informed. The word is just fodder to torture women into being “good,” but that’s a whole other blog post).

Upward and outward, I suppose.


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46. Wyatt the riot

My dog’s name is Wyatt.

He’s never too loud and mostly quiet.

He romps and plays on sunny days and even stormy weather.

He likes to chase anything that scats, especially if they look like cats or has a pretty feather.

But he does not know birdy fluff from cattail stuff and most times ends up looking pretty funny!

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47. Opportunity comes knocking …

Weary of his circumstances as third crow on the fence, Friedrich decided to hitch a ride with the first eighteen wheeler and accommodating driver that came along with the hopes of gaining advantage by getting some windshield time while sitting on a dashboard, warm, refreshed and perhaps being the first on the scene for any squirrel mishap that he knew was common to such conveyances…….

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48. If …

 Dec26_07AM1 copy

Even if you are a speck of dust in the deepest, darkest reaches of space and time …

Even if no light shines form any knowable sun and all the points of light are so far away the universe looks like one dimly lit speck barely noticeable in a vast sea of blackness …

Even if  the distance to anything like you is so far that time itself does not exist and seems void…You are not the forgotten edge of nothing … 

But the leading edge of everything …

! …

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49. Another round please …

I just came inside after being outside looking in as I looked out … The stars were beautiful and I wondered how far my soul will really go when I am done here … I am not planning to leave any time soon but then you just never know … It’s a one way ticket you know … Even if it all comes around again and again it gets tweaked each time with a butterfly sneezing a little differently each time and it’s so vast the odds of it being the same twice are too much to behold except by the totality of itself … but that doesn’t stop me from looking out , not up but out to where my consciousness will expand one bright , sunny, rainy night as a new day dawns somewhere just before midnight and I am amazed I get to behold such wonders and know you in the same breath .

Have a wonderful new day and don’t sweat the small stuff, just enjoy the good now because you can’t keep it where we are going anyway!

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50. I looked but did I see

This very night I walked to my darkest place, eyes closed as if blind.

I know this spot , I have been there many times, alone.

This night I walked with two friends, a dog and me.

I was determined to see what I might find when I looked from my blind place, the one in the corner.

I walked slowly but sure-footed, listening for the trees, the rocks, all obstacles.

The other animal was sure of his path and thought none the less of me though he was wrong.

I was soon left alone to find what I came for.

No coyotes or deer rustled, no bird, no breeze disturbed my mind.

I tilted my face to a preconceived heaven then opened my eyes to see what I expected, points of light scattered and a feeling of being alone.

I closed my eyes, erased my mind, then looked again to see the face of God in narrow perspective.

I closed them once more to drain my head of such small thoughts and the vanity that I might know the almighty for I knew if it were the face only a thoughts worth could I really see.

I opened them again and let my soul see it’s destiny.

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