Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Library books don’t count, but eBooks & audiobooks do).Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday. Every week Mailbox Monday will have a new linky posted for our Mailbox Monday links at Marcia's Mailbox Monday blog.Here’s a shout out to the new administrators:
Leslie of Under My Apple Tree Vicki of I’d Rather Be at the BeachSerena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. ***************I hope you had a good mailbox.
After weeks of empty and lean mailbox weeks, this week definitely made up for it. Whew!!
How about your mailbox?
Any titles in your mailbox that you were excited about seeing?***************
Love this meme....I hope you can join in the fun.
Each week, Feeling Beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. The statements:
- I require a lot __________
- ___ is ___
- Sometimes I _____
- One word to describe _____ is _____
My Answers:
1. I require a lot of sleep and exercise.
2. Having my son home for a visit is wonderful.
3. Sometimes I wish my son lived closer.
4. One word to describe me is organized.
Question of the Week:Is there one book you will NEVER forget?
My Answer:This is a difficult question, and I have to name TWO books.
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
These have been on my never-forget list for at least ten years. :)
What about you?
To celebrate the release of the paperback copy of
Onalee Smith of Harper Collins has a copy for one lucky reader
REVIEW:Meeting someone online and falling in love is wonderful. Yes, it is wonderful but not when you are fourteen and he is twenty-nine and has lied to you about a lot of things including his name.
Marley met Brandon on a social media site, and he talked her into leaving her family and joining him for a life together. But...she couldn't take her computer, her phone, or even go out of the house once she arrived.
As Marley traveled by bus to meet Brandon, on the other side of the country, her parents were frantically looking for her with no clues at all. Marley wiped out everything on all devices so no trace of where she was could be discovered.
This nightmare was real for Marley’s parents, Rachel and Paul. They used social media to start a site named
This book discussed a lot of social issues and showed the dangers of social media’s influence on youth as well as its ability to aid in getting cross-country exposure about a runaway.
The characters were difficult to like. I wanted to shake Marley. I definitely disliked Brandon. I wasn't even fond of Rachel or Paul.
But, despite the unlikeable characters, DON’T TRY TO FIND ME had me glued to the pages and had my heart racing. The suspense was quite high. My fear for Marley had me tense while I was reading the book as well as when I was waiting to return to see what was going to happen. I still am anxious as I am writing this...definitely the sign of a GOOD book.
If you like to be kept on the edge of your seat, don’t miss reading DON’T TRY TO FIND ME. It was a quick read, but very intense. It could even be called a thriller.
My rating is going to be a 4/5 because parts of the book were a bit too descriptive, but the anxiety and apprehension as each scene took place made it a terrific read.
This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation by the publisher in return for an honest review.
GIVEAWAY:April 2 - April 9
USA entries ONLY
Click here to enter the contest. **The Celebrate image courtesy of:
Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. (Library books don’t count, but eBooks & audiobooks do).Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles, and humongous wish lists!
Mailbox Monday, created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books, has a permanent home now at Mailbox Monday. Every week Mailbox Monday will have a new linky posted for our Mailbox Monday links at Marcia's Mailbox Monday blog.Here’s a shout out to the new administrators:
Leslie of Under My Apple Tree Vicki of I’d Rather Be at the BeachSerena @ Savvy Verse And Wit
THANKS to everyone for keeping Mailbox Monday alive. ***************I hope you had a good mailbox.
I was excited to have two books in my mailbox since the past few weeks have been quite empty.
***************On Thursday, March 26, I received:
1. THE GIRL WHO WROTE IN SILK by Kelli Estes, courtesy of Lathea Williams of Sourcebooks.

Love the cover and the title. I am really looking forward to reading this book.
On Friday, March 27, I received:
1. LAST NIGHT AT THE BLUE ANGEL by Rebecca Rotert, courtesy of Katherine Turro and Molly Brickhead of Harper Collins.
How about your mailbox?
Any titles in your mailbox that you were excited about seeing?***************
I hope you had a great reading week. ********************
This is a weekly meme run by Book Journey!
Post the books completed last week, the books you are currently reading, and the books you hope to finish this week. Books Completed Last Week:
No New Book completed this week.
THE RELUCTANT MIDWIFE by Patricia Harman Absolutely loved this book.Review is in the book's title.
Book Currently Reading: ONE MILE UNDER by Andrew Gross for an April 7, 2015, post.A thriller you won't want to miss. Has me on the edge of my seat.
Books Up Next: LITTLE BLACK LIES by Sharon Bolton for a May 19, 2015, post.DEATH IN SALEM by Eleanor Kuhns for a June 16, 2015, postLAST NIGHT AT THE BLUE ANGEL by Rebecca Rotert for a June 30, 2015, post.THE GIRL WROTE IN SILK by Kelli Estes for a July 7, 2015, post.TAHOE GHOST by Todd Borg
HIGH SEAS DARKNESS by Burr B. Anderson
THREE STORY HOUSE by Courtney Miller Santo
GARDEN OF LETTERS by Alyson Richman
WOMAN OF ILL FAME by Erika Mailman
The books below are not necessarily in the order I have planned to read them. I normally read in order of publication or tour date.
And....these are not for reading in the upcoming week. They are books into and including all of 2014.
The "list" is a means of keeping me organized. A visual display helps a lot for organization along with my Excel lists. 

Question of the Week:Which books have you read in the past month that still have you thinking back to the storyline and the characters?
My Answer:A few of these books were read in February.
The Pocket Wife by Susan Crawford was a good read too. It was a psychological thriller. A Memory of Violets by Hazel Gaynor is wonderful.The Reluctant Midwife by Patricia Harman is very heartwarming and homey.Whisper Hollow by Chris Cander was a great historical fiction with strong female characters. Reviews are in the titles.What about your books?
About Whisper Hollow
WHISPER HOLLOW is an evocative portrait of life in a small West Virginia mining town redolent with secrets and desires that are at odds with the looming shadow of moral standards. Spanning fifty years, WHISPER HOLLOW explores the irrevocably intertwined lives of three memorable women, and what happens when they’re forced to excavate deeply personal unspoken truths. Chris Cander is a novelist, children’s book author, freelance writer, and teacher for Houston-based Writers in the Schools. Her novel 11 Stories, published by a small press in Houston, was included in Kirkus’s best indie general fiction of 2013.Chris received the 2014 IPPY award for her novel 11 Stories, and was a featured speaker at World Book Night 2014 at Brazos Bookstore in Houston. The publication of WHISPER HOLLOW heralds the arrival of this exciting new female voice into the literary mainstream. My Review WHISPER HOLLOW whispered nothing but sadness, loneliness, secrets, and isolation.
Myrthen's isolation and sadness began after the death of her twin sister and then her marriage. Alta's sadness began upon her marriage to the man she didn't love or have anything in common with.
Both women have desires that break rules and traditions. Myrthen and Alta are traditional on the outside, but on the inside are very strong women with very strong convictions. Tragedy brings these two women farther apart instead of closer together and leaves them both lonelier than before.
WHISPER HOLLOW is set in the coal mining town of Verra, West Virginia, before, during, and after WWII with traditional marriages of the wife at home and the husband working.
Ms. Cander's writing pulls you in with her marvelous descriptions of characters and scenes. The characters are very authentic with some you will feel sorry for. You will definitely not like Myrthen as the years go on, and your heart will go out to Alta and Lidia. When Lidia arrives, the strong women of Verra, West Virginia, have another woman with a secret to take into their fold.
The beginning was a bit slow, but the characters, situations, writing style, and time period kept me going. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes secrets and family sagas. It is historical fiction and women's fiction rolled into one.
WHISPER HOLLOW is an interesting look into the lives of the characters with circumstances that are very plausible. You will become attached to the women and to their situations.
The ending is redeeming in certain ways and definitely a page turner. ENJOY if you read WHISPER HOLLOW. I think you will. 4/5
This book was given to me free of charge and without compensation in return for an honest review.
The Giveaway
USA Entries Only Please
March 26 - April 2
Click here to enter the giveaway
Best of Luck to All Who Enter