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I am a YA book review blogger. I will read most fiction books, but YA is my weakness. Some of my favorite authors include: Meg Cabot, Richelle Mead, Ally Carter, Jessica Verday, and many more.
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1. Apa itu Penyakit Kanker Hati

Sesungguhnya kanker hati adalah jenis kanker yang paling menakutkan dan tidak dapat memberikan banyak waktu kepada pasien maupun dokter untuk bersantai dalam pengobatan, dibandingkan dengan kanker lain yang lebih kompleks misalnya kanker otak.

Ketika dikonfirmasi Anda mengidap kanker hati, pengobatan harus dilakukan dalam jangka waktu maksimal 1 tahun. Stastistik WHO pada tahun 2000 mencatat 564,000 penduduk dunia didiagnosa memiliki kanker hati demgan 3/4 dari jumlah itu adalah pasien di kawasan Asia.

Hati adalah organ yang terbesar pada tubuh manusia dan rata-rata beratnya adalah 1.35kg untuk wanita sedangkan pada pria adalah sekitar 1.8kg. Hati memproses 13 persen darah dari keseluruhan jumlah darah yang berada dalam tubuh.

Hati dibagi menjadi 2 bagian yang berbeda ukuran dan terletak disisi kanan rongga perut dibawah diafram abdomen. Darah yang mengandung zat dan nutrisi yang dicerna dari usus besar dibawa kehati oleh pembuluh darah vena sementara pembuluh darah atteri mengangkut darah yang kaya oksigen dari pembuluh darah utama jantung yang disebut "aorta".

"Hepatosit" mewakili 60 persen sel2 hati yang berfungsi menyerap zat2 makanan, detoks dan menyaring racun yang berbahaya dalam darah.

Secara ringkasnya fungsi utama hati adalah memproses zat makanan dan mengubahnya dalam bentuk "glikogen" yang disimpan dalam hati dan otot. Apabila kita membutuhkan energi hati mengubahnya kembali dalam bentuk glukosa ketika ada kebutuhan. Fungsi hati lainnya adalah:
  • Mengontrol tingkat lemak, gula dan asam amino dalam darah
  • Melawan infeksi dalam tubuh.
  • Kegiatan pembersihan darah dari racun
  • Menuteralkan narkoba dan menghapus racun
  • Menyimpan zat besi, vitamin dan unsur penting lain yang berguna untuk tubuh
  • Mengubah zat makanan menjadi energi
  • Kegiatan terkait beberapa hormon tubuh
  • Membangun beberapa jenis enzim dan protein untuk berbagai jenis fungsi tubuh seperti mencegah pembekuan darah dan memperbaiki sel2 yang rusak.
Selain kanker atau adanya tumor, hati terkena berbagai jenis penyakit. Diantaranya adalah
  • Sirosis
Kanker hati terbagi menjadi:
  1. PRIMARY CANCER juga dikenal dengan nama "hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) .Ini berarti tumor berasal dari dalam hati akibat dari berbagai penyakit seperti tercantum diatas khususnya yang terkait penyakit hepatitis.
  2. SECONDARY LIVER CANCER juga disebut "metastatic liver cancer" .Ini berarti kanker bermigrasi dari organ2 lain yang terlebih dahulu terinfeksi kanker.
Penyebab utama kanker hati
Virus Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C dikatakan berasal dari transfusi darah tercemar samaada saat transfusi darah, organ atau jarum yang digunakan untuk aktiviti2 suntikan.Selain itu juga bolih diwarisi dari orangtua yang terlebih dahulu memiliki virus hepatitis C. Dikatakan tes penyaringan transfusi darah hanya dipraktekkan setelah tahun 1992 ketika penemuan dibuat tentang keujudan virus hepatitis C yang ditemukan dalam aktiviti2 transfusi darah.

Bagi mereka yang memiliki virus hepatitis C risiko untuk terkena kanker hati tergantung pada faktor2 berikut:
  • Sirosis. Sirosis adalah kondisi dimana ketika hati terinfeksi virus hepatitis, tubuh menghasilkan antibodi yang banyak dan berkelanjutan untuk melawan virus hepatitis. Ini menyebabkan terjadi peradangan pada hati dan dalam jangka panjang ia mengujudkan kesan2 parut / goresan pada dinding hati.Apabila terjadi Cirrhosis berat hati gagal melaksanakan fungsi2 pentingnya seperti menghapus toksid dan aktiviti2 penyaringan darah.Kegagalan fungsi ini mendorong hati terkena kanker atau ditumbuhi tumor.
  • Berumur melebihi 40 tahun
  • Jenis Kelamin
  • Konsumsi Alkohol
  • Virus hepatitis B
Namun ada juga kondisi dimana pasien kanker hati yang tidak memiliki gejala Sirosis dan para peneliti menduga itu adalah berasal dari virus itu sendiri yang menggangu proses pengantian sel2 hati sehingga menyebabkan penyalinan sel baru menjadi salah dan seterusnya mengujudkan tumor.

Baca Juga : Obat Herbal Kanker Hati Stadium 4

Konsumsi alkohol

Sirosis atau pengerasan hati juga bisa diakibatkan dari konsumsi alkohol yang banyak dalam waktu yang lama. Satu kronologi menarik tentang peminum alkohol tegar adalah mereka yang tidak berhenti minum alkohol memiliki risiko yang lebih rendah untuk mendapatkan kanker hati dibandingkan mereka yang berhenti setelah beberapa tahun.

Peneliti berpendapat apabila konsumsi alkohol diberhentikan hati berusaha secara aktif mengantikan sel2nya yang rusak akibat dari konsumsi alkohol selama bertahun tahun. Dimasa proses inilah terjadi penyalinan yang salah dan dalam periode jangka tertentu penyalinan salah ini akan menjadi tumor.

Namun apabila konsumsi alkohol ini tidak diberhentikan itu akan mengakibatkan penyakit2 terkait kegagalan hati tetapi mereka dapat hidup sepuluh tahun lebih lama dari mereka yang menghentikan konsumsi alkohol secara serta merta. (Pendapat ini tidak disahkan mayoritas peneliti)

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B diidentifikasi sebagai penyebab utama terjadi kanker hati. Penyakit ini bersumber dari dari kegiatan terkait transfusi darah, berbagi jarum suntik, sikat gigi, aktivitas seksual dan mereka yang memiliki keturunan kanker hati. Para peneliti berpendapat pria yang berusia melebihi 40 tahun yang mengidap hepatits B kronis memiliki risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk mendapatkan kanker hati.

Obat Kimia

Konsumsi beberapa jenis obat kimia secara berkepanjangan dengan dosis yang tinggi telah diidentifikasi sebagai penyebab kegagalan hati yang mendorong kepada terjadinya kanker hati. Seperti obat kolesterol dan obat penghilang rasa sakit.

Memahami penyebab2 diatas secara keseluruhan, hati terkena kanker karena terjadi beberapa hal yang menyebabkan sistem kekebalan tubuh bereaksi sehingga menyebabkan ia meradang dan meninggalkan parut atau "scar" yang disebut "Sirosis".

Sirosis mencegah hati untuk melaksanakan salah satu tugasnya yang terpenting yaitu menyaring dan membuang racun dari dalam darah. Racun atau sampah ini bila tidak terbuang dan mengendap dalam eaktu yang lama akan menyebabkan gangguan pada replikasi sel hati menyebabkan sel2 hati membelah dalam cara yang salah sehingga membentuk tumor.

Apa yang dibahas diatas adalah merupakan kanker hati yang berbentuk "primary" yakni kanker yang berasal dan ditimbulkan oleh beberapa penyakit hati.

Namun ada penyebab lain terjadinya kanker hati yang disebabkan migrasi kanker dari organ2 lain dalam tubuh yang sebelumnya terinfeksi kanker. Fenomena ini dinamakan kanker hati sekondari.

Kanker usus besar, payudara, ovarium, pankreas, kulit dan paru2 adalah kanker yang paling sering bermestasis ke organ hati dan menjadi kanker hati sekondari. Apabila sel kanker ini menyebar maka akan mengalir melalui saluran darah dan seperti yang kita tahu darah akan mengalir ke hati untuk proses penyaringan racun.

Ketika sampai kehati ia terus menetap disana karena sumber2 zat energi bagi kanker yang mudah ditemukan .sebab lain yang mendorong kecenderungan ini adalah karena sel2 kanker yang datang tadi, memiliki selaput protein yang menyebabkan antibodi tubuh gagal untuk membunuhnya.

Referensi: http://www.webmd.com/

0 Comments on Apa itu Penyakit Kanker Hati as of 11/17/2015 4:36:00 AM
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2. Obat Herbal Kanker Hati Stadium 4

Setiap Penyakit Pastilah Ada Obatnya, Kini telah hadir Obat Herbal Kanker Hati Stadium 4 alami. Telah sekian lamanya praktisi medis menemui jalan buntu untuk menangani penyakit kanker hati stadium 4, mulai dari perawatan modern hingga pengobatan herbal, meskipun pengobatan modern menemukan berbagai metode seperti radioterapi atau kemoterapi, tetapi hingga kini tidak ada yang dapat memberikan kepastian bahwa pengobatan tersebut dapat menyembuhkan penyakit kanker hati secara total.

Untunglah ada berbagai herbal yang ampuh untuk mengobati kanker hati, salah satunya adalah Keladi Tikus atau nama ilmiahnya Typhonium Flagelliforme yang telah berhasil menarik perhatian peneliti, karena berhasil menyembuhkan penyakit kronis termasuk kanker hati stadium 4. Tuhan pencipta alam yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang telah memberikan kesempatan dengan menyediakan herbal yang dapat dijadikan obat bagi penyakit kecuali kematian.

Obat Herbal Kanker Hati Keladi Tikus

Typhonium Flagelliforme adalah nama ilmiah untuk Rodent Tuber dalam Bahasa Inggris atau Keladi Tikus dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Tanaman ini juga dikenal sebagai Tu Ban Xia atau Lao Shu Yu dalam bahasa Cina. Herbal ini dikategorikan sebagai tanaman Araceae yang hanya mencapai ketinggian antara 25cm sampai 30cm saja, dan biasanya tumbuh di dalam habitat lembab yang tidak terkena sinar matahari secara langsung. Keladi tikus memiliki daun hijau yang bulat dan runcing seperti bentuk daun sirih. salah satu bahan aktif; Ribosom inactivating protein (RIPs) yang ada pada Keladi Tikus mampu mengobati penyakit termasuk kanker hati ganas.

Kanker hati adalah sejenis penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh sel-sel yang bermasalah ( bermutasi ) di dalam tubuh seseorang. Sel ini telah mengalami perubahan yang kompleks dan berubah menjadi sel ganas yang membangun sistemnya tersendiri / terpisah dari sistem tubuh kita.

Keladi Tikus mengandung zat yang dapat mengaktifkan fungsi sel darah dengan memproduksi mediator, sehingga merangsang dan mengaktifkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Di Malaysia Keladi Tikus dipakai sebagai obat herbal kanker hati yang penggunaannya disarankan dilakukan berdampingan dengan pengobatan medis seperti kemoterapi atau radioterapi. Pada penderita kanker stadium lanjut yakni stadium 3 dan stadium 4 penggunaan obat herbal Keladi Tikus telah menunjukkan hasil yang sangat positif untuk penyembuhan kanker. Keladi Tikus juga dapat mengatasi efek samping dari pengobatn kemoterapi, seperti rambut rontok, mual, perasaan tidak nyaman dan berkurangnya nafsu makan.

Obat Herbal Kanker Hati Daun Sirsak

Daun sirsak adalah obat herbal kanker hati stadium 4 yang sangat ajaib dengan kekuatan anti kanker 10 ribu kali lebih kuat dari terapi kemo. Daun sirsak memiliki khasiat anti tumor / kanker yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara medis menyembuhkan segala jenis kanker.

Adalah Health Sciences Institute yang pertama kali membuka rahasia khasiat daun sirsak untuk mengobati berbagai jenis kanker, termasuk kanker hati stadium 4. Riset membuktikan daun sirsak memiliki kemampuan untuk:
  1. Menyerang sel kanker secara efektif dan alami, tanpa efek samping yang merugikan tubuh seperti rasa mual, berat badan turun, rambut rontok.
  2. Melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah tubuh dari infeksi berbahaya.
  3. Pasien kanker akan menjadi lebih kuat, lebih sehat selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.
  4. Energi meningkat dan penampilan fisik yang membaik.
Penelitian lain yang dilakukan semenjak tahun 1970 memperoleh hasil temuan yang mengagumkan, yakni:
  • Daun sirsak secara efektif memilih target dan dapat menumpas 12 jenis sel kanker yang berbeda, diantaranya kanker hati.
  • Daya kerjanya 10.000 kali lebih kuat dalam menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker hati dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan
  • Tidak seperti kemoterapi, daun sirsak secara selektif hanya memburu dan membunuh sel-sel kanker dan tidak menyerang sel-sel sehat disekitarnya.

Obat Kanker Hati Herbal K-Muricata

Kini telah hadir obat kanker hati alamiah yang dibuat dengan mengkombinasikan dua herbal pembunuh kanker yakni daun sirsak dan keladi tikus, yakni K-Muricata. Obat herbal ini berbentuk teh dan diproses dengan bioteknologi canggih sehingga menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas tinggi. Selain itu bahan baku yang digunakan hanya diambil dari perkebunan di pedesaan, sehingga terbebas dari pencemaran udara, air dan tanah.

K-Muricata merupakan obat herbal kanker hati yang sangat ampuh bahkan untuk menumpas kanker hati stadium 1 sampai stadium 4 sekalipun.  Keampuhannya telah menolong banyak sekali pasien kanker hati untuk bertahan melawan penyakit ganas ini. Juga tidak terhitung berapa jumlah pasien kanker hati stadium lanjut yang benar-benar tertolong dan seakan-akan mendapatkan kehidupan kedua berkat obat alamiah kanker hati ini.

Bagi Anda yang ingin mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut mengenai obat herbal ini, silahkan kunjungi situs resmi penjualannya di http://grosiramazonplus.com/obat-herbal-kanker-hati/.

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3. Stuck In A Rut

Hey all. I know I've been a bad blogger recently. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still here and still reading. But lately, I feel like I've been stuck in a reviewing rut. It's been starting to feel like homework to me, trying to keep this blog up and running. I've been wanting to go back to simpler times where it was just me and a book, and enjoying the story.
I've been struggling with the thought of shutting down my blog, but I've put a lot of work into it, and I'd hate to see it go to waste. For now, I'm still reading, but I haven't had much of an inspiration to write a review on any of the books I've read lately. Hopefully I'll come across a book that will grab my attention and make me want to start reviewing again. What about you guys? What do you do when you are stuck in a reviewing rut?

1 Comments on Stuck In A Rut, last added: 9/17/2013
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4. 50 Shades of Grey Casting and WTF???

Okay, so many of you know by now that I love the 50 Shades of Grey series. They have just now casted the main characters. Get this. Charlie Hunnam is Christian Grey, and Dakota Johnson is Anastasia Steele.

I honestly don't know what to say about that. I had no clue who these people were, and had to look them up on Wikipedia. Apparently Dakota Johnson did films like The Social Network, Beastly, and 21 Jump Street. And apparently Charlie Hunnam was in TV shows like Queer As Folk, and Sons of Anarchy. Hollywood has totally lost my vision of 50 Shades the movie. I really had no clue who would play a better version of either main character, but I'm sure Hollywood could have given the lead roles to  more established actors. I'm not sure if I'll even watch this movie in the theaters now. Total disappointment. All I'm saying is that the acting skills better be superb. What about you all? What do you think of the lead actors of the 50 Shades of Grey movie?

5 Comments on 50 Shades of Grey Casting and WTF???, last added: 9/5/2013
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5. Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan

                                         Book: Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan
                                         Pages: 422
                                         Genre: New Adult, Romance
                                         Source: Library

Short Synopsis: Emma leaves her old life behind as she attends Standford University. As she continues on, people from her past continue to haunt Emma, no matter what she does.

My Thoughts: This is the first book I can honestly say that I wanted to chuck it out the window after I finished reading it. However, since it was borrowed from the library, unfortunately, I could not.

Emma leaves Weslyn and everyone in it behind to attend Stanford University, just as she always intended. A shell of her former self, she is not the same girl. She is broken, and the only way that she’ll be whole again is through forgiveness. Emma must find a way to forgive herself and recognize her own worth before she can receive the love she deserves. This final installment will have readers holding their breath until the very last page.
--From Goodreads

First off, the writing style was very different. For the first half of the book, it seemed to be entirely in Emma's point of view, which was fine. Then the second half alternated from Emma's to Evan's. It became confusing at some points as to whose point of view I was reading, and the constant switching back and forth was a bit annoying.
I can also honestly say I never had a more dislike of a main character than I did with Emma. She is very self absorbed, selfish, and spoiled. She never thinks about how her actions affect her friends. Yes, she's had a tough past, and a hard life, but there were many times where I wanted to slap Emma and tell her to get a hold of herself. She hurt a lot of people, including her friend Cole, who helped her time and time again, and she just used him. I never understood how her friends remained loyal to Emma, no matter what crap went her way. 
There are a ton of characters that also got on my nerves. I couldn't stand Emma's mother. I couldn't believe the letter Emma's mother left her. It just didn't seem that believable to me, that a parent would leave such a hateful letter. Overall, it had some potential, and I'm glad that there was a happy ending, but it was just too much drama for my liking.

Would I recommend this book: Meh

Rating: I give this book a 2/5. 

1 Comments on Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan, last added: 9/5/2013
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6. Review: The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski

                                        Book: The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski
                                        Pages: 426
                                        Genre: New Adult
                                        Source: Bought

Short Synopsis: 20 year old Camryn runs away from home after a string of unfortunate incidents. With no real destination, Camryn takes a bus ride and meets a mysterious stranger named Andrew who literally sweeps her off her feet.

My Thoughts: Though Camryn seems to have some unbelievably bad luck, I was pleasantly surprised by how enthralled I was with the story, and I couldn't put it down.

Twenty-year-old Camryn Bennett had always been one to think out-of-the-box, who knew she wanted something more in life than following the same repetitive patterns and growing old with the same repetitive life story. And she thought that her life was going in the right direction until everything fell apart.
Determined not to dwell on the negative and push forward, Camryn is set to move in with her best friend and plans to start a new job. But after an unexpected night at the hottest club in downtown North Carolina, she makes the ultimate decision to leave the only life she’s ever known, far behind.
With a purse, a cell phone and a small bag with a few necessities, Camryn, with absolutely no direction or purpose boards a Greyhound bus alone and sets out to find herself. What she finds is a guy named Andrew Parrish, someone not so very different from her and who harbors his own dark secrets. But Camryn swore never to let down her walls again. And she vowed never to fall in love.
But with Andrew, Camryn finds herself doing a lot of things she never thought she’d do. He shows her what it’s really like to live out-of-the-box and to give in to her deepest, darkest desires. On their sporadic road-trip he becomes the center of her exciting and daring new life, pulling love and lust and emotion out of her in ways she never imagined possible. But will Andrew’s dark secret push them inseparably together, or tear them completely apart?
Due to sexual content and language, this book is recommended for 17+ – Adult Contemporary Women’s – New Adult Fiction
--From Goodreads

Wow. This book brought out a string of mixed emotions for me. First off, as a minor character, I hated Camryn's friend Natalie. I'll try not to give away too much of the story, but when Camryn told Natalie what happened between Damon, Natalie's boyfriend, and her, Natalie totally blows Camryn off. I'm sorry, but if her best friend since second grade tells you to eff off, that is definitely not a best friend. I was doubly pissed off when Natalie expects Camryn to forgive her right off the bat.
Best friends aside, I wasn't too thrilled with the whole relationship aspect of the novel. Why did Andrew have to "own" Camryn in order for him to sleep with her? If it was supposed to be a play off of the bdsm angle, it was pretty poor. The sex scenes weren't that mind blowing. They felt a bit secondary compared to the main story of Camryn trying to find herself.
Also, I couldn't help but notice the unfortunate string of horrible incidents that Camryn seems to be getting herself into. It just didn't seem as believable that she had so many horrible incidents. All that aside, I still couldn't help myself from reading on what happens next in Camryn's life. Overall, it was still a pretty decent novel, and I would probably continue on with the story.

Would I recommend this book: Sure

Rating: I give this book a 3.5/5

1 Comments on Review: The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski, last added: 9/5/2013
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7. Update

Okay, so I know I've been a bad blogger these past few weeks, but I had a good excuse I promise! My grandfather had a major surgery so my dad had to fly back home, leaving me to do some heavy work around the house and the store we manage. Thankfully my grandfather is now back in working order. I also had a much needed however short vaca. I attended my cousin's wedding down in Las Vegas. It was a very beautiful and lovely wedding. I also gambled a bit while I was there, but unfortunately, lady luck was not on my side.

Here's a pic of my aunts, uncles, and my cousin in the very back with me at the corner. I had a blast. Also, on this trip, I headed down towards LA to meet up with my other cousins. Since it had been my first time heading back home in God knows how long, I decided to hit the usual must see spots. It was also my first time down in Hollywood, so of course I had to see the Hollywood walk of fame. And of course I had to hit the usual hot spots like Harry Potter and Twilight.

Lord knows that's the closest way I'll ever get to see A list celebs. LOL. I also got to see the famous Hollywood sign that they all put in movies and TV shows. This was a much needed vaca and I'm glad I got to go. This trip also brought me out of my reading funk that I've been having lately, and am back and ready to hit the books for my next big adventure. Hopefully I get back into the rhythm of the wonderful world of book blogging.

1 Comments on Update, last added: 9/5/2013
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8. Review: Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase

                                      E-book: Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase
                                      Pages: 464
                                      Genre: Fiction, Romance
                                      Source: Bought

Short Synopsis: Samantha Rousseau discovers that she has a royal bloodline, and is in fact a duchess. As the queen reinstates Samantha's title, Samantha's life takes a turn as she adjusts to life in the spotlight, and what it means to be royal.

My Thoughts: A very cute read. It felt like an adult version of Princess Diaries. I loved reading what crazy scenarios Samantha would get herself into. 

Samantha Rousseau is used to getting her hands dirty. Working toward a master’s degree in wildlife biology while helping take care of her sick father, she has no time for celebrity gossip, designer clothes, or lazy vacations. So when a duchess from the small country of Lilaria invites her to dinner, Samantha assumes it’s to discuss a donation for the program. The truth will change the course of her life in ways she never dreamed.
Alex D’Lynsal is trying to keep his name clean. As crown prince of Lilaria, he’s had his share of scandalous headlines, but the latest pictures have sent him packing to America and forced him to swear off women—especially women in the public eye. That is, until he meets Samantha Rousseau. She’s stubborn, feisty, and incredibly sexy. Not to mention heiress to an estate in his country, which makes her everyone’s front-page news.
While Sam tries to navigate the new world of politics and wealth, she will also have to dodge her growing feelings for Alex. Giving in to them means more than just falling in love; it would mean accepting the weight of an entire country on her shoulders.
--From Goodreads

Samantha isn't your average character. She's a geeky modern woman who had to live with doing things on her own, and is very independent. She doesn't take crap from others, and also has a thing for birds. I wasn't a fan of the whole bird aspect of the novel, but it was part of her job, as she studies wildlife. Also, though I don't recall the author telling the readers how old Samantha is, as I read along with the story, at times it felt like she was a bit young while other times, it felt like she was older beyond her years. I was also a bit confused as to why the queen of Lilaria wanted to reinstate Samantha's title, other than the fact that she wanted Samantha to serve on the council so that the council would have some new intake. 
All that aside, let's get to the romance of the book. I enjoyed reading about Alex and Sam's relationship. Alex seemed to genuinely care for Sam, and extremely patient as she figured out her feelings, and helped her settle into her new role. I was a bit annoyed at times with Samantha who constantly fought against her attraction towards Alex, but it was understandable that if she did fall for Alex, she would take on a major responsibility of becoming a future queen. 
There are some very hilarious scenes in this novel. One of the most memorable was when Samantha intervened with the waitress who buttered Alex's dinner roll for him, while she didn't really care much for Samantha. I enjoyed the writing style as well. It was well written, and Chase made me feel like I was watching the scenes unfold with a friend. I definitely can't wait for the next installment. 

Would I recommend this book: Yes!

Rating: I give this book a 4.5/5

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9. Review: Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza

No one suspects what she's made of...
Mila was living with her mother in a small Minnesota town when she discovered she was also
living a lie.
She was never meant to learn the truth about her identity. She was never supposed to remember the past.
Now she has no choice but to run--from the dangerous operatives who want her terminated because she knows too much, and from a mysterious group that wants to capture her alive and unlock her advanced technology.
Evading her enemies won't help Mila escape the cruel reality of what she is and cope with everything she has had to leave behind. However, what she's becoming is beyond anyone's imagination, including her own, and that just might save her life.
A compulsively readable sci-fi thriller, Mila 2.0 is Debra Driza's bold debut and the first book in an action-filled, Bourne Identity-style trilogy.
--From Amazon

I'm usually not a a big fan of sci-fi novels that involve robots. This one was no different. I started into this novel, not really knowing what to expect. But as I read further into the story, it just didn't seem really believable for me. One big factor was Mila's reaction to finding out that she was a robot. The reaction didn't seem genuinely believable. It sort of felt like, 'Ho hum. I'm a robot. Okay. What's next?' It really lacked an it factor for me. 
Another thing was the fight scenes. They just didn't seem all that thrilling to me. When Mila tries to save her mother from the goons, it didn't really make an impact on me. It just wasn't really all there, there was no big huge spectacle or anything. 
Also, another thing that was a bit annoying was how Mila's powers seem to magically appear whenever it was convenient. It felt a little too well organized for my liking. Overall, the writing style was okay enough that I might have considered reading on, but the story line fell short for me.

Would I recommend this book: Not really

Rating: I give this book a DNF.

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10. Teaser Tuesdays!

Hey guys! It's time for Teaser Tuesdays. Hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading, this week's teaser is...

Passion. Fate. Loyalty.Would you risk it all to change your destiny?The last thing Kelsey Hayes thought she’d be doing this summer was trying to break a 300-year-old Indian curse. With a mysterious white tiger named Ren. Halfway around the world. But that’s exactly what happened. Face-to-face with dark forces, spellbinding magic, and mystical worlds where nothing is what it seems, Kelsey risks everything to piece together an ancient prophecy that could break the curse forever.Tiger’s Curse is the exciting first volume in an epic fantasy-romance that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.--From Goodreads

My Teasers: "Release the tiger!" he commanded. The doors opened, and a man standing by the cage prodded the animal. I held my breath as an enormous white tiger emerged from the cage, trotted down the ramp, and into the chain-link tunnel."--P.g. 19, "The Tiger's Curse (Book 1 of The Tiger Saga) by Colleen Houck

To play along with Teaser Tuesdays, all you have to do is...

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Be sure to leave your link so I can check out your awesome teasers too :)

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11. Review: Dying To Forget by Trish Marie Dawson

                                  E-book: Dying To Forget by Trish Marie Dawson
                                  Pages: 216
                                  Genre: New Adult
                                  Source: bought

Short Synopsis: Piper Willow commits suicide, after a horrible experience. But instead of heading into heaven or hell, Piper experiences a whole new world, one she isn't sure she's ready for.

My Thoughts: I took a chance on this novel, and I'm glad I did. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel, and how different and unique it was.

Piper Willow dies the summer after her high school graduation but she doesn’t make it to Heaven or Hell…instead she finds herself in a spiritual terminal called the Station. She’s given only two choices: Return to Earth as the subconscious for a person in need of some outside assistance, or move on and spend an eternity lost in her own sorrow and pain.
Does Piper have what it takes to save a life - to be the nagging voice inside someone else’s head - or will she fail and end up lost and tormented in limbo...forever?
--From Goodreads

Piper Willow, is a very unexpected character. While she lives in her human life, she experiences some horrible things that no one should go through. She's a troubled teen, and no matter what, seemed to be heading in the wrong direction. Piper seemed like a believable character, as she shows that she isn't the strongest person, and makes mistakes, but she learns from them, especially when given a second chance.
I loved the world that Dawson created. There was so much depth and uniqueness in the world that she sent Piper through. I had never read anything like it, and for people like Piper who had taken their own lives, it was interesting to see that they would be given a second chance to help someone who is in a similar position like they were.
The rules are different in Piper's new world, and it was interesting to see how girls think when Piper's first experience as a subconscious enters a guy's mind. It was very entertaining to read how attached she grew to the individual, and the hard situations that she gets put in. In general, I really enjoyed this novel, and it ended in such a cliffhanger, that I definitely can't wait to read what happens next.

Would I recommend this book: Yes. Some strong mature content involved.

Rating: I give this book a 4.5/5

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12. Aftermath Blog Tour!

Hey fellow readers. I'm happy to introduce, Aftermath by Jenna-Lynn Duncan, hosted by AToMR

Title:  Aftermath
Author: Jenna-Lynne Duncan
Publisher:  Stolen Kiss Press
Release date:  July 1, 2013
Genre: Paranormal romance/urban fantasy
Age Group: Young Adult
Event organized by: AToMR Tours
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12751789-aftermath
Please add buy links once the book releases on July 1st.

Book Description:
Adriana can’t decide which is harder— living in post-Katrina New Orleans or living with two immortal brothers. Ana and Hayden are finally together but Hayden’s brother Luke is trying to come between them… and he’s never been known to play fair. While Ana still attempts to cling to her normal life, psychic visions take over her dreams. With Mardi Gras season approaching and a vision of a murder, Ana will find out if she can really change the future or if she’s just upsetting a very delicate balance. What she could never predict was just how far Luke would go to satisfy his obsession…

About the Author
Jenna-Lynne Duncan graduated from the University of St. Thomas with degrees in Political Science, International Studies and Middle Eastern Studies. She is the author of the popular young adult series Hurricane. She is currently working on a fourth Hurricane novel as well as another YA series. Besides writing, Jenna-Lynne likes children and travelling. Preferably together.  
To know more about Jenna-Lynne, please visit her website at www.Jenna-Lynne.com

Author social media links:
Twitter: @JennaLynneD or www.Twitter.com/JennaLynneD
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jenna-Lynne-Duncan/198137450227636
GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4957254.Jenna_Lynne_Duncan

Here's a sneak peak of the book: Aftermath by Jenna-Lynne Duncan:

As I went to follow them, Luke stopped me. I stared at his hand curled around my arm, acutely aware of his touch.
When I looked up at him, his eyes became stormy. He licked his lips and then bent down to whisper in my ear. The heat of his breath tickled the sensitive area of my neck as he whispered, “ You can’t expect me to play nice, when you wear something like that. I’m afraid I simply won’t be able to keep my hands off of you.”
My jaw dropped open. His words appalled me—and at the same time excited me.
I recovered my composure. “You'd better keep your hands off me, unless you want me to break your fingers.” I gave him my best menacing smile. Where was this side of me coming from? Strangely, I knew.
“Ohh,” his chest rumbled with laughter. “Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Both.” I snapped as he slowly made his way around to my other ear. This had to stop.
“I look forward to any time where you touch me.” He had circled me, like he was a vulture and I was his prey.
“You’re disgusting!”
“We’ll talk more of what I am later, love. Right now, your friends are waiting.” At his last words, he left me there in the hallway, weak-kneed and boiling with anger.
“No, we will not talk about this later!” I called after him, but it was too late, I had already heard the door to the garage open. And he'd had the last word.


Please note that Livin' Life Through Books is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged properties. The giveaway is hosted through A Tale Of Many Reviews, and not this site. Please, no fake entires. Thank you

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OR link to the giveaway if you cannot post javascript: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/share-code/ZjYyMzdmZDU1MmU0YmE1MTNiNGVmOWFlNWU5MDQyOjI4NA==/

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13. Teaser Tuesdays!

Hey readers. It's time for Teaser Tuesdays. Hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading, this week's teaser is...

Mila 2.0 is the first book in an electrifying sci-fi thriller series about a teenage girl who discovers that she is an experiment in artificial intelligence.
Mila was never meant to learn the truth about her identity. She was a girl living with her mother in a small Minnesota town. She was supposed to forget her past—that she was built in a secret computer science lab and programmed to do things real people would never do.
Now she has no choice but to run—from the dangerous operatives who want her terminated because she knows too much and from a mysterious group that wants to capture her alive and unlock her advanced technology. However, what Mila’s becoming is beyond anyone’s imagination, including her own, and it just might save her life.
Mila 2.0 is Debra Driza’s bold debut and the first book in a Bourne Identity-style trilogy that combines heart-pounding action with a riveting exploration of what it really means to be human. Fans of I Am Number Four will love Mila for who she is and what she longs to be—and a cliffhanger ending will leave them breathlessly awaiting the sequel.
--From Goodreads

My Teasers: "I took in the scene in the blink of an eye. Three men up by the big door--two tall, one short with a wide nose--rummaging through boxes. Mom, tied to the furnace with thin, wiry rope, a splash of gray duct tape over her mouth, staring stoically ahead."
--P.g. 152, "Mila 2.0," by Debra Driza.

To play along with Teaser Tuesdays, all you have to do is...

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Be sure to leave your link so I can check out your awesome teasers too :)

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14. Indelible Blog Tour!

Hey readers! I'm excited to bring to you the Indelible Blog Tour, hosted by AToMR

After a year of partying, Samantha decides to buckle down and focus on college. Things are going great until a one-night stand leaves her pregnant and alone. Raising a child while going to school isn’t easy, but Sam is determined to be strong for her daughter. She doesn’t have time for guys or relationships, and takes great care to protect her child and her heart.
Judd doesn’t fit the mold of a college ballplayer. His long hair and tattoos may fit the life he’s created for himself, but baseball is the one thing he takes seriously. When he meets Sam, he’s immediately drawn to her curves and refusal to put up with his crap. When Judd learns the truth, can he handle the responsibility that comes with loving a single mother?
Sam yearns for the fire that Judd fuels in her, but her child’s needs have to come first. Can two people at different stages in their life find a way to make a life together?

Facts about Indelible
By Bethany Lopez

I try to make all of my characters have layers to them, not just be one-dimensional, and I really had fun with, not only Sam & Judd, but the secondary characters in this book. James is probably my favorite character in the book.
My favorite scenes to write are the emotional ones. When I’m getting choked up while writing, I know I’m on to something. I cried a few times writing this book. Not necessarily from sadness, but this book really touched me.
There is a little piece of me in all of my books, but I think Sam is the most like me. That’s why this book is terrifying for me to release.
I wanted Sam to come across as protective and stubborn, but likeable. Sometimes it’s a fine line, and I really hope I was able to convey her true character. She’s a strong and caring woman who will do anything for her child.
My husband loves baseball… like really loves it! So when I decided to have Judd in school playing a sport, baseball was the obvious choice. My son was in Little League while I was writing, so I would ask him questions while I was writing, like, “If you’re on first base, who do you warm up with before the game.” He was really excited to help me out.

Add Indelible to your reading:

Goodreads–  HYPERLINK "http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17855632-indelible" http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17855632-indelible

Barnes & Noble:  HYPERLINK "http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/indelible-bethany-lopez/1115785914?ean=2940148218272&itm=1&usri=indelible" \t "_blank" http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/indelible-bethany-lopez/1115785914?ean=2940148218272&itm=1&usri=indelible

Amazon:  HYPERLINK "http://www.amazon.com/Indelible-ebook/dp/B00DSQ81OA/ref=sr_1_1_title_1_kin?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1373645046&sr=1-1" \t "_blank" http://www.amazon.com/Indelible-ebook/dp/B00DSQ81OA/ref=sr_1_1_title_1_kin?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1373645046&sr=1-1

Smashwords:  HYPERLINK "https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/333321" \t "_blank" https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/333321

You can find Bethany Lopez at:

IAN -  HYPERLINK "http://www.independentauthornetwork.com/bethany-lopez.html" \t "_blank" http://www.independentauthornetwork.com/bethany-lopez.html
Webpage -  HYPERLINK "http://www.bethanylopez.blogspot.com" \t "_blank" www.bethanylopez.blogspot.com
Twitter -  HYPERLINK "https://twitter.com/" \l "!/BethanyLopez2" \t "_blank" https://twitter.com/#!/BethanyLopez2
Facebook -  HYPERLINK "http://on.fb.me/LypEaO" \t "_blank" http://on.fb.me/LypEaO
Pinterest -  HYPERLINK "http://pinterest.com/bethanylopez2/" \t "_blank" http://pinterest.com/bethanylopez2/


Livin' Life Through Books is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property. The prize is dealt with through A Tale of Many Reviews Tours. Please no fake entries.

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15. Review: Falling For A Bently by Adriana Law

Victoria Anderson is an outcast with an odd fascination with birds. What she wants more than anything is to be seen and heard.
Sterling Bentley wants the opposite. He wants to disappear; fade away into the blackness that has enveloped his life. In the midst of the struggle of his life, the last thing he needs is the responsibility of caring for some timid damaged girl, or maybe that’s exactly what he needs.
--From Goodreads

I honestly do not know how this book got such great marks. I took a chance on it and could not complete it at all. This novel must not have been proof read at all. There were multiple spelling mistakes, grammar problems, and different usage of tense in one sentence. Aside from all the technical issues, I could not stand the characters. The main character Victoria is a complete walking doormat. She never sticks up for herself and I wanted to slap some sense in her. I had never been so annoyed with a main character. Her boyfriend, Colton wasn't that much better either. He was a complete jerk to the extreme and constantly takes advantage of Victoria without even really acknowledging her. Sterling was the only real main character that didn't get on my nerves. He stood up for Victoria when she couldn't do it herself, and didn't care what most people thought of him. Overall, this was not a good one for me.

Would I recommend this book: Definitely not

Rating: I give this book a DNF.

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16. Teaser Tuesdays!

Hey readers! It's time for Teaser Tuesdays! Hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading, this week's teaser is...

Piper Willow dies the summer after her high school graduation but she doesn’t make it to Heaven or Hell…instead she finds herself in a spiritual terminal called the Station. She’s given only two choices: Return to Earth as the subconscious for a person in need of some outside assistance, or move on and spend an eternity lost in her own sorrow and pain.
Does Piper have what it takes to save a life - to be the nagging voice inside someone else’s head - or will she fail and end up lost and tormented in limbo...forever?
--From Goodreads

My Teasers: "I spend the night talking to Sloan about the gun, It's time for him to get rid of it. He hasn't even thought of it for some time, which is great. But I can't stop focusing on it--not till it's gone. I feel like it might be the only real threat left for him."
--P.g. 108, "Dying To Forget (The Station)," by Trish Marie Dawson.

To play along with Teaser Tuesdays, all you have to do is:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Be sure to leave your link so I can check out your awesome teasers too! :)

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17. Review: Sometimes Never by Cheryl McIntyre

                                           E-book: Sometimes Never by Cheryl McIntyre
                                           Pages: 482
                                           Genre: New Adult
                                           Source: Bought

Short Synopsis: Hope has a troubled past, and doesn't do commitments. Mason is new to town and immediately falls for the strong, independent Hope. What he doesn't know is that Hope is a damaged, tortured individual, with a hurtful past.

My Thoughts: An interesting read, everyone in this novel seems messed up emotionally. Wondering if that's the new trend in New Adult?

Hope didn't have the best role model when it came to relationships. She’s content with her current no-strings-attached extracurricular activity with the lead singer of her band. She’s never believed in love and commitment.
Mason starts his eighth school in five years anticipating nothing more than the usual—boring classes, fighting more than making friends, and girls happily willing to succumb to his easy smile. He’s never put much stock into love at first sight—until he sees her.
Regardless of their painful pasts, Hope and Mason discover that sometimes never can become forever.
--From Goodreads

Hope is a seriously messed up individual. Her mother neglected her, and her mother's boyfriends have abused her. Hope doesn't do commitments, until she meets Mason. Mason, just moved with his mother and younger brother, and is a bit of a womanizer. Mason first meets Hope when she beats up a jock for picking on her friend.
I found it a bit unbelievable that when Mason first sees her, that it's love at first sight. He knows nothing about her or the situation that's going on, and comes to her rescue. I also found it annoying that though Hope doesn't define her relationship with most guys, she falls head over heels with Mason, and practically changes her ways.
This novel is definitely for older teens. There's a lot of sensitive issues involved. Sex, rape, and cutting, are involved in this serious novel. The writing style flowed through easily enough, and kept me interested. I wasn't a fan of the multiple POV of Hope and Mason.
Their mutual friend, Park, was a bit of a jerk, most of the time, and had no redeeming qualities. Even when Park and Guy get into an accident, Park didn't really own up to his mistake. Overall, it was an interesting read, with very deep, sensitive issues.

Would I recommend this book: Sure

Rating: I give this book a 3.5/5.

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18. In My Mailbox!

Hey readers! It's time for In My Mailbox! Created by The Story Siren, hosted by The Mod Podge Bookshelf, this week I got...

Sent from McMillan Publishing:

Charm and Strange -- Stephanie Kuehn

Tidal -- Amanda Hocking.

That's all the books I got this week. Be sure to leave your link so I can check out your awesome books too :)

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19. Teaser Tuesdays!

Hey readers! It's time for Teaser Tuesdays! Hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading, this week's teaser is...

Hope didn't have the best role model when it came to relationships. She’s content with her current no-strings-attached extracurricular activity with the lead singer of her band. She’s never believed in love and commitment.
Mason starts his eighth school in five years anticipating nothing more than the usual—boring classes, fighting more than making friends, and girls happily willing to succumb to his easy smile. He’s never put much stock into love at first sight—until he sees her.
Regardless of their painful pasts, Hope and Mason discover that sometimes never can become forever.
*This is a mature young adult. Recommended for 17+ due to sensitive subject material, harsh language, and sexual situations.
--From Goodreads

My Teasers: "Mason leans into me, trailing kisses from my ear to my jaw. When he moves to my chin I drop my head so he meets my lips instead. I open my mouth against his, parting his lips in the process. He murmurs something indecipherable and sinks into the kiss. I twist my fingers into his hair and he groans, pulling slowly away."
--P.g. 317, "Sometimes Never," by Cheryl McIntyre

To play along with Teaser Tuesdays, all you have to do is:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Be sure to leave your link so I can check out your teasers too! :)

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20. Review: Damaged 2 by H.M. Ward

                                       E-book: Damaged by H.M. Ward
                                       Pages: 324
                                       Genre: New Adult
                                       Source: bought

Short Synopsis: Sidney must travel back home to her dying mother. Along to help her on the way is her loyal friend, Millie, and Peter. She also encounters her ex, Dean, and things become even more dangerous than they bargained for.

My Thoughts: Last year, Colleen Hoover was my new found favorite author. This year, it's H.M. Ward. I'm glad I was able to discover this author, and am addicted to Ward's novels.

Home isn't supposed to be dangerous, but for Sidney it is. Returning home means that she has to face her past. It's not just the man who hurt Sidney that makes it horrible, but the family that didn't believe her. They were dead to her, but now that her mom is really dying things seem different. It's a chance to set things right.
What Sidney doesn't realize is that she's dragging Peter into a collision course with his past. Peter must deal with the demons haunting him if he wants to move forward with Sidney. He's willing to give up everything for her, even wade deeper into his past life to help her move forward. But, Peter isn't sure if he can get over what happened to him in New York.
--From Goodreads

Wow. This novel/series was a whirlwind of drama, love, and adventure. Sidney is a very damaged individual thanks all in part from her ex boyfriend, Dean. She's trying to survive the emotional and literal scars that were placed. She doesn't always accept help when she needs it most, and is a very stubborn individual. I wasn't a fan of how Sidney reacted towards who Peter really was. They were both hiding from their pasts, and Sidney should have been a bit more understanding and forgiving than she let on. 
Peter is also a seriously messed up individual. His family isn't always the most supportive, and they in turn are pretty screwed up too. But when he meets Sidney, his life is turned upside down, and he doesn't want to let go. he is relentless at getting what he wants. He's a very dominant character who cares for Sidney deeply, and accepts her wholly, flaws and all.
Ward creates a world filled of tortured individuals, all trying to forget their pasts, and creating new futures. Ward makes it work. Their heartache and drama filled between these two characters leave the readers wanting more. I wasn't particularly fond of the ending, as it was very clean cut, into one tiny neat package, but was glad that there was a happy ending. In this dark and twisted world, revenge doesn't always mean justice. And it takes forgiveness to bring new beginnings. 

Would I recommend this book: Yes

Rating: I give this book a 4.5/5.

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21. Some Minor Changes

Hey all. Though as much as I hate to do this, I have re-instated captcha on my blog when commenting. I got spammed five times already this week. I really hate the darn captcha system because it makes me feel old when I have to squint and try to guess what it says, but if it helps to decrease the spamming comments, I think I'll try anything at this moment.
I don't know about you all, but I've never really gotten spam at all until this year. Spammers have taken all the fun out of commenting. What do you as other bloggers do to help lessen the spammy comments? I still hope you all are not threatened by the captcha and will continue commenting. I will likewise return the favor :)

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22. Review: Surrender Your Love by J.C. Creed

Meeting Jett was like lightning. Dangerous. Better left untouched. And better forgotten. But lightning always strikes twice.
Brooke Stewart, a realtor in New York, doesn’t do relationships. When she’s sent to a remote estate to finalize a real estate deal, she discovers her new boss is no other than the guy she left naked in bed.
Sexy, dangerously handsome, and arrogant Jett Mayfield attracts trouble, and women, like a lightning rod. But the night he meets Brooke he gets more than he bargained for. The green-eyed millionaire playboy isn’t used to taking no for an answer, and he isn’t about to start now.
When he proposes two months of no strings sex, Brooke is intrigued and accepts his proposal. Little does she know Jett’s determined to claim the one woman he can’t have, pulling her deeper into his dangerous world.
A man who doesn't take 'no' for an answer.
A woman afraid to surrender to love.
Two lives that are about to cross...and secrets laid bare.
--From Goodreads

First off, I was pretty surprised by the positive reviews on this one. I was excited to get this what with all the good reviews and all. Half way into the novel I had to call it quits. The writing was subpar at best. There was a lot of repeat descriptive words that made me really annoyed. Creed seemed to only know the words, "He said hoarsely," and "She was mortified." If I had to read another sentence with those words I would have ended up "super annoyed." If I recall correctly, there was also a scene where Creed wrote, "She was mortified," and it didn't seem to fit with the situation at all. I don't take notes when reading, and can usually remember what I want to say for a review, but this one I couldn't even remember what the story was about. Finally, I just gave up and moved onto something that was worth my time. Thankfully I'd only wasted 99 cents for it.

Would I recommend this book: No

Rating: I give this book a DNF.

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23. Teaser Tuesdays!

Hey readers. It's time for Teaser Tuesdays! Hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading, this week's teaser is...

Home isn't supposed to be dangerous, but for Sidney it is. Returning home means that she has to face her past. It's not just the man who hurt Sidney that makes it horrible, but the family that didn't believe her. They were dead to her, but now that her mom is really dying things seem different. It's a chance to set things right.
What Sidney doesn't realize is that she's dragging Peter into a collision course with his past. Peter must deal with the demons haunting him if he wants to move forward with Sidney. He's willing to give up everything for her, even wade deeper into his past life to help her move forward. But, Peter isn't sure if he can get over what happened to him in New York.
--From Goodreads

My Teasers: "I slam his door and lean in through the open window. Peter glances over at me. "Who says that I wasn't before? I almost had pity sex with you. Talk about scraping a carcass off the road." I wink at him and walk around the car.
-- "Damaged 2" by H.M. Ward, 27% on my kindle

To play along with Teaser Tuesdays, all you have to do is:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Be sure to leave your link so I can check out your fun teasers too :)

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24. Review: Night School by C.J. Daugherty

                                          Book: Night School by C.J. Daugherty
                                          *Contains spoilers
                                          Pages: 454
                                          Genre: Young Adult
                                          Source: Library

Short Synopsis: Allie's parents have had enough of her delinquent behavior, and sent her to Cimmeria Academy. Allie quickly discovers that all isn't as it seems, and even the school has its own secrets.

My Thoughts: I was a bit annoyed with all the mysteriousness, but I still found it pretty interesting and kept me entertained.

Allie Sheridan’s world is falling apart. Her brother’s run away from home. Her parents ignore her. And she’s just been arrested.
This time her parents have had enough. They cut her off from her friends and send her away to boarding school, far from her London friends.
But at Cimmeria Academy, Allie is soon caught up in the strange activities of a secret group of elite students.
When she’s attacked late one night the incident sets off a chain of increasingly violent events. As the school begins to seem like a very dangerous place, she finds out that nothing at Cimmeria is what it seems to be.
And that she is not who she thought she was.
--From Goodreads

Truth be told, when I first got this novel, I thought it would be set in a paranormal world. Boy was I wrong. Allie is a meddler. She knows the school has its own secrets, and doesn't stop asking questions until she gets what she wants. At first she's devastated that her parents left her at a boarding school, but as she grows accustomed to its unusual ways, she discovers that she really loves it, and haven't really given her parents a second thought. I was a bit skeptical that Allie never really wanted to contact her parents to even so much say an, 'I miss you.' Aside from her non apparent homesickness, I was a bit annoyed with the writing. It felt like it was trying a bit too hard to be mysterious. 
Another issue I had was with Sylvain. I hated that he tried to take advantage of Allie, and expected to be back in her good graces. It felt like he was a thorn that wouldn't go away. Even when Allie and Carter became an item, Sylvain would not take the hint. Sylvain sort of felt like a stalker after Allie broke up with him. 
I'm not sure what to make of the whole night school business within a regular boarding school. It's interesting, yet I disliked how everyone was keeping secrets. But the secrets come out sooner or later, as everyone is a huge gossip. Overall, this novel is a complex, and colorful work, with interesting characters that make up the world of night school. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Would I recommend this book: Sure

Rating: I give this book a 3.5/5

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25. In My Mailbox!


It's time for In My Mailbox! Created by The Story Siren, hosted by The Mod Podge Bookshelf, this week I got...

From Library:

DVD of The Silber Linings Playbook

Raziel -- Kristina Douglas

All I Need -- Susane Colasanti 

Beloved of The Fallen --Savannah Kline


e-book copy of Surrender Your Love -- J.C. Creed

Sometimes Never -- Cheryl McIntyre 

That's all the things I got this week. Be sure to leave your link so I can check out your awesome reads too. :)

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