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26. 12 Days of Giveaways! Win a Print Copy of Black Hellebore!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Nicole Zoltack here. I'm so glad to have this chance to talk to you, readers. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays. I love the sense of hope and peace it brings, the family togetherness, and, of course, giving.

But I'll get back to the giving in a moment.

First, I wanted to talk to you about two of romances, both Christmas romances.


A medieval knight. A Regency lady. The magical Christmas that brings them together.

It's only 99 cents!


In this collection of novellas, the Bluestocking Belles bring you seven runaway Regency brides resisting and romancing their holiday heroes under the mistletoe. Whether scampering away or dashing toward their destinies, avoiding a rogue or chasing after a scoundrel, these ladies and their gentlemen leave miles of mayhem behind them on the slippery road to a happy-ever-after. 

***All proceeds benefit the Malala Fund.*** 

Again, only 99 cents!

And now, back to the giveaway!

I'm giving away a print copy of BLACK HELLEBORE. It's the first book in a trilogy, the Heroes of Falledge. Hey, even superheroes need love too, right?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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27. 12 Days of Giveaways - Jason Zandri

Today's guest is Jason Zandri.

As part of my involvement in the Twelve Giveaways of Christmas Blog Tour I am doing a couple of things -a Rafflecopter giveaway and I am going to offer one part of the "10 Painfully Obvious Truths Everyone Forgets Too Soon" posting (Credits: by Marc Chernoff, marcandangel) and my own thoughts on it.
Today's is:
1.  The average human life is relatively short.
We know deep down that life is short, and that death will happen to all of us eventually, and yet we are infinitely surprised when it happens to someone we know.  It’s like walking up a flight of stairs with a distracted mind, and misjudging the final step.  You expected there to be one more stair than there is, and so you find yourself off balance for a moment, before your mind shifts back to the present moment and how the world really is.
LIVE your life TODAY!  Don’t ignore death, but don’t be afraid of it either.  Be afraid of a life you never lived because you were too afraid to take action.  Death is not the greatest loss in life.  The greatest loss is what dies inside you while you’re still alive.  Be bold.  Be courageous.  Be scared to death, and then take the next step anyway.
A number of things come to mind when I read this, but I suppose it's the simple thought of "plan your life like you might live forever but live it as if it might end tomorrow."
Yes, you want to make sure to take the time to save for a house, a vacation, retirement, and so forth, but no one ever lay on their deathbed saying "damn, I really wish I could have put in 100 more hours at work."
  • Take the vacation.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Buy an ice cream cone for yourself.
  • Step outside on a sunny day; soak in the rays.
  • Step outside into the rainstorm; let the water wash over you.
  • Grab an extra hour of sleep.
  • Call a loved one and just BS on the phone.
  • Go over and see them.
  • Buy a bag of dog food and bring it to the animal shelter.
  • Clear out the canned goods that are about to expire at home and donate them to a food pantry for the less fortunate.
  • Sing or dance like nobody is watching / listening.
  • If there are people around, do it anyway.
  • Play with your kids / grandkids.
  • If they are older, take them to lunch (or that ice cream cone).
  • Forgive someone for their trespass; you do not have to forget what occurred, but perhaps it's time to let part of it go.
  • Ask for forgiveness for a trespass of your own; if you are not forgiven by them, at least forgive yourself.
I will close my thoughts by looping back on what I said prior - "plan your life like you might live forever but live it as if it might end tomorrow."
You want to do whatever you can that is timely and practical as far as working and savings so that you can have the best chance to have the same kind of life in your final years as you experienced your working adult life.
With that I emphasize two additional 'moderation' thoughts:
Do something 'small' tomorrow for yourself, in case it does in fact end up being your last day.
You are never going to see an armored car follow a hearse; find a balance in what you are putting off for 'down the road' and what you could do, streamlined, next weekend.

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28. 12 Days of Giveaway - Britany Mills

Hi, everyone! Britany Mills is going to take over my blog today to kick off our event. Take it away, Britney!

 I am so excited to be part of this fun book giveaway for Christmas! There are a bunch of fun authors participating and so many chances to get a great book!

   Book Giveaway1 

 I'm giving away a few copies of my book, #ShareChristmas, that I finished a few weeks ago. I love Christmas stories, the short ones that make you want to cry because of the goodness of people. The reason I wanted to write a bunch of short Christmas stories is because there are so many different family situations that you might come across during the holiday season and I think by showing what people are going through, we can all be a little bit more sympathetic.

  #ShareChristmas book cover 

 There are ten stories that are all fiction but based on things that have happened in my life or in other's life that I have witnessed and so hopefully you can connect with a few of them. This is a great book to add to your Christmas collection and even has a bunch of fun activities to do with your kids to keep the real meaning of Christmas in your home during this great holiday! 

 Plus, I'm also giving away a few more editing opportunities! Make sure to enter now! 

Make sure to check out all of the other great giveaways happening and I hope this is a great holiday for you and your family!

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29. Welcome to the Second Stop of the Belles Holiday Wassailing Tour

A warm and merry welcome to you! The Baron and Baroness Welles their daughters Jean and her husband and Eliza and her betrothed Stephen of JOY TO THE WORLD could not be happier to invite you into their humble abode. Things had been a little unnerving when Stephen, the Duke of Wyndale, had showed up late to his wedding with Eliza, a wedding which has now been postponed. Hopefully there will be no further complications with their next wedding.


To win a signed, print copy of The Test of Time with swag, comment below with your favorite holiday cookie and the answer to be found at the previous stop on the tour, Jude Knight's blog.

What is the title of Jude Knight's contribution to Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem?


Eliza, Stephen, Jean, and Lord and Lady Welles are characters in Joy to the World, in Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem

Eliza Berkeley
Eliza Berkeley enjoys going for walks and playing on her pianoforte. As the second daughter of a baron, she never expects a duke to look her way. When one does, and proposes, she immediately accepts, never suspecting that she might be taken by a reprobate

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Stephen Huntington
Stephen Huntington, Duke of Wyndale, enjoys drinking, gaming, and wenching. He loves the ladies, and they love him. Settling down is not in his future… until he learns that he is to be wed on the morrow to a woman he has never met.


Stephen made his way to Eliza's side. She shyly glanced his way. He was clapping mightily.

"Lovely singing," he exclaimed. "Perhaps you could play on the pianoforte, Miss Berkeley?"

"Perhaps." She flushed under the heat of his gaze. "But first, would everyonel care to have wassail?"


Traditional Wassail
Recipe by: Jenny McGruther

This traditional wassail recipe features hard cider, sugar-roasted apples, brandy and sweet spices. It is a simple, old-fashioned recipe.

·       4 small apples
·       1 cup unrefined cane sugar
·       1 medium orange
·       13 whole cloves
·       2 quarts hard apple cider
·       1/2 cup brandy
·       1 tbsp powdered ginger
·       1 tsp grated nutmeg
·       6 allspice berries
·       2 cinnamon sticks
·       6 large eggs, (separated)
·       toast, (optional, to serve with)

·       Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
·       Scoop out the core of the apples without fully penetrating the apple – a melon baller works well. Fill each apple with about a tablespoon of unrefined cane sugar. Place the apples in the baking sheet. Stud an orange with thirteen cloves and place it in the baking sheet. Bake the apples and orange together for forty minutes.
·       While the apples and orange bake, pour apple cider and brandy into a heavy-bottomed stock pot and warm over moderately low heat. Whisk in powdered ginger and grated nutmeg. Do not bring the wassail to a boil.
·       Cut a small square of the butter muslin and place allspice and cinnamon into the square; tie with 100% cotton cooking twine and float this sachet of spices in the wassail as it warms.
·       Beat egg yolks until light in color and set aside. In a separate bowl, whip egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold egg yolks into whites, then temper the eggs by slowly pouring one-half cup wassail into the eggs. Remove the spice sachet from the wassail and pour in the tempered eggs. Transfer to a punch bowl. Float baked apples and oranges in the wassail and serve by the mug, topping each much with a small slice of toast if desired.

    Excerpt from Joy to the World

    It had been years since Stephen last touched a pianoforte’s keys. To his trained ears, his lack of practice was evident, so evident he almost stopped playing. Only the intent eyes of the lady beside him forced him to push through it. Eventually, his fingers cooperated, and he tempted the instrument to play something resembling music. 

    When he finished, Eliza said, “That was...” 

    “Not as good as yours.” He grimaced. Failure was not something he was accustomed to, and why he had offered to play in the first place, he did not know. 

    She did not disagree with him. His frown only deepened, but then, he smiled. Eliza did not feel the need to agree with his every word... Was that for good or for ill? 

    “Who taught you to play?” Her fingers hovered above the keys. “I have not seen a male pianoforte player before.”

    “My mother.”

    “Ah.” She nodded as if that explained much.

    “She always wished for a daughter, but I was her only child.”

    Again, that same nod.

    He fidgeted, suddenly uncomfortable. “Did you play for him?”

    Eliza paused and tilted her head, considering. “No. There was no time for it.”

    Ah, something he had over the impostor. This greatly pleased him, which, in turn, worried him.


    Eliza's father clapped his hand. "Please, join us for some food and drink. I insist."

    His wife nodded. "But of course. I do hope you enjoy lobster."

    Stephen smiled widely. "Lobster is a great favorite of mine."

    "Good." Lady Welles turned to you. "Yours as well, I pray."


    Lobster au Gratin

    As served at the Christmas dinner of the Duke of Buckingham in 1808, with the expatriate French king, Louis XVIII
    Recipe from: A Complete System of Cookery, 4th Ed., by John Simpson, Cook to the late Marquis of Buckingham.

    Cut up a lobster, take the fish out, cut it in small pieces, and put it into a stewpan with a little sauce tourney, pepper and salt, and a little anchovy essence. Mix it all together, split the tail and body shell; put the lobster in, and cover it over with bread crumbs; drop clarified butter over the lobster, and put it in the oven to brown: if for meagre, use cream.


    "Eliza, will you be a dear and fetch some elder wine for our guest?" her mother asked.

    Eliza glanced at Stephen. "Will you help me?"

    "Of course."

    As Eliza walked past her sister, Jean gave her a wise smile. "He looks favorably upon you."

    Eliza blushed and hurried to catch up to her betrothed. No one but herself and Stephen knew that the man she had been about to marry had not actually been the Duke of Wyndale. This Stephen was the true duke. And he had stepped into the impostor's shoes and agreed to marry her, if she wished, to save her name and her family from scandal.

    Lately, though, she could not help but wonder what it would be like to marry him for him and not for the sake of her family... Although what Stephen would think of that, she surely did not know.


    Elder Wine 

    Recipe from: A New System of Domestic Cookery: Founded up Principles of Economy; and Adapted to the Use of Private Families, by Mrs. Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell

    To every quart of berries put two quarts of water, boil half an hour, run the liquor, and break the fruit through a hair sieve; then to every quart of juice put three quarters of a pound of Lisbon sugar, coarse but not the very coarsest. Boil the whole a quarter of an hour with some Jamaica peppers, gingers, and a few cloves. Pour it into a tub, and when of a proper warmth, into the barrel, with toast and yeast to work, which there is more difficulty to make it do than most other liquors. When it ceases to hiss, put a quart of brandy to eight gallons, and stop up. Bottle in the spring or at Christmas. The liquor must be in a warm place to make it work.

    With thanks to Jane Austen’s World (Please see link for an in-depth discussion of the recipe)


    In this collection of novellas, the Bluestocking Belles bring you seven runaway Regency brides resisting and romancing their holiday heroes under the mistletoe. Whether scampering away or dashing toward their destinies, avoiding a rogue or chasing after a scoundrel, these ladies and their gentlemen leave miles of mayhem behind them on the slippery road to a happy-ever-after. 

    ***All proceeds benefit the Malala Fund.*** 


    Eliza waved with her family as they saw you off with directions to the next stop. "Do take care and Merry Christmas!" she called.


    Make sure you visit all of the Belles' holiday wassailing stops, with a different Regency era Christmas carol, dinner selection, and beverage, and wassail recipes at every stop that you can make in the modern kitchen.
    • 4 Dec: Jude Knight: The First Course, Regency White Soup
    • 7 Dec: Nicole Zoltack: The Second Course, Lobster au Gratin
    • 9 Dec: Amy Rose Bennett: The Third Course, A Stuffed Christmas Turkey
    • 11 Dec: Susana Ellis: The Fourth Course, A Yorkshire Pie
    • 14 Dec: Vanessa Riley: The Fifth Course, English Bread
    • 16 Dec: Caroline Warfield: The Sixth Course, Jerusalem Artichoke a la Crème
    • 18 Dec: Sherry Ewing: The Seventh Course, Mince Pies
    • 21 Dec: Mariana Gabrielle: The Eighth Course, Christmas Pudding
    Digital Christmas Card by EKDuncan using digital Christmas ornaments of Regency ladies


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    30. New Adult Scavenger Hunt with Melissa West and Giveaways!

    NewASH Banner 3
    Welcome to New Adult Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event was inspired as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors…and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize–one lucky winner will receive one book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours!
    Go to the New Adult Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are TWO contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all! I am a part of the TEAM GREEN–but there is also a blue team for a chance to win a whole different set of books!
    If you’d like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the New Adult Scavenger Hunt page.
    Directions: Below, you’ll notice that I’ve listed my lucky book number. Collect the lucky book numbers of all the authors on Team Blue, and then add them up (don’t worry, you can use a calculator!).
    Entry Form: Once you’ve added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.
    Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian’s permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by April 26th, at noon Eastern Time. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.


    NO KISSING ALLOWED By Melissa West
    Deleted Scene

    I rushed out of the bar and into the continuous noise that was New York City. Even at midnight, the streets were crowded with honking cars, the sidewalk overrun with people going out, going home, going about their lives. I found myself jealous of them. All I wanted was one last night, but I wasn’t that girl. The kind that hooked up with random guys just to do it. I blamed Trent, my college boyfriend, who I found, not so secretly, screwing his female roommate. I should have known. But now I found myself desperate to prove that I still had it. That I was attractive and sexy. That guys would want to be with me without seeking out someone else. In short, it had bruised my ego and now I was fighting to nurse it back to health.
    I lifted my left leg to tighten the buckle on my heel, just as someone rushed past me, knocking me off balance. I reached out for the first thing I could find and my hands wrapped around a hard surface. I glanced up to see what wall I had nearly face planted against and straight into the chocolate brown eyes of a man that could be Chris Hemsworth’s twin. If he opened his mouth and spout out an Australian accent, I was going to faint. His dirty blond hair laid across his forehead in a way that said it knew it was perfect and didn't need ick and stick to make it that way. I reached out to touch the pretty hair and he jerked back, his face painted with humor. "Are you all right? You seem a little..."
    Okay, clearly the buzz I thought was wearing off was still very much in place. I closed my eyes. God. I just tried to touch some stranger's hair. I realized I still had my hands on his biceps, which were so impeccably toned I had to wonder if he was flexing. No one had arms this hard. No one except Chris Hemsworth, but he wasn't real. Well, I guess he was real, but not real-real.
    Thor Guy bent down so he was on my eye level, his mouth curved up at one corner. "Hello?"
    I stepped away from him, suddenly embarrassed and tired and wishing I had listened to Mom's speech about responsibility and all that because I wouldn't be on the street, stroking the arm of some stranger, who kept looking at me like I was a lost puppy. Or a street act. I couldn't be sure.
    "Uh, yeah. I'm fine. Thanks." I spun on my heels and went in the opposite direction—even though my apartment was only a few blocks away and I was now going the wrong way. I had to get out of there with the little bit of dignity I had left.
    "Wait," the man called. I didn't stop. He reached out for my arm.
    "Yes?” I said, turning to look at him. I noticed for the first time that he was wearing a suit. Black with clean lines. Expensive. His white button down was unbuttoned at the top and his red tie had been loosened at the collar. I wondered if he, like me, had just left a bar. It was late. I couldn't imagine he was coming from work.
    He shook his head, a grin on his face. “I’ve had a long day, and by the looks of it, so have you. There’s another bar just down there.” He pointed past me. “Since this one doesn’t seem to be a favorite. Would you like to get a drink?”
    I drew a breath. “I shouldn’t.”
    “Just one.”
    I fought the urge to smooth down my hair, and that was when I caught sight of Random Bar Guy through the bar’s glass door. He was looking around, carrying something in his hand. Shit. My jacket. In my effort to flee, I must have left it behind.
    I eyed the Michael Kors jacket, torn between the three-hundred dollars I’d spent on it and my self-respect. This was why Lauren said I needed therapy for my fashion addiction. If I’d only spent fifty bucks on it, I would walk away without a second glance. Damn it. My heart clenched at the sight of the camel-toned leather. It was so soft, so pretty, fit so perfectly. I sighed heavily.
    “Do you know him?” Thor asked, his gaze following mine.
    I bit the inside of my cheek, fighting the urge to cry. I loved that jacket. I let my eyes drift back up to his, resolved that I would have to say goodbye to it. So long, beautiful jacket, our time together was fun. “No,” I said with a smile. “I thought he was someone I knew, but I was wrong. So, about that drink.”
    His grin widened and he placed a firm hand on my back, directing me toward the bar.
    We settled into the far right corner of the bar, him ordering a scotch neat, me a vodka tonic. Losing the jacket had sobered me up fast and I needed a quick fix to heal the hole in my heart. I scolded myself for wearing it at all, but the early fall air in the city had proved to be chilly at night and the Southern girl in me couldn’t survive the chill without a jacket.
    I remembered my mother’s face when I told her I’d decided on NYU for college. She looked as though I told her I was going to school in Africa. She hoped I would choose Alabama or Tennessee or any one of the other acceptable Southern universities, which meant a school with a solid football program, because to my family, college was not college without football. But I knew what I wanted to do with my life and I couldn’t do it in the South. I had always loved the idea of advertising and marketing, so when someone from Sanderson-Lowe, the top advertising agency in the country, came to our career day at school, I sat, eyes wide, listening to every word she said. I knew there was no other career for me. I researched the top agencies in the country, and sure enough, all of them were in New York. I remembered applying to NYU and thinking that even though my grades were amazing and my college fund was more than enough to cover the tuition, I would never get in, never get to go. But then I received my acceptance packet and everything felt right in my world. Four years and two internships later, and I was there, in New York, the day before my first day as Assistant Account Manager at Sanderson-Lowe. I could almost squeal. Of course, I would be poor. I would be less than poor. But I would be doing what I loved and that was enough. For now.
    “I’m Aidan, by the way,” Thor said, bringing me back to the moment.
    “Cameron.” I bit my lip to keep from smiling. He was the sort of man you wanted to smile at just to guarantee you kept his attention. “So what do you do, Mr. Aidan?”
    He leaned in closer, his eyes on mine. “Let’s not do that. The small talk. It's a waste of time and a bore. I don't care what you do. And you don't care what I do. But you can keep calling me mister if you'd like." His mouth turned up at the corner. “I like that.”
    I dropped my gaze and peered up at him through my lashes. This guy had ignited heat in my stomach without even touching me. "Okay." I lifted my hand to flag the waiter. "Another vodka tonic for me."
    “Aidan's eyes swept down to the low neckline of my dress. "Same," he said without looking at the waiter. “I thought you were only having the one.”
    “I changed my mind.” I moved in closer, our faces inches apart. A gust of wind could have us kissing. "So, if no small talk, then what do you want to do?”
    Our drinks came and he turned his back, his eyes never leaving mine. "I have a few ideas."
    I smiled, and within minutes we were inside a cab, his lips warm against my cheek, my neck, my ear. For a moment, I felt guilty that I barely knew him. What would my mother think? But then his mouth found mine and all thought was gone. I surrendered to him, letting go one last time before responsibility and adulthood took control of my life.

    No kissing. No touching. And definitely no falling in love...

    Armed with her besties, an embarrassing number of shots, and her list of 10 Wild Things To Do Before Adulthood, recent grad Cameron Lawson is partying it up before she starts her dream job at New York's biggest ad agency. Her last task? Hook up with a random guy. And while it's so not her style, the super-sexy guy sitting next to her is definitely game. No names. No details.
    At least, that was the plan.

    On her first day of work, Cameron discovers her hook-up is none other than Aidan Truitt-her new boss's boss. Talk about failing the "no fraternizing with coworkers" policy on an epic level. Especially when Aidan makes it clear their one night was only the beginning. Falling for him could cost her everything, but sometimes the only way to get what you want is by breaking a few rules...

    Buy Links:

    About Melissa West:
    Melissa West writes heartfelt Southern romance and teen sci-fi romance, all with lots of kissing. Because who doesn't like kissing? She lives outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband and two daughters and spends most of her time writing, reading, or fueling her coffee addiction.

    Connect with Melissa at www.melissawestauthor.com or on Twitter @MB_West.

    Social media links:

    Website: www.melissawestauthor.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MelissaWestAuthor
    Twitter: @MB_West
    Instagram: melissawestauthor
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/melissabwest/

     Awesome!! I’m adding to my TBR, now. How about you? And don’t forget to enter the contest for a chance to win a ton of signed books by me, Melissa West, and more!

    To enter, you need to know that my lucky book number is 9 .

    Add up all the favorite numbers of the authors on Team Blue and you’ll have the secret code to enter for the grand prize!
    Sign up for my newsletter and you'll be entered to win a surprise!!! 
    I also have two contests going on right now on my FB fan page:
    Guess My Due Date Prize: Winner's Choice of one of my eBooks
    Something Wicked Halloween Blog Hop! Prize: Print Copy of Black Hellebore!
    To keep going on your quest for the hunt, you need to check out the next author, Ann M. Noser!!

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    31. Encounter at White’s: a cross-post with Susana Ellis

    Another special post featuring characters from the Bluestocking Belles’ holiday box set, Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem. Stephen Huntington, the Duke of Wyndale from my story Joy to the World has just learned about a vicious rumor concerning himself and starts to ask around to see if there might be any truth to it from Oliver Stanton, heir to Stanton's Bank of Susana Ellis' The Ultimate Escape.

    Stephen Huntington, Duke of Wyngate
    Stephen Huntington, Duke of Wyngate could not get out of the card room fast enough. Normally he always enjoyed his time at White's, but not today. His friends had to be jesting, surely. There was no way the rumor they had sprouted had any truth to it.

    He very nearly collided with Oliver Stanton, heir to Stanton's Bank. “Pardon me,” Stephen said, straightening his coat and trying not to feel so ill at ease.

    “No need,” said Stanton easily. “Wasn't watching where I was going. Join me in a drink, Your Grace?”

    Stephen blinked and stumbled back a step. Really he should go and see if there wasn’t any means to learn the truth, but one drink could not hurt any. Besides, Stanton was a good and decent man. “Why yes, I would appreciate that, Stanton.”

    The two men strolled to the drawing room and claimed two leather chairs near the fire.

    “A cognac for me,” Stanton told the waiter. “Wyngate?”

    “Cognac sounds perfect.” Stephen rubbed his forehead. A headache was starting to plague him.
    Oliver Stanton, heir to Stanton's Bank

    “Right away, gentlemen.” The waiter bowed and disappeared into the back rooms.

    Stephen glanced around to ensure no one was close enough to overhear them and cleared his throat. “I-I have a strange question for you, Stanton, if I may.”

    Stanton nodded, his face impassive. Stephen knew he could trust the man to keep his confidence. After all, when one worked with money, they tended to learn of other’s secrets.

    “Have we crossed paths, recently? Since the Hansens' ball last week, I mean?”

    Stanton's eyes narrowed. “Why no, I don't believe so. Why do you ask?”

    Stephen tugged at his collar. “Ah… well, that's good. That's good,” he repeated. “You see… I have heard rumors that there is a man impersonating me throughout the country. I can scarcely believe it! But I cannot ignore such a thing, lest it be true and the wretch is up to serious mischief.”

    Stanton's eyes widened. “Impersonating you? But how is that possible? You are widely known in London, Your Grace.”

    Stephen plucked a glass of brandy from the waiter's tray and took a long sip. The banker did likewise.

    “I do not know. I guess the reprobate must resemble me. Sound like me as well.” Stephen took another swallow and set down his glas. “No one has come to the bank asking about my money recently? That could certainly be a factor.”

    “Money is always a factor,” Stanton said dryly. “But no, I can assure you that your accounts are safe. I would have been notified had someone come to withdraw funds unexpectedly.” He set his own glass on the table. “How did the news come to you of this extraordinary situation?”

    “My friends.” He gestured behind him toward the card room. “They can be rather prone to jokes and mischief, but somehow I doubt they would jest about something as serious as this.” He shrugged. “No need to concern yourself further. I am certain the matter will be resolved shortly. Now tell me, Stanton. I see that Lady Julia has recovered from her illness. Will your nuptials be rescheduled soon?”

    To Stephen’s shock, Stanton winced. He had thought the two might be quite compatible given their long friendship and despite their differences in class.

    “I do not mean to pry.” Stephen drank the last of cognac. “I was hoping one of us was happy.”

    “Soon,” Stanton said. “These things take time to arrange, you know. The ladies expect such things. And I wouldn't want my bride to be deprived of the wedding of her dreams simply because she was taken ill the night before the first one was to take place.” He grinned. “What about you, Wyngate? Any interest in setting up your own nursery any time soon?”

    Stephen actually found it in him to laugh. “Oh no. Not I. I am not the least bit interested in marriage. And even if I were, with an imposter running about, I will be far too busy to woo and win the heart of any lady.”

    Stanton chuckled. “A wealthy duke could have has choice of any young lady in the ton. With or without the wooing. But you must certainly investigate this matter of an imposter. Particularly if he resembles you to the extent that he could ruin your reputation. Do let me know if I can be of any assistance to you, Your Grace.”

    “Thank you. You have always been a loyal and good friend.” Stephen could wait no longer, so he stood. “I would appreciate it if you could keep this matter to yourself. Unless you should happen to see another me…” He shook his head.

    “Of course, your Grace.”

    “I should be off to try to track this rogue down. Do take care.” Stephen turned and called for his horse.

    Stanton rose and offered his hand. “Good luck, Your Grace.”

    “You as well.” Stephen shook his hand and gave him a tight smile. “Shall I expect another wedding invitation any time soon?”

    “Of course, Your Grace.”


    With that, Stephen started in earnest his journey to learn just who this impostor was and where he might find him and bring him to justice. Little did he know what a strange course his life was about to embark on.

    Click here to find Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem, wherein you can discover if Oliver and Julia can try and work things out and if Stephen does indeed find the impostor.

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    32. Will the Real Duke of Wyndale Please Stand Up?

    Today’s post is special. It’s a letter between two characters from the Bluestocking Belles’ holiday box set, Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem. Stephen Huntington, the Duke of Wyndale from my story Joy to the World has written a letter to William Landrum, Earl of Chadbourn, of Caroline Warfield’s A Dangerous Nativity. See Caroline’s blog to read her hero’s response.

    William Landrum, Earl of Chadbourn
    To The Esteemed William Landrum, Earl of Chadbourn,
    While we are as yet unacquainted, desperation drives me to contact you personally. I do hope this letter finds you in better spirits than those in which I currently find myself. As strange as this is to believe, I believe that there might be a person of obviously unscrupulous character impersonating me the length of England.

    Of course, I most ardently wish to track this man down and bring him to justice. Unfortunately, I have only rumors to go on, and before I chase them down, I would prefer to find which, if any, may be accurate. The most promising lead points to Suffolk. The Marquess of Glenaire told me you were in the area and might have information. If you have any knowledge concerning my presence in your vicinity—which, I assure you, is not actually me—I would be most appreciative to be notified.

    Do forgive me for taking so long to express my sincere sympathy on the death of your brother-in-law. I knew Emery Wheatly rather well. Somewhat well, I should say. We, ah, met at a house party, and our paths crossed a few times thereafter. He… Well, I am sorry he passed. My condolences are yours.

    If it is not too deep an imposition on your mourning, I would greatly welcome a swift response. The sooner I can locate the reprobate, the better.

    Stephen Huntington, Duke of Wyndale
    Yours respectfully,
    Stephen Huntington
    Duke of Wyndale

    How will the earl respond?  See “Two Dukes and an Earl,” on Caroline’s blog to find out. Does the duke find his imposter? Click here to find Mistletoe, Marriage, and Mayhem, wherein lies the answer.

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    33. One Stop For Writers: An Online Library Unlike Any Other

    Every once in a while, something comes along that changes things for the better.

    And in the world of writers, this is especially welcoming, because we all know just how much sweat, courage and persistence it takes to write a book and then release it into the world. Today I'm pointing you toward a new website which I hope will help writers brainstorm stronger characters, craft deeper, more compelling plots, and teach us how to be more effective with our description so we draw readers in. One Stop For Writers is a collaboration between Becca Puglisi and Angela Ackerman, authors of The Emotion Thesaurus, and Lee Powell, creator of Scrivener for Windows. This powerhouse online library is filled with one-of-a-kind descriptive thesaurus collections, tools, tutorials and much more, all geared to provide the resources you need to strengthen your prose and write more efficiently.

    Want to check One Stop For Writers out?

    Hop on over to Writers Helping Writers for their Launch Week festivities (October 7-14th)! If you know Angela, Lee and Becca already, you probably can guess there will be some great prizes, and probably a bit of paying-it-forward too.

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    34. YA Scavenger Hunt - Pink Team!

    Hi everyone! So glad you stopped by for the scavenger hunt. Today, I'm hosting Rachel Shane. She has an amazing story for you all that I hope you'll check out.

    Book blurb:
    Sibling rivalry goes too far... 

    Sixteen-year-old Kasey Fishbein has a lot to repent for. She single-handedly abandoned the dance team right before Nationals, ruined her best friend’s love life, alienated the guy she loves, and permanently injured her older sister’s hip, effectively destroying Lara’s prominent dance career in one fell swoop. Guilt keeps eating away at Kasey but no one will listen to her apologies. So she does the next best thing: she starts a blog to confess her sins. 

    But the only way to truly earn forgiveness from those she wronged isn’t to offer them an explanation. It’s to fix everything she broke. She may not be able to help her sister dance again, but there has to be another way to get her back on her feet. Literally. Right?

    Rachel Shane is the author of YA books ALICE IN WONDERLAND HIGH and KASEY SCREWS UP THE WORLD plus the New Adult Romance series that begins with PREMATURE EVACUATION. She's been a computer animator, an e-book creator for a NYC publisher, and now she works as a Project Manager for a software company where she enjoys telling people what to do. She lives in NJ with her husband, young daughter, and a basement full of books.

    Twitter: @rachshane

    And now for the exclusive content a deleted scene!

                Since the cruise had freestyle dining, we’d made reservations to sit with Finn’s parents at dinner. Arriving first, Lara and I carefully planned the seating arrangements, leaving empty chairs between us so we could each sit next to our boy.
                My breath caught in my throat. Finn led his family, decked out in a suit, his hair gelled back spiffier than during the day.
                "You look very pretty tonight," he whispered in my ear as he took his seat.
                My cheeks grew hot. "Thanks. You too. I mean, you look handsome."
                "Thanks." He laughed, and then turned to Hayden. “So are you two joining us in the teen disco tonight? We're going all out! Getting crazy." Finn pretended to dance for a moment, reinforcing the fact that he had pretty good rhythm, despite what he had said the first night.
                "No, you two can go to the daycare center without us.” Hayden grabbed a piece of bread from the table. "The eighteen-and-over club’s having a wet t-shirt contest tonight. Wanna come? Oh wait, you can't. Natch."
                After dinner, the parents made their way to their show. I loved how we all had our own things to do. The parents were entertained and kept out of the way. When the show ended, they retired to their rooms or had coffee at the midnight buffet. Lara and Hayden thought they were so cool drinking and dancing in the raging club. But Finn and I had the best deal of all. We didn't have a specific place we needed to be. We were free; we could do what we wanted. I didn't care if we sat on the deck talking or if we walked in hallways giggling. Or kissing. It was the most fun I'd had in my entire life. And it was all because of him.
                Outside the dining hall, Finn asked, “Do you want to change first, or should we go like this?"
                "Oh, we're going like this. You look hot in your suit."
                He looked down at his outfit. "Yeah, you're right."
                We walked to the open-air deck and sat on bar stools overlooking the calypso band. We killed the hour before the club opened sipping sodas and listening to the music.
                "I hope you don't think I'm dancing with you or anything,” he said. “I'm looking to score some chicks tonight." Even though I was positive he was joking, he kept a stoic expression on his face.
                "That's good. I won't feel guilty when I meet my other boyfriend tonight."
                "Excellent. So I'll see you there then?" He hopped off his stool. "Don't try and talk to me at the disco. It'll mess up my game."
                "Don't worry. I'll be surrounded by all my adoring fans." I stepped down, careful not to mess up my dress.
                He angled his elbow toward me. "Shall we?"
                I secured my arm in his, and we walked for a few steps like that before his hand slid down my bare arm and found its home in my palm. He led me down the hallway to our secret lair. I felt like we were going on an underground mission, both of us spies for the CIA.

    Wasn't that awesome?

    I don't know about you, but I love to have giveaways, so I'm going to give away not 1, not 2, but 6 prizes! Might be swag, might be books, who knows? All you have to do to enter is comment on my blog. That's it. Can be about anything - books, your plans for the weekend, your favorite TV show, anything!

    • J.T. STOLL

    To continue on with the hop, head on over to Lisa T. Cresswell. Have fun!

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    35. Christmas in July - Fantasy 99cent Sale

    A bunch of fantasy authors, including me, have gotten together and put a book on sale until Friday for only 99 cents. Here are all the books and where you can find them. I hope you find a few you'll snatch up! Two are actually free books, the rest just 99 cents!

    HeartofMagic-MicheleBardsley.jpgHeart of Magic - Michele Bardsley

    A Fantasy Romance Collection

    Handsome and desperate wizard True Karn becomes human during the "wizard's moon"--the only two nights of the month he can look for his mate. The rest of the time, he must live in his monstrous, cursed form. When he rescues a pretty lady from the lascivious attention of two guardsmen, he realizes that she's the woman who will break his curse.

    Plain and reliable Alissa Rogers works in a house of ill repute--as an accountant. When she gains the attention of Mreben's most infamous wizard, she's both flattered and unnerved. But while the wizard seeks her favor, a female rival seeks Alissa's destruction.

    To save a wizard and his mate, it will take the greatest magic possible--the spark of true love.

    Young and handsome wizard Honor Karn gave his heart to the wrong woman—and paid a terrible price. Now, he is a forgotten statue in the dark lands of the Barrens, only allowed to take human form once a month during the wizard's moon. In the hundredth year of his curse, Honor must find a courageous woman who will fight for him and for love or he will die. But it turns out his true mate is worlds away...

    Plain and dutiful Melanie Trident is grateful to have a job, food, shelter, and a caring sister, the only family she has left. She doesn't trust easily, and dating ... well, she'd rather skip the heartache. Besides, she'd madly in love with her book boyfriend, the gorgeous doomed wizard of Mreben.

    Then she finds herself falling into a magical dream, no, make that crazed delusion. Because she finds herself in the arms of Honor Karn. He tells her she's the real heroine of his story, the one who can save him. Now, Melanie has to decide if she wants to risk everything--including her sanity--to bring love to a wizard's heart.

    Bonus Short Story!

    If you like snowy nights, hot guys, and sexy times...

    When Lilly Tremont wrecks her car in an Oklahoma snowstorm, two gorgeous "rescuers" show her unexpected ways to stay warm. She thinks she's dreaming, but is she?

    Amazon     Barnes and Noble    iBooks     Kobo

    Reconstructed-TashaBlack.jpgReconstructed - Tasha Black

    Some heroes aren't born...they're built.

    Westley Worthington has it all. Piles of money, good looks, a head for business, and a seemingly limitless supply of women who want to please him. And that's just the way he likes it. Until a brush with death causes him to rethink his priorities, and consider someone besides himself for the first time in his privileged life.

    Cordelia Cross has never had it easy. Her duty to her family has her working as an assistant to a man she hates just to pay her sister's medical bills. When her arrogant boss alienates his last true friend, she finds herself promoted from schedule-managing coffee grabber, to the newest member of West’s inner circle.

    Tempers, and passions, ignite as the two start spending time together, until a shocking accident puts their newfound attraction on ice. When West is faced with the toughest trial of his life, Cordelia helps him realize that he has all the tools he needs to be a force for justice.

    Together, they must turn West into the hero no one ever thought he could be.

    Amazon     Barnes and Noble     iBooks     Kobo      Google Play

    AssassinsSoul-BethCaudill.jpgAssassin’s Soul - Beth Caudill

    A novella of 33,000 words or 120 pages

    Caitlyn Sinclair hides her magical need for souls behind her job as an assassin in the Miscreants Guild—the home of spies, thieves and assassins. She is a SoulEater, a mage who uses the aural energy of other people to fuel her spells. She has no choice but to take those lives, because without the infusion of life-force she will die. She's made a home for herself in the city of Ellemarlene, until the day she executes her Guild Master and is cast out. Her only chance at survival is to join the Mage Guild and embrace her magical nature. To become a terrible weapon, someone with the power to wipeout entire towns.

    TheMcDougalPackAlpha-CrystalDawn-400x500.jpgThe McDougal Pack Alpha - Crystal Dawn

    Mandi finds herself waking from a drug induced sleep, in the arms of the handsome McDougal Pack's alpha. But Mandi is a human, with no desire to be anything else. Just because the legendary white wolf blood might run through her veins, doesn’t give the werewolf council any say over her life. She may not be able to pick her relatives, but she can certainly choose the man she marries. Can’t she?

    Mac doesn’t think the mate the council chose for him is going to work out for him at all. But when he meets her, he begins to wonder if she might not be the one he’s been looking for all along. She wants to fight him and the attraction that flares between them. He has a surprise for her. He’s a fighter and he’s enlisted an unexpected ally from her family. The white wolf herself is on his side and he doesn’t intend to stop until he wins.

    Amazon     Barnes and Noble     Smashwords     Kobo

    SnowtheVampireSlayer-RebekahRGaniere-400x600.jpgSnow the Vampire Slayer - Rebekah R. Ganiere

    Lady Snow Gwyn is tired of playing “mother” to her seven Vampire Slaying brothers. For the past two years, she’s yearned to be out there fighting at their side as they hunt for bloodsuckers in the black of night. Snow is as good a fighter as any man, but she wasn’t called to be a Slayer. A mere formality in her book.

    Prince Sageren, Son of Lothar has spent the last fifty years in exile, awaiting the day when he can finally avenge his family and take back his throne. Barely existing, he’s forced to face his inner demons and the monster he once was, compelling him to vow to never drink from humans again. A simple enough task–until he crosses paths with a human who makes his fangs ache to drain her.

    When Snow runs into Prince Sage on a late night trip to the woods, she’s torn between the urge to kill him and the desire to succumb to the feeling he stirs within her. And when Snow’s life is threatened by the same evil that murdered his family, Prince Sage must enlist the aid of Snow’s brothers to not only help him save her life, but to also regain his rightful place as King of the Vampires.

    If Sage can keep the Slayers from killing him first.

    Insight-JamieMagee.jpgInsight - Jamie Magee

    Two souls made of one, divided by time, and reunited within their dreams. Worlds stand between them now, but fate is their guiding light, one glance bound them, one touch empowered them. Now, they have no choice but to finish the war they started lifetimes before...or they will lose it all.


    Willow Haywood has always been trapped between the worlds of the Light and the Dark. Her waking hours are plagued by her ability to feel the emotions of those around her. No matter how inward she draws, she cannot shut out the feelings of others. Sometimes she will see images - echoes of other people and places - that she can enter to influence the emotions of people she has never met.

    By night, Willow experiences her only escape from this terrible insight - entering into the world of dreams. Most of these dreams are shared in blissful silence with a stunning blue-eyed boy. But every new moon she lives through something much darker: a horrific nightmare shared by another mysterious boy who is always shrouded by shadows.

    One night, this shadowy figure invades her dreams outside of his appointed time. In this new nightmare, Willow is marked; a mark which follows her into the waking world and sets her on a momentous path through light and darkness, through fragmented myth and half-truths, through past lives and disturbing family secrets, all in the face of the ever-dominant Zodiac. What she finds will endanger the lives of those closest to her and will force her to make a decision that will change her world forever.


    AssassinsHeart-IsabellaNorse.jpgAssassin’s Heart - Isabella Norse

    Lillie is an assassin. It’s not exactly the life she would have chosen, but she has made the best of it. Until now. Disguised as a servant at the palace, she waits for an opportunity to kill the heir to the throne. Her conscience tells her that killing an innocent man is wrong, but failure to do so will mean her death.

    Nef, a handsome stable hand, is intrigued by the young red-haired maid that has charmed the animals in his care. He longs to know her better, but harbors secrets of his own - secrets that could rock the very foundations of the kingdom.

    With their lives forfeit, Lillie and Nef must work together to find a way to save themselves, their love, and two thrones from destruction at the hands of an evil overlord.

    InheritedThorns-SammieSidelinger.jpgInherited Thorns - Sammie Sidelinger

    In the first installment of The Empathetic Enchantments Series, you will find out what kind of shape shifter lies dormant within the Randall families heritage—one never before written about in this light.

    When trouble arises and laws must be implemented amongst the most powerful warlocks, an enforcer is sent in. Bad boy Acer Randall fears nothing—that is, except two things. The centuries-old family curse that transforms him into a bizarre freak of nature and the foreign emotions that stirs within himself by a seductive enchantress, Haven. Her pull, like that of a siren, cannot be ignored; yet for self-preservation he must stay away. Haven promised, on her coven's behalf, to end Acer's life, but can she bring herself to do what must be done when her feelings for him are so unbridled?

    How is it that Acer, one of the most in-tune empaths on earth, is unable to read Haven's emotions? Has she clued into Acer's truth and cast a spell from which he cannot break free?

    ValkyriesVengeance-MelissaSnark-400x650.jpgValkyrie's Vengeance - Melissa Snark

    A thirty-year alliance that aligned wolves and hunters has shattered.

    Victoria Storm leads a few surviving members of her pack in a desperate flight. As the only surviving child of their leaders, the she-wolf inherited the role of Alpha. The violent deaths of her parents and the man she loved left her devastated, and the lives of her followers depend on her decisions. Simple survival often conflicts with the demands of preserving her Norse heritage, so she must struggle to balance her duties as Freya’s priestess and Odin’s Valkyrie. When innocent children are abducted, she must set aside her differences and work with her worst enemy to rescue them.


    Amazon     Barnes and Noble     iBooks     Kobo     ARe     Google Play

    HungerMoon-MelissaSnark.jpgHunger Moon - Melissa Snark

    Victoria Storm faces seemingly insurmountable odds to keep her dwindling pack of werewolves alive and together. She fights hunters- including the brother and father of her deceased lover-and the pack takes another devastating loss. When they seek sanctuary in a small town near Lake Tahoe, high in the secluded Sierra Nevada Mountains, Victoria discovers they are infringing on the territory of a vastly more powerful Alpha wolf. To save her pack, she uses her feminine wiles to seduce the Alpha. Nothing comes easily for Victoria. Her plans are complicated by the Alpha’s erratic son, a ghostly wife, and a vengeful witch. Not even her status as a Valkyrie or the favor of the Goddess Freya can change the course of destiny for Victoria or her packmates.

    Amazon     Barnes and Noble      iBooks     Kobo     ARe     Google Play

    36. Top 10 Reasons Jude Knight, Author of A Baron for Becky, Reads (and Writes) Historical Romance

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    Top 10 reasons I read (and write) historical romance

    I read to learn

    1.     “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana)
    Through the lens of history, we can more clearly see our own times. The Regency and Georgian eras fascinate me. There was a growing disparity between rich and poor, privatisation of public good properties, wars and rumours of wars, rapid technological changes with unpredictable outcomes. Sound familiar?

    Although I write to entertain, I also write to inform, and in doing so to hold up a mirror to our own times.

    2.     “The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” (L.P. Hartley)
    The similarities are challenging; the differences are fascinating.

    I continually trip over things in my reading and my research for writing that astound, horrify, or delight me. Did you know that between a quarter and a half of all women in the early 19th century had ‘Mary’ as one of their first names? That an estimated one in five women in London made income from the sex trade? That the man who invented one of the world’s earliest self-propelled wheelchairs did so after demonstrating another invention: the world’s first roller skates?

    I love to read about history, and now I’m not wasting time, I’m doing research.

    3.     “I like reading novels because it provides insight into human behaviour.” (Claire Danes)
    We learn about people by meeting them; by watching them. In historical novels, the people we meet face different challenges to our own, have been moulded by a different culture, must react to a different context.

    But they are still people. I want to read about people who are real to me while I’m in the book, and stay with me when I close it.
    I know I’ve captured a character when my readers discuss their motives and their beliefs. It’s enormously thrilling when someone explains to me why one of my characters thought, felt, or did something, and I have an ‘Aha’ moment because the thought is new to me but they’re right.

    I read to be entertained

    4.     “These boys in books are better.” (Carrie Hope Fletcher)
    Knights, Dukes, Earls, handsome rogues and pirates; what’s not to like? Let’s face it; gorgeous men in cravats and knit pantaloons are hot. And hot men who are considerate and respectful are even hotter.

    Fletcher’s song points out that real life men can’t live up to the standard set in Twilight, Deadly Instruments, and the like. And any girl who stays single till she finds someone as good as her book boyfriend is in for a long wait.

    5.     “I read for pleasure and that is the moment I learn the most.”(Margaret Atwood)
    Reading taught me that the kind are rewarded, that perseverance will win in the end, that love is worth striving for. That you can start a fire with spectacles and that sharks can’t swim backwards. That lying on a frozen over pond spreads your weight so you are less likely to break through.

    Ideas; concepts; principles; facts. I’ve learned all of those from reading. I read for pleasure. And I write books that I hope others will read for pleasure; books with strong determined heroines, loving heroes, compelling story lines, and convincing challenges.

    I read to escape, to take a micro-holiday

    6.     “I have never known any distress that an hour’s reading did not relieve.” (Charles de Montesquieu)
    I lived more than 50 years with an undiagnosed condition that gave me chronic tiredness and constant pain. In that time, I raised four children, two with serious health conditions, and fostered two others. We entered adolescent hell with one of them and didn’t emerge for ten years. Reading allowed me the break I needed.

    When people say that historical romance (or science fiction, or fantasy, or mystery novels) are escapism, I agree. Any book that captures your imagination allows you to escape whatever distress you may be in. The best books strengthen and inform you, sending you back into reality better able to deal with your challenges. But even the most flagrant chewing gum for the mind gives you time to recharge. 

    7.     “You can travel the world and never leave your chair when you read a book.” (Sherry K. Plummer)
    And not just the world! I want to go somewhen else for my book holiday. Travel, so we are told, broadens the mind. In historical romances, I am able to travel to another time. In the hands of a good writer, I experience the sights, the sounds, the smells, and the stories, and all without the risk of plague, pressganging, or death by tooth infection. 

    8.     “Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere.” (Elizabeth Hardwick)
    I dream of a life of leisure, with nothing to do but flirt with rakes and dance at balls. I’d undoubtedly hate it in practice. I like being busy and useful. But I can have that in a book, and then walk away, back to my real life.

    9.     “There’s no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” (Frank Herbert)
    I like happy endings. Some other writers like tragic endings, or even no ending at all. In my view, happy endings are better. Every writer has to choose where to start and where to stop the story, so why not choose the bit that feels good?

    The romance novel’s ‘happily ever after’ is not about perfect resolution of all problems; it’s about convincing the reader that the protagonists will support each other through whatever problems arise. 

    I read to learn to write better

    10.   “I believe that writing is derivative. I think good writing comes from good reading.” (Charles Kuralt)
    Reading good books gives us the sound of good language. It teaches us how plots work, how to show character rather than telling it, how to make choices that show the theme of the book, how to use words to create atmosphere, how to write dialogue that sizzles.

    I believe I need to do two things to be a good writer. Read a lot. Write a lot. That’s all.

    Regency romance, historical romance
    Heat rating
    R for implied sexual content, 2 out of 5 flames
    Free copy of A Baron for Becky to random commenter
    She was a fallen woman when she met them. How can they help her fall on her feet?

    Book Blurb
    Becky is the envy of the courtesans of the demi-monde - the indulged mistress of the wealthy and charismatic Marquis of Aldridge. But she dreams of a normal life; one in which her daughter can have a future that does not depend on beauty, sex, and the whims of a man.

    Finding herself with child, she hesitates to tell Aldridge. Will he cast her off, send her away, or keep her and condemn another child to this uncertain shadow world?

    The devil-may-care face Hugh shows to the world hides a desperate sorrow; a sorrow he tries to drown with drink and riotous living. His years at war haunt him, but even more, he doesn't want to think about the illness that robbed him of the ability to father a son. When he dies, his barony will die with him. His title will fall into abeyance, and his estate will be scooped up by the Crown.

    When Aldridge surprises them both with a daring proposition, they do not expect love to be part of the bargain.

    Author bio
    Jude Knight writes strong determined heroines, heroes who can appreciate a clever capable woman, villains you’ll love to loathe, and all with a leavening of humor.

    Jude Knight is the pen name of Judy Knighton. After a career in commercial writing, editing, and publishing, Jude is returning to her first love, fiction. Her novella, Candle’s Christmas Chair, was released in December 2014, and is in the top ten on several Amazon bestseller lists in the US and UK. Her first novel Farewell to Kindness, was released on 1 April, and is first in a series: The Golden Redepennings.

    Links are built into site names. If your blog picks up links automatically, you can delete the urls.
    Buy links

    Jude’s social media

    Jude’s Other Books (on Amazon)
    Candle’s Christmas Chair (free novella)        
    Farewell to Kindness (Book One, the Golden Redepennings)

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    37. Top Ten Reasons Romance Novel Villains are Better than Heroes with Mariana Gabrielle, Author of La Déesse Noire: The Black Goddess

    Top Ten reasons romance novel villains are better than heroes—and why they are not.

    Why villains are better: They know what they want and go after it, devil take the hindmost.
    Why they aren’t: They don’t care who gets hurt.

    Why villains are better: You get the shivers when you figure out what they are planning.
    Why they aren’t: You have to live with the knowledge that whatever they are planning will fall directly on the heroes and heroines you love. 

    Why villains are better: They aren’t constrained by what other people think.
    Why they aren’t: They can’t be trusted.

    Why villains are better: They provide a challenge for the hero, and make him look good.
    Why they aren’t: They almost always force the heroine to need a hero.

    Why villains are better: They are sometimes HOT.
    Why they aren’t: They aren’t ever hot enough to keep around more than a night or two.

    Why villains are better: They are stand-ins for people you know and want to see suffer.
    Why they aren’t: They treat people more abominably than the person you are imagining.

    Why villains are better: They almost always have some sort of redeeming quality.
    Why they aren’t: Their redeeming qualities have almost all been destroyed by whatever horrible events made them into villains.

    Why villains are better: Unapologetic immorality leaves all possibilities open.
    Why they aren’t: Unapologetic immorality is sad and lonely.

    Why villains are better: We love to see them get their final comeuppance.
    Why they aren’t: Even when we love them, they never get a happy ending.

    Why villains are better: Identifying with a hero or heroine is easy.
    Why they aren’t: Identifying with a hero or heroine is easy.


    Meet Hamish LaRue, a villain who is—and is not—better than the hero and heroine of La Déesse Noire: The Black Goddess.

    Kali sat quietly before the battered desk, refusing to shiver in the wind blowing through cracks in the walls of the rundown wooden shack. No longer did she meet Mr. Hamish LaRue in his fine office at 17 Bonhill Street. Now, she was only invited to this rickety hovel near the docks, half-hidden between a public house and a livery, where he conducted business with anyone less important than he believed himself to be.
    Before the first time summoned here, she had never minded the smell of whiskey and horses on a man, but now, the combination made her nauseous. When mingled with the cheap cologne LaRue wore to cover his pungent bodily aroma, it was all Kali could do not to add the smell of the bile in her throat to his shoes. She refused to shudder at the lecherous look he always wore in their meetings, refused to acknowledge the evidence of his constant arousal when she was near, nor the way he occasionally palmed his erection, as though to give himself relief he was barred from taking with her.
    She felt gooseflesh rise on her arms and assumed her nipples had hardened underneath her green wool dress, because the rodent-on-two-legs couldn’t keep his bulging eyes from her breasts, tongue lapping at his lower lip, nostrils flaring as her cinnamon-and-sandalwood scent reached his nose. The first time she had come here, she’d thought him polite, taking her pelisse and hanging it neatly, but now she knew he only hoped for a good view and to keep her as uncomfortable as he could manage.
    She would in no way give him the satisfaction of knowing she was cold, though her lips were probably as blue as the manicured fingernails on her soft hands, kept smooth by regular application of expensive unguents. His eyes followed her frozen mouth, giving her cause to wonder if he were the type of man who might molest a corpse, if provided the opportunity. Surely he would have no scruples about such wickedness, given she had seen no evidence of common decency in the ten years she had known him.

    Regency Romance, Historical Romance, Multicultural Romance

    Heat Rating
    R for sensual content, 3 out of 5 flames


    Book Blurb
    Sired by a British peer, born of a paramour to Indian royalty, Kali Matai has been destined from birth to enthrall England’s most powerful noblemen—though she hadn’t counted on becoming their pawn. Finding herself under the control of ruthless men, who will not be moved by her legendary allure, she has no choice but to use her beauty toward their malicious and clandestine ends.

    When those she holds most dear are placed in peril by backroom political dealings, she enlists some of the most formidable lords in England to thwart her enemies. But even with the help of the prominent gentlemen she has captivated, securing Kali’s freedom, her family, and the man she loves, will require her protectors stop at nothing to fulfill her desires.

    Author Bio
    Mariana Gabrielle is a pseudonym of Mari Christie, a professional writer, editor, and designer with almost twenty-five years’ experience. Published in dozens of nonfiction and poetry periodicals since 1989, she began writing mainstream historical fiction in 2009 and Regency romance in 2013. In all genres, she creates deeply scarred characters in uncommon circumstances who overcome self-imposed barriers to reach their full potential. She is a member of the Bluestocking Belles, the Writing Wenches, and the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. Her first Regency romance, Royal Regard, was released in November 2014.


    Buy/Review Links

    Mariana Social Media 
    Facebook Launch Party, June 10, noon - 8 pm EDT: 

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    38. G!veaway!

    Be sure to go forth and enter!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    39. Fabled by Vanessa K. Eccles

    Ever dreamed of a life that reads more like a book? Rowena did until she stumbled into a fairy tale that wasn't so friendly.

    Fabled by Vanessa K. Eccles
    Publisher: Bound and Brewed 
    Young adult fantasy/fairy tale

    <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE <![endif]-->
    Rowena thinks the Grimm’s infamous podcasts are simply another teen fad until she finds herself trapped in a land of nightmarish storybook characters. She tries desperately to flee Mezzanine and return home, but Dresdem, Mezzanine’s wicked monarch, plans to use Rowena’s access to her world to bring dark magic and absolute rule into Georgia and beyond.

    But when Rowena’s dear friend Madeline falls into Dresdem’s grasp, her battle with him becomes war, and all hopes of home are temporarily thwarted. With the help of an invisible hero, a beast, and an owl, she sets out to free Madeline from a deadening sleep. But Rowena must become her own hero when she finds herself bound by the kingdom’s darkest family. She must make the ultimate choice – align herself with her enemies or live on the run forever. 


    “Heads or tails?” Lil asked as she opened the door and stood in front of me.
    “When are you going to learn that heads always wins?” She snickered and rolled her eyes in amazement of my apparent naivety.
    “Not always. Besides, tales are more interesting.”
    Not understanding my word play, she shrugged and searched her pockets for a coin.
    I leaned into the porch swing, coffee and book in hand, and watched as autumn's first leaves sunsetted the deadening grass. I rested the mug on my knee and let the cool breeze sway me back and forth while I waited.
    <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE <![endif]-->
    Trying to ignore my little sister's attempts to aggravate me, I looked down at the fantastical book in my hands and realized how beloved, yet unrealistic it seemed. Most of us lead relatively dull lives and are content but never satisfied. The “happily ever afters” they crammed in our minds as children were merely lies, but I couldn’t help but dream of an adventure like the one I was holding. I wanted my life to be epic. Who was I kidding? Only characters in our favorite stories experienced magical lives. Mine had already been planned out for me go to college, land a mediocre job, get married, and have 1.8 perfectly groomed, smiling children. That was it. The end.

    Links: Amazon | Smashwords Goodreads
    (See author's website for all available outlets.)

    Meet the Author: Vanessa K. Eccles graduated Troy University with a degree in English. She currently serves as executive editor of Belle Rêve Literary Journal and is founder of the book blog YA-NASisterhood. When she’s not writing or devouring books, she enjoys the lake life with her Prince Charming and their four dogs.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

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    40. New Adult Scavenger Hunt

    Welcome to New Adult Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event was inspired as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors…and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize–one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours!
    Go to the New Adult Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are TWO contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all! I am a part of the TEAM Red–but there is also a red team for a chance to win a whole different set of signed books!

    If you’d like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the New Adult Scavenger Hunt page.
    Directions: Below, you’ll notice that I’ve listed my lucky book number. Collect the lucky book numbers of all the authors on Team Blue, and then add them up. (Don’t worry, you can use a calculator!)

    Entry Form: Once you’ve added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.
    Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian’s permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by April 26th, at noon Eastern Time. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.



    Today, I am hosting Bethany Lopez for the scavenger hunt.

    Award-Winning Author Bethany Lopez began self-publishing in June 2011. She's a lover of all things romance: books, movies, music, and life, and she incorporates that into the books she writes. When she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with her husband and children, traveling whenever possible. Some of her favorite things are: Kristen Ashley Books, coffee in the morning, and In N Out burgers.

    Find out more information by checking out her website.


    Here's Bethany's exclusive content from 8 Weeks, book 1 in the Time for Love series:

    This scene takes place before the book begins, the night that Cal, TJ and Scott are in Vegas for Scott's Bachelor Party.

    "I don't know that I can honestly say congratulations, since you are marrying Victoria, but I can say that I wish you all the best," TJ said in what had to be the hundredth toast to our buddy Scott that night. 

    "Shut up, man, you don't know her like I do," Scott argued, his words slurring slightly. "You don't know her like I do."

    "I hope that's true, brother," I said, tossing back my tequila and swaying slightly.

    None of us liked Victoria. She may have been a nice person, but she never gave anyone in our group the time of day, so how the hell would we know. She came from money, and liked Scott because he did too, even though he was nothing like her

    Scott had basically spent his childhood in my home, more a member of my family than his own, and it gutted me to think of him marrying that woman. 

    I thought about my own wife, Shelly, the girl I'd been in love with since the moment our eyes met when we were sixteen, and I wished that Scott could find a woman like her. Or shit, like Gaby or Sasha. They were Shelly's best friends and a couple of the best women I knew.

    "I love her guys," Scott said, his face blurring a bit. "I need you to make more of an effort to get along with her... The tension between you all is tearing me apart."

    TJ handed each of us another shot and said, "Bottoms up. This one's to us, may we be there for all the weddings, babies, and hard times, and always make time for each other."

    "Amen," Scott said.

    "Here, here," was my reply, but when I brought the shot to my lips and the sickeningly sweet smell hit, my stomach began to start a revolt. "I gotta get out of here."

    "What?" Scott asked, "You can't bail now!"

    "I drank way too much, man, and I'm starting to feel sick."

    After a lot of arguing, they finally relented and walked me out to hail a cab.

    "I can't believe you're being such a pussy on Scott's last night as a free man," TJ said, getting one last jab in as I lowered myself into the cab.

    I faintly registered Scott giving the cab driver directions and cash for the trip, then waved sloppily as we pulled away from my friends, before I fell to the my side and drifted off.

    I woke what felt like a few moments later and looked up to see a beautiful blonde. I seemed to have my head in her lap and she was bent over me, with her breasts falling out of her tight dress.

    "It's okay..." she cooed, and I realized she was talking about the fact that there was vomit all over her dress.

    Shit, did I throw up on her? Was I still in the cab? Who the hell is she?

    I couldn't seem to form the words and started to loose focus again. The last thing I heard before I passed out was, "We need to get some food in you."

    ***8 WEEKS BLURB***

    Is eight weeks enough time to earn back the love of someone you've betrayed...the only one you've ever loved?

    Shelly has been in love with Cal since they started dating in eleventh grade. Despite everyone saying that the odds were against them, they got married after graduation and built a life together. Now, six years later, she is faced with the ultimate betrayal. Devastated, her first instinct is to call it quits…

    After a drunken binge at his best friends’ bachelor party, Cal betrays the one person who has always been there for him, his wife, Shelly. Terrified and realizing she might divorce him, Cal must come up with a way to prove to her that his love is true…

    Cal asks Shelly for eight weeks. Eight weeks to convince her that their marriage is worth the fight. Will Shelly be able to trust him again, or will their marriage end the way many others do when faced with opposition… In divorce?

    In honor of the NA Scavenger Hunt, I'm hosting a special giveaway. Be sure to enter.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    To enter the mega prize for the Scavenger hunt, you need to know that my lucky book number is 6. Right now, between my husband and I and our three boys, our family is five, but come November, it's gonna be 6!

    Add up all the favorite numbers of the authors on Team Red and you’ll have the secret code to enter for the grand prize!


    To keep going on your quest for the hunt, you need to check out the next author, Mary Frame!

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    41. 99 Cent Book Blast


    Over 175 ebooks from over 150 authors--including USA Today Bestsellers--are on sale for 99 cents, including my BLOODLUST!
    This promo will last only April 10th, 11th, and 12th. Find paranormal, fantasy, romance, and much more. Don't forget to tell your friends so they can one-click too!

    Visit the 99 Cent Book Blast.

    BLOODLUST blurb:

    In a world torn by prejudice and hatred, six races struggle for supremacy.

    Barbarian-Princess Ivy is unwilling to allow her father to provoke the other races into war and forms an unlikely alliance with Lukor the goliath to save her people from utter destruction. Unbeknownst to her, Lukor blames the barbarians for murdering his sister and plans on sabotaging her goal.

    Almost despite each other, they grow to respect one another on their journey to decode secret messages from the trolls. But nothing Ivy can do will prevent the war as her father is blinded by Bloodlust and incites it himself. Not even killing him and becoming Barbaroness can stop the tide. And when Bloodlust claims Ivy, forcing her to kill everyone in her path, she must make a choice to destroy even Lukor, who she may have started to fall for, and him her in return.

    Bloodlust on Amazon
    Bloodlust on Barnes and Noble

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    42. YA Scavenger Hunt

    Welcome to YA Scavenger Hunt! This bi-annual event was first organized by author Colleen Houck as a way to give readers a chance to gain access to exclusive bonus material from their favorite authors...and a chance to win some awesome prizes! At this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize--one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team! But play fast: this contest (and all the exclusive bonus material) will only be online for 72 hours!

    Go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are EIGHT contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all! I am a part of the PINK TEAM--but there is also a teal team, a purple team, an orange team, a green team, a gold team, a blue team, and a red team for a chance to win a whole different set of signed books!

    If you'd like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page.


    Directions: Below, you'll notice that I've listed my favorite number. Collect the favorite numbers of all the authors on the pink team, and then add them up (don't worry, you can use a calculator!). 

    Entry Form: Once you've added up all the numbers, make sure you fill out the form here to officially qualify for the grand prize. Only entries that have the correct number will qualify.

    Rules: Open internationally, anyone below the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian's permission to enter. To be eligible for the grand prize, you must submit the completed entry form by DATE, at noon Pacific Time. Entries sent without the correct number or without contact information will not be considered.


    Today, I am hosting Cidney Swanson on my website for the YA Scavenger Hunt!

    Cidney Swanson is an award-winning writer of Young Adult Sci-Fi and Fantasy including The Ripple Trilogy and The Saving Mars Series. SAVING MARS (Kirkus, starred) was named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best of 2012 and was an honor book for the SCBWI Spark Award 2014. When she’s not writing, Cidney is distracted by shiny things such as books with raised foil covers, macarons in jars, and stars set against an inky night sky. She is conversant in the following geekdoms: Star Trek, Shakespeare, and Ballet. Cidney lives in Eugene, Oregon with her husband, three kids, two cats, and entirely too much rain.

    Find out more information by checking out the her website or find more about the Saving Mars here!


    Jessamyn, a young pilot living on Mars, yearns to fly a ship to Earth, bringing food back as a heroic Mars Raider. When disaster decimates the colony's food supply, she gets the chance. Breaking rules of secrecy and no contact between the estranged Mars colony and Earth, Jess finds an ally in Pavel, nephew to a government official on Earth, but their mutual attraction only makes the choice before her more agonizing: stay and rescue her brother or return and save her planet?

    The Bonus Content for Cidney's Mars series is a sneak peak Cover Reveal for Book Five in the SAVING MARS series, STRIKING MARS.

    Amazing cover, isn't it? I'm so thrilled to be the one to share it with you all.

    I'm also having a special giveaway just for the Scavenger Hunt. Be sure to enter!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    And don't forget to enter the contest for a chance to win a ton of signed books by me, Cidney Swanson, and more! To enter, you need to know that my favorite number is 3, for my three boys. Add up all the favorite numbers of the authors on the pink team and you'll have all the secret code to enter for the grand prize!


    To keep going on your quest for the hunt, you need to check out the next author, T.H. Hernandez!

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    43. Are you ready for the YA Scavenger Hunt?

    Hello Everyone!
    I’m so happy to be one of the Spring 2015 YA Scavenger Hunt Authors!
    We have eight outstanding teams this season. I am going to be a part of #TeamPink! The Scavenger Hunt runs from April 2nd through April 5th beginning and ending at noon Pacific time on those days. 
    If you’ve never been a part of the hunt before, you should give it a try. It runs like a giant blog hop, introducing you to new YA authors and books along the way. There are tons of prizes including a grand prize for each team. If you win one of the grand prizes you will get a book from each author on that team! For more information and to make sure you get hunt updates, sign up for news on the #YASH website. 
    Here's your chance to read bonus content from WOMAN OF HONOR as well as secret content from another author. Believe me, it's something you want to see. :) I'll also be giving away 5 ebooks of WOMAN OF HONOR as well. You don’t want to miss out on this fabulous and fun event, but play fast because the hunt is only live for three days.
    And now, here are the teams! (Hint: If you click on the image you can get a close up)
    Pink Team
    Blue Team 1 
    Team Gold (2)
    Team Green
    Team Red 1
    Team Teal (2)
    Team Orange
    Team Purple 1

    I hope you are all as excited as I am! 
    THE HUNT BEGINS 4/2/15!

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    44. The Body Institute Cover Reveal

    The Body Institute
    Release Date: 09/01/15
    Entangled Teen

    Summary from Goodreads:
    Meet Morgan Dey, one of the top teen Reducers at The Body Institute.

    Thanks to cutting-edge technology, Morgan can temporarily take over another girl’s body, get her in shape, and then return to her own body—leaving her client slimmer, more toned, and feeling great. Only there are a few catches…

    For one, Morgan won’t remember what happens in her “Loaner” body. Once she’s done, she won’t recall walks with her new friend Matt, conversations with the super-cute Reducer she’s been text-flirting with, or the uneasy feeling she has that the director of The Body Institute is hiding something. Still, it’s all worth it in the name of science. Until the glitches start…

    Suddenly, residual memories from her Loaner are cropping up in Morgan’s mind. She’s feeling less like herself and more like someone else. And when protests from an anti–Body Institute organization threaten her safety, she’ll have to decide if being a Reducer is worth the cost of her body and soul…

    About the Author
    I'm a YA writer represented by Kelly Sonnack of Andrea Brown Literary. My sci-fi novel THE BODY INSTITUTE explores the themes of society, identity, and body image. I live in the beautiful, green state of Oregon and have a Studio Arts degree; I'm an SCBWI member. 

    You'll usually find me in my writing cave, surrounded by my dragon collection and the characters in my head. I also enjoy reading--mostly young adult novels--as well as drawing, painting, and quilting. I also attend writing conferences, walk with my husband, and enjoy music and dance of all kinds. 

    Author Links:
     photo iconwebsite-32x32_zps1f477f69.png  photo icongoodreads32_zps60f83491.png  photo icontwitter-32x32_zpsae13e2b2.png  photo iconfacebook-32x32_zps64a79d4a.png

    Cover Reveal Organized by:

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    45. DEFYING REASON with Elizabeth Seckman

    Ines de Castro and Prince Pedro of Portugal shared a tragic love. Ines was the lady in waiting to the prince's new wife, Princess Contance Castile. The Castile line had connections and power, so Prince Pedro's infatuation with Constance's maid threatened the unity in the kingdom. So, Pedro's father, King Alfonso forbid the couple to be together. Ines was exiled from the kingdom. 

    When Constance died, Prince Pedro sought out Ines and brought her back to the kingdom. His father, the king, still forbid them to marry. Undaunted, the couple lived together openly, resulting in four children. This open defiance, and Ines' powerful influence over Pedro, angered the king, so while Pedro was out of the country, he had Ines killed. 

    When Pedro returned, in his fury, he launched a war against his father's throne. His mother was able to bring peace to the father and son, but Pedro never forgot. When the king died and Pedro took the throne, he hunted down Ines' killers. He found two of them and both were executed by ripping their hearts from their chests. He also proclaimed Ines was rightfully the queen, and legend has it, he had her body exhumed and forced the court to pledge their allegiance to her dead body. 

    Pedro and Ines are interred in a monastery, their coffins side by side with the promise: até ao fim do mundo...until the end of the world. And ironically, Constance and Pedro's son, Ferdinand, was the last of the First Dynasty. The new king to take the throne married the great-granddaughter of Ines and it was their children who reigned during the Age of Discovery when the countries of Europe started looking across the seas to the new world. 


    The Blurb:

    Jo Leigh Harper comes from a long line of trouble-making, white trash stock.
    Tanner Coulter comes from a longer line of wealth-creating, blue blood stock.
    Jo graduated college top of her class, moving toward a future full of possibilities.
    Tanner dropped out of college, trading a law degree for drinking games and one night stands.

    A family crisis throws the rich party boy and the poor genius girl together. The attraction is immediate, though neither one is a heart-in-the-sand-drawing believer in true love. But as the summer sun heats up along the shores of the Outer Banks, so does the connection between them. Maybe, just maybe, they can win at love by defying reason.

    Author Bio:

    Elizabeth is a multi-published author of books for people who are believers in happily-ever- after, true love, and stories with a bit of fun and twists with their plots. The mother of four young men, she tackles laundry daily and is the keeper of the kitchen. She lives along the shores of the Ohio River in West Virginia, but dreams daily of the beach. 

    FacebookBlogWebsiteBuy Link

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    46. Biggest Fan Giveaway


    Thanks for stopping by for the Biggest Fan Giveaway! Chances are if you are seeing this page, you consider yourself one of the biggest fans of one our participating authors. This post will introduce you to the other participating authors, and if you think you would like to take a look at their books, too, you'll find a form at the bottom of this page where you can enter to win a book of your choice (there may be some restrictions on some authors) from EVERY author here. All we ask is that, in exchange for the free books, you review them all sometime within the next year. So, without further ado, let's meet the participating authors and learn a little about each of the bestselling titles. Please enter by 3/1/2015 to be considered!

    Catherine Stine writes YA, New Adult and Middle Grade fiction. Her YA futuristic thriller, Fireseed One, illustrated by the author won finalist spots in both YA and Science Fiction in the 2013 USA Book News International Book Awards. It was also granted a 2013 Bronze Wishing Shelf Book Award and a 2013 Indie Reader Approved notable stamp. Her YA Refugees, earned a New York Public Library Best Book. Catherine says her bestselling title at the moment is Dorianna.
    "Internet followers, beauty, power. It all sounded good, until it transformed into a terrifying reality Dorianna couldn’t stop."

    Novelist Grae Lily is the incredibly camera shy author of GRIM LOVE (Paranormal Romance Novella) and FOOL'S ERRAND (Romantic Thriller Novella). Finally taking pen to paper after decades of ghostwriting for others, Grae has dozens of titles begging to be released to the world. Her expertise as a ghostwriter has given her the opportunity to write in many genres and she looks forward to releasing titles that span genres in the very near future. Here's a pitch from her bestselling title, Grim Love.
    "The afterlife is proving to be far more than Evangeline imagined, now that Lucius as chosen her as one of his Reapers."

    Kelly Anne Blount is the bestselling author of The Necoh Saga (Grishma and Ayla), Hard Love Series (Impassioned), Shade (Part of the Pandora Paranormal Box Set) and Captured. She loves creating unique and compelling characters with amazing stories and new worlds for readers to explore. We asked her which of her bestselling titles she think you would like most, and she recommended Grishma. Check it out!
    "In the world of Necoh, everyone fears Grishma, a hideous murderous beast responsible for ruining or ending the lives of anyone who dare cross her."

    Ever since she was young, Kiki Howell has loved to listen to a well-woven tale with real characters, inspired plots, and delightful resolutions. Kiki could spend hours lost in a book, and soon she knew that creating lives, loves, and losses with just words had to be the greatest thing that she could do. To that end, she pursued her study of literature and writing, earning a bachelor's degree in English. She then followed in a Master's program in Creative Writing. Her bestselling title is What Lies Within Us.
    "After receiving a letter from an aunt she never knew existed, Kyna Hughes travels to Ireland only to find out that her whole life has been a series of well-orchestrated lies, and suddenly, this poor girl from the foothills of the Alleghany Mountains is thrust into a life of not only the wealthy and affluent, but of dark magic and secret societies."

    Nicole Zoltack loves to write in many genres, especially romance, whether fantasy, paranormal, or regency. She's also an editor for MuseItUp Publishing and works as a freelance editor. When she's not writing about knights, superheroes, or zombies, she loves to spend time with her loving husband and three energetic young boys. She enjoys riding horses (pretending they're unicorns, of course!) and going to the PA Renaissance Faire, dressed in garb. Check out her bestselling title, Bloodlust.
    "The gripping forbidden love story between a barbarian princess and a goliath."

    USA Today and Amazon top 100 Bestselling Author, Noree Cosper loves writing about magic in the modern world. While growing up in Texas she constantly searched for mystical elements in the mundane. She buried her nose in both fiction and books about Wicca, Religion, and Mythology. Everyday became an adventure as she joined a group of role-players, acting out her fantasies of vampires, demons, and monsters living in the world. Learn more about her bestselling title, A Prescription for Delirium.
    "Not even death can save her."

    Phoenix Johnson is an Australian author who has always had the passion for the written word. She had her nose in at least one book ever since she could read and would even scrutinize the back of the cereal box every morning at breakfast. It was only natural she take up writing. Phoenix has multiple works in progress, and her favourite writing genres are the same as her reading genres; erotica, romance, paranormal, thriller and a combination of these. Here's a bit about her bestselling title, Once Bitten, Twice Shy.
    "A werewolf and his lover, a woman with a disturbing past, fighting to live a normal life in peace."

    Rachel McClellan was born and raised in Idaho, a place secretly known for its supernatural creatures. When she's not in her writing lair, she's partying with her husband and four crazy, yet lovable, children. Rachel's love for storytelling began as a child when the moon first possessed the night. For when the lights went out, her imagination painted a whole new world. And what a scary world it was... You'll love her bestselling title, Unleashed.
    "A teenage girl discovers a boy close to her has ingested a stolen drug from a nearby medical research facility, unleashing his dark and evil alter-ego, and he’s determined to make her just like him. Like hell."

    Rainy Kaye is an aspiring overlord. In the mean time, she blogs at RainyoftheDark and writes paranormal novels from her lair somewhere in Phoenix, Arizona. She is represented by Rossano Trentin of TZLA. Someone told her she's a USA Today Bestselling author. She thought there would be cake. While there may not be any cake for her to share with us, she would love to share with you her bestselling title, Summoned.
    "A dark twist on genie folklore, SUMMONED follows a reluctant criminal as he unravels the mystery of the paranormal bond controlling him."

    Rebecca Hamilton is a USA Today Bestselling Paranormal Fantasy author who also dabbles in Horror and Literary Fiction. She lives in Florida with her husband and four kids. Having a child diagnosed with autism has inspired her to illuminate the world through the eyes of characters who see things differently. She is represented by Rossano Trentin of TZLA and has been published internationally, in three languages. Her bestselling title to date is The Forever Girl.
    "When a spell Sophia casts goes wrong, her personal demons get company, and the newcomers are dangerous."

    A Kansas native, Samantha LaFantasie spends her free time with her spouse and three kids. Writing has always been a passion of hers, forgoing all other desires to devote to this one obsession, even though she often finds herself arguing with her characters through much of the process. She's primarily a fantasy writer but often feels pulled to genres such as sci-fi, romance, and others. You won't want to miss out on her bestselling title, Echoes of Memories.
    "As if trying to recover fragments of her missing memory wasn't enough, Elsa must clear her name and figure out Alexander's next move."

    Susan Stec loves laughing with her daughters, class B scary movies, fine cuisine and hamburgers from Wendy's. She's addicted to electronics, dark chocolate, vintage eyeglass frames, warm socks, and a really good cup of cappuccino. Susan is a wannabe gamer--Zelda is her favorite--and enjoys playing Super Mario with her grandsons. You'll want to check out her bestselling title, They're So Vein.
    "They're So Vein is a hilarious and irreverent new twist on the paranormal/vampire romance genre."

    * * *
    * * * * *


    Please fill out the form by 3/1/2015 for your chance to win 12 of books of your choice by the above authors!


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    47. Deja Vu Blogfest 2014 - How To Write Realistic Dialogue

    Deja Vu Blogfest 2014

    Everyone, I'm so sorry. For some reason, Blogger didn't post this like it should have. I thought for sure I hit publish and not save, and wasn't able to be on the computer yesterday because of dealing with kids with fevers and didn't realize it never posted until today.

    The post I'm reposting is one way back from 2009. And oldie but hopefully a goodie. :)


    Well written, realistic dialogue is one of the most useful tools at an author’s disposable. Nothing else can pull a reader from a story than unbelievable dialogue. Imagine a character like Mandy Moore’s in A Walk to Remember. Now picture that character cursing. In context, it might work, if given the right situation but most likely, a goody-two-shoes like that would never swear. A bum on the streets won’t use large, obscure words. Neither would a small child unless they are precocious. Here are some tips for including authentic dialogue in your novels:

    1. Go to the mall or other places where lots of people go. Sit on a bench and eavesdrop. It’s amazing how much you can learn just by listening. As an added bonus, you might even come up with new story ideas!

    2. Create a character sketch. In order for your character’s dialogue to be true to the character, it must reflect the character’s flaws, weaknesses, strengths, and personality. A smoker character will not rant about the evils of the big bad tobacco companies. An animal activist will yell at someone for killing a fly.

    3. Large blocks of dialogue, similar to large blocks of description, are boring. Pepper some action throughout dialogue scenes. Maybe your hero and heroine are dancing. Or they’re on a long car trip. People often talk with hand gestures. Include movements and other actions.

    4. As I hinted at earlier, use swear words sparingly unless the character demands it. Some people hide behind them or use them for release. Other characters may only use them under highly stressful situations. And if you are writing a historical piece, look up the curse words of that time period. In Woman of Honor, a medieval fantasy romance novel, my characters sometimes yell, “God’s Teeth!” or “God’s Wounds!” It lends an authentic feel to the piece.

    5. While using words appropriate to locale (some regions say soda, others pop), try to avoid dating your piece with slang. Unless you are rewriting West Side Story and need gang dialogue.

    6. If you are going to use accents, make certain that they are constant throughout the novel but not overbearing. Reread Huckleberry Finn, Twain was the master at this.

    7. Once you write a dialogue scene, read it aloud. Have your boyfriend/wife/sibling/someone reading a character and you read another. Does it flow well? Does it make sense? Does it further the story and add details to the plot? If you answered no to any of the questions, your dialogue needs a tune up.

    Woman of Honor tells the tale of young Aislinn, who desires to become a knight to take her fallen brother’s place. The king grants her a two year probationary period during which Aislinn proves herself time and again. Once the two years are over, the king says that she may now beginning her training as a first year page. Infuriated, Aislinn has an argument with Prince Caelan in this never shared before excerpt that shows how powerful and emotional dialogue can be:

    Aislinn hurried outside the castle. The walls loomed oppressive and overbearing. She quickly strode around the courtyard, letting her long steps eat up the earth. The scent of flowers reached her nose but she couldn’t process the sweet smells. She attempted to calm down but her thoughts ran around at such a lightening quick speed that she couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe. Eventually, she forced herself back inside the castle and returned to her room. Regardless of what choice she decided, whether to redo the last two years of her life or not, she would have to return at some point. The whole situation is absurd! To think that at ten years old, when I am at the same level as the other two year pages, that I should be forced to be on the same level as the new pages! Seven year olds! And to think that I was humiliated when I told everyone I was eight.

    She opened her door, and stopped short. Her room wasn’t empty. Prince Caelan, heir to the throne, rose from the single chair in the room.

    “Caelan,” she managed to say through clenched teeth. She looked at him and saw his father, saw her king, and relived her humiliation all over again in one heartbeat.

    “Aislinn, I’m sorry,” he said, swiftly coming out of the seat. He took a step toward her, one hand held out. “I fought for you, I told my father you deserved a chance. You must know that.”

    His words mean nothing to me. He means nothing to me!

    She said nothing and stomped over to the bureau, yanking the drawers open. She pulled her few possessions and clothing, holding them to her chest as she slammed the drawers shut. Caelan stepped closer, hovering near her shoulder, but he refrained from touching her and said nothing. Her hands shook with rage and the clothes wrinkled. She took them to her narrow bed and refolded them, her movements crisp and precise. When she finished, she returned to the bureau and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The reflection startled her. She wore an emotionless face but her eyes contained so much hurt and pain that she barely recognized herself.

    Caelan spoke again, his voice rougher and deeper.

    “I know you would do anything for my father. If he asked you to leave this country and to spy on the Speicans, you would. You would lead a raid into their country if he merely hinted at it. You would lay your life down for him just because he is the leader of this country.” Here, the prince paused. “One day, I shall take his place and I shall be king. Yet I don’t know if you would follow me as willingly as you would my father.”

    “Why do you say that, your Highness?” she asked, the formal title more a stinging retort than a sign of respect.

    “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. His hand rested in the bend of her arm, but she didn’t turn to face him. “I have done nothing but fight for you.”

    “Why?” Aislinn asked. She thought of the three W’s, how the prince had wanted to help her but she had been too proud to ask for it, how he had helped anyhow. Even before that, warning her to learn how to swim. He urged Geoffrey to be her mentor, even though Geoffrey denied that Caelan had made him.

    Caelan pulled on her arm enough to make her turn and she faced him, keeping her hands clenched at her side. The prince grinned slowly, a reckless and daring smile that spread to his eyes. Aislinn drew in a breath as sudden heat spread over her. His whole face had lit up with his grin and his eyes glowed, like two dark sapphires.

    “Why doesn’t matter,” he eventually answered in a voice so low it barely carried across the space between them and Aislinn realized the truth of his words. It didn’t matter.

    But he was wrong to question her. Aislinn served the king because he was king. One day, Caelan would be king, and she would serve him just as fiercely and just as honorably.

    “I would obey you like I would any king,” she told him, finally finding enough control to keep the edge from her voice. She swallowed. “I would die to protect you.”

    “Good,” Caelan said, his eyes still slightly wild as his grin widened a small degree. “Then you know what you must do, Aislinn.”

    Aislinn stared up at him, her heart breaking. She clenched her fists harder. “But I have to redo the last two years of my life all over again. Everything up to this point had been for naught! For nothing!”

    “You have two choices.” His voice was calm, a sharp contrast to the anger and frustration waging in Aislinn’s chest. “Either do as my father says and begin again. Or leave and the last two years will truly be for naught.”

    “No, there has to be another way.” She shook her head sharply.

    Caelan’s hand slid from her elbow to wrap around her fist. Without thinking, she unfurled her fingers and he held her hand in his. “Aislinn, I can’t persuade my father. He shall not bend.”

    “But he isn’t being fair!”

    “Fair or not, he is king.”

    Aislinn frowned. Protests welled in her throat but she refused to voice them and slowly an idea formed. “Perchance…” she started.

    “Perchance?” Caelan prompted, taking a step closer to her.

    Aislinn shook her head, refusing to say her thoughts. “I gave him my services. I gave him my life for two years. Two years! I can’t forgive him for this.”

    He released her hand, taking a step back, his expression hardening. “You must,” he said, his tone now cold and distant.

    Aislinn tightened her jaw and stared at the floor. He stepped back from her and walked away. She didn’t bother to look up when the door slammed as the prince left the room.

    She slowly whistled her breath out before quickly packing her belongings and leaving the room without a backward glance.

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    48. Autumn's Kiss Blog Hop and Giveaway

    10 romance authors got together and write a collection of fall romances, including me! Some are contemporary, some are historical, all are sweet.

    Buy Links:


    The Book Trailer: http://youtu.be/Lfp4wxnWuWo

    My book is called RUNAWAY LOVE. After harvesting his crops, the last thing Corin Jannings expects is to rescue a woman tossed form a runaway horse. A woman who can't remember who she is. She's obviously highborn, so it's only a matter of time before someone comes for her. And since she's a lady, Corin cannot risk falling for her.

    I will be offering a copy of LOVE BEFORE HONOR, my newest solo release, a Christmas Regency time travel to one commenter on this blog post.

    If you fill in your answers to each question along the blog tour, you can win a grand prize (about $70). To enter, you need to fill in the form and follow each blog hop. Please find the link to the other blogs below:

    Join ten sweet romance authors as we celebrate the release of Autumn's Kiss, a collection of love stories set in the colorful season of autumn.

    The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

    powered by InLinkz.com

    My Question:

    Why can't Corin risk falling for the heroine?

    A. Because she's a lady.

    B. Because she's is already married.

    C. Because he only has time to harvest crops, not love.

    Type in your answer in the form below:

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    49. Guess the True Statement and Win Jessica Bell's Thriller WHITE LADY


    To celebrate the release of Jessica Bell's latest novel, WHITE LADY, she is giving away an e-copy (mobi, ePub, or PDF) to the first person to correctly guess the one true statement in the three statements below. To clarify, two statements are lies, and one is true:

    When Jessica Bell’s relatives ask her if she wants them to send her anything from Australia, she almost always asks for ...
    a. chocolate bullets, Cherry Ripe, and Cadbury’s Peppermint chocolate
    b. Melbourne Breakfast tea, random books, and vegemite
    c. Aussie sitcom DVDs, Yellow Tale Cabernet Sauvignon, Milo

    What do you think? Which one is true? Write your guess in the comments, along with your email address. Comments will close in 48 hours. If no-one guesses correctly within in 48 hours, comments will stay open until someone does.

    Want more chances to win? You have until October 31 to visit all the blogs where Jessica will share a different set of true and false statements on each one. Remember, each blog is open to comments for 48 hours only from the time of posting.

    If you win, you will be notified by email with instructions on how to download the book.

    Click HERE to see the list of blogs.


    *This novel contains coarse language, violence, and sexual themes.

    Sonia yearns for sharp objects and blood. But now that she's rehabilitating herself as a "normal" mother and mathematics teacher, it's time to stop dreaming about slicing people's throats.

    While being the wife of Melbourne's leading drug lord and simultaneously dating his best mate is not ideal, she's determined to make it work.

    It does work. Until Mia, her lover's daughter, starts exchanging saliva with her son, Mick. They plan to commit a crime behind Sonia's back. It isn't long before she finds out and gets involved to protect them.

    But is protecting the kids really Sonia's motive?

    Click HERE to view the book trailer.
    Click HERE for purchase links.

    Jessica Bell, a thirty-something Australian-native contemporary fiction author, poet and singer/songwriter/guitarist, is the Publishing Editor of Vine Leaves Literary Journal and the director of the Homeric Writers' Retreat & Workshop on the Greek island of Ithaca. She makes a living as a writer/editor for English Language Teaching Publishers worldwide, such as Pearson Education, HarperCollins, MacMillan Education, Education First and Cengage Learning.

    Connect with Jessica online:

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    50. FALLEN SON, DARKEST NIGHT by Melissa A. Petreshock

    FALLEN SON, DARKEST NIGHT by Melissa A. Petreshock

    After four millennia of waiting for change, the Mother Goddess sees no other recourse but to summon Theo Pendragon to perform his sacred duty as one of the Dracopraesi, imprison her only son in the Underworld, and save her people. 

    ​Given the​ vast destruction Dante has caused ​in the Earthen Realm, Theo is prepared to fulfill Dana's request​ without hesitation​, but ​when confronted with ​unexpected events and a plea for mercy, will the dragon ​find him worth redemption, or is it too late for this dark soul to seek forgiveness?

    FALLEN SON, DARKEST NIGHT is a ​short story companion to FIRE OF STARS AND DRAGONS (Stars and Souls Book 1). ​Three thousand years before Caitriona Hayden is even born, Dante's actions and Theo's decision impact the destiny that awaits them all.

    About The Author

    Melissa A. Petreshock is a full-time writer and member of the Romance Writers of America with past experience in the medical and educational fields, though she has primarily devoted her adult life to raising a family. Born and raised in Kentucky, Melissa spent a number of years in Massachusetts, living outside Boston and in Springfield before returning to her home state where she now resides on a small farm. She enjoys quiet married life and the silliness of her three children, indulging hobbies of music, Zumba, and a minor television addiction in what little free time she finds. Melissa’s interests include causes demanding social change such as mental health awareness and teen suicide prevention. FIRE OF STARS AND DRAGONS is her debut NA Fantasy Romance novel.

    You can find Melissa on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Goodreads.
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