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Viewing Blog: Shakespear's Stage, Most Recent at Top
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What part will I play today? Mom, Writer, Crafty Girl, Maid...
Statistics for Shakespear's Stage

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1. Look! I'm Famous...

I expect the news crew any minute.

That's right I have two craft ideas in Disney's Family Fun Magazine this month.

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2. Flash Fiction: Mistake

Writers' Platform-Building Campaign
It's time for the first challenge in the Platform-Building Campaign. Here are the rules...
Write a short story/flash fiction story in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, including a poem. Begin the story with the words, “Shadows crept across the wall”. These five words will be included in the word count.
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional), do one or more of these:
  • end the story with the words: "everything faded." (also included in the word count)
  • include the word "orange" in the story
  • write in the same genre you normally write
  • make your story 200 words exactly!

Alright, this was super fun! I sat down to jot down some ideas for this challenge and quickly came up with my entry.  I even managed to end with "everything faded", included orange, wrote in my genre and made the story 200 words. Wow, right? Hmmmm....I probably should been working on my WIP instead or sleeping. But...well...this is writing so, um...it's not really a waste of time...

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3. The Danger of Being a Writing Conference Addict

Is there such a thing as going to too many writing conferences? Yesterday I blogged about the many different events going on in our state. And they all sound brilliant. But what do you think? Is there a point when writers should stop making the rounds of the writing conference scene? When they should simply hole up and write?

I don't know.

Because it's so nice to be with other writers. It's energizing. It gets all my creative juices flowing. It makes me feel as if this crazy dream of mine isn't so crazy after all, that it's entirely possible. I love connecting with and making new friends.I love seeing old friends. I love escaping to a world where I have a whole string of thoughts without interruption.

But I think going to writing conferences can give writers a false sense of being productive. Yes, it is energizing, but if you find you are only writing in preparation for an upcoming workshop and then letting it all fall to the wayside afterward, then something isn't working.
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4. eshakespear @ 2012-02-16T11:56:00

What to learn more about the craft of writing for children? What to hang out with loads of like-minded writers? Do you live in Utah? Or would you like to take a trip to our lovely scenic state?

Then you're in luck! There are some fun writing conferences and workshops in Provo on the horizon...

Writing for Charity
Writing for Charity: This is one I haven't been to before, but it sounds really amazing and totally worth the price. I've heard all sorts of good things about this workshop which is the brainchild of Newbery award-winning author, Shannon Hale. Here's a blurb about what makes this conference different...

Have you ever wanted to sit with a published author and discuss your manuscript-in-progress? This year, group manuscript critique sessions will not be a free-for-all discussion with conference participants, followed by a short remark from the professional author. Instead, the author will give the critique, and the participants in the group will listen. You'll have the full attention of the author (or several) and will also learn by listening to the critiques on the other manuscripts in your group. If you don't bring a manuscript or aren't a writer, you can spend that time asking the author questions on any writing or literacy topic of your choice. 

LDStorymakers:  I haven't been to this conference either, but my friend and critique group member, Lana raved about her expereience Here. Also, here's another endorsement...

5. {motivation}

Lovely thoughts kifed from my Pinterest board about writing...


yup   dream + work

wonder   mine are pretty scary...I guess they are big enough ;)

Rules to live by...   Chase your dreams.

... start writing.  So true!

Be different. Coco Chanel.    

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6. I Love Secrets

Author, April Henry, whose blog is all kinds of awesome and smart and funny, shared this on her blog yesterday....

"In the planning stage, I make sure that all my characters have secrets that will be revealed gradually during the course of the novel. Such secrets will motivate all sorts of unexpected action and furnish the surprise element that I'm trying for. Before I ever get to the writing, I examine my characters for those secrets they may be hiding, and I plan ways in which such secrets may affect the lives of other characters in the story." 

Phyllis Whitney, Guide to Fiction Writing

What a brilliant quote. It has me thinking about the delicious and wonderful secrets my characters are hiding and how this will add drama, problems and trouble to the plot. Oooooh, I do love a good secret.

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7. Origins Blogfest

"On Monday, February 13th, post your own origin story. Tell us all where your writing dreams began. It could be anything from how you started making up stories as a child, or writing for the school newspaper, or even what prompted you to start a blog. How about stories about the first time somebody took an interest in your writing, or maybe the singular moment when you first started calling yourself a writer. It all started somewhere and we want you to tell us your own unique beginnings."

Alright, this is a pretty fun and easy blogfest, so I thought, why not join in? And I like reading how others got sucked into this crazy writing world, too.

So, without further ado, I give you my Origins Timeline:

Somewhere in Early Childhood: Add a Comment
8. Recently...

#1: I watched every episode of the BBC series Bleak House on Netflix. I know I should have been writing instead. But it was usually when I was putting the wee babe to sleep or while I tried to make some headway in cleaning my Craft Room Pit of Doom or when I should have been sleeping.

Dear Charles Dickens,

Bravo, my good fellow! That was one crazy amazing story full of fascinating characters and unexpected plot twists and as for how you intertwined the character's lives? I am in awe. And all that sorrow and depression! You really had it out for the justice system, eh? Pretty great way to get your point across. 

Now I'd actually like to read the book. Sorry I watched the film version first.

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9. Blankity Blank Blank

How do you name your cities? Your world? Your....everything?

I'm working on building my fantasy world. And yes, it makes me feel Oh, So Powerful. Some might say, however, that I'm a tad bit behind since I'm on, mmmm....revision #743? And I don't have the world completely pegged down. I know, right? How can I not have thought of these things, yet?

Well, I know the story. I have a semi-good (read really really horrible) draft done.  

And I need more names. Cities, creatures, forests, landmarks, people, etc. I've only just barely named all of the different magics. (I know....that only makes sense to me. Magics? Plural? Yeah....I've come up with a really awesome magic system. At least, I like to think so!)

I'm curious what others do....how do you name things? Do you pick a name out of the air that you fancy? Do you flip through a baby name book, close your eyes and point? Do you research on-line? Ask your psychic? Use the next word said on TV? That could make for some unusual names..... "Hello, my name is The Clapper." or "Look there, it's Chia Pet Forest." or even, "Say now, is that creature over there a Snuggie?"

"Ahhhhhhhh! It's a Blue Snuggie of Death! The creatures that only attack humans who have completely given up and decided to go ahead and look like their couch! Run for your life!!!"

It's safe to say I will not use that method for naming things. 

Or maybe you use Name Generators? After consulting this site, it looks like my villain should be named Gustave de Wynter. Okay. I already have my villian's name. I think.  But, I also learned I should start going by the trendy name, Rhiatany. Interesting.

So, anywho, I've left a lot of things blank in my manuscript. Or, well, no...I don't usually leave them blank. But I'll fill them in with things like BIG CITY. That's original, right? 

Or today as I wrote a scene where the MC knows what the original plan was and he needs to share it, I typed this...

{okay….here we need to put The Plan Obsidian had for Jasper…what is it? I don’t know, but I should probably figure it out at some point…}

I'm not sure why I put "we need to". Apparently there's more than just me in this head of mine. Hmmmm....that would explain some things. 

heh heh {awkward laughter}

So, what do you do? How do you find the perfect names? 

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10. Platform-Builder's Campaign...sign up today!

Want to meet more bloggers who write in the same genre as you? 

Check out the Platform-Building Campaign over at Rach Writes. This is a really fun idea and I'm looking forward to joining in.  
Sign-ups close on Feb. 15th......so don't wait!  Hop on over and sign up.

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11. The Girl Who Could Fly {sorry....long post ahead}

 Recently I read this book...

The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester
It was excellent. Beautiful. Moving. Touching. Exciting. Lovely. Thrilling. Oy. Yep, it was really great. 
The book started with a quote.
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, 
night and day, to make you everybody else
means to fight the hardest battle which any human
being can fight; and never stop fighting.
e.e. cummings
I adore that. It resonated with me. The world is trying to make us like everyone else and it's up to each of us to stand up and fight to be something different. Or we might as well jump into the fast current sweeping past and be like everyone else. 
But no! Find your own voice. Your own style. Your own groove. Your own path. And go for it! What is stopping you?  What is stopping you from being who you want to be?
Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit. 
e.e. cummings
12. eshakespear @ 2012-02-07T09:02:00

{drum roll please}

The *Southern Utah Children's Writers Schmoozy Night!

If you have any questions, comment or shoot me an email. I'd love to know if you're planning on attending....I need to give The Pastry Pub an idea of how many are coming so they know whether to give us the whole banquet room or if we have to share it. 
So, tell all your friends, invite all your writing peeps and fly in some famous authors and we'll fill up the room! 
{And BTW....score! I just found out I won the giveaway from Julie Daines! Huzzah! I have to say....every Monday should start with free books. Don't you agree?}

*I forgot to add that this is taking place in Cedar City!  

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13. eshakespear @ 2012-02-03T08:54:00

Yesterday I decided I'd whip the kitchen into shape.

I cleaned up a petrified mass of molasses from one cupboard. I sorted utensils. And tossed a lot of junk. I scrubbed shelves. And I shook my head at the sad state of our kitchen. Oy! It was pretty bad.

And the end result? Somehow I think I have a bigger mess than when I started...

Urgh. And I wanted to get the whole thing done in one day. Yep. I'm a crazy optimist.

You may be wondering why cleaning my kitchen will help me get busy with my writing. What does it have to do with FWOM? Well....it's like this...

I am really behind. In a lot of things...housework, piles, projects half done, etc. And because of all these things, it makes it hard for me to focus on my writing without feeling massive quantities of guilt. Guilt for all the things I'm behind on.

So, while I still spent time writing yesterday (finished revising a chapter...yay!), I also tried to spent a lot of time getting my kitchen in better order. Hopefully I can finish tidying it up today. And then what next? I have to go to Walmart. blech.

But! I'm also reading an excellent book. Want to hear about it? Sure you do!

Floors by Patrick Carman

Ok. This middle grade novel is such a fun read! It's quirky and funny and so suspenseful. I can't figure out what's going to happen. I love the characters.....an old inventor who built a strange and wonderful hotel (but he's disappeared!), a curious boy who will do anything to solve the old inventor's wild puzzle and then there's the ducks and Remi and Ms. Sparks is such a great cranky character....I'm having such a good time reading this one.

So, how about you? Anyone else trying to Focus, Wrap Up and Organize? How's it coming?

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14. A Change of Plans {aka Focus Erin!}

I'm a bit impulsive {And forgetful*}

And when I got thinking about the picture book marathon  I thought, "Why not?" Then I thought, "I could post about picture books all month!"

But does anyone remember This Post about my Big Plans?I got thinking about it while in the shower this morning. And then I felt like a flake.

Ack! Why do I always leap before I look? Why am I always running from one thing to the next?

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15. Do You Boycott Books While Writing?

I know there are some authors who don't like to read while they're writing, especially the same genre of books they're working on. They fear they will accidentally snag the author's voice or steal ideas and such.

But I am always reading. Well, almost always. In those rare days when I'm between books, I feel so lost. It's an odd feeling. It surprises me how many people  tell me they haven't read anything for months. How do they live? I haven't a clue.

I simply have so much to learn. And I can't learn it by only putting my fingers on my keyboard and typing away. I need to see how other writers have handled different problems or issues in their books. When I'm reading a book that I love, when it's like the sweetest and yummiest candy that I can't get enough of, I ask myself, "Why? Why do I love this so much?" or when I realize how much I care about a character, I again ask myself why. And how did the author do that?

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16. Big Goals + Big Reward = Crazy Writer

This year on my birthday my super awesome friend, Carol Lynch Williams (who I adore) wrote this sweet  message on my facebook wall....

Happy happy birthday, Erin, dear.
Gotta get a book out for next year.
If I had a wish then it would be
A book of yours signed from you to me.

Ahhhh, isn't she cute? Well. This got me thinking about where I'd like to be, what I'd like to have accomplished by next year. (Yes. Deep Thoughts.)

Around the same time I saw a post on author Lisa Yee's blog about the SCBWI conference in LA. And I thought to myself, "Hey now.  I want to go to that."

So, I decided to set some Crazy Big goals and.... if I reach them? Then I deserve a Crazy Big reward, right? Like, say, a trip to LA next August? Yes. That's a rockin' plan.

Wait until you hear the goals. They're nuts. (Me and my goals usually have that in common)

Goal #1: Finish my MG novel that I've been working on for....too long. I've been calling it simply Jasper.
But it has nothing do with this kind of Jasper....

And more to do with this kind...

There's a second part to goal #1....Start subbing that book out to agents. I'm planning on starting on this wild and crazy adventure...The Great Agent Search in January.  Wooh. That's going to be a milestone. (heh heh...mileSTONE....get it?)

Goal #2: Write a decent draft of my steampunk MG novel. Yes. Steampunk. I. Am. So. EXCITED. We'll dub it WW. 
Here's some random steampunk pictures to enjoy...

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17. 50 Cent Shirt Re-do

That's right. This shirt cost me a whoppin' 50 cents.

I bought it at one of my favorite stores, The Catholic Thrift Shoppe.  On the last weekend of the month they put all their clothes on sale for 50 cents.  Yes! It's Thrifty Heaven.  And originally I bought this shirt for fabric. I thought I could make some fun hair flowers with it.

But after I pulled it from my Massive Mountain of Thrifty Finds (someone should really stick a flag in that thing and claim it for their country.  Yeah, it's that big.) I got looking at it and decided I kind of liked it (I say kind of because usually I'm a boring solid colored shirt kind of girl). 

Although it was much too big. But recently I'd read this chickadee's blog, Grosgrain Fabulous and she talked about her thrifty upcycled adventures. Wow. She does some amazing things.

So, I put the shirt on inside out and pinned it where I wanted it taken in on the side*. 

Then I sewed up the sides and tried it on and then took the sides in some more and then repeated a few more times and...

Voila! A new shirt. For 50 cents.

I don't usually peruse the too-big-for-me aisles at t

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18. eshakespear @ 2011-09-19T16:38:00


Okay, who else loves the Kid History videos? Ack! They are so hilarious. My cute friend, Kathy, shared the link to these the other day and we LOVE them. I can't even begin to pick our favorite.  We quote them ALL the time...

"These are perfectly normal pancakes kids!"

"If you buy 13 complentos it's only 13 dollars."

"They'll make you strong!"

"I'm going to kick you in the head."

"Don't say it, Brett! Don't say it!"

So, from what I can gather, the videos are made by a bunch of brothers who live in northern Utah.  It seems they enjoy telling their kids stories from their youth and then asking their kids to tell them back.  THEN they act the stories out with the kid's voices.  So. Stinkin'. Funny.

You just have to watch them. All of them. Right now. Go on. You'll thank me later.

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19. Easy Patchwork Top and T-shirt Leggings

I sewed up this super easy patchwork top as a dress for my smallest monkey a few months ago.  I tried using really wide elastic in the top casing. I thought it was a good idea but....erm....it made it too bulky for her small body. In fact, it looked just a wee bit strange on her. And it was way too long, too.  I have such a problem with getting the length right with dresses for my babies!

So, it's become a top for my older girl. And she was thrilled! The wider elastic doesn't seem too big on her. And she looks pretty darn cute in it, right? I especially like her choice of pink boots to complete the ensemble.

Her super crazy simple leggings are made from an upcycled t-shirt. I cut them out so the bottom of the pattern is lined up with the hem of the t-shirt. And then I don't have to hem the leggings. So incredibly easy. And I didn't even have to buy a pattern since I made one from a pair of leggings she already had. She has a bunch of these in fun stripes. I'm always on the look out for fun tees to upcycle into leggings.
20. Anniversary at the Roller Rink

My handsome cowboy and I celebrated fourteen years of marriage this week.  We went out to dinner at The Market Grill which is a a yummy 'ole cowboy restaurant right next to the livestock auction. Yep. Their meat is very fresh.  Ryan took me there the same night he proposed. It may not sound like the most romantic place, but we love the food and we sit in these big wood booths that make you feel like you're almost in your own room....except for the view of your dinner cooking nearby :)  

Then we went off to check out the new roller rink in town. Yes. Our small town of Cedar City has a roller rink....Old School Skate.  My handsome cowboy and I are a bit unconventional, I suppose. I gather this from people's responses upon hearing this is where we went on our anniversary. 

But we had so much fun! At first, I felt a bit awkward since it's been a few years since I've skated (we went to a roller rink up north on another anniversary but that was about five years ago). I shuffled around trying to regain my skate legs.
Then after awhile, I had gotten it down. Oh, yeah. You should have seen me. The song Dynamite came on. And I was in the zone. I was whipping around that rink like a pro. Those teenagers lounging around the place had nothing on me. 
Hmmmmm, what's that saying? Pride comes before the fall? 
Ack! I was going down! How did my feet get crossed? Maybe I could stop myself. I groped around trying to find someway to regain my balance and stay upright. This attempt was then rudely interrupted by my knees crashing into the hard floor and my face's abrupt introduction to the carpeted wall surrounding the roller rink. 
A young college-looking guy who I'd noticed skating earlier (I was envying the way he could cross one foot over the other as he curved around the rink) came to a quick stop, crouched down and said with concern, "Are you alright?" 
I  managed to sit up a bit. But I couldn't really talk. All the air had left my lungs. I managed a thumbs up, a head nod and, what I hope was a small smile. 
"Are you sure? That was a really bad fall. You hit the wall." 
Yes. I'm aware. Thank you.  
Oh, I see! That was that hard thing I found so close to my face. Interesting.  
Okay, he was just trying to be nice, I know.  
So, I squeaked out a, "Yeah," followed by another thumbs up. By this point, my handsome cowboy had noticed the unusual spot I'd decided to take a rest and managed to turn himself around and skate over. The nice young man skated on. Ryan helped me up and asked what happened. I told him in brief sentences while clinging to my nemesis, the carpeted wall, the story of my crumble from skating glory. 
Ryan asked if I was alright.  
"Yeah," I reassured him. I had carpet burn on my chin and arm. I felt like falling over in a heap.
"You don't look alright," he said. 
Thank you, my love.
Well, it took me awhile to go very fast after that. I was a wee bit embarrassed and cruised around the rink on tentative skates. But eventually I found my groove again and continued to stay upright.  Although when Ryan said, "Crash into the wall and then push off backwards. It's fun!" I declined. The carpeted wall and I prefer to keep our distance, thank you very much.
Earlier in the night, the owner played a couple country love songs, announced it was our anniversary and proclaimed it a Couples Skate where we had to hold hands. Ryan smiled at me and said, "Now, this is fun."   I had mentioned to the owner in passing it was our anniversary and he was quick to

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21. This summer I read...

Alright, here is another installment of my itty bitty book reviews. These are most of the books I've read in the past while....I'm not very good at remembering to jot down titles and then I quickly forget what I've read.

I also started many many other books, but put them down mostly because they didn't hold my interest. These are the ones I loved and finished.

Human .4 by Mike A. Lancaster

Wow. So weird and creepy and suspenseful. My 12 yo sat down and read it in one sitting. A boy and three others from his town are hypnotized during a town talent show and when they snap out of it everyone in town is frozen in place. What happened while they were under? Oooooh! You'll just have to read it!  It's so great.

But the cover kind of freaked out my kids. :)

Larklight by Philip Reeve
This was a rereading. Steampunk, Victorian space travel, an orphan turned pirate, giant spiders trying to take over the universe...I love this book.

The False Princess by Eilis O'Neal
Really great. A princess discovers she isn't the true princess and is sent back to the small town her real aunt leaves in.  She tries to find her new place in the world. There's some magic. And a sweet romance with a childhood friend who is also a noble. Loved all her struggles.

Princess for Hire by Lindsey Leavitt

This was another rereading. I love Lindsey's sense of humor. Oh. My. I would not be surprised if this series gets made into movies. Nope. Not at all.  I need to get my hands on the next book. Such a fun premise...a girl substitues for princesses who need a break....throw in some magic, an unrequited crush, mean girls and ooooh....a taboo romance....yep. See? Totally fun.

But hey....where's the person to substitute for moms that need a break, eh?

The Roar by Emma Clayton
Animal plague that makes the people of the world take refuge behind a giant wall around London? Goodnight Nurse. This was an interesting premise. And the surprising ending? Brilliant.

The Candleman by Glenn Dakin
Oooooh, what a scary power! The kid can MELT people. Well, not just anyone.  Murderers. Yep. You heard me.  He can MELT them. Really great book.

The Clone Codes by Fred McKissack
The whole idea with clones totally fascinates me. This is a brilliant story of a world where the clones are second class citizens. They're considered dumb menial servants. But then a teenage girl learns she's actually a clone and the government wants to snag her.  Wow. World-changing, eh? As if being a teen isn't hard enough as it is. :)  And then the chase is on. So great.

Fame, Glory and Other Things on my To-do List by Janette Rallison
I love Janette's writing. She's witty and clever and her books are just so fun.  This one is no exception. A teen who dreams of being a famous actress. An unhappy son of a celebrity father. A big school play.  When the girl tries to manipulate the boy into getting his dad at the play (so he can see what a fabulous actress she is) there are some major problems. And a sweet romance.

Ivy's Ever After by Dawn Lairamore
Ok. This one was more toward the beginning of the summer.  I know I really enjoyed it. And it was about a girl who has to go into a tower guarded by a dragon when she's.

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22. You think you've got big problems? What about a big solution?

have been...

* Promoting this Writing Workshop.

*Taking care of my son who had to go to the doctor after his face smashed into the baby stroller. He was being a sweet son and lifting it out from behind the mass of bikes around it and somehow a part of it smacked into his cheek bone and cut him pretty deep. There was a lot of blood. Ugh. Isn't that one of the worst things in the world? Seeing that much blood leaving your child's body? And he had to get....wait for it....a whole One stitch. One? Come on. He can't even say, "I had to get stitches." Nope. "I had to get a stitch."

*Sticking with the Couch to 5k plan. Wooh. It's hard. I'm up to week 7 which is 25 minutes of constant jogging. It's hard, but I'm doing it. And I've very proud of myself.

*Trying to finish the current draft of my middle grade fantasy by September 12th. I have plans to hole up at the library tomorrow to get a whole bunch of pages written. Maybe 30? heh....I can dream.

*I've been studying a lot of middle grade novels. What makes them work? What is it that I love about them? Why did I get bored with this one or that one? What could the author have done to keep me up until two in the morning unable to put the book down? What did the author do to make me want to forgo sleep in order to continue turning pages?

I've been rereading Ella Enchanted. What a magical book!

I remember loving it, but I'd forgotten just how wonderful it is. I checked it out from the library yesterday (I really need to buy my own copy) and picked it up to glance at it during lunch. And then...

I couldn't put it down. I got so completely sucked in. How she did that? How did Gail Carson Levine get me so absorbed in Ella's tale? Ella's problem (well, a pretty awesome fantasy world ta boot). Ella is cursed to obey every command she hears. What a great and horrible thing! And not only did the author give her main character a huge problem, but Ella also has a specific solution in mind. She is convinced if she can simply find the fairy Lucinda, maybe she can convince her to take her "gift" back.

A specific solution. Something to motivate her to do crazy things, like run away from finishing school to a giant's wedding in the hopes of finding Lucinda.

I've been needing this. Motivation. In my WIP, Jasper, my MC has a problem. But the solution in his mind has been somewhat vague. Luckily, yesterday I thought of a way to solidfy what it is he is searching for. I gave him a specific solution to motivate, to push him to do crazy things in an effort to reach solve his own problem.

Thank you Gail Carson Levine!

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23. My new favorite song...

I'm going to live a crazy dream.

Impossible as it may seem.

It doesn't matter what the future brings.

I'm going to live a crazy dream.  


I'm definitely a little girl with great big plans.

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24. A Declaration to the Universe

Birthdays are great for seeing where you are and where you'd like to be.  So, I've set some goals.  Big Goals.  And I even have a Big Reward in mind for myself if I can reach them. 

Reaching these goals requires me to give up some things.  Like computer time.  At the end of my life am I going to be happy I spent oodles of time repinning on Pinterest and reading crafty blogs and checking out all the status updates on facebook? (really? you're cleaning your toilet?  Yep. That's fascinating.) 

Nope.  That will not bring me any kind of satisfaction. 

So, I'm cutting back.  I'm not going to be blogging much (as if I was already....).  Or on facebook much.

*gasp* I'm going to even try to stay away from Pinterest. 

I mean, think about all the time we spend on the internet or watching TV!  It's crazy.  And the time goes by so fast.  Before you know it the day has shot by and you wonder where it went! Or at least I do.  It's not like I spend all day near a screen, but I piddle away time here and there and then a little more after the kids are asleep.  blech.

So, I'm backing away from my brainless time on the internet.  And I'm going to write books.  The End. 

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25. Is Writing a Novel Like Cleaning the Toilet?

   Ok. How cool is this? Seriously a fish tank toilet? My kids would hang out in the bathroom all day.  Hey now.  There's an idea...

So, I finally cleaned my bathroom today.  I'd been meaning to do it for....awhile. But there was always something more fun to do... playing with my kids, crafting something, washing my hair, cleaning up puke (my 7 yo son had the flu), poking my eyes with sharp needles.

So, I finally got the paper towel and cleaener and scrubbed my counter and sink and as I was wiping away the scuzz and blech I wondered if cleaning the bathroom is like writing a novel. 

You know you need to clean the bathroom.  You look at it everyday with plans to get it done, but somehow the day gets away and you didn't so much as wipe up one bit of crusty grime (yeah. It was that bad.)

And then when you finally get around to cleaning it and you are reminded your counters are actually a lovely white marble instead of a speckled hairy tan color you think, "Well, that wasn't so bad.  I should have just done it sooner."

I don't actually know if this is like finishing writing a novel.  I've written the rough stinky draft.  Two years later (having made another baby in there as well) I still haven't finished rewriting it. 

But I have big plans.  BIG plans, I say! 

The kids will be back in school next week.  I love having them around (read: I love sleeping in.) and planning fun things for us to do, but I am looking forward to quiet naptimes when I can write.  As it is now, I get the little girls down for naps and there are still the three big boys roaming around the house searching for something to occupy themselves with. And often, this means chatting with mom about things like the downsides of having to buy a new filter for their fish tank every two years or the fact that they wish there was an invention that let them clean the fish tank with just one drop of a chemical.  Both interesting topics, of course, but I do look forward to some writing time that isn't at midnight.

In other writing news, today I got to playing around with the idea of a picture book called The Pickled Princess.  I was thinking pickled was kind of slang for like, "in a pickle"...you know...in trouble.  But I googled it. 

Um...er...it means drunk. 

So.  Either I'll have to change the story or the title.  heh heh. 

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