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1. Day 19: The Golden Coffee Cup -- Laugh

Click here to learn more about the Golden Coffee Cup.

Oooh, I am so proud of you for hanging in here.

Today, don’t be afraid to think big! How to Train Your Dragon author, Cressida Cowell. Here she is offering a-friend-of-a-dragons’ high five.

I hope that your work has just as cool a journey, that it inspires others, that it spawns all kinds of mayhem like movies and stuff. Dreamworks might come calling someday. Just go with the fun of writing. Be sarcastic, funny, and deadpan. Roll out a great yarn and make ‘em laugh. You might not win many awards but the favorite one of writers -- scads of readers all over the world.

I'm glad you are stretching so far and for such good purpose. Keep working and come back tomorrow for more hot java.

I was not a natural. . . . This is the story of becoming . . . the Hard Way.

— Cressida Cowell (How to Train Your Dragon)

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2. Day 5: The Golden Coffee Cup -- Voice

Click here to learn more about the Golden Coffee Cup.It’s impossible to pick my favorite voice, but one I like is Robert Frost. Here is a Frost high five.

My, it looks like he has a good story to tell Jackie. I loved Frost as a teenager, but now as middle-aged gal, I love him more. I didn’t get his irony when I was a young girl. I totally get it now. I hope you infuse your work with deep meaning. Don’t be afraid for things to mean one thing to some, another to others. I hope that you are working hard. I hope that you are finding your way. You are an original voice. Let it shine out. Who knows who will be moved by your original voice?

See you tomorrow for more hot java.

Sometimes I have my doubts of words altogether, and I ask myself what is the place of them. They are worse than nothing unless they do something; unless they amount to deeds, as in ultimatums or battle-cries. They must be flat and final like the show-down in poker, from which there is no appeal. My definition of poetry (if I were forced to give one) would be this: words that become deeds. Robert Frost

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3. Fifth Annual Golden Coffee Cup is Nov 1!


Put on your thinking caps. You need to make a really good goal. Keep it simple. Complicated goals tend to get tossed. Be reasonable. How long would it take you to get in shape for a marathon run? Give yourself that much time if you have a big goal. Keep it real, folks.

If you can't make a deal with yourself to make a goal, well, you need to work on that. Discipline is about practice. Try making four 1 week goals. You have to think about the amount of work, but be aware of the amount of time you have available. There is still no way to stop time. Your goal needs to jive with the time you have available. I am serious.

Goals are just that, not another reason to kick yourself, not another reason to eat that tub of chocolate brownie caramel fudge ice cream, not another reason to say that you are just a big mess up. My advice, if you are caught in this glue, go talk to someone. OK?

So now that you have settled on reason itself, put a pen to paper and write down your most awesome goal. Next, start preparing yourself for success.
Most of all, have fun!


In honor of National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO), I have a little event on my blog for anyone one who needs an extra boost of motivation to get their current project rolling.

The Golden Coffee Cup is for children's content creators. Artists, writers, if you fit the bill this is for you.

The Golden Coffee Cup is a different kind of motivational thingy.

THE RULES: 1. Post your November creative goals on blog by Nov 1. I'll make sure all goals are moved to the November 1st post so were all on the same page. Nov 1 at midnight is the deadline, folks.

2. Come back daily for general cheering, inspiring, and wild ruckus. We'll work hard and do some holy snappin'. For extra motivation, virtual celebrity guests will be on hand to offer high fives for your achievements!

3. If you reach your goal from Nov 23 to Nov 30, and post your story on my blog, and you will receive your Golden Coffee Cup jpg. There is no verification process, I believe you. Send in your email address to me([email protected]), and I'll email your Golden Coffee Cup. Display it proudly as wallpaper, post it on your blog, print it out and tack it on your bulletin board for year-long motivation.

4. EXTRA EXTRA Incentive! Write a great post and you might win real coffee! I will select the four best goal stories, and the winner will receive a STARBUCKS card for a cup of coffee. I do the judging and it is wholly subjective. You do not have to be my friend to win. Really, honestly, cross my heart hope to die stick a needle in my eye.

OPPORTUNITY to featured in the Golden Coffee Cup.

A quote for the week: First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end
. Aristotle

1 Comments on Fifth Annual Golden Coffee Cup is Nov 1!, last added: 10/9/2010
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4. Day 18 of the Golden Coffee Cup: Venti Java

Whoop for day 18 of the Golden Coffee Cup! You have got to feel pleased today. Take time today to flip through your pages. You rock!

No clue what a Golden Coffee Cup is? Click here.

Today is another fist-bump. My friend and colleague, Conrad Wesselhoeft bumps fist with Seattle sports impresario and rock 'n' roll drummer Michael Kelly.

To me, Conrad W. is one of the best writers that I have ever read. He's got a book coming out next year called ADIOS, NIRVANA from Houghton Mifflin. I borrowed this from Publisher's Marketplace: ADIOS, NIRVANA is about a teenaged poet-musician who survives the first anniversary of his twin brother's death with the help of a dying blind man, the best group of thicks a guy could have, a demanding school principal who wants him to play the "pussiest song in the world," at graduation, and one very special guitar, for publication in fall 2010. Watch for it. This guy writes the bone -- sturdy, ageless stories that I'm so thankful that he's taken the time to craft.

He's bringing the java today and tomorrow. So Yay!!!!

First, Conrad offers some insight how to improve the structure of a novel, stressing the profitableness of revision. This should bring some peace and hope to you all, and help you press forward with your projects. Conrad writes:

The nice thing about the structure of a novel--as opposed to the structure of, say, a cathedral--is that the revision process lets you go back and add bolts and girders, without everything imploding. I'm finding with my book (ADIOS, NIRVANA), even this far into the revision, that adding one little bolt (just a phrase or sentence) in chapter three, for example, can definitely strengthen the rest of the book, in terms of plot. And yet I wasn't aware of the need for that bolt until now. So time, puzzling and pondering are great friends. They give answers, eventually.

I love this next bit about how to create a meaningful character. Here's another sip from Conrad:

I believe that the more a character "confesses," or shares, of his or her deep worries and feelings, the more interesting that character is, and the more the reader wants to get involved. A confessional tone can both relieve tension, and cause it. There's a fine line, though. Some writers are so agile, that their characters confess virtually nothing, but they imply much, through action. The challenge is to find the balance--how much to share.

Think about it? Are your characters confessing?

I know this is a venti java today. Thanks, Conrad. Come back manana for more, folks!

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. Edward Abbey.

3 Comments on Day 18 of the Golden Coffee Cup: Venti Java, last added: 12/5/2009
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5. Day 16 of the Golden Coffee Cup: Recipe

Oh, yes, we have reached day 16 of the Golden Coffee Cup. It's the sweet spot. I hope this is the place you put your doubts away. For sure, your creative momentum will take you the rest of the way.

No clue what a Golden Coffee Cup is? Click here.

Today we have a leaning against the red wall high five from blockbuster author Stephenie Meyer.

A stay-at-home mom has a dream about a sparkly vampire vegetarian and a girl who really needs to see a neurologist about that clumsiness (but I digress). The mom decides to go with this great idea and burns that midnight oil for three months, creating Twilight.

I say listen to that inner story and put it on the page. Trust your crazy ideas. This article, "Best Selling Science Books", talks about what it takes to be a best selling science-book. I think that the recipe given here is true for all books. The key ingredients are style, personality, and presence. Execute your work and pour this stuff on. You might find that find your book will take off like a rocket, too.

You get three quotes today at the bottom of the java. I hope you take them to heart. See you tomorrow. It's only a day way.

Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. Gore Vidal

Talent alone cannot make a writer. There must be a man behind the book; a personality which, by birth and quality, is pledged to the doctrines there set forth, and which exists to see and state things so, and not otherwise. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best. Epictetus

6 Comments on Day 16 of the Golden Coffee Cup: Recipe, last added: 12/5/2009
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6. Day 10 of the Golden Coffee Cup: Laughter

Yes, we are at day 10 of the Golden Coffee Cup. Hopefully you are ahead with your goals and deserve some holy snappin'. Snap! Snap! Snap! If not, don't panic. We still have two thirds of the Golden Coffee Cup to go. Ramp up your efforts or consider revising your goals. The GCC is about keeping it real.

No clue what a Golden Coffee Cup is? Click here.

Today we have a hanging in there doodle high five from Trudi Trueit.

Trudi is also pouring out the daily hot java. She's revved up for the Golden Coffee Cup this year and is working on a new middle grade fiction novel.

Trudi writes about her doodle: It sort of sums up why I became a writer - angst, so much angst! It was either be a writer or a comedian and since public speaking makes me throw up I figured everyone's clothes were much safer with me writing. Humor books for kids are some of my favorite books to write, because humor is so vital to life. Laughter helps us get through the hard times, learn about ourselves, and step out of our pain to reach out to others.

So, true, Trudi. Honestly, folks, laughter is the only thing that keeps me sane! Thanks for the affirmation!

Trudi also sends three tibits of inspiration for you:

1) Take the work seriously but not yourself.
2) A writer is not defined by the binding, or lack of one (I was a writer long before I got published).
3) Keep your sense of humor. Who knows? One day you may actually get paid to use it!

Now for the SHOUTOUT! If you want to learn more about Trudi, check out her blog, her website, and her author page at Simon and Schuster, (At this site Trudi says: I have answered a TON of trivial personal questions like, 'if you were a bird, what sound would you make?' Okay, it's not that bad but close.)

Hope you use that sense of humor today. See ya tomorrow for the next hot cup of java to spur you on with your goals.

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. Zig Zigler

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7. Day 22 of the Golden Coffee Cup: Wonderfications and Marvelments

Today's high five comes from celebrated author Kathi Appelt.

Kathi has written so many wonderful books; she is a voice for the ages. This is a little article I wrote about her take on voice back 2001.

Kathi Appelt—On Voice
By Molly Blaisdell

A little advice from Kathi:

Voice is first found by listening to the language. Write a list of a hundred favorite words. Explore what sounds are appealing and try defining what motivates this appeal. Define personal strengths, passions, and beliefs, and try identifying with a group or place when searching for voice.

Voice occurs when a character has something profound to say. Motivation and need are paramount in developing voice. Voice is only evident in a story if the characters are strong. A character whose problem is too small or solution is too easy will have a weak voice. Voice comes through when characters solve their own problems and reach personal goals. Characters must overcome or reconcile themselves to their own shortcomings. They need to reach down deep and in the end they must win, not to the whole world, but to themselves.

The only way to sustain voice is by revision. Get the story down, and then go back over it later. Read out loud, listen for pacing. Find active verbs. Introduce metaphor and simile. Cut things that really aren’t needed such as too much description. Finally, take time to stare out the window and mull over things. Gifts of voice come from the heart.

This year finally a few people have noticed Kathi Appelt. Her National Book Award Finalist novel The Underneath is an incredible book. The language creates a world full of wonderfications and marvelments. It's my number one pick for the Newbery and yay! Here is a quote about Kathi's process of creating this wonderful book. In some ways this story was like taffy. I kept stretching it and pulling it and stretching it and pulling it some more, and at times pushing it further and further out. Kathi Appelt

See if your work will stretch today, Golden Coffee Cuppers. See if you can pull it. If that doesn't work, try pushing it.

One more thing... on the 30th of this month there is going to be a real life party, Golden Coffee Cuppers. Holly Cupala has a plan:

"Another idea that has captured my imagination and fueled the fire of my goal-reaching is an upcoming party to celebrate the Golden Coffee Cup, NANOWRIMO, and any other writing or illustration goals made and/or accomplished during the month of November, kind of like kidlit drink night except more like NANO-Cup-O-Cake-A-Drink-Lit Night on November 30th.

So if you want to come together with some wonderful creative folks, mark the date. More info is coming soon. Post if you want to come. Thanks.

Post you successes too, folks, so I can SNAP!

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8. Day 13 of the Golden Coffee Cup: To Boldly Go

Yes, Golden Coffee Cuppers, it's that time in the The Golden Coffee Cup to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new lifeforms and new civilizations. It is the day we go where no one has ever gone before. Don't you feel inspired already?

Yep, today's high five come from the new Captain Kirk of the Enterprise, Chris Pine. Yep, this guy is Kirk and he's giving one zen high five.

Hey, I can stop. I'm talking space...the Final Frontier. So here's a high five from the guy from Heros, Zachary Quinto. He's the new Spock.

And a high five from the guy who made Lost, Cloverfield, and now the upcoming Star Trek movie -- J.J. Abrams talks about some his love of the mysterious. This is kind of long but you might find some inspiration in here. I totally connect with the idea that mystery is more important than knowledge.

Live long and prosper, folks. Reach for those goals! Make time for that work! You have worlds to spin.

Last, one more coffee cupper, Jolie Stekly. I met her in a class many years ago. Jolie is a talented author and keeps a blog that you might want to check out, Cuppa Jolie. You gotta love that! I can't wait to see her first novel someday. I'm sure it will be overwhelmingly awesome; this gal has VOICE!

3 Comments on Day 13 of the Golden Coffee Cup: To Boldly Go, last added: 11/13/2008
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9. Day 11 of the Golden Coffee Cup -- Craft

Today's high five is a prayerful one from famed San Ildefonso Pueblo potter, Maria Montoya Martinez. I added a picture of one her sublime pots.

Once upon a time I thought about becoming a potter. I learned to throw pots on a wheel. I also learned hand-building techniques. I studied for two years. I went to the studio for six hours twice a week. It was enough time to learn how to throw a set dishes in a afternoon. It was messy, back-breaking work, but there was a wild joy in you when you pulled four exactly matching plates, saucers, and cups. Then you hoped, hoped, hoped, hoped, there were no hidden flaws that would break them during the firing. Then there was a glorious moment when your friends sat down to a dinner on dishes you actually made. It's a wonderful feeling. I get a similar feeling when someone says I read your book.

Today, I'd like to see all The Golden Coffee Cuppers opening up to the extensive craft of storytelling either with words or pictures. It takes time, practice, revision, tenacity, and just a lot of elbow grease to create wonderful work. Open up to the journey today.

Maria’s six-step process “…finding and collecting the clay, forming a pot, scraping and sanding the pot to remove surface irregularities, applying the iron-bearing slip and burnishing it to a high sheen with a smooth stone, decorating the pot with another slip, and firing the pot."
Susan Peterson, The Living Tradition of Maria Martinez

Last, I thought I add little bits about our Golden Coffee Cuppers. We are in the company of several brilliant writers. Chris and Holly are both in. Now, I'd like to mention Carole Estby Dagg. She has a historical fiction book coming out down the road. It was entitled From Mica Creek to New York City, One Step at a Time. . I'm not sure if that has held, but regardless, watch for her book. I heard a chapter of it a few years ago. Her careful crafting in that chapter was breath-taking. I knew when I heard it, I'd heard something special, something lasting. Kudos to Carole. I hope her new novel is humming!

1 Comments on Day 11 of the Golden Coffee Cup -- Craft, last added: 11/11/2008
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