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Viewing: Blog Posts Tagged with: milestones, Most Recent at Top [Help]
Results 1 - 10 of 10
1. When Good Things Happen to Good People

Several years ago I attended the SCBWI summer conference and one of the wonderful people I met was Rachel Marks. Super talented as both a writer and an artist, she had an incredible joy for life, due in part to being a cancer survivor. Rachel was rooming with Paige Britt and both of them had […]

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2. DONE! (Like, for realz this time!)

I feel like I've written a post like this a billion times already as I've reached my various deadlines for (the still untiled) KEEPER 2--BUT I'VE NEVER DONE IT WITH DANCING SMILEY FACES!!!!!

So see, it's like a whole new experience! 

And I brought out the big guns this time because I think I might actually be done this time. Like DONE done (though this is publishing so there will still be copyedits and first pass and proofreader queries and...) Which is especially miraculous because guys, I swear, there were so many points along the way where I thought I would never get here--and not just the frustrated sense of "I am so behind I will never get there." The terrifying OMG-I-do-not-know-if-I-can-make-this-plot-work-AHHHHHHH kind of panic. 

It was seriously, seriously bleak. And I have a post percolating on why this book broke my brain--plus a ton of other super exciting things to tell you guys about.

But dude, I am exhausted. 

So the dancing happy faces will have to do for today and I promise I will be back tomorrow with something more useful.

Thank you so much for all your support and cheering me on and bearing with me. 

You guys = AWESOME!

14 Comments on DONE! (Like, for realz this time!), last added: 9/4/2012
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3. Yet another milestone reached--and a contest!!!!

Not sure if you saw this on FB or Twitter already, but yesterday I reached another crazy milestone. After three very long, marathon reading/working days, I made it through my LET THE SKY FALL  1st pass pages and fed-exed them off to S&S.

*jumps up and down*



Turning in 1st pass is always (and by "always" I mean, yanno, BOTH times I've done it now) a strange mix of giddiness and terror (plus a healthy dose of exhaustion). It's my last chance to change anything from the ARC to the final copies people will buy, and when I turn it in I'm officially done with my work on the book. S&S will still be keying my changes in and proofreading a few more times. But for me, it's kind of like this:

Months and months and months of my life (and waaaaaaay more hours than I ever want to think about) have been poured into the book trying to make it as perfect as I can get it. I've read it eleventy billion times. Questioned and stressed and obsessed over every single word (no, really, I have friends who will back this up). And now... my work is done. All that's left to do is share it with you guys and hope it doesn't let you down.

Which is a SCARY and SUPER AMAZINGLY EXCITING thing. So I thought it called for a small celebration.

I don't think I've shown you guys the GORGEOUS bookmarks Keary Taylor designed for me:

Front                                                             Back

Aren't they AMAZING?????

And it's high time to give some away! (And they're even SIGNED)

I'm giving away 20--yes TWENTY--to lucky random commenters. 

*tries not to worry that she will not get twenty comments*

If you would like one, leave a comment on this post by 11:59 pm Pacific Time on Saturday, July 28th. I'll draw 20 random winners and post their names on Sunday, July 29th. International entries welcome!

91 Comments on Yet another milestone reached--and a contest!!!!, last added: 7/28/2012
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4. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In case you missed all my FB/Twitter celebrating, as of about noon yesterday Book 2 is now officially my editor's inbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes--happy dancing was done. 
Along with a few happy tears. 
It was a long, long, longlonglong road getting here, with so many twists and turns and ups and downs--plus some seriously INSANE hours. And the work has really only just begun since I have a feeling my editorial letter is going to be... intense. 


Huge impossible-feeling hurdle crossed!!!!!!

And I'd planned to write a much more meaningful post on some of the challenges/things I've learned but...

So... I'm giving my brain a chance to recover. Catch up on a few things. MAYBE even take a Shannon day or two. And THEN I will put together a proper post for you guys.

In the meantime, I hope everyone is having a lovely, wonderful week!

12 Comments on DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, last added: 5/10/2012
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5. On finishing...

For those of you who didn't see all my squealing and celebrating on Facebook and Twitter yesterday, I finally typed my two favorite words in Keeper book 2:

The end.
(Yes, I totally cried. Picture the end of Romancing the Stone)

Finishing a book is always an emotional experience--for me at least. This is my third time getting to that point, and once again I had that same sense of: I CAN'T BELIEVE I ACTUALLY DID THIS!!!! But this time was especially overwhelming.

Maybe it's because I had to push so hard to get there this time--cranking through a marathon writing weekend (almost 20,000 words in 3 days) and finally finishing after pulling an all-nighter.

Maybe it's because this is my first time writing a draft under contract--and my first sequel--and there was a whole other set of worries and stresses and complications that came with that.

Mostly, I think it's because this book kicked my butt. I know I've said that before, but I don't know if you guys really realize how much this story has broken my brain. It was a serious, serious struggle to get here and there were several times along the way where I worried it wouldn't happen.

So to get to this point and realize that I CAN do this--even when I have to work such long hours, under the extra pressure of a contract and a sequel, with a plot that refused to go the way I thought it needed to go and wouldn't cooperate until I surrendered--is an incredible, incredible thing.

It's NOT perfect. (oh, if you only knew how much work I still have ahead of me before I turn it into my editor next week.) But I did it.

I crossed that first and most important hurdle, and now it's all about polishing and refining (and fine, filling in the spots that say, "scene needed here"). And now that the bones are in place, *hopefully* the rest will go smoother. I guess we'll see as the week progresses.

In the meantime I happily say: take that, Book 2. I have officially ended you! *fist pump*

20 Comments on On finishing..., last added: 5/1/2012
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6. AHHH--It's Getting Official!

So... THIS happened yesterday:

Ahhhhhhhhhhh--thats ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

ON AMAZON!!!!!!!!!!!!*

It only has the ebook version so far (don't worry, the hardcover WILL be added--these things just have a weird way of updating in their own inexplicable order)--but it's there!


And ... I know things like this are GOING to happen (if they didn't that would be kind of bad, I mean, I kinda need my book to become available to buy places).

But yeah, getting a google alert for my book and finding it on Amazon with my name as the author was one of those seriously surreal moments.

(and my author name is a link--you can click it and everything!!!) (*clicks*) (*clicks again*)

(I'm betting most of you don't find that nearly as exciting as I do!)

But... YOU GUYS--THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it's happening soon. In fact, since Amazon has spilled the beans for me, I guess this means I can share my current, official release date. KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES is scheduled to launch into the world on...



10 . 02 . 2012


I really <3 all those pretty 1s, 0s, and 2s in there


Oh, but I wouldn't go tattooing that anywhere if I were you guys (since I'm SURE you're all planning on doing that). Release dates are notorious for changing, so it's very possible that will not stay my release date. But, for the moment, that's the official date. And um... holy crap that's SOON!

*bites nails*

*stares at pre-order button*

*wonders if she should order one just to see if it works*

*realizes how lame that is*

*isn't sure she cares*

So... that's my week so far. How's yours going?????

*My mentioning this is NOT any sort of "buy it on amazon" kind of endorsement, btw. Obviously I am happy and honored if anyone decides to buy my book--anywhere, in any format. But... my heart will always truly belong to Indies.
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7. Wow. My friends and international rock stars of the rock poster...

Wow. My friends and international rock stars of the rock poster scene (not to mention the all the packaging design, identity design, and graphic design in general) have achieved a major milestone. Aesthetic Apparatus has published 500 posters in their twelve years of existence. An amazing accomplishment worthy of hoisting a few celebratory beverages from afar: Here’s to 500 more, Michael and Dan!


0 Comments on Wow. My friends and international rock stars of the rock poster... as of 1/1/1900
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8. Time - It Keeps On Slipping

Old age aint no place for sissies. - Bette Davis I turned 32 today. It's kind of odd to think back to ten or fifteen years ago and what I had planned to do with my life, and how, really, none of those plans or dreams are even the same now. I mean, I've wanted to be a professional artist or author in some capacity since I was a child, but at 23 I don't think I would have ever imagined I'd be

3 Comments on Time - It Keeps On Slipping, last added: 8/27/2010
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9. A Milestone for Us

Today our counter hit over 100,000 hits and 150,000 page views since we installed Sitemeter. Thank you to our faithful readers and to Meg Cabot, who, with one mention had us shut down as a spam site for a day as our stats spiked.

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10. Little studio snaps

My studio, it has to be said, is full of many things - it is my creative nest, where I can surround myself with the treasures I have found and been given. Although I may not use many of them from day to day, they inspire and console me. Many tokens from blog and non-bloggy friends...spot the Lily Moon card from my friend Maya -

(for detailed notes, please go to the Flickr image)

The old year ended with the little people in 'Cat's Cradle' journeying far away to their first job. It is always a wrench to know I will probably never see most of my paintings again, but good to know that they are watching over someone, somewhere.

The new year started with one of
Rima's beautiful calendars. I cannot think of a nicer way of getting through the year - she still has one or two left I think, so if you hurry...

Entering January with some gorgeous letter blocks, with huge thanks to fellow illustrator Paula for her thoughtful gift...

...and my triple good luck charm, to keep bad things away from me this year, especially timewasters, as I had enough of them in 2007. White china heart from Tara, rosehip heart from Higgledy Piggledy, textile/embroidery heart from Border Tart - thank you my dears - I defy anything truly bad to happen with the combined love of these three friends.

A big red hand to point the way bravely forward to 2008 - there is something very commanding about this stern indicator. It arrived unexpectedly in the post this week, mysteriously unsigned...for a few minutes I felt like my all time hero, Tintin, receiving an anonymous signal summoning him to a new, exotic adventure. But then I remembered kind Alan Brignull of the Hedgehog Press, and his lovely picture on Flickr which I had fav'd. Thank you so much!

I am under the weather and feeling like this at the moment -

So I am going to retire for a few days, and bury myself in my sketchbook, as I seem to have got my drawing mojo back at last. Have a good weekend everyone!

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