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Results 1 - 25 of 303
1. Illustration Friday: treasure

The word of the week over at Illustration Friday is "treasure."
This fits the bill, don't you think?
No pun intended!

acrylic paint, colored pencil and a jewel

0 Comments on Illustration Friday: treasure as of 7/19/2015 3:02:00 PM
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2. Illustration Friday: Puzzled

Okay, I know you've all done this.
You walk into a room and say WTF did I come in here for, and then you start a project which leads you to yet ANOTHER project which has absolutely NOTHING to do with why you went into that room to begin with!
Puzzled? Maybe. Aging process? Most definately!

This is an illustration I did in my Moleskine 4 years ago. I looked back and I know none of my current followers and friends have seen it, so here's an encore!
Acrylic paint and colored pencils and a wee bit of puzzlement ;)

I have had three glorious, soul-nourishing days off. Thank you, Universe!


18 Comments on Illustration Friday: Puzzled, last added: 4/19/2012
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3. Illustration Friday: Shades

I live in a small room on the bay large enough only for myself and my cat. The wallpaper is a lovely pattern, although quite faded. It reminds me of my Grandmother's old china pattern.
The furnishings are sparse. A cot that was meant to hold someone much smaller than myself, an old ladderback chair and one electrical outlet which sits unused.
There's a tiny window that overlooks the bay. I'm so grateful for that window! No matter how small my world is inside, that little window lets in light and hope and a promise of better days. If I were to put shades on my little window to the world I would miss so much.
So very, very much indeed.

acrylic paint, pencil, patterned paper and imagination :)

Go to Illustration Friday to see other entries from around the world!

16 Comments on Illustration Friday: Shades, last added: 3/20/2012
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4. Illustration Friday: Yield

To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival."

~Wendell Berry~

Some of you may recognize this piece from a few years back.
It's encore time while I nurse a cold .

acrylic paint and colored pencil (man tending the rice paddy)

16 Comments on Illustration Friday: Yield, last added: 3/13/2012
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5. Illustration Friday: Intention

Just think of the trees: they let the birds perch and fly, with no intention to call them when they come and no longing for their return when they fly away. If people's hearts can be like the trees, they will not be off the Way.


for Illustration friday: intention
pen and ink and watercolor
Quote from Zenquotes.com

16 Comments on Illustration Friday: Intention, last added: 3/9/2012
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6. Animal Wednesday: Leap Year!

I thought I'd pull out my only frog illustration for February 29th.
Happy Birthday to all the Leap Year babies out there!

(acrylic paint, colored pencil on Canson pastel paper)

18 Comments on Animal Wednesday: Leap Year!, last added: 3/3/2012
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7. Illustration Friday: Capable

Ravens are so smart, they even know how to use tools.

But you knew that, right?

Just a quick illustration before heading off to work.
Acrylic paint and colored pencil on patterned paper.

Hi everyone!! I miss you all!


18 Comments on Illustration Friday: Capable, last added: 3/1/2012
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8. Illustration Friday: Popularity

While some would do anything to win a popularity contest, others would rather blend into the background.
Ravens don't bother with such choices.
I guess this one didn't get the memo!

This was an exercise (mostly in frustration) to get my drawing/painting hand loosened up from it's rustyness of late.
I just let it take me wherever and just had fun.
Watercolor, botanical rub ons, gel pens, colored pencils and ink. 

Happy weekend!


23 Comments on Illustration Friday: Popularity, last added: 2/14/2012
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9. Animal Wednesday: Black is beautiful

Here are a few paintings of black animals I have done over the years.
I know Mim recognizes one of them :)

Happy Animal Wednesday!!

I have a 3 day weekend after today. Woooo-hooooo!!


20 Comments on Animal Wednesday: Black is beautiful, last added: 2/13/2012
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10. Six More Weeks

I guess Punskutawney Phil, the most infamous groundhog of all has seen his shadow today indicating we'll be having six more weeks of winter.

Here in Rhode Island and other parts of New England our Winter has felt more like Spring, so I say bring it on!!!

Happy Groundhog Day!

(This little groundhog painted by me now lives in Holland with Felix!)

19 Comments on Six More Weeks, last added: 2/6/2012
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11. Animal Wednesday: Peek a boo!!

hee hee :)

A new valentine card available on Etsy.

The original owl painting lives with KJ and JB and they named him "Pinky."

And did you know there's such a thing as Lolo wolves?
I was going to do a post about them but it was too sad. Alaska and Idaho are culling them out by helicopters and small planes. I understand the need for "thinning the herd" in nature, but why can't it be done humanely?

So, instead I give you a cute, smitten owl!

Happy Animal Wednesday!
See you soon!


10 Comments on Animal Wednesday: Peek a boo!!, last added: 2/2/2012
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12. New paintings and Bear winner!

Somehow I've managed to whip up two new small paintings for Grasmere.
This snowy lamb ...

And this Baroque-era raven.
There's shiny coppery bits on the rave's background which is hard to make out.
It felt good to paint again!

And now....drum roll please...

The winner of the cute bears is

Congrats my friend! I know your grandkids will give them lots of love♥
How funny that you entered just in the nick of time :)

15 Comments on New paintings and Bear winner!, last added: 12/7/2011
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13. Thanksgiving Grace

I don't need one particular day of the year to give thanks for all that I have in life.
I try to be thankful every day, and yes, sometimes it's hard
Like when friends and family get sick. Or when there's not enough money for bills.
But even if I'm in a weeping heap, I know how blessed I am just by being given another day to try to get it right. To make a difference even in some small way.

Here's to all of you who have made a huge difference in my life. I'm grateful to you all even though I may not say it (or visit) often enough.
I really love knowing you're there.

Really ♥


full moon photo taken in Pacific Grove, CA.
19 Comments on Thanksgiving Grace, last added: 11/27/2011
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14. Animal Wednesday: Meditation

I had a day off today and all I asked for was to find a few moments to take a shot or two of the foliage before today's rain brings down all the leaves.
This is one of my favorite vistas. A house on the marsh looking as if it's its own island. I was thrilled to see it had visitors today as I was driving by on my way home from the market. 

Hello, Mr. and Mrs.!!

Soft rain falling in Autumn...and swans!

Thank you, Universe.  

P.S.  My nickname at work is tree hugger. And that's a bad thing?

19 Comments on Animal Wednesday: Meditation, last added: 11/19/2011
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15. Sunday Thoughts

Wow, what a whirlwind couple of weeks.
A new job with intense hours. (40 hours in three and a half days.)
My dear friend and Uncle stricken with end stage pancreatic cancer even after having gone to doctor after doctor only to be diagnosed too damn late because they weren't listening to him.
My friend's daughter in law, age 32, diagnosed with bladder cancer after having been given three rounds of antibiotics and NO urinalysis tests. She had surgery to have the tumor removed, but here we are three weeks later and now she has a tumor on one of her kidneys. 
And now another friend facing her own challenges and waiting to confirm a cancer diagnosis after months of being ill. Let's hope it's a false alarm and her battle can be won.

What's happening here? Aren't we in a time where diagnoses are easier to form?
I'm exhausted and sad today.
All I can do is send out prayers and stay true to myself by being authentic.

I miss you all and love you. Once I get adjusted to all of these changes and life challenges I will be better at visiting.

Life is good still, but overwhelming at times, no?


17 Comments on Sunday Thoughts, last added: 11/17/2011
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16. Oh Joy!!!!

I had the day off today. Oh Joy!
I spent time cleaning my messy studio. Oh joy!
And then I made myself take a little time to paint.

Little painting for Grasmere.
BIG joy in my heart to make art again.

5" x 5" for my new "Teasers" series.


17 Comments on Oh Joy!!!!, last added: 11/10/2011
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17. Illustration Friday: Stripes

Cats will do anything to find a sunny spot.
This is a painting of my old cat Biff who graced my life for nearly seventeen years.
He had malnutrition and pneumonia and weighed 5 pounds when I adopted (stole) him from his neglectful owners.
He showed his gratitude for life every single day.

Meanwhile, I started my new job at the veterinary hospital on Tuesday. I have put in nearly 30 hours in 3 days which is why I've been so scarce, yet again.
It will take some time to get acclimated to these hours, but so far it's going well.
Everyone is nice and helpful, but best of all I get to hold puppies again and greet so many new fur friends!
Oh, and getting a paycheck again? Priceless!

I hope to visit you all soon. It looks like I've missed a million posts!


26 Comments on Illustration Friday: Stripes, last added: 11/8/2011
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18. Animal Wednesday: Mystery Box

Well what do you think is in this big box that came from Robin?

The lilac tissue is SO her :)

WOW!!! Look at the size of this guy! He's tired after flying all the way from San Francisco.
Well, he sort of flew :)

Emma took off like a shot and hid under the pillow!

It could be that she remembers the story about her daddy (Brian) getting attacked by ravens in Bodega Bay at the same place where "The Birds" was filmed. See the schoolhouse? She just KNOWS Alfred Hitchcock sent this damn bird!<

19 Comments on Animal Wednesday: Mystery Box, last added: 10/29/2011
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19. Illustration Friday: Fuel


Hey, I didn't want to be a poop and not participate this week :)

And yes, those are HOT AIR balloons on the cow.

Happy Weekend everyone!


For other illustration Friday entries, click here.

20 Comments on Illustration Friday: Fuel, last added: 10/27/2011
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20. Animal Wednesday with Robin

What a wonderful week Robin and I spent together getting to know one another in person. She was a delightful guest! I just took her to the airport where she'll be getting back to her life in San Francisco. Just like when Marianne left, I miss her already.

Here I am photographing her photographing a seagull!
She was fascinated by everything here, even the ordinary.
This photo was taken at Colt State Park in Bristol.

We strolled through the gardens and arboretum at Blithewold and I discovered a pond which I had never seen before. It was fun sharing something new with her.
These koi were coy! They just wanted to stay beneath the surface although the sun was calling them.

We had a wonderful lunch here in Newport.
Most of the shops have water and treats for doggies that pass by!

16 Comments on Animal Wednesday with Robin, last added: 10/7/2011
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21. Illustration Friday: Hibernate

Whenever possible, hibernate with your best friend :)

A little something from the archives until I find time to make new art.

Happy Autumn!

16 Comments on Illustration Friday: Hibernate, last added: 10/7/2011
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22. Barrington Graffiti

This is a tree in a park near the marina where I sometimes walk Emma.
Do you know why it's smiling?
Because I finally have a day off !!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully a little art making is in my near future :)

Happy Saturday!

15 Comments on Barrington Graffiti, last added: 9/21/2011
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23. I've been Oprah-fied!

When I lived in California I was so busy (and popular) that Brian used to jokingly call me "the second coming of Oprah." I thought it was hilarious, always wondering how the hell Oprah could juggle all that she did.
(Um...being a billionaire and having a huge staff who make a lot of money!!!!!!!!!)

I admire Oprah for being self-made, I do.
I'm self made too. I may not be successful monetarily, but I'm rich in love and friendship.

Here are 5 things I know for sure.

I am very blessed with true, amazing friends.

Ditto in the husband department. Through all of our ups and downs we still have each other's backs. And there has always been a mutual respect. I love that.

I know I always try to do my best even though I often fall short. But I do try.

I would give nine cents of my last dime to someone who needed it more than me.

I know I'm blessed in spite of the journey I've had, as well as because of the journey I've had and survived.

So here I am on the cover of "O" magazine. Big boobs, black hair, darker skin and my old red hair which is back to blonde.
I'm surrounded by dogs...yay! What, no kitties?
And I look relaxed.
Now if I could only make this horrendous sciatica pain go away.

oh yeah, Calgon, take me away!

I miss you guys!! But again, I'm trying.

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24. It's All Good

I thought I'd show you a part of my commute just so you know I'm still kicking.
I have always wondered how you working folks find the time to blog and still get other things done after a full week. I'm relearning, I swear. Thanks for understanding why I've been scarce.

This is the Mt. Hope bridge which I have to cross on my way to and from the market.
It's one of my favorite parts of the commute because the views from either side at the top are glorious!

This is Memorial Drive in Newport, the last road I'm on before I turn onto Bellevue where the market is. At the end of the day I come down that hill and Easton's Beach presents itself to me.  There are always swimmers and surfers and sunbathers galore.
I guess it becomes a ghost town after this weekend. That means I'll be able to find parking so I can do some exploring on my own!  This is one beautiful city.

And here is the beach in the golden afternoon sun. I didn't take this photo nor the one above because, as I've said there's been nowhere to park! So thank you to whoever took these shots. 
21 Comments on It's All Good, last added: 9/8/2011
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25. Animal Wednesday: What Emma Has To Say...

Sweet little yippity-yappity Emma HATES my new schedule!
It takes me away from her and her "normal routine" even though daddy does a fine job of keeping her feeding and walking schedule.
BUT it's not mom.

I get it!

I'm all thrown off kilter too.

I have been self-employed for the past twenty years. If I needed a break, I took one (or two!)
I'm not working very long shifts...six hours with an hour commute each way.
I love the people I work with and quite honestly I don't mind the work.
The customers are mostly wonderful.
The food is great.
But my body is wondering WHAT is up!
Today I asked that my break be closer than they were scheduling it so my blood sugar wouldn't crash. When it does, it's hard to recover. I'm a zombie.
I eat very little but I eat every three hours to maintain my brain.

Guess what? They said no problem!

So I ask you, what is Emma yapping about???

Oh yeah, she's a mommy's girl and she misses me. 

AND I miss all of you!! I swear I'm trying to visit, I really am.

Ah, life adjustments. It's all good. ♥

22 Comments on Animal Wednesday: What Emma Has To Say..., last added: 8/28/2011
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