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Results 1 - 19 of 19

Hey all in human land. Sparkin here.

I just did a before bed fly over, sorry, not over human lands, just within the protective shield dome that covers all of New Dragon Land However, I did see something you may want to know about.

There are a horde, herd, gaggle, pack, oh . . . I do not know what you humans call it. There is a group--that works--of cyclops now living in the Superstition Mountains near Phoenix, Arizona. Their main village is near Goblin Mountain, which is also in the Superstition Mountains. However, you may have even seen one, because a few of them have put on "glamour" and venture into the valley to spy on you all.

What is "glamour", you might be asking right about now? Well, it is the simplest, and easiest of all magics that any good or evil magic folk can use to disguise what they look like. Kind of like a shape-shifter. Glamour can make you look like whatever you want. A cyclops just shrinks his size from the usual 12 to 20 feet, yes, kind of like giants, and yes, giants are real too. They also use the illusion that they have two eyes and two eyebrows. This is good because this makes them see double, which is your only clue that the person you are looking at is really a cyclops. They tend to bump into things, and often go cross-eyed.

Be very chary of anyone that tends to be extra clumsy and crosses their eyes quite often. They most likely won't bother you, because their job is to observe humans and to find out what is going on your world. But make no mistake, they are D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S!

If you do come across one of them, please let me know. How do you do that? You leave a comment here on this blog.

That is it for tonight. Time to climb into my spun gold cloud bed. I hope I wake up with my dull grey scales polished this time. That is what the gold is supposed to do, but alas, it does not seem to work on me.

Someday . . . someday . . . I will shine.  

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2. Humans in Danger in the Superstition Mountains.

by Sparkin

Hi Friends of Dragons,

Okay, we have a dangerous situation going on. My Da was out on a fly around today, and saw a disturbing sight.  Goblins and several Cyclops had rounded up some human hikers and were herding them into a cavern in the Superstition Mountains.

Da alerted the rest of the Danchun and the Ancient Ones. I will update you as soon as I find out what they are going to do about it.

In the meantime, I think I will sneak out and do my own fly around. I want to make sure the humans are safe.

Wish me dragon luck!

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by Sparkin Stoneloch

Did you know my clan name is Stoneloch? Well, it is, but that is not what I am writing about today. I want to tell you how excited I am about Christmas. I have been invited this year to help Santa. Yes, you read that right. Each year dragons help pull sleighs, hundreds of them. Santa's helper elves deliver presents on Christmas Eve along with Santa. I mean, how do you think Santa gets the whole world covered? Dragons pull many of the sleighs because there are only so many reindeer.

Back to this year though. I get to help Santa,not just one of the elves, deliver toys. How did this happen you ask? I am just the one to tell you.

Rudolph had an accident during flight training. He broke his nose. Now don't worry. He is fine, and so is is nose, but it will take some time for it to heal and in the meantime, his nose will not light up. That won't stop him from leading the team of course, but it does mean that Santa needs a dragon to use his fire to light the way when we get into fog, or blizzards.

That dragon is me! Sparkin of the Stoneloch dragon clan. So, watch out your window Christmas Eve, and you just might catch a glance of me flying alongside Santa, and his sleigh being pulled by Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixin, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen and of course Rudolph.

Merry Christmas to all you nice humans. If you are not a nice one, Merry Christmas to you too, but it would be good for you if you were nice because Santa is watching.

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4. Sparkin Is Taking The Day Off From Flying

Hi Dragon Believers Around the World,

Today is 117 degrees. For real! So, I am floating around Tamarask Lake today. Yes, we dragons can swim. We actually swim almost as good as we fly. In fact I just finished-and almost won-a race with Morena. She's a mermaid. She can really fly in the water.

It gets this hot in Arizona a number of times each summer and the best thing to do is to get all your lads together and have a frolicking water fight. Fenton and Doornoch, showed up about an hour ago, and we had a fireblast, I mean a waterblast.

One of the most amazerful thing dragons can do is fill up our fire-shooters with water then blast it out. Fire follows so you get a huge column of WARM water followed by a flames. Not many humans have seen a dragon do this. In fact, I am not sure that any human has seen a dragon shoot water flames.

Maybe someday, you will see me do it in your minds eye when you read about me in my book.

That is . . . if my silly writer gets me out soon.


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5. It Is a Hot Summer and . . . Watch out of Freaky Fog Eye!

By Sparkin of the Stoneloch Dragon Clan

Hi All My Dragon Friends!

Things are HOT here in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona. No matter though, we dragons are blessed to have the ability to fly through cool clouds, and I mean cool from water collecting high in the sky. We also LOVE water and there is an amazerful lake in Dalrimple (Dragon Land). We swim almost daily with Morena, a mermaid of course. We dragons have great lungs so I can stay under water for almost a half hour. You should see the bottom of the lake. The mermaids live in shell homes decorated by pearls and some incredibly colorful water plant life. The pearls glow, so it is actually quite bright near the bottom.

So . . . no worries about the Arizona heat for dragons! We are all having a fantabulist time.

However . . . the other day, I flew over to visit "Chief" the Noodle --remember a "Noodle" is the go between humans and magical creatures. Anyway, Chief rode his flying painted pony along side me. He told me that Freaky Fog Eye, the local school janitor has created a dragon catching cage. It is often set up on the roof of the local swimming pool. I will avoid flying by it like a plague of gibbering giblets or a gang of goblins.

If you see Freaky Fog Eye, or any of the other Gatekeepers of Shadows, please let me know!

Your flying friend,


Sparkin of the Stoneloch Dragon Clan

0 Comments on It Is a Hot Summer and . . . Watch out of Freaky Fog Eye! as of 1/1/1900
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6. Sparkin is on the move!

Hi Mortals,

Hmmmmmmm, that is weird. We dragons are immortal, unless of course something unusual happens. But alas, that is not the way of it today. Today is a beautiful day for flying.

My mermaid friend, Merana, was floating in Azure Lake. She asked me what it is like to fly. As I circled around her in the air, I realized it is probably it is akin to swimming around in the water, just that air is not as thick, and so my movements can be faster.

Merana did a amazerful surface dive, flipping her tail and a stream of water into the air. Which hit me square in the face--the water--not her tail. After about a minute, she resurfaced and said she agrees. She can imagine gliding along in the sky on wind currants as she slices in and out of the water currents.

This brings me to you mortals. Do you swim? If so, imagine yourself flying in the sky while you are swishing all around in the water. I think you will get an idea of how wonderful it is to fly.

Maybe someday you can go for a ride on my back . . . maybe.

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Sparkin, the dragon here. I love to fly. I do tons of thinking while I am flying. Flying frees up my mind.  Today, I realized that I am the only one stopping myself from doing good and even great things. So I made this up in my head . . .


Do you dare to be your possibility?

See you in the clouds!!!!

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8. Some "Happy" Ideas

Hi Friends,

Busy times right?  Here are some nuggets about happiness. I wish I could tell you who said these. Hey, if you know, write it in the comments.

"Life is good, if we live in such a way to make it so."  I agree. "If it is to be . . . it is up to me."

"True happiness is a conscious decision."  So true. I don't think you could make the decision to be happy, or any decision if you are unconscious.

"Happiness is a condition of the soul. This joyous state comes as a result of righteous living."  Too true! Are you ever happy when you do bad things? Not me.

"A good life comes as a result of the way we do things, of the words we choose to say, and even of the kind of thoughts we choose to have."  Looks like it all boils down to our choices. I work hard on making good choices. Sometimes I just need to slow down and look at the whole picture. I get myself in trouble sometimes when I rush into stuff before I really think about it.

"Be good to yourself. You are all you have got."  Not sure about the grammar, but this is true. I like to be kind to others so why not be kind to myself. I mean, I am my toughest critique.

"I am worthy of respect.  I don't have to do anything special to deserve it."  Wow!  That is an eye opener. Being the only dull grey dragon on this planet, I h ave always felt I need to prove myself. Hmmmmm . . . this is one I am going to work on.

Do you have a good quote about HAPPINESS? If so, write me a note in the comments section.

HAPPY FLYING!!!! (Flying makes me happy.)


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9. A Great Day in the Superstition Mountains

by Sparkin - the dragon

Hi Guys, Yes, I know, it's about time I visited Dragon Dreamer again. Sorry, summer is one of the best times to be a dragon, well . . . any time is great to be a dragon really, but summer is amazerful. No school, you know. That is enough right? I get up fairly early, although it really is a bit of a sleep in, since I don't get up as early as when there is school. It is kind of like every day is Saturday. I get my morning chores done, and help me Mum with whatever she needs. Sometimes I even get to do "fly arounds" with me Da. Fly arounds are my favorite.

First, Da and I check to make sure the Dome is holding, you know, no goblins, Cyclops or humans breaching its magic protection. Then Da and I usually fly through the Shield Dome taking us out of New Dragonland, and into your world. I LOVE YOUR WORLD! Sure, it is pretty dry outside of my home in the Superstition Mountains, but it is still way amazerful. I mean you have those cool cacti –the plural for cactus, we learned that in Humanology- with the arms that reach out and try to catch my feet when I fly by. It is a game I like to play with them. They do not move very quickly, but still try to snag me anyway, and when I whoosh by, it makes their cactus needles shiver and they actually giggle. I bet you did not know that cactus move let alone giggle. Well they do.

The other day I saw a rattle snake. A real live and ANGRY rattle snake! I know it was mad because the front half was weaving in the air, and its jaws were wide open with these mega fangs flashing. I heard it first. It was about as long as my tail . . . ummm which is about five feet in human talk. Big rattle snake right? Da and I were just soaring along minding our own business and I heard it. It really did have a rattle on the end of its tail and it shook it fast. I asked Da what it was and he told me to catch the next wind draft up out of the snake’s way and he would tell me. So we circled high above it as me Da told me that it is a poisonous snake, but it only bites when startled or frightened. Sounds good to me. Rattle snakes shake their rattle to warn you that you are getting too close, you know, in their territory or something. It was mostly beige and brown, with diamond shapes all along its back, which Da said that means it is a Diamond Back Rattle snake. Amazerful right?

Well, Fenton is yapping for me to practice some Brackle Bramble games so bye for now. Oh, and I hope an agent takes a liking to me soon, so I can come visit you soon.

Flyer of the Sky,


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10. The air around the Superstition Mountains is getting warm once again!

Hi all,

Sparkin here.
Just a quick one to let you know I am enjoying the warm Arizona winds while I keep an eye out on the evil Gatekeepers of Shadows.  So far . . . so good. The Powerstones are hidden and safe.
I will keep you posted.

Your friend,


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11. Sparkin is floating around in the sky as he awaits his next journey.

Sparkin is soaring high around the United States as he awaits news from a very capable agent. Good thing Sparkin is a patient dragon because the waiting is killing Sparkin's mentor.

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12. Sparkin

There's a foreboding tingle in the air as Sparkin swoops in and out of the clouds tonight. A dark vortex is moving closer to the Superstition Mountains and the Diamond Citadel. Light and dark magic creatures are preparing for the best and the worst. Hide under the covers in the night. It is the safest place to be.

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13. What's Up With Sparkin?

By Cindy R. Williams
A quick update on when Sparkin will be flying around on books shelves:

I spent the day updating edits, and preparing the first four chapters, along with a synopsis and my top five or six query letters to send to Elana Johnson, the query guru. I have written over 60 query letters for the book, and they all look like mush, or maybe it's my brain that has turned to mush. I need some fresh eyes to help me make heads, tails or maybe it's dragon scales of the query letter. No matter, the point is, Sparkin is still circling the unseasonably warm Gilbert sky.

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14. I DID IT!


What's a query letter you say? It's a letter that is meant to convince an editor that your story is the greatest story ever told and that they absolutely have to have it even more than chocolate. A query letter is your proposal of sorts, your calling card, you’re desperate plea to "PICK ME! PICK ME!" without sounding the least bit whiny or desperate.

I have been flying on Sparkin the dragon's noble back over Arizona for three years now and yet found the query letter about as much work. Wait a minute, hold the phone, and your horses or whatever it is you hold. I actually found the book an absolute delight to write. I love the characters, even the sinister ones and many times had to be called back to this planet to fix dinner, and attend to the worldly needs of my wonderful family. The query letter was more of a tear out your hair exercise that lasted through several months of research and 42 --not a typo --different versions, one to please each query letter expert. I studied the blurbs on the back of a gazillion books, and finally had an epiphany. Why not complete the exercise outlined by one of my most favorite agents that I was blessed to attend her presentation last April at the LDStorymakers Writers Conference?

So after the "why did it take you so long to figure it out?" moment, I finally hit upon what the heart of this book is about and what makes it unique. I realized it is a story of youth learning that they can do hard things, and learning that it is okay to be yourself even if you are different than others.

As Sparkin of the amazerful Stoneloch Dragon Clan would say, "It is ever so sweet" to have it complete.

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15. I DID IT!


What's a query letter you say? It's a letter that is meant to convince an editor that your story is the greatest story ever told and that they absolutely have to have it even more than chocolate. A query letter is your proposal of sorts, your calling card, you’re desperate plea to "PICK ME! PICK ME!" without sounding the least bit whiny or desperate.

I have been flying on Sparkin, the dragon's, back over Arizona for three years now and yet found the query letter about as much work. Wait a minute, hold the phone, and your horses or whatever it is you hold. I actually found the book an absolute delight to write. I love the characters, even the sinister ones and many times had to be called back to this planet to fix dinner, and attend to the worldly needs of my wonderful family. The query letter was more of a tear out your hair exercise that lasted through several months of research and 42 --this is not a typo, different versions, one to please each query letter expert. I studied the blurbs on the back of a gazillion books, and finally had an epiphany. Why not complete the exercise outlined by one of my most favorite agents that I was blessed to attend her presentation last April at the LDStorymakers Writers Conference?

So after the "why did it take you so long to figure it out?" moment, I finally hit upon what the heart of this book is about and what makes it unique. I realized it's a story of youth learning that they can do hard things, and learning that it is okay to be yourself even if you are different than others.

As Sparkin, a very noble dragon, would say, "It is ever so sweet" to have it complete.

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16. 2nd Annual Summer Treasure Hunt

Hi everyone! I hope you are getting ready for a
If you are a bit of a gamer and enjoy
winning things, check out:
for a great Treasure Hunt.
There is a winner everday in June,
and for the first eight days of July.
Treasure is always good! 
Come fly with me this Summer! 
Sparkin, the Dragon.

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17. Sparkin Is Back Home Again!

Sparkin flew back home on his own. Never did get the long awaited email he was to arrive in, but his wings are strong, and it's all good. He is going out to visit four beta readers and getting all spruced up for his big query to agents. Hours and hours have gone into polishing his scales, but they are still dull, drab grey. But that's okay because his heart shines golden!

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18. Sparkin Bests the Grand Master.

Sparkin just finished besting the Grand Master. It was pretty iffy for awhile.  He is on his final journey out the door and into the world.  I wish you well my friend!

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I left in a hurry today to help my son's school class sell boo grams during lunch time.  I love, I mean absolutely LOVE to be with the children. There is so much energy and smiles everywhere.  Children are so real.  There was only one problem today.  I left home in the middle of revising the climax to Thundertail.  Sparkin was flying like a zig zagging bat to out run the Gatekeepers of Shadows. He, Chase, Cheif and three Warrior Fairies were literally flying for their lives!  Can you even imagine how heartless I felt leaving them all up in the air with the Gatekeepers and the Shibber Goyls closing in on them.  Okay, I'm home now, so hold on Sparkin.  Here I come!

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