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1. LadyStar Video Alert: Live Performance by Sawai Miyu Hama Chisaki Keiko Kitagawa Miyu Azama Ayaka Komatsu Kirari Sailor Moon

Jessica Hoshi a cheerful and optimistic girl

“Ooh! This one’s got the whole cast from the live action show!”

Tara Blaylock
“What live action show?”

Cecilia Daichi a happy and brave girl
“Sailor Moon!”

Talitha Hayashi a shy and brilliantly intelligent girl
“Yeah, you savvy?”

Ranko Yorozu an athletic and strong girl
“Music-uuuuu Start-O!”

Jessica Hoshi a cheerful and optimistic girl


Leila Hakumei

“You people need help.”

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2. Show Some Respect for No Name-Calling Week

Did you know that this week is No Name-Calling Week? I found out about this special week from Little Willow.

No Name-Calling Week was inspired by a book, THE MISFITS by James Howe. According to the No Name-Calling Week website, this project "seeks to focus national attention on the problem of name-calling in schools, and to provide students and educators with the tools and inspiration to launch an on-going dialogue about ways to eliminate name-calling in their communities."

The website provides lesson plans for elementary school age and middle school age children, as well as tips for planning an outreach program in the schools. These are great materials to have handy throughout the school year to teach children about bullying.

If you're interested in some book suggestions for your teens, you've got to check out Little Willow's Tough Issues for Teens Booklist. It is simply impressive.

And if you want some solid non-fiction reads to help your elementary age to high school age child deal with cliques and bullying, you'll want to go here and here.

0 Comments on Show Some Respect for No Name-Calling Week as of 1/22/2008 11:40:00 PM
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3. Writing Tip: Make a Great First Impression

Let's face it. Good impressions are important. Some people may claim it's superficial and unfair. Isn't it what's inside that counts anyway? To a certain extent, yes. It is what is inside that counts. But to get to the inner core, there has to be a certain something that makes someone want to take a second look. And that's reality, whether we're talking about making friends, getting a job interview, or getting someone wowed by your manuscript.

And I cringe when I say this one, because I'm a rebel at heart. But to a certain extent, good impressions are all about conformity while at the same time allowing your individual stamp to shine through. Now all you rebellious independent beings out there, please don't all grumble at me here. I'll give you your moment to shine.

Think about it. Why do people go off and get themselves all dressed up before going to a party or attending an all important job interview or meeting? Why do people study up on a topic before meeting their professor or approaching someone to invest in their business? Why do people agonize on how to write their resume or query letter? Say it all with me...to make a good impression.

Now making a good impression doesn't always clinch the deal. This is where the rebel lovers everywhere can have their moment of triumph...that's why it's important to show a little of yourself to make yourself memorable. Within reason, of course. I had to add that caveat just so you know I'm not talking about body parts or underwear here.

What is it that's going to create a good impression in the beginning of your manuscript? I've got three of my top picks for what I think will help you create a strong beginning. Now keep in mind, this is my personal opinion, based on all the books I've read and enjoyed. By no means am I an expert in this sort of thing. If you like, you're more than welcome to add other things in the comments section.

1. A great hook: For me, this could be through a great opening line or prologue, interesting characters, the setting, instant conflict or emotion that draws me in and makes me want to read on.

2. An Interesting and Compelling Voice: It doesn't matter whether I love or hate the protagonist. That's actually part of what will make me want to read on. What is their personality and their inner conflict, why are they likeable or not, what is the tone of their voice and does it grab my attention.

3. A Teaser: Some people have all the luck on understanding the nuances of proper teasing. Because it's all about showing just a little, a little bit at a time, to give the reader an idea of what's to come. Do it wrong, and the reader is just going to get frustrated and give up. But do it right, and you're gonna have the reader hanging around until the very end.

Before you go off and study your favorite books or the beginning of your manuscript, what do you think makes a great first impression in the beginning of a novel?

4 Comments on Writing Tip: Make a Great First Impression, last added: 1/10/2008
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4. First Check In for 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge

So, how did you do? Hopefully you all had success in your first five days of the 30 Day Challenge.

I worked on my WIP everyday, though I used one of the days for research and compiling notes rather than actual writing. The rest of the days were spent with outlining and writing. I did find myself getting discouraged when I tabulated the word count the first couple times I wrote. They were less than the 500 I had as my goal. But after I did the word count last night, I was pleased. If I averaged everything out, I met my 500 word a day mark. Nothing like a little justification, isn't there?

So, now's the time for you to share your progress in the Challenge. Leave a comment and let me know how you did this past week. Remember, I need a comment from you detailing your progress each check-in day for you to be considered for the grand prize. I do have Mr. Linky up...if you'd like to leave a link so people can stop by and encourage you, go for it!

The next check-in date is next Monday, January 14th.

25 Comments on First Check In for 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge, last added: 1/7/2008
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5. The Promise of Courage

Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."
- Mary Anne Radmacher

I am so happy. Twenty people signed up for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge. And there may be more people out there, who are going to follow along, gathering inspiration from this Challenge and all the Challengers' Goals.
17. Susan
19. Char O'Brien
20. Debbie

I'd like to congratulate every one of you. For taking stock of your dreams, and taking action to make things happen. Go forth and do what you love. Look fear in the eye, take yourself seriously, honor yourself, and stay persistent. And most of all, have courage. Courage, my friends, is what will help you get up and work it when the days are tough. It's what is going to help you get to the next day.

Best of luck in this Challenge! Now...go for it!

6 Comments on The Promise of Courage, last added: 1/4/2008
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6. 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge Starts Today!

I'm psyched. We're going to start the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge today. Nothing like starting off the New Year with optimism and purpose to start a new habit that will give us the strength and the ability to do things no matter what. It's these small steps that will get us determined and motivated to get to the big steps. And I want to help you get there.

I was trying to figure out what I'd like to do in this next 30 days. At first it was finishing up my revisions on one of my manuscripts and sending it off on the 30th day, but then I got a little nervous of the pressure I'd put on myself to make everything perfect in 30 days. And then stressed over the potential mistakes I might not catch because of the rush. So, I decided getting a manuscript out would not be Challenge material.

What I'll do instead is to write at least 500 words everyday on my new WIP, since this new project is singing my name. If I complete the first draft by the end of the 30 days, I will be thrilled. In case you'd like to follow my progress on this project, you can check out the word meter I put on my sidebar. Ack! Nothing like putting it out there.

Okay, now to the good stuff. I really hope you'll join me in this 30 Day Challenge. It's always more fun when other people are motivated and encouraged to go on an adventure. So, here are the rules...

2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge Rules:
1. The Challenge starts today! Write a quick comment below. Tell me what new habit you'd like to work on. This can be as short as one sentence or as long as you'd like. If you already wrote your comment in Monday's post, consider yourself entered.

2. If you're going the distance for this 30 Day Challenge, it's important to check in every week via comment with a very quick report on your progress. I find accountability works wonders to keep me on track. So I'm hoping it will do the same for you. Only those who are accountable to their goals and report in every week will be considered for the grand prize.

The 6 dates to check in are:
Today, Wednesday, January 2nd (first day of challenge): Be specific on what you'd like to do to work on your new habit.
Monday, January 7th
Monday, January 14th
Monday, January 21st
Monday, January 28th
Thursday, January 31st by 11:00 PM EST

3. The winner will be announced on Friday, February 1, 2008.

Edited to Add: I thought it might be good idea to link to the blogs or websites of everyone who is determined to complete this 30 Day Challenge. That way, you can stop by and leave a comment, if possible, as encouragement. Nothing like a little support to help make it through a tough day. If you've already committed to this Challenge, I've added your blog or website I could find for you to Mr. Linky.

For anyone new to this 30 Day Challenge, please leave a comment with your Challenge intentions and the link to your blog/website to Mr. Linky. Let's encourage and support one another!

Okay, I hope you're ready to join in and have some fun. Ready. Set. Go! Comment away.

32 Comments on 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge Starts Today!, last added: 1/3/2008
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7. Get Ready for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge!

I have a love/hate relationship with New Year's. And I've come to realize this conflicting attitude taunts me more every year I get older. When I was younger, New Year's was more about festivity, and with that, a positive outlook on what could be. It was so easy to set goals, no matter how high, and dream. Oh, yeah baby. I could do anything. Because I had time, youth and dreams on my side.

But somehow down the line, I just became more cynical, or perhaps wise in my ways. Or maybe it's dealing with the day-to-day realities of having a mortgage, a family, and the astronomical costs of health care. Or maybe it's the double whammy of having to set New Year's goals and then having a birthday a couple weeks after, when I wonder, what have I accomplished in my life?

So, I'm going to start 2008 with a bang this year. And the best way I figure is to begin a 30 Day Challenge. I know quite a few of you haven't been blogging as much lately with the holidays and all, so I'll give you a few days warning on this one.

The 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge starts Tuesday, January 2, 2008 and ends on Thursday, January 31. 2008. Details and grand prize to be announced later.

So start thinking about your 30 Day Challenge, my little wonders. You've got three days to plan your attack. We're gonna take 2008 by storm!

8 Comments on Get Ready for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge!, last added: 12/31/2007
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