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1. LadyStar Video Alert: Live Performance by Sawai Miyu Hama Chisaki Keiko Kitagawa Miyu Azama Ayaka Komatsu Kirari Sailor Moon

Jessica Hoshi a cheerful and optimistic girl

“Ooh! This one’s got the whole cast from the live action show!”

Tara Blaylock
“What live action show?”

Cecilia Daichi a happy and brave girl
“Sailor Moon!”

Talitha Hayashi a shy and brilliantly intelligent girl
“Yeah, you savvy?”

Ranko Yorozu an athletic and strong girl
“Music-uuuuu Start-O!”

Jessica Hoshi a cheerful and optimistic girl


Leila Hakumei

“You people need help.”

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2. And the Winner of the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge is.....

Thank you, everyone, for joining this 30 day Challenge. You should be proud of your progress. I hope this has helped you gather your motivation so you can reach for your dreams. Now I had a hard time chosing the prize for this Challenge. I couldn't decide whether to go inspirational, something bookish or something writerish, which I'm sure isn't a real word. Scratch that. I know it's not a real

0 Comments on And the Winner of the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge is..... as of 1/1/1900
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3. Come Over to the Finish Line!

Congratulations for finishing the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge! How do you feel? Are you all limbered up and ready to take on 2008 with new enthusiasm? Ready to see your dreams all the way through? Toying with redefining your goals? Inspired by new ideas? I'm so glad you all joined me in my Challenge. You've all be wonderful sharing your progress and encouragements to one another; it has

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4. Inspiration Monday: Visualize Your Goal and Check In

I was inspired by Liz Garton Scanlon's post, The Exercise of Writing: Metaphor Olympics and Sara Lewis Holme's post, The Exercise of Writing: Playing the Game, last week. While I'm not the most athletic individual, I can appreciate the beauty of sport as well as the inspiration from determined and focused athletes. It is a wonder and a honor to watch an athlete so into their visualization, so into their moment, they are unaware of anyone else around them.

Don't know of what I write? See it in action for yourself. Watch any sport--track, figure skating, hockey, swimming, basketball, tennis, gymnastics, football, baseball, or anything else you enjoy. Then do yourself a favor and look at the athletes.

Look into any athlete's face and see what is emanating deep from their soul. It's easy to see who wants the medal, the trophy, the win. It shines all over their face, in the intensity of their eyes, in the focus of their attention, the determination of every movement, in every breath. Unfortunately, it's also easy to see the athlete who lost their momentum and for a few seconds, lost their visualization. All it takes is that split second of uncertainty, and the edge is gone.

I posted before on how important it is to visualize your goal.  Liz and Sara's week of posts and Big Round 'em Up List remind me even more, how vital visualization is to our goals and dreams, in addition to all the pain and sweat of our efforts and hard work. I remember reading somewhere on how determined athletes visualize their wins, so much they go through the play-by-play motion. When they train. When they walk around on their errands. They live it. They breathe it. They dream it. Every precious second is accounted for in their memory. Their muscles are committed to every movement, their brains are focused.

These athletes have lived the win every day for as long as they remember. They have trained hard for this dream. Every inch of their being knows the sweet sense of the win.  They can feel the weight of the trophy, the embrace of the medal around their neck. They can see and hear the crowds cheering from the sidelines, shouting out their names. There is no doubt in their minds--by the end of the day, they are going to have that medal or that trophy in hand.

So, for this Inspiration Monday...Visualize your goal. Keep it front and center. Work hard. Then work harder. Visualize your end results. You gotta believe it, get your arms around the nitty gritty details you need to work through to reach your goal, and see the play-by-play moves. You've got to want it so much you live your dream while you train. And then train harder. Live it and breathe it. See it and believe it.

Because. You have an amazing idea. You are smart enough. You are talented enough. You can work it and bring it on. Visualize your goal. See the little steps you need to take and the minute details of what you visualize when you've captured your dream. You can do it. I believe you can.

Which leads me to how I did this week in the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge. Last week, I gathered up the comments from my awesome on-line critique group, and revised the first three chapters of my WIP. Which led me to revising my next few chapters. So, technically, while I didn't really add many words, I'm happy with my progress. I've got six chapters that I'm almost done fiddling with. Plus I've worked out more on the plot line and character development. And I know my ending! Hopefully, this will make the rest of the manuscript easier to write.

How did you all do? Remember to leave a comment to be considered for the prize. If you have trouble leaving a comment, then send me an e-mail (hipwritermama at comcast dot net) with your progress. We are almost done! The finish line is approaching...The final check-in is this Thursday, January 31st by 11pm EST. See you at the finish line!

3 Comments on Inspiration Monday: Visualize Your Goal and Check In, last added: 1/28/2008
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5. Inspiration Monday: Time for Reflection and a Quick Check

I've often wondered what it was that kept people moving toward their dreams, when obstacles fell in their way. Sometimes, these rocks are just too massive and downright overwhelming, sucking up every bit of energy from one's soul. It's enough to make one want to give up and decide it obviously wasn't meant to be. And it's too bad.

Because if everyone did this, we wouldn't have most of the things we use on a daily basis that we take so much for granted. Almost everything our hands have touched, the knowledge we have soaked in, the history we have inherited, have come from someone else's blood, sweat and tears. There is always someone, somewhere, who had that boulder thrown in their path, and decided to find ways around it, rather than to stop and retreat.

Have you ever had that mountain grow in your path towards your dream? Maybe your family needs you. Or you've been getting too distracted from your day job and you have to work more hours to pay those bills. Maybe your house looks like it will take an army to clean it. Or you've been sick. Or your children have been sick. Or you overcommitted yourself to volunteer projects. Or to something at work to prove to your boss you're perfectly capable. Or you only have so many hours in a day and you can't find a minute for your dream. Does your spouse feel neglected? What about your children? Or when you work on making your dream a reality, you can't feel the enthusiasm you used to have. Because nobody believes in you. Or maybe they are your biggest supporters and you worry about disappointing them. Maybe you're afraid. Of what will happen if you fail. Or if you succeed. Do you see how this list of stones can grow and grow into something huge?

I'll be the first one to admit that I've had days, even weeks where I've been frozen in place. Worried about every little detail. Overwhelmed by lack of time. Spending time fulfilling my commitments. Afraid to make a move. But it's always the wondering and the thrill of my dream that gets me back into action. The What If's. What if I can prove to all the naysayers that I can do it? What if someone likes my work? What if this makes it all the worthwhile? Plus I think of the people who truly fought for their dreams, true heroics and courage needed to fight for their dreams. This is what helps me find creative ways around my obstacles. It makes my dream feel more achievable, when I know others before me have suffered and accomplished so much, for beliefs and dreams far greater than mine. Can't go through this one? Okay, how about around it or over it. One step at a time. One step at a time.

Which leads me to how I did this week in the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge. Last week, although I did alot of research, I didn't get much writing done. This week, I found my research paid off, and I was able to write and define a couple of characters to my satisfaction. All this with one sick child who threw up all over my kitchen floor which really needed some cleaning, organizing math volunteers for my third grader's class, and my birthday. So I even had a clean kitchen! And that makes me happy.

How did you all do? Remember to leave a comment to be considered for the prize. If you have trouble leaving a comment, then send me an e-mail with your progress. Best of luck with your progress this week!

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6. Inspiration Monday: Check In for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge!

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.
-Samuel Johnson

Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

The second week of the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge is now over. I'd like to say congratulations to everyone who is working on this Challenge and completed this second week. I know it's hard work, and your momentum may have changed a bit since we've all started. Think of it, we're now at the half-way point. Keep on going, we're all on this journey together, and it will be great to hear all your happy stories!

This past week was definitely challenging for me. I found I needed to do more research to get a better understanding of the political and historical world of my heroine's nineteenth century life. Historical fiction has been quite the undertaking. I thought historical fiction would be easier to write than historical non-fiction, since I could stray from the facts. But I've found myself fascinated and much too persnickety about all the interesting details, that the outlining and figuring out how to put in backstory without being too much of a dull history lesson dominated my time, rather than writing my intended words. Even though I worked daily on my progress, I was disappointed in myself, since I was short on my written goal. But, today starts another week, and another chance to climb up that mountain that is my goal.

There's one thing I want to assure you. If you happen to miss a day or two, it's okay. Remember, we're focusing on building a regular work habit so we can reach our goals. Just join back in and focus on your end goal. Your dream. The short term goal you're working toward is our next check-in day, Monday, January 21st.

The long term goal is something you will benefit from for the duration of your life, if you want. This is something that will help you get to your dream. So keep at it. Pick up if you miss a day or two. Start back in. Remember, consistency is key to making this an automatic part of your life. You can totally do it!

Comment below and let me know how you're doing. If you want some extra support, leave your link in Mr. Linky so people can stop by. Remember...only those who leave comments will be considered for the prize!

Now get back to work! Good luck!

21 Comments on Inspiration Monday: Check In for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge!, last added: 1/15/2008
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7. First Check In for 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge

So, how did you do? Hopefully you all had success in your first five days of the 30 Day Challenge.

I worked on my WIP everyday, though I used one of the days for research and compiling notes rather than actual writing. The rest of the days were spent with outlining and writing. I did find myself getting discouraged when I tabulated the word count the first couple times I wrote. They were less than the 500 I had as my goal. But after I did the word count last night, I was pleased. If I averaged everything out, I met my 500 word a day mark. Nothing like a little justification, isn't there?

So, now's the time for you to share your progress in the Challenge. Leave a comment and let me know how you did this past week. Remember, I need a comment from you detailing your progress each check-in day for you to be considered for the grand prize. I do have Mr. Linky up...if you'd like to leave a link so people can stop by and encourage you, go for it!

The next check-in date is next Monday, January 14th.

25 Comments on First Check In for 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge, last added: 1/7/2008
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8. The Promise of Courage

Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."
- Mary Anne Radmacher

I am so happy. Twenty people signed up for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge. And there may be more people out there, who are going to follow along, gathering inspiration from this Challenge and all the Challengers' Goals.
17. Susan
19. Char O'Brien
20. Debbie

I'd like to congratulate every one of you. For taking stock of your dreams, and taking action to make things happen. Go forth and do what you love. Look fear in the eye, take yourself seriously, honor yourself, and stay persistent. And most of all, have courage. Courage, my friends, is what will help you get up and work it when the days are tough. It's what is going to help you get to the next day.

Best of luck in this Challenge! Now...go for it!

6 Comments on The Promise of Courage, last added: 1/4/2008
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9. 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge Starts Today!

I'm psyched. We're going to start the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge today. Nothing like starting off the New Year with optimism and purpose to start a new habit that will give us the strength and the ability to do things no matter what. It's these small steps that will get us determined and motivated to get to the big steps. And I want to help you get there.

I was trying to figure out what I'd like to do in this next 30 days. At first it was finishing up my revisions on one of my manuscripts and sending it off on the 30th day, but then I got a little nervous of the pressure I'd put on myself to make everything perfect in 30 days. And then stressed over the potential mistakes I might not catch because of the rush. So, I decided getting a manuscript out would not be Challenge material.

What I'll do instead is to write at least 500 words everyday on my new WIP, since this new project is singing my name. If I complete the first draft by the end of the 30 days, I will be thrilled. In case you'd like to follow my progress on this project, you can check out the word meter I put on my sidebar. Ack! Nothing like putting it out there.

Okay, now to the good stuff. I really hope you'll join me in this 30 Day Challenge. It's always more fun when other people are motivated and encouraged to go on an adventure. So, here are the rules...

2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge Rules:
1. The Challenge starts today! Write a quick comment below. Tell me what new habit you'd like to work on. This can be as short as one sentence or as long as you'd like. If you already wrote your comment in Monday's post, consider yourself entered.

2. If you're going the distance for this 30 Day Challenge, it's important to check in every week via comment with a very quick report on your progress. I find accountability works wonders to keep me on track. So I'm hoping it will do the same for you. Only those who are accountable to their goals and report in every week will be considered for the grand prize.

The 6 dates to check in are:
Today, Wednesday, January 2nd (first day of challenge): Be specific on what you'd like to do to work on your new habit.
Monday, January 7th
Monday, January 14th
Monday, January 21st
Monday, January 28th
Thursday, January 31st by 11:00 PM EST

3. The winner will be announced on Friday, February 1, 2008.

Edited to Add: I thought it might be good idea to link to the blogs or websites of everyone who is determined to complete this 30 Day Challenge. That way, you can stop by and leave a comment, if possible, as encouragement. Nothing like a little support to help make it through a tough day. If you've already committed to this Challenge, I've added your blog or website I could find for you to Mr. Linky.

For anyone new to this 30 Day Challenge, please leave a comment with your Challenge intentions and the link to your blog/website to Mr. Linky. Let's encourage and support one another!

Okay, I hope you're ready to join in and have some fun. Ready. Set. Go! Comment away.

32 Comments on 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge Starts Today!, last added: 1/3/2008
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10. Get Ready for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge!

I have a love/hate relationship with New Year's. And I've come to realize this conflicting attitude taunts me more every year I get older. When I was younger, New Year's was more about festivity, and with that, a positive outlook on what could be. It was so easy to set goals, no matter how high, and dream. Oh, yeah baby. I could do anything. Because I had time, youth and dreams on my side.

But somehow down the line, I just became more cynical, or perhaps wise in my ways. Or maybe it's dealing with the day-to-day realities of having a mortgage, a family, and the astronomical costs of health care. Or maybe it's the double whammy of having to set New Year's goals and then having a birthday a couple weeks after, when I wonder, what have I accomplished in my life?

So, I'm going to start 2008 with a bang this year. And the best way I figure is to begin a 30 Day Challenge. I know quite a few of you haven't been blogging as much lately with the holidays and all, so I'll give you a few days warning on this one.

The 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge starts Tuesday, January 2, 2008 and ends on Thursday, January 31. 2008. Details and grand prize to be announced later.

So start thinking about your 30 Day Challenge, my little wonders. You've got three days to plan your attack. We're gonna take 2008 by storm!

8 Comments on Get Ready for the 2008 New Year's 30 Day Challenge!, last added: 12/31/2007
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