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Results 1 - 7 of 7
1. Warner Bros. Will Open Abu Dhabi Theme Park in 2018

Batman, Superman, Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry, and Scooby-Doo are headed to the Middle East.

The post Warner Bros. Will Open Abu Dhabi Theme Park in 2018 appeared first on Cartoon Brew.

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2. Random Thought Thursday

I'm beginning to think that living here in Abu Dhabi is hazardous to my health. Or at least it would appear that way.

I write this on the last leg of yet another sickness. This week, I've been miserable: coughing, sneezing, fever, chills, sore throat, no voice...the works. I honestly think I had a relapse from last week. I went to the doc last week when it first began. Doc offered two or more days off work, but I only took one. I got the meds prescribed, but I didn't take them as often as told. Then, instead of taking the 3-day weekend to rest, I went to Sri Lanka instead.

The result? Being sick this whole week. I hate being sick. I couldn't even enjoy the three days off work my doc gave me this week cos I was sick. BLEH!

I've been sick while living here more than I've ever been in my entire life. As a child & teen, on days I didn't feel like going to school, I'd wish for sickness to overtake me, but to no avail. I rarely got sick. But now? I feel like I'm always sick.

I'm told it's the change in climate: the desert...the sand. It doesn't help that they don't have filters for the vents here. So all the yuckiness floating around the air in my apt, I'm breathing in. YUCK!

Whatever it is, it's making me sick. Literally. It sure does put a dent in things.

Will I find relief? Stay tuned...

2 Comments on Random Thought Thursday, last added: 2/1/2013
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3. I'm a Survivor!

Well, I did it.

I survived my first year teaching abroad. It was a challenging year, but through God's strength, I made it. The school year is finally over.

The students' last day of school was officially June 21st, though many stopped coming before then. Unfortunately for teachers, the last day was July 12th. Why the powers that be chose to have that 3-week gap, I don't know, but it was excruciating. At least for me. Many teachers spent the last three weeks doing absolutely nothing. Well except for working out (at school), eating, reading, or chillaxing.

Not us.

Our last few weeks were spent in PDs (professional developments), preparing for the next school year, blah, blah, blah. To be honest, I mentally checked out sometime around week one. I was done working. My body was there, but my mind had already gone on vacation. It was a struggle to get up in the mornings and go to work, but nevertheless, we did. And we're finished. Thank you, JESUS! I'm seriously contemplating getting a shirt that says, "I survived teaching in Abu Dhabi." I have that Destiny's Child song in my head. "I'm a survivor. I'm not gon give up. I'm not gon stop. I'm gon work harder." Describes this year perfectly.

My brain rejects anything school-like, so enough about school.

My vacation will consist of a trip to Phuket (pronounced Poo-ket) Thailand, home (the US), and Puerto Rico. I know, awesome, right???

Tomorrow morning, my friends and I leave for Phuket for a 6-day/5-night vacation. I so can NOT wait. There is fun - and relaxation - to be had. Next week, I leave for home. I can't wait to see my family! Oh, how I miss them so. Then, it's off to San Juan, Puerto Rico with the sis for a 7-day/6-night vacation. Seven days may not be enough, I know but we'll make the best out of the time we have. I can't wait to see the gorgeous men...uh, I mean the gorgeous beaches of Puerto Rico. Heehee. I spend the rest of my vacation back in Houston with the fam before I come back to Abu Dhabi for another great year of teaching.

I'm thinking this summer may turn out to be the best one yet.

3 Comments on I'm a Survivor!, last added: 7/18/2012
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4. Tickle-Me Tuesday

So a few weeks ago, I took horseback riding lessons for the first time. I loved it so much, I plan to continue when I get back from vacation. Anyway, because I'm vertically challenged - aka short - I had to use a chair to get on the horse. On the first day of lessons, I got on with no problems. I figured the second day would be the same. Mafi mushkela ("No problem" in Arabic), right? WRONG.

The chair we used was a cheap, plastic chair. Genius that I am, I stood in the middle of the chair instead of the sides, like smart, normal people would've done. I hopped once, twice...then the 3rd time, BAM! My foot went thru the chair and I nearly busted my butt. Embarrassing to say the least. The nasty bruise I got is just now going away. It was all in fun, tho. My friend caught it on video. I know, lucky me right?

Enjoy laughing at my expense. It was quite hilarious, I must admit.

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5. A is for...Attitude!

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
Winston Churchill

Do you know and understand how important your attitude is? I mean, truly understand? I'm realizing this more and more each day, especially here in Abu Dhabi.

I love living here. I love my kids, the opportunities I've had, and the new friends I've made. But, it's not always easy. Sometimes, it gets rough. I mean, I kind of expected challenges since they're in the middle of an education reform, but MAN! Things have been harder than I thought they'd be. And I'm in one of the better schools. I did stress last trimester. I struggled a bit.

And then, I changed my attitude. I made a vow not to let the challenges get to me. I decided not to complain about what's going on (especially since there are other teachers in far worse predicaments). It was time for me to think positive about everything that came my way, even the challenges. I refuse to let them get me down.

Attitude is everything. When I changed my outlook, things didn't bother me as much. Don't have resources to teach like they want us to teach? It allows me to access parts of my creativity that I didn't even know I had. Have double the amount of work cos they added more students who don't understand my language? That's more children for me to reach. Our principal wants us to do what by when? That's ok. I'm strong. God's got my back...I've got this.

I can still smile. God has given me such a peace that I can't even explain. Since I've changed my attitude, I'm loving it here even more. I've even started going out and enjoying myself more, which says a lot cos I'm normally a homebody. I live in a beautiful high rise apt (rent free), I'm minutes away from the beach, I'm part of an education reform that will help build up a new country, I'm touching the lives of children who, because I taught them, will be bilingual before they even reach 6th grade. I've met people who have the potential of being life-long friends. I'm doing things that, this time last year, I wouldn't have thought I'd be doing.

Are your circumstances giving you grief? Try changing your attitude. Think positive instead of negative. I know it's so cliche, but go on...try it and see what a difference it makes!
6. Inspirational Sunday

Have you ever wondered if you were making any headway in your obedience to God? He'd given you a task, you obediently took it (although it seemed so daunting) and now, it just doesn't seem like anything's happening. You'd asked God for a sign to let you know you were doing something right, but it doesn't seem like He hears you.

Yeah. I've felt that way...many times. I've felt that way just this past trimester. I knew God had sent me here to Abu Dhabi. I knew - for reasons only He knows - He put me in this specific class to teach these specific 3/4 year olds English, despite the fact that I haven't worked with kids that small in a classroom setting (I tend to avoid preschool aged kids). I must admit. I didn't want to. I prayed so hard for Him to put me with the older kids (a prayer I'm now glad He said no to). There were times when I struggled. Especially the times when I was left alone with 25+ preschoolers who didn't understand a word I was saying and who looked at me like I was an alien (which, I may as well have been since I was speaking an "alien" language). At the beginning, most were shy towards me and hardly ever talked. It was hard. And draining. And I wondered if I should give up and go home. I mean, I tried, right? But something within me - the Holy Spirit - kept me going. I kept asking God if I was doing it right. Was I reaching the kids? Did they feel His love through me?

I got my answer after our three-week break. When my kids saw me, they swarmed me with hugs as if - dare I say it - they missed me. They called out my name, snuggled their chubby faces in my neck, and grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. At the end of the day, they eagerly waved bye to me, calling out my name from across the room (repeatedly, if I didn't answer right away), just to get my attention. This, my friends, is now an everyday occurrence. Even my shyest little angels make an effort to show me love. And OMG, their hugs! Man, but they make day! They spread their arms as wide as they could & squeeze. They race to see who would grab my hand first, like they want the privilege of holding Ms. Raenice's hand. I even got a sweet kiss on the cheek. One of my students, who never went for hugs last trimester, can't seem to get enough this trimester. He smiles at me everyday and sometimes, he's one of the first ones to grab my hand. And I just LOVE when they are so excited about showing me their work. "Ms. Raenice, shoofi!" Ahh, the joys of teaching.

I asked and God answered. Yes, they can feel His love shining brightly through me. Yes, I'm doing something right...reaching the children, despite the language barrier. Yes, I'm making some headway in this journey. They know Ms. Raenice is not like other people they've met, and I'd like to think it's cos of God's love. His love is what's drawing them to me. It's funny cos I've asked God to let His light shine through me so bright, that it draws His babies to me...and that's exactly what He's doing. God has given me the tools I need to succeed, even when it looks like I wouldn't. He's right here with me.

This trimester, I have a second class to teach. I still have my original babies, but now, I have double the chance to spread His love. I feel like I'm starting all over with these students. Some of them are shy and trying to feel me out. And yes, it's draining. But I believe just as God has used me to make an impact on my first group of babies, He will do the same with my second group. It's funny watching my first group look at kids in my second group with that "Who are you and what are you doing with my Ms. Raenice" look. And my second group looks at me like, "Who i

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7. Update/Future Plans

I'm still alive. I promise. Adjusting to living and working in another country has taken longer than I thought it would take. But I AM adjusting and that's what counts. I've just been totally drained by the end of my work days. Who knew teaching 20-something 3 and 4 year olds who don't speak speak your language could be so tiring. Because of my lack of energy, my writing, reading, and blogging has fallen behind. I'm hoping this is only temporary...something I'm experiencing cos I'm in a new country. Adjusting to a new environment takes time, right?

The end of the 1st trimester is near, so I should be good. I plan to relax and enjoy my WELL-DESERVED break in December. Of course, I plan to catch up also. There will be a few changes to both blogs for the new year. What changes, you may ask? Well, you'd have to wait til 2012. Until then, I'll be posting book reviews for the rest of this year.
Stay tuned...

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