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Results 1 - 9 of 9
1. More History Fail

It's been a while since I've done any, and it's been a while since I finished this book, but the strength of my feeling about it hasn't faded much. It's actually a wonderful book in some ways for [info]steepholm and me, because its use of historical setting (two of them, actually) is so openly costume and romance type of historical that I almost wondered at times if it wasn't tongue-in-cheek. (It's not.) Won't name this book, despite the fact that it got a good review in Kirkus, because it doesn't seem to be selling that wildly. I will give the name in comments, if anyone is curious.

As I said, this is time travel, from one historical setting to an older one, which is an interesting choice. To do time travel by any kind of mechanical means (a machine rather than a portal, say) will require some engagement with modern science, obviously, even if the scientific mechanism isn't explored much. But this one starts in 1913, which allows for a softer, fuzzier take on the "how" of the time travel, not that I think it's a successful one.

The 1913, small-town England setting is treated quite differently from the medieval one, in that the relationship with history seems rather different in the two. The heroine, Addy, is the fifteen-year old daughter of an unmarried seamstress in a small, nosy village, and I didn't get beyond the third page before my head started shaking. Somehow Addy's mother has managed to keep her in school, which is unlikely in itself, but it's far more unlikely that the better off girls in the school know that her mother is unmarried and taunt her by calling her "bastard" and her mother a "slut". Okay, maybe this is just in the realm of the possible, but it's all extremely unlikely. 1) The mother probably couldn't have kept her baby without any family support; 2) if she'd got enough money from someone (the father being the obvious source) to do so, she'd have adopted an honorific Mrs. and become a widow somewhere; 3) the mothers who told their daughters that Addy was illegitimate (which they wouldn't have) would have very likely refused to give her mother their custom IF (again, extremely unlikely) her daughter had been in the same school as their respectable little darlings. Women who could sew and needed the money they'd get from doing so were not exactly a rarity at the time.

When Addy gets into a fight at school her mother carries through on her threat to take her out of school and put her in service. A place just *happens* to open up for Addy at the house of a very wealthy but eccentric-and-with-tragic-history gentleman, which Addy gets, despite her lack of experience and the great desirability of the position. When the woman who held the position before Addy gives her a run-down on her job, there are some really glaring slips. First, she tells Addy that Mr. Greenwood likes to keep the drapes closed, "But I say a person needs proper light for vacuuming". For one thing, "vacuum" as a verb is not a British usage. Then she goes on to show Addy the vacuum (also much more likely to be called a Hoover), calling it a "nasty, heavy, unwieldy thing". But a vacuum cleaner was not at all a commonplace item owned by every household (rather a luxury) and the woman who worked there wouldn't have seen many newer, better machines, if she ever saw a vacuum cleaner at all. Much more likely that she'd just have swept the room, rugs and all - this was still common practice in the 50s and probably beyond. None of this really matters much except that it adds to the sense that the historical setting is more playing at "Upstairs, Downstairs" (or just the maid-costume part

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2. More historical fiction fail. (Yes, more.)

Had a pathetic beginning of a post saved, talking a bit about the hound's sufferings over Hallowe'en and starting on the latest historical book discussion, but it was neglected on my desktop while I hung out with Becca, who was here for the weekend, and Younger Daughter, and as I finished Connie Willis' All Clear. The All Clear write-up will have to wait, as I loved it so much I have to do it right, so for now I'll finish off my earlier attempt to bring another glorious recent YA historical to -- no, let's be honest, to rant yet again. With quotes, but as with a few recent entries, no author or title in the post, though details provided if requested.

This one was supposed to be [info]steepholm's, as it was very readily available locally, but as it somehow hadn't been steeped yet, and as I found it in Bristol airport when my flight was delayed three hours, I figured I'd have to take the hit once more. Not just sharing the "it burns" quotes to spread around the pain, as I think some of them show something I'm seeing fairly often: the superimposing of the author's feelings about religious beliefs on a late 16th century story. (I have just noticed the automatically "got" music, and promise it was got automatically and I had no hand in it whatsoever.)
The book is set in England in 1596 and the protagonist is illegitimate - oddly, something I've encountered twice very recently is a great deal of bullying and abuse of the protag because she's illegitimate. It feels all wrong, and I'm wondering if it's really just a handy-dandy device to get the girl on the outside of the usual YA cool girls' clique? Anyway, once her grandparents died, she and her mother have lived on the outskirts of the village, literally and figuratively. She has a friend who'd been valued in the village as a healer until there'd been a plague and people had turned on her as a witch, whipped up by the parson, of course. (The wise woman escaped and lives in a hut she built in the forest near the village. )

And we get this line: "[Protag] had lost what little faith in God she had had during that time." What? This is surely a totally modern "idea" of an Elizabethan 13-year-old girl's response to a traumatic happening, and is very loosely thrown together with more contemporary mindset statements, like that protag is frightened of witches. And later, she asks the friend, who is in fact a witch, if she and her sister-witch believe in God and then regrets having asked because " to deny God's existence would condemn [them] to Hell". Sigh. But it's all fine and dandy because they reply that they believe in a God and a Goddess. When I read some of the witchey chants, I wasn't at all surprised to find that the only source the author seems to have used is a book on Wicca as a New Age religion. SIGH. This witch's "covey" is very, very New Age, talking about the "sacred task performed by witches for thousands of years, that of preserving the dignity and preciousness of all life", for example. Or when her friend the witch is chased away from her hut again, by ravaging villagers (again, put into their frenzy by the pastor, of course!), there's, "A place of peace and sanctuary had been violated, and Nature was not blind to that." There are also an extraordinary number of witches within 3 or 4 miles of protag's village too, given the low population of the area.

But, one atheist who still worries about her friends going to hell and a lot of very anachronistic witches isn't enough for this book. No, we have *another* character who's shed his silly old belief in God. In ways, this on

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3. Of Coronets and Steel and Wishing for Tomorrow

As promised. Despite a brain filled with mush (flu vaccine reaction plus 2 nights' rotten sleep) and gloom (British spending review. Does George Osborne really think he can make it all okay by saying "Fairness" a gazillion times? And furthermore calling them "savings we've found in the budget" doesn't make them anything other than cuts. No it does not.).

The connection between [info]sartorias' Coronets and Steel and Hilary McKay's Wishing for Tomorrow was a random thought that passed through my head one night as I was trying to get to sleep, and has stuck there. Possibly its sticking has as much to do with the amount of readerly pleasure I got from the two books as anything, but it also seems to me to give yet another perspective on the endlessly fascinating matter of how writers present the past. ("Present the past" btw, was totally unintentional, but its dual meaning is perfect. Sometimes English rocks. ) Although the past to be presented is quite different in the two books, it seems to me that there's a surprising degree of similarity in the way -- well, not the way it's done, exactly, but one way in which it's experienced. Must admit that I've never read The Prisoner of Zenda, but [info]steepholm has said many times that being able to talk about a book you've never read is a trademark academic skill, so I won't let that stop me. If embarrassing mistakes ensue, just hum to yourselves and move along, okay?

Both Coronets and Steel and Wishing for Tomorrow are homages to older books - to The Prisoner of Zenda and The Little Princess respectively, which is the major apparent similarity between them. Unless Wiki has let me down (unthinkable!) The Prisoner of Zenda was published in 1894, while A Little Princess was published in 1904, but is an expansion of the earlier Sara Crewe, serialized in 1888, so the mean date of publication as it were, is quite close. The fact that Wishing for Tomorrow is a sequel to A Little Princess while Coronets and Steel has a modern setting and none of the characters of the earlier book doesn't make as much difference as it might be expected to, I think.

Starting with Wishing for Tomorrow, in a way, the attempt to write a successful (for any values of successful) sequel to A Little Princess would seem doomed from the outset. The big emotional payoff that comes from the restoration of Sara to her 'proper place' in life is so dependent on an understanding of society that really isn't one most people can comfortably hold to now. Even though Sara's nobility is shown to be unrelated to her current financial situation, it's anything but class-free. No matter how choked up we get in reading the scene in the bakery with the girl who's even hungrier than Sara, or how pleased we are to see that the inspired baker has hired the girl so she's never hungry again, it's always Sara who's inspirational, or generous enough to remain a friend to Becky after she's restored to wealth, never the lower-class character.

On the other hand, an unsubtle "updating" of the story, with Sara becoming a crusader for social justice rather than a

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4. Three questions about historical (YA) fiction

Not a contest with prizes, I'm afraid, but just some questions about which I would love opinions, informed, unformed or whatever. I won't name the book concerned in questions 1 & 2, as it's first book and not big-name and I'm obviously not very impressed, though I'll be happy to do so in comments if anyone wants to rush out and get a copy (or avoid it).

1) The year is 1582. The book uses a very uneven mix of cod, er, archaic and modern language, but is obviously for the most part attempting some kind of olde language. (For example, just before the following quote, a character reflects that while she may look as beautiful as a rosebud waiting to be gathered she had already "been plucked and well swived".) And then there's this:

X frowned. "You dragged me out of college to get you married off to advantage and you waste an opportunity like this to impress some rich young lady on a maid without prospects? Y, you need your head examining."

My answer: might come close! Okay, there's obviously a typo, and it's not well expressed anyway, but the combination of bad use of language and complete disaster wrt mindset makes it pretty distinctive.

Just a page or two after this, there's another impressive one though, in which POV character in the scene says he hopes he manage to "sustain the romantic illusion" in a joust - which I knew was totally wrong, though I've now forgotten the year in which "romantic" was first used in that sense that Steepholm supplied. Suffice it to say much, much later than the 1500 or 1600s. Same character also says to himself "the game's afoot" when the jousting starts.

Or - have another: in a discussion about the rich bride this impoverished Earl has to land to repair the family fortunes, he says "I'd prefer her to agree to the match because she wants it, not because others tell her to marry me." His brother chuckles in reply, "That's very enlightened of you."

Any other answers?

As I said behind cut #1, this character has become an earl on his father's death, and the family has been ruined by the time he inherits, by his father's belief in alchemy and support of one (perfectly honest) alchemist. Earl of Dorset, btw, just in case it might be some crap little earldom in -- oh, wild Ireland or something.

It doesn't feel at all right to me, though I'm obviously no expert in the kinds of money one believer could spend on supporting an alchemist. (Just the one, with a dependent daughter, who appears to have received next-to-nothing for her own maintenance. So we're not talking about a *hive* of alchemists with expensive tastes being supported.)

If anything, this feels to me like an attempt to co-opt the very typical situation in Regencies of a head of family gambling away all the money onto an Elizabethan setting. I'm sure it *could* be done, but it still feels more than a bit off. (Also odd that the feckless alchemist father appeared in _Alchemy and Meggy Swann_, done very credibly, and in this, done not so credibly.)

Finally, and mostly arising from reading The Queen's Daughter, by Susan Coventry, but I didn't get around to asking after the question occurred to me --

I think of this as the territory of teens and young adults of today, though not of course, unknown in oldies like myself. (Not that I'm sure I can do a perfect roll - I can cross my eyes excellently, but I'm not sure there's a proper arc being followed in the eye roll attempts.) Anyway! I was very surprised to see it coming up in The Queen's Daughter, where it was actually Joan's father, Henry II of England, who rolled his eyes at Joan, which (from memory) she said was more distressing to her than straight chastisement.

I was sure Steepholm would be able to quote me a nice Renaissance line proving that the eye roll has been with us for centuries, but no. So

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5. Vague ramblings about YA-hood

I was talking to [info]steepholm a while ago about how I was looking forward to the (UK) release of A Most Improper Magick by Stephanie Burgis. In part this is because it had sounded good and then [info]sarah_prineas commented and said it was wonderful. But also I was saying that we had no books set in the Regency era for our book, which seemed a bit odd. Having said that I remembered that Sorcery and Cecelia, when republished, was done as YA, as, of course, were the subsequent two books. So, I'm happy about being able to include those, at least in thinking about books set in our last period (Restoration to the near-present - it's a big one!), though we may well end up writing nothing about them. But other than that, I'm having real difficult seeing Sorcery and Cecelia *as* a YA book. Not in an "it's inappropriate" sort of way, of course. I don't know how much of my feeling about the book relates to discovering it back in its near-cult days, on the DWJ mailing list, and feeling incredibly pleased to have paid quite a bit too much for a ratty old pb copy, just because I'd been able to find it. I'm thinking of waiting to reread until I can read the YA copy, in order to have as few resonances with my first couple of readings in my head as possible. We shall see how that works.

I also find it somewhat peculiar that Sorcery & Cecelia was published as YA and the Mairelon books (Mairelon the Magician and Magician's Ward, which I have together as Magic & Malice) have just come out in a compendium as A Matter of Magic, which is not YA, despite the cover. That cover to me says YA, although I suppose Kim's having a head and all might argue against that feeling. And then again there's Wrede's Snow White and Rose Red, which is also republished and also YA, though the original edition in Terri Windling's Fairy Tale Series was not.

(No real point to these ramblings, except it's of interest to me, and also, for our purposes - writing a book about historical fiction for children - it does actually make a big difference whether or not a book is considered to be 'for children'. You'd hear cranky rantings from me if it ever happened, but all the same, part of me wishes like crazy that someone would do a YA edition of To Say Nothing of the Dog so we could include it!)

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6. Alchemy and Meggy Swann

[Have had coeliac blood-test now, and results should be with GP in a week and a half-ish. Decided to stay on the gluten until I *have* a result, which seemed like a better idea when I made it on Tuesday than it does today, when head feels as if it may fall off when I try to think at all, and I mightn't mind if it did.]

So, good state in which to write up a book that has a lot of interest for two areas [info]steepholm and I are particularly considering: use of language (anachronistic, archaic or authentic?) (couldn't resist the alliteration, although it's not a straight choice between these three, necessarily!), and the depiction of attitudes which were common in the past but are now considered unacceptable.

I read the first half of Karen Cushman's latest at the end of the 48 Hour Reading Challenge, and I think one of the reasons I didn't love it as whole-heartedly as I might have was the fact that the language seemed more intrusive to me than that in, say, Catherine Called Birdy. If it turns out to be true that the language is actually different -- more archaic-seeming, let's call it for now -- in a book set in Elizabethan England compared to one set in 13th century England - well, that's a very interesting data point! Some of the language in both is played for laughs a bit - Meggy is the daughter of the village ale-wife and has a sharp tongue and mouthful of colourful insults, which rather corresponds to Birdy's search for her perfect curse word. But it may be that it's simply that some of the archaic words used in Meggy Swann weren't pleasing to my reading ear, rather than that there are more of them. Will need to reread to confirm this one way or the other.

The other interesting element to us here is that Meggy is crippled - an Author's Note tells the reader she has bilateral hip dysplasia - only able to walk with a severe limp, and with chronic pain. What's pretty great about the book is that it manages both to show clearly how difficult life is for Meggy, given that she faces abusive treatment from many as well as the huge problems of getting around and caring for herself, and how her strength of character allows her make herself a good life. The author's note again discusses the change that was taking place at the time, from the medieval belief that an illness or infirmity was caused by the Devil or was a punishment by God, towards the modern belief in natural causes. When Meggy comes to London, supposedly at the invitation of her father, she finds that he thought she was a boy, and was prepared to get a helpful servant, rather than a daughter with some needs of her own. The house, and London in general, is anything but friendly to people with disabilities.

It occurred to me that there's sort of a parallel in the balance Cushman strikes in Meggy Swann and in Catherine, Called Birdy, in giving a resolution for the protagonist that seems tolerable to readers while still being just about within the limits of the possible for the time. Birdy isn't going to get the chance to fall in love with someone of her choice, but the marriage she can't evade is nonetheless tolerable because the son's character is totally different than the father's. Similarly, Meggy isn't going to be cured of her limp, nor will she be able to move freely and without pain. But she can - and does - find things she can do to increase her independence, some through her own ingenuity, some with the help of friends who care for her. And, from a purely uncritical perspective, the final scene of her dancing (on her 'walking sticks') is just lovely.

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7. My umbrella may not be red, but it's packed.

Off to Bristol tomorrow, to the Diana Wynne Jones conference which starts on Friday. Up until now, I've been helping [info]steepholm organise only to the extent of saying things like 'So-and-so's talk has been moved so it clashes with Such-and-such's? That's a pity!'. Okay, not totally - I did suggest we go visit a few restaurants in person to see about gluten-free and vegetarian catering, and have visited the campus so I'm all set for Friday meeting-and-greeting with [info]fjm and [info]chilperic, while [info]steepholm is external examining Elsewhere.

Everybody on my flist probably knows about this con already, from one source or another, but may not know that we're off to Wales on Monday to another conference! This one is the rather nicely named Asterisks and Obelisks in Lampeter. [info]steepholm is giving a paper there, again nicely named 'The Eagle Has Landed'.

Packed? Ha. Not a chance. Though my mobile phone charger, camera are, and I've got yarn wound up (Shibui Sock, in Dragonfly) and pattern (CanCan fingerless gloves, for Y.D.) printed out! Good time to go organise, right? Instead, a quick - no really! this time quick - write-up of The Patriot Witch. Finished that on the way back from Bristol last time, and though I very much enjoyed many aspects of it, and thought the setting was wonderful, there were two things that kept bouncing me out of the book. One was an unevenness of narrative, as we'd go from seeing things quite naturally from Proctor's POV to seeing things from a very much older, rather flat-in-tone omniscient narrator moving Proctor's lips, as it were.

The other, though, was the language, and that's a constant interest because of the famed History Project. (Famed, right? Okay, I've rattled on about it a bit from time to time. Historical books set in Britain for children/teens. As per [info]steepholm's talk mentioned above.) Others have said it before us, but the register used for historical fiction always presents the author with an interesting choice - and Rosemary Sutcliff may have set a high standard, but her style of writing historicals isn't the only way to do it. Consistency, though, is surely almost always required - unless the author's playing an intentionally twisty game, and is using a startlingly modern term to indicate alternate universe or the like. But for all Finlay's historical Revolutionary War America is different in the existence of magic, he doesn't seem to be playing on that difference in the use of anachronisms. Because the characters generally talk as might be expected for the time and place, the anachronistic words really stand out. [info]steepholm made a list, and as always, we checked his O.E.D. online. There were a few surprises, but only one (which I've totally forgotten now) about which we were wrong and the term far older than either of us had thought. I do remember a couple of 'Hi's, which were doubly wrong in context, a bunch of 'Yeah's, and a night watchman who called "Nine fifty pee em', and then 'Nine fifty-five...' . I think the three worst for us were 'Enough with the second-guessing', ''The way I figure it, we've got a little window here' (that being a window of opportunity), and 'Hack it off already!' (that's her hair, lest anyone be left boggling). The one place where it really got in the way of characterisation was when Proctor's mother and aunt switched into -- oh, I can't think of any way of putting this except to say that they sounded like a seriously stereotypical Jewish (or Irish!) mother and aunt. Right down to his aunt 'on a roll now', telling Proctor how many hours his mother was in labour with him, and then - then - he didn't even wear the good linen jacket she'd given him!

It was only frustrating because so much was good in the story, and a lot of historical research showing, and there's a lot to look forward to in the two books to follow. But every time - bounced out hard. So - did we miss something? Or misread something? (Mind you, the blame is mine if so, as steepholm hasn't read the book itself yet, and just took interest because I never shut up about something like this when he's handy!) Other perspectives welcomed.

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8. Bits, bobs and BOOKS. Finally

Well, I kind of knew it was going to be an unusual funeral last Saturday, when we finally managed to squeeze into the beautiful, small All Saints Church in Raheny to hear "As so many of you will have missed it while trying to get in, Jacinta will now sing the 'Ave Maria' again for us all."  Not unusual in most churches in Ireland, perhaps, but in a Church of Ireland one?  Decidedly.  Much more importantly, it was one of the most moving funerals I've ever attended.  Along this lines:

And did you get what
you wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.
(Raymond Carver, "Late Fragment")

Still feeling all over the place, and have left gaps in LJ and blog reading which may have to remain gaps now, as I can't imagine I'd manage to wade through the read posts in order to get back to older unread ones (Bloglines - down to 450-some unread!).  So if I've not replied to something I should have, please forgive the unintentional ignoring, which really is unintentional.

First two books of 2008 couldn't have been more dissimilar - well, given that they're both fiction, in English, and for children/teens - and yet could both be called historical fiction.  The two are Philip Reeve's Starcross (2007) and Hilda Lewis' Harold Was My King (1968). Before putting the usual babbling about the two behind a cut, I want to quote from the letter to the dedicatee of Harold Was My King - presumably her grandson (after I'd looked up her dates, [info]steepholm lifted my fog by pointing out that Daniel Lewis could hardly have been her son).
In this tale the character of the Conqueror and his deeds are drawn largely from old manuscripts.  Some of them were written by Normans, some by Englishmen; so you can understand that William will appear in a different light according to whether the writer is Norman or English.

One day you will, very likely, read the old chronicles for yourself and make up your own mind.

Well, I read that and was astonished.  Some day I'm going to get my act together and do a looong post about subversiveness (or lack thereof) in kids' books and whether some of the books which are supposedly full of the 'think for yourselves' message are really pushing that or not, but for now, I'm just wondering if anyone can think of a recently-written kids' or YA historical which deals with a time when there was a clash of ideologies in a way which shows that there were two sides to the clash, and that personal bias will influence even supposedly 'factual' records.  Not to mention the idea that children would read the primary sources for themselves!  (And yes, it is just to this Daniel Lewis, but this is not a hand-inscribed message in the copy of the book given to him, but part of the printed book, and comes, actually, before the Foreword.) I've certainly read some great new historicals, but it's not criticism to say they're mostly not dealing with this type of cultural/ideological clash. 

Regular readers might have guessed that I wouldn't manage to get through this without a mention of I, Coriander.  I think my inability to do so is in part due to the fact that it actually frightened me somewhat, as well as (obviously) aggravating me a lot - inaccurate, misleading history, which demonized a group of people in such an extraordinary way, seems to me the last thing kids need these days.  And that it was apparently completely accepted as well-researched and applicable to our times I found really worrying.  But that rant's been ranted already.

Anyway, Harold Was My King is perhaps not the most riveting read ever, though I read and loved it as a child.  Or maybe that's just my reading preference, which really isn't for long descriptions of battles and the like.  It feels in many ways to me like Rosemary Sutcliff's Simon, which also has the even-handed presentation of the two sides, and shows in dense and often quite grim thoroughness the sheer tragedy of the period (1064 through the Battle of Hastings and about 10 years after for Harold - Civil War for Simon).  There are sections which could almost match the Mordor ones for sheer relentless bleakness.  But it ends on a hopeful note, as the central character is fairly well reconciled to the fact that there's no return to the days before William conquered, and is fully reconciled to his own personal fate.  About which I'll say no more.

It seems silly to call Starcross (sequel to Larklight, btw) a historical, given the strongly alternate 'alternate history' - and is steampunk really alternate history?  I'm sure long discussions have been had on the subject, but I'm clueless.  Anyway, this is grounded in Victorian Britain - though that includes much of outer space too! - most often by reference to the adventure literature of the period, but also with little touches like the footnote mentioning "Mother's dear friend, Miss Marian Evans", recently appointed as editor of the Westminster Review.  I certainly wouldn't have spotted George Eliot in that as a child myself, but enjoyed it a lot nonetheless.

It would definitely be silly to compare Starcross to a 'straight' historical like Harold Was My King or Simon, as it's clearly not doing at all the same type of thing.  And what it does, it does very cleverly*, wittily and entertainingly.  But when I compared it to other books which I felt it *should* in some ways be sensibly comparable to (Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books and even Skulduggery Pleasant), it seemed to fall down in one important (for me) regard: I couldn't possibly have cared less about the characters.  Fun to read about, yes, but that's it.  I actually care about Percy and his friends quite a bit, for all the books are more plot than character-driven.

* Except - with this, as with Larklight - I wanted to yell at Bloomsbury Press, which can't seem to rustle up the money for a decent copy-editor.  I'm not a retired schoolteacher, and I certainly won't be throwing any croutons, but I'm outraged at the slack grammar nonetheless.  (PR & David Wyatt acknowledge 'three lovely editrices', who've supposed saved them from this fate.)  Okay, not outraged, but "You will return with Jack and I...." and "...surrounding Jack and I..."  -- ouch.

Will try to get in at least one more book talk before (HOPEFULLY) heading off to Bristol on Thursday.  Last year's attempt to get there for [info]steepholm's birthday ended in sorrow (mine), A&E and vomiting (Older Daughter's), so I'm more nervous than normal even, which is saying a lot... Read the rest of this post

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9. WIN Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To my wonderful writing buddy, Ena Jones for Jake's Odds. You are awesome!

Also, congratulations to Mindy Alyse, one of our own LJers!


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