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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning B.G. Hennessy in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader


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About B.G.

When I am working on a book I start by looking for an interesting question. Does the world change when a baby is born? Do teachers get nervous the night before the first day of school? Do ornaments know when Christmas is coming? What would make someone ʺhappy ever after?ʺ Where do clouds sleep? Sometimes the questions are more practical; What are the Olympics? Why do you need so many trucks t... More
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B.G.'s Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 of 45 from B.G.'s published works, View all 45 books
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. Mr. Ouchy's First Day (Hardcover)
    Author: B. G. Hennessy
    Illustrator: Paul Meisel
    Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Ages 4-8 07/20/2006
23 Reviews  
2. Sleep Tight (Picture Puffins) (Paperback)
    Author: B. G. Hennessy
    Publisher: Puffin
Baby to Pre-K 05/01/1995
4 Reviews  
3. Jake Baked the Cake (Picture Puffins) (Paperback)
    Author: B. G. Hennessy
    Publisher: Puffin Books
Baby to Pre-K 03/01/1992
26 Reviews  
4. The Missing Tarts (Paperback)
    Author: B. G. Hennessy, Tracey Campbell Pearson
    Publisher: Puffin
Baby to Pre-K 03/01/1991
3 Reviews  
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Books Recently Added to B.G.'s Bookshelf Ages Date Added
There is 1 book on B.G.'s bookshelf
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1. Corduroy Helps Out (Hardcover)
    Author: B. G. Hennessy, Don Freeman
    Illustrator: Lisa McCue
    Publisher: Viking Juvenile
Ages 4-8 6/27/2009
B.G. said: This is the latest CORDUROY lift-the flap book. Out just in time for the National United We Serve Campaign.
tags: I wrote
6 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by Eric Hammond on 6/24/2009 at 6:21 PM:
Hello, BG.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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