Publisher Information
Walker Books
NOTE: We are not affiliated with Walker and Co. in USA. Walker Books is Britain's leading independent children's publisher and makes books of the highest quality for children of all ages. With a reputation as a haven for superior talent, and renowned for its truly original publishing, at Walker Books only the very best is good enough. This means truly outstanding writing, illustration, design, editing, production - the best of everything that goes into creating a really good book for children. Whether it's a picture book for toddlers or a novel for teenagers, Walker Books sets the standard of excellence.
Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: activity, audio,board, cloth, character, early learning, fiction, gift, non-fiction, novelty, picture, poetry - babies to teens
Main Address: |
87 Vauxhall Walk London SE11 5HJ UK | Phone: 44 020 7793 0909 |
Fax: 44 020 7735 3083 | ||
Updated 11/22/2008 |
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Manuscript Submissions | Policy: We are currently unable to accept any unsolicited fiction or picture book submissions. This is due to the large volume of manuscripts re... More | ||
Illustrator Submissions | Policy: |