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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Shelby Mahan in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader


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About Shelby

There's nothing I like more in this world than the beach and riding the waves of the ocean. I have always lived near the beach, and even if I had to live in a tent I would just to wake up and see the sea. Then there's books. I love to read...everything. And so I thought I should be a writer, with so much appreciation for communicating with words. But writing is hard, hard work. It's someth... More
Shelby's Blog: Shelby's Blog - Recent Posts
3/25/2008Entry for March 25, 2008
There's energy at the tips of our fingers. This force extends outward, but also inward. What we use our hands for inevitably returns to us, as energy is a system that is at its best when shared. Today, I'm planning for a journey northward. I'm... Read the rest of this post
1/20/2008Entry for January 20, 2008
So it is that morning breeze sings to those that rise before the sun. There's mystery in each waking, if we know what to look for, what senses to unveil. Like gravity that moves in waves, we can see it too, if we know what we are looking for. Now... Read the rest of this post
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Comment by Eric Hammond on 2/11/2008 at 9:36 AM:
Hello, Shelby.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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