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About Allison

In 1998, I moved to the Midwest for work and love. My husband and I like to watch movies, play games, take photos, share books, learn new recipes, and go for daily walks. We have a household of pets: toy poodle, calico cat, and guinea pig. We live six blocks from my husband’s family and visit them weekly for supper and games. My family is a different matter. They live in Newfoundland, Canada!... More
Books Recently Added to Allison's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 4 of 86 from Allison's bookshelf, View all 86 books
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1. Are You There God? It's Me Margaret (Hardcover)
    Author: Judy Blume
    Publisher: Atheneum Richard Jackson Books
Ages 9-12 1/2/2015
Allison said: When I decided in December to review favorite books, I tried to choose ones that were lesser known. And yet I’ve picked the book that launched Judy Blume’s career: Are You There God? It’s Margar...more
8,219 Reviews  
2. Katie John (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Calhoun
    Publisher: Harper
N/A 1/2/2015
Allison said: Growing up, I mostly read children’s classics. At the same time, I also often browsed bookshelves for other interesting selections. During one such time in elementary school, I came across a book wh...more
17 Reviews  
3. Mine for Keeps (Hardcover)
    Author: Jean Little
    Illustrator: Lewis K. Parker
    Publisher: Little Brown and Company
N/A 1/2/2015
Allison said: Mine for Keeps by Jean Little is a long-time favorite book of mine. Little so perfectly captures the emotions of her characters that all readers will relate to them, whether they’re the intended aud...more
56 Reviews  
4. Ozma of Oz (Hardcover)
    Author: L. Frank Baum
    Illustrator: John R Neill
    Publisher: HarperCollins
Ages 9-12 1/2/2015
Allison said: After reading Ozma of Oz by Frank Baum years ago in fifth grade, I knew that I wanted all of the Oz books. What appealed to me about that particular title? To be honest, I don’t know if I have an an...more
676 Reviews  
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