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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Justine Korman in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader



  • J Fontes
  • J. Fontes
  • J. Korman
  • Justine Korman
  • Justine & Fontes, Ron Korman
  • Justine & Ron Fontes
  • Justine (adaptor) Korman
  • Justine - adapter, Williams, Don, ill., Korman
  • Justine / Jean Chandler Korman
  • Justine and Ron Fontes
  • Justine Fontes
  • Justine Korman
  • Justine Korman
  • Justine Korman Fontes
  • Justine Korman-Fontes
  • Justine, Adapte from the Film By Korman
  • Justine. Fontes, Ron. Fontes
  • Justine/ Fontes, Ron Fontes
  • Justine; Langley, Bill; Disney, Walt Korman
  • Justine; Walt Disney Company Korman
  • Korman Justine

About Justine Korman

Justine Korman is a published adapter, author, and an illustrator of children's books and young adult books. Some of the published credits of Justine Korman include Scooby Doo Carnival of Mystery Book and Decoder (Scooby Doo), Atalanta: The Race Against Destiny, A Greek Myth (Graphic Myths and Legends; Graphic Universe), Demeter & Persephone: Spring Held Hostage (Graphic Myths and Legends), and Sp... More
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Published Works by Justine Korman
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Results 1 - 25 of 154     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Pledge of Allegiance (Rookie Read-About: American Symbols) (Library ...
    Author: Justine Korman
    Publisher: C. Press F. Watts Trade
? 09/01/2014
1 Reviews  
2. The Trojan Horse: The Fall of Troy (Graphic Myths and Legends) (Paperback)
    Author: Justine Korman, Ron Fontes
    Illustrator: Gordon Purcell
    Publisher: Lerner Books
? 05/01/2010
20 Reviews  
3. Barbie in A Mermaid Tale (Barbie Panorama Sticker Book) (Paperback)
    Author: Reader's Digest
    Illustrator: Mattel, Ulkutay Design Group
    Publisher: Reader's Digest
4-8 01/19/2010
46 Reviews  
4. DK Readers: Abraham Lincoln: Lawyer, Leader, Legend (Hardcover)
    Author: Justine Korman
    Publisher: DK CHILDREN
4-8 09/21/2009
8 Reviews  
5. Scholastic Reader Level 2: Let's Share, Grumpy Bunny! (Paperback)
    Author: Justine Korman
    Illustrator: Lucinda McQueen
    Publisher: Cartwheel Books
4-8 09/01/2009
5 Reviews  
6. Let's Share, Grumpy Bunny! (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition)...
    Author: Justine Korman
    Illustrator: Lucinda McQueen
    Publisher: Turtleback
4-8 09/01/2009
2 Reviews  
7. Sunjata: Warrior King of Mali; A West African Legend (Graphic Myths & Le...
    Author: Justine Korman, Ron Fontes
    Illustrator: Sandy Carruthers
    Publisher: Graphic Universe
9-12 01/01/2009
9 Reviews  
8. Demeter & Persephone: Spring Held Hostage, a Greek Myth (Graphic Myths &...
    Author: Justine Korman, Ron Fontes
    Illustrator: Steve Kurth
    Publisher: Graphic Universe
9-12 08/01/2008
25 Reviews  
9. Scooby Doo Carnival of Mystery Book and Decoder (Board book)
    Author: Justine Korman, MADA Design
    Publisher: Reader's Digest
4-8 02/26/2008
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10. Spring Is Here, Grumpy Bunny! (Paperback)
    Author: Justine Korman
    Illustrator: Lucinda McQueen
    Publisher: Cartwheel Books
4-8 01/01/2008
2 Reviews  
11. El Caballo de Troya: La Caida de Troya: Un Mito Griego (Mitos Y Leyendas...
    Author: Justine Korman, Ron Fontes
    Illustrator: Gordon Purcell
    Publisher: Ediciones Lerner
? 11/01/2007
27 Reviews  
12. Bee Movie (I Can Find It) (Hardcover)
    Author: Justine Korman
    Illustrator: Inc. Mada Design
    Publisher: Bee Movie
4-8 10/02/2007
3 Reviews  
13. Captured by Pirates (Twisted Journeys) (Paperback)
    Author: Justine Korman, Ron Fontes
    Illustrator: David Witt
    Publisher: Graphic Universe
9-12 09/01/2007
13 Reviews  
14. Scooby-Doo The Haunted Mysteries Storybook and DVD (Hardcover)
    Author: Justine Korman, Reader's Digest
    Publisher: Reader's Digest
4-8 07/24/2007
1 Reviews  
15. Scooby-Doo Mysterious Message Storybook Scooby Clues (Hardcover)
    Author: Justine Korman, Reader's Digest
    Publisher: Reader's Digest
4-8 07/24/2007
2 Reviews  
16. Clean Up, Grumpy Bunny! (Grumpy Bunny Reader) (Paperback)
    Author: Justine Korman
    Publisher: Cartwheel Books
4-8 02/01/2007
9 Reviews  
17. Atalanta: The Race Against Destiny (Graphic Myths & Legends) (Library Bi...
    Author: Justine Korman, Ron Fontes
    Illustrator: Thomas Yeates
    Publisher: Graphic Universe
YA 12/01/2006
7 Reviews  
18. Cheerios Count To 100 (Paperback)
    Author: Justine K Fontes, Justine Korman
    Illustrator: Carolyn Croll
    Publisher: CARTWHEEL BOOKS
1-3 07/01/2006
4 Reviews  
19. My First Day of Preschool (Board book)
    Author: Justine Korman
    Illustrator: Matt Novak
    Publisher: Little Simon
1-3 06/20/2006
1 Reviews  
20. DK Readers: Abraham Lincoln: Abogado, Lider, Leyenda (Spanish Edition) (...
    Author: Justine Korman, Ron Fontes
    Publisher: DK CHILDREN
? 05/15/2006
4 Reviews  
21. Proteins (Rookie Read-About Health) (Paperback)
    Author: Justine Korman
    Publisher: Children's Press (CT)
4-8 03/01/2006
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22. World almanac� library of the states north dakota (Paperback)
    Author: Justine Korman, Pearson Education, Ron Fontes
    Publisher: World Almanac Library
4-8 02/23/2006
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23. A Peanuts Valentine (Hardcover)
    Author: Charles M. Schulz
    Illustrator: Charles M. Schulz, Tom Brannon
    Publisher: Little Simon
4-8 12/27/2005
8 Reviews  
24. El Dia Que Jordan Se Enfermo = Jordan's Silly Sick Day (A Rookie Reader ...
    Author: Justine Korman
    Illustrator: Jared D. Lee
    Publisher: Children's Press (CT)
? 09/01/2005
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25. Rachel Carson (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Library Bin...
    Author: Justine Korman
    Publisher: Tandem Library
4-8 09/01/2005
1 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by SalesRank(tm)

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