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Updates Made by Emily J. Griffin

Thursday, May 5, 2011 6:04:59 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled You can lead a horse to water...:
Emily J. said, "Seriously, I can't take you with me. You have to come and google friend connect with me on the other site all on your own... all sixty something of your. I'd do it for you if I could."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011 10:09:53 AM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled omg, your blog's been robbed!:
Emily J. said, "get yourselves together, people. everything is fine. i'm just moving. the new (and a little different) blog is now located at i'm working on relocating some old posts and comments, as well as, expanding my content to cover all..." more

Saturday, February 5, 2011 8:39:37 AM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Really, Emily? Really?:
Emily J. said, "When I started this whole blogging endeavor I had NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOING. I offered advice. Why? I talked too much. Why? I didn't label anything properly. Why? Because I was young and naive and desperate to be a part of it all.Now, however, as I..." more

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:30:49 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Word:
Emily J. said, "I am working on building a new site/blog. Of course, it's slow moving as I am learning a lot of web design things as I go. I want to know how to do everything myself, because that's just how I roll. Also there's writing (ahem, self -- hear that!?..." more

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 5:47:05 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled I'm Bi-coastal (B*tches):
Emily J. said, "Heading back to Atlanta from the west coast today after a long and enjoyable visit in LA with my Bestie. I am equal parts exhausted and rejuvinated and then again exhausted. Plans for the New Year are stewing. Even the possibility of more..." more

Thursday, December 2, 2010 1:01:56 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Crack Is Whack (Or Awesome):
Emily J. said, "If you're a writer (and chances are you're here for that exact reason-- or is it my award winning personality?) you've frequented Wikipedia. I'm personally addicted to it. I visit it on an almost daily basis. I get the shakes if it's not..." more

Thursday, November 4, 2010 5:34:53 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled When Life Hands You Lemons:
Emily J. said, "Punch it in the effing face."

Saturday, October 30, 2010 7:17:27 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Find The Next Word:
Emily J. said, ""What matters right now are the words, one after another. Find the next word. Write it down. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat." - Neil GaimanFor the next little while, I'll be busy doing this. Not that you're used to me posting regularly anyway."

Monday, October 25, 2010 12:52:31 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled From Geek to Geek Chic:
Emily J. said, "Distracts you with shiny object while I am busy working... From Flowtown (click for larger image) via Speak Coffee To Me (aka: Eileen)Have I mentioned I really want some new "Geek Chic" glasses? Please advise."

Sunday, October 10, 2010 9:43:06 AM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled A Treatise On Sluttiness:
Emily J. said, "Hi, my name is Emily and I'm a slut.  *wipes brow* *drinks stale, AA coffee* There, I said it.I know, you're all surprised (you better be surprised). I look so innocent and none Slutty Mc'Slut in my picture, right? But the..." more

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 8:43:39 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Why The Academic Study of Young Adult Literature Is So Vitally Important:
Emily J. said, "Read this. Read it now: Risha Mullins -- Censorship at its Finest: Remembering. (Post has been removed by author.)Risha's story made me cry for a hundred different reasons-- the way the YA community rallied behind her, the crushing..." more

Thursday, September 30, 2010 3:21:56 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Will You Be Watching?:
Emily J. said, "JK Rowling will be the subject of tomorrow's Oprah Show (Friday). Apparently The Big O asks all of the hard-hitting questions, brings the tears, and then gifts Jo with a Mazda Miata. I swear. Set your DVRs now."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 10:51:59 AM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Holden, Pudge, Charlie.... The Best Of The Best?:
Emily J. said, "Did you know, like right away, exactly who I was talking about in that title? Good, we can be friends. If you didn't, here's a convenient search link. After the appropriate research you will be allowed back on the island. We will wait...Great. Now..." more

Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:36:04 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled WWSMD?:
Emily J. said, "Websites and blogs without any discernable visual hierarchy DRIVE ME NUTS.Please TAKE A MINUTE to think before you write an unreasonable blab of endless text without so much as a line break OR before you bold, italic, punc.tu.ate, CAPS,..." more

Thursday, September 23, 2010 3:06:34 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled I should probably write another blog post this week, right?:
Emily J. said, "P to the S: This totally counts."

Monday, September 20, 2010 2:32:53 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Letting The Statistics Speak Loudly For Themselves:
Emily J. said, "For those just joining the conversation: Wesley Scroggins, a professor of management at Missouri State University, is attempting to ban Laurie Halse Anderson's SPEAK from his area schools (he's already succeeded in banning books by others),..." more

Sunday, September 19, 2010 5:36:57 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Censorship Is An Excuse For Not Parenting:
Emily J. said, "By now you've heard about the Speak Loudly (or as the kids say on The Twitter, #speakloudly) controversey regarding Laurie Halse Anderson's award-winning novel, SPEAK. A business management professor at Missouri State University (I'd hate..." more

Saturday, September 18, 2010 6:02:15 AM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Barf Bag (Seriously, Caution):
Emily J. said, "There are like two things (ha) I find immediately repulsive and vomit inducing: cat food (of the non-dry persuasion), and while we're at it make it all wet animal food, and phlegm. I would rather puke a thousand times than have one ill-fated..." more

Monday, September 13, 2010 4:43:28 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Uncharted:
Emily J. said, "Apply metaphor liberally too all creative endeavors two-three times daily. Repeat. For external use only (perves)....Jumpstart my kaleidoscope heart Love to watch the colors fade They may not make sense, but they sure as hell made me I won't go as a..." more

Tuesday, September 7, 2010 2:27:05 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Kaleidoscope Heart:
Emily J. said, "Beyond in love with it and it just came out today. Do yourself a favor and GO GET THIS ALBUM. Bluebird, in particular, is heartbreakingly beautiful."

Saturday, September 4, 2010 8:07:54 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled I have a policy about Honesty and Ass Kicking...:
Emily J. said, "This, THIS IS AMAZING.And this, hilarious.And if you have ever worked in a school-- you know this. This is EXACTLY what the education system is like. I kid you not."

Monday, August 30, 2010 6:37:54 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled On Repeat OR Obsessed:
Emily J. said, "I cannot stop watching this video and rocking the song in my car, my bathroom, while running, at the house... You get the idea. Perfectly disturbing and quirky video and completely catching and layered music!"

Saturday, August 28, 2010 9:04:13 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled More, More, More:
Emily J. said, "How dare all of you bloggers have lives? What are you thinking?I don't care if you're busy working 'real' jobs by day and writing by the pale shadow of candlelight in the middle of the godforsaken night while everyone and their brother is..." more

Thursday, August 26, 2010 6:09:22 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled What do I do now?:
Emily J. said, "What will we do with ourselves now that the drama of Mockingjay is over? How will we go on. What is the next book we should all be obsessing over? Personally, my new proposed obsession makes me sound really, really, ridiculously selfish, but I'm..." more

Monday, August 23, 2010 4:39:14 PM
Emily J. Griffin wrote a blog post titled Mockingjay Predictions:
Emily J. said, "Death. Lots and lots of death. And maybe a dragon or two?(Remember the warning-- see below.)"