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About Terry

AUTHOR'S BIOGRAPHY I started reading comic books when I was 7 years old. By the time I was 9, I was trying to write my own comic books. I started creating my own characters and designed my own artwork, which were crude, yet possessed some talent for a kid my age. It was the world of writing and creating my own worlds, and alternate universes, that truly inspired me. I continued to plink around wi... More
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(c) 2024 Terry Hubbard
Books Recently Added to Terry's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 4 of 12 from Terry's bookshelf, View all 12 books
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1. Chicken Dance (Hardcover)
    Author: Tammi Sauer
    Illustrator: Dan Santat
    Publisher: Sterling
Ages 4-8 5/20/2009
Terry said: Tammi Sauer has done it again. This is a MUST have - It is hilarious and ELVIS POULTRY really shakes n' bakes in his first picture book dedicated to this Rock 'n Roll King of the henhouse. The artwork...more
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
135 Reviews  
2. No Baloney! (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Renee Andriani
    Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
Ages 4-8 5/20/2009
Terry said: This is a great book - I recommend you pre-order it before they sell out. It is due out 2010. Tammi Sauer is one of the greats and I expect she will sell hundreds of picture books.
1 Reviews  
3. Callie and the Stepmother (Paperback)
    Author: Susan A. Meyers, Susan Meyers
    Illustrator: Rose Gauss
    Publisher: Blooming Tree Press
Ages 4-8 5/20/2009
Terry said: This is a wonderful new book written by a local SCBWI member right here in the Oklahoma City metro area.
6 Reviews  
4. The Pumpkin Man from Piney Creek (Library Binding)
    Author: Darleen Bailey Beard
    Illustrator: Laura Kelly
    Publisher: MacMillan Publishing Company
Ages 4-8 5/9/2008
Terry said: Wonderful book that takes you back to a pumpkin farmer in the late 1800's. This beautifully crafted work is a masterpiece and is worthy of collection. Highly recommend owning this one. The story is re...more
5 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by Susan A. Meyers on 2/12/2009 at 5:48 PM:
Hi, Terry:-) Thanks for the friend invitation.

God Bless,
Comment by Dana Hall Jordan on 5/21/2008 at 10:26 PM:
Hi Terry,
I would love to see your art work - do you have some posted? How is the writing going?
Comment by Jenya Prosmitsky on 11/20/2007 at 12:22 PM:
Thanks a lot!!:) I look forward to reading your books!
Comment by Kathleen Rietz on 11/20/2007 at 1:54 AM:
Terry, thanks for your encouragin words about my artwork! Best to you always! -kate : )
Comment by Jenya Prosmitsky on 11/18/2007 at 12:48 AM:
Thank you, Terry! Good luck with your books too!
Comment by Terry Hubbard on 3/29/2007 at 12:09 PM:
Terrance has written 13 humorous Children's Picture Books that are currently being proposed for publishing in the USA and UK.

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