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About Nadia

I'm a literary agent @ Book 149 a new literary agency specialized in children’s literature: illustrated books for children of all ages, fiction for early readers and YA. We represent independent publishing companies that are characterized by an original and innovative catalogue. About me: i have an adorable dog and a crazy cat, i like sun, see, chocolate and books ^_^ ... More
Nadia's Blog: Book149's Blog - Recent Posts
6/21/2013"La bambina, il cuore e la casa" di María Teresa Andruetto, Mondadori (0 Comments )
Ribloggato da Libri e Marmellata: María Teresa Andruetto è un’autrice argentina di libri per adulti e per ragazzi che lo scorso anno è stata insignita del premio Hans Christian Andersen, il maggior riconoscimento internazionale nell’ambito... Read the rest of this post
6/21/2013"La bambina, il cuore e la casa" di María Teresa Andruetto, Mondadori (0 Comments )
Ribloggato da Libri e Marmellata: María Teresa Andruetto è un’autrice argentina di libri per adulti e per ragazzi che lo scorso anno è stata insignita del premio Hans Christian Andersen, il maggior riconoscimento internazionale nell’ambito... Read the rest of this post
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(c) 2024 Nadia Bettini
Books Recently Added to Nadia's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 4 of 5 from Nadia's bookshelf, View all 5 books
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1. Will Grayson, Will Grayson (Paperback)
    Author: David Levithan, John Green
    Publisher: Speak
Young Adults 7/9/2011
Nadia tagged as: I'm reading
21,900 Reviews  
2. The Crowfield Curse (Hardcover)
    Author: Pat Walsh
    Publisher: The Chicken House
Ages 9-12 6/24/2011
Nadia tagged as: I recommend , I read
436 Reviews  
3. Colm & the Lazarus Key (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Kieran Mark Crowley, Kieran Mark Corowley
    Publisher: Mercier Press
Young Adults 6/24/2011
Nadia tagged as: I read , I recommend
5 Reviews  
4. Coraline (Paperback)
    Author: Neil Gaiman
    Illustrator: Dave McKean
    Publisher: HarperTrophy
Ages 9-12 6/24/2011
Nadia tagged as: I read , I recommend
38,122 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)
Profile Comments
Comment by Olga Dabrowska on 10/14/2013 at 1:01 AM:
Hope it wasn't rude to accept your invitation after so terribly long time >_
Comment by Mario Cortés on 6/24/2011 at 9:11 AM:
Hola Nadia, lo mismo te digo. Veo que trabajas en Barcelona, que bueno! nuestra ciudad es maravillosa ¿verdad?.
Un saludo.
Comment by Paolo Domeniconi on 6/23/2011 at 2:24 PM:
Hi Nadia, welcome here :)
Comment by Eric Hammond on 5/25/2011 at 7:38 PM:
Hello, Nadia.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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