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Updates Made by Charyn Eagan
Monday, March 2, 2009 12:16:38 PM
Charyn Eagan added Let's be Silly with Jae, Counting Numbers to her Bookshelf
Charyn said, "This learning book for numbers is designed to stimulate infants and toddlers. Jae is a colorful and exciting character used in this book to help young children visually recognize numbers through the use of pictures and short rhymes"
Monday, March 2, 2009 12:12:39 PM
Charyn Eagan added a picture to her Profile Gallery
Title: Let's be Silly with JAe, Counting Numbers
Description: This learning book for numbers is designed to stimulate infants and toddlers. Jae is a colorful and
Monday, March 2, 2009 12:22:28 PM
Charyn Eagan made friends with ANTHONY POLIZZI SR.