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Updates Made by Alyssa Feller

Tuesday, February 3, 2015 2:56:44 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Top Ten Tuesday: Winners I Haven't Read:
Alyssa said, "Being the second day in the month, that means it's time for another question from Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the Broke and the Bookish.Today's question is: Top Ten Books I Can't Believe I Haven't/Want To Read From X GenreWell, seeing as my "to be..." more

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 1:50:00 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Waiting on Wednesday: Beastkeeper:
Alyssa said, "So in my renewed determination to keep up with my blogging, I am back today with a Waiting on Wednesday post.  Yay!Beastkeeper by Cat HellisenAbout the Book (copy from "Sarah has always been on the move. Her mother hates the..." more

Tuesday, January 27, 2015 12:52:05 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Top Ten Tuesday: Book Clubs:
Alyssa said, "Hello blog readers!I know I’ve been a bit absent lately. Still struggling to find internet access. But my goal is to work myself towards more active participation over here. Thanks to all of you who’ve stuck through these ups and downs with..." more

Friday, January 9, 2015 12:48:16 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Happy 2015:
Alyssa said, "Hello everyone!  Hope you had a great Christmas, New Year, and you're getting back into the swing of things.  I got a cold for Christmas (yay) so I've been trying to get over that, which has slowed me down a bit.  Add in the complete..." more

Friday, January 9, 2015 11:54:14 AM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Merry Christmas:
Alyssa said, "Merry Christmas to all of those who celebrate.  I've been super busy leading up to the holidays, but now that Cybils season is over, things should be quieting down soon.  Look for new reviews to come soon!"

Thursday, December 4, 2014 4:15:19 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Reverting back to Blogger Profile:
Alyssa said, "Just wanted to give any readers who are following me using Google+ a heads up, that I'm reverting back to my old Blogger profile.  This is mainly because I don't have many followers on Google+ and my stats seemed to have dropped significantly..." more

Monday, November 17, 2014 5:35:23 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Your funny for the day...:
Alyssa said, "I'm busy sorting through Cybils books this week (and getting ready to move, again, although only across town this time) so I haven't had time to finish up the multiple reviews I've started lately, but I did come across this and it made me smile, so..." more

Thursday, October 2, 2014 10:17:26 AM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Cybils 2014 Nominations Open:
Alyssa said, "Yesterday was October 1st, which for me means the beginning of another long Cybils season (not that I'm complaining :)  The Cybils are one of my favorite things to participate in each year, and I always love serving on the judging..." more

Saturday, September 20, 2014 8:35:10 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Time for Cybils 2014:
Alyssa said, "Well, I've known about this for about a week now, but since it's been officially announced, I'm happy to share that I've once again been chosen to participate in the Cybils Awards. If you're new to the blog, then you may have never heard of the..." more

Thursday, September 11, 2014 12:36:21 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Never Forget

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 4:50:14 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Introducing a New Rating System:
Alyssa said, "In light of my 8th anniversary earlier this week, I've decided to implement a new feature I've been kicking around for awhile: a new rating system. At the time I set up my blog, my out of 10 rating system was one that made the most sense to me,..." more

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 1:58:15 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled The Shady Glade Turns 8:
Alyssa said, "Amazing how time passes sometimes. 8 years ago, I decided that doing a blog about the books I read might be a fun thing to do.  I had just gotten into the habit of writing reviews on Amazon, and I thought, hey, why not share it in other places..." more

Wednesday, September 3, 2014 9:03:58 AM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Waiting on Wednesday: Oh Yeah, Audrey!:
Alyssa said, "This week's pick is something a little bit different for me, but for some reason I find it very intriguing:Oh Yeah, Audrey! by Tucker ShawAbout the Book (copy from "It’s 5:00 a.m. on Fifth Avenue, and 16-year-old Gemma Beasley is..." more

Sunday, August 31, 2014 6:35:46 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Review: Aphrodite: Goddess of Love (The Olympians):
Alyssa said, "Aphrodite: Goddess of Love (Olympians) by George O'ConnorWhen I was growing up, we studied ancient civilizations for our 6th grade social studies class. Well, my 5th grade year, I was in a 5/6 combination class, so I got a “sneak peek” at a lot..." more

Sunday, August 31, 2014 6:35:46 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Review: Prince Tennyson:
Alyssa said, "Prince Tennyson by Jenni JamesThe first thing you need to know about Prince Tennyson is that it’s an inspirational book about a 10-year-old’s search for God. So if that kind of thing isn’t your thing, this book isn’t for you. The other..." more

Sunday, August 31, 2014 6:35:46 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Review: Doll Bones:
Alyssa said, "Doll Bones by Holly Black, illustrated by Eliza WheelerHere's a book that has just the perfect amount of creepy for the upcoming Halloween season.Zach has two friends he’s known forever, Poppy and Alice. Their favorite thing to do after school is..." more

Sunday, August 31, 2014 6:35:46 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Waiting on Wednesday: Sisters:
Alyssa said, "Now that I'm trying to get back into the game, I think it's time for a Waiting on Wendesday post.  So today's pick is another one that's not so much "waiting" since the book was released yesterday.  But since I don't have it in my hands..." more

Sunday, August 31, 2014 6:35:46 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Review: Ivy's Ever After:
Alyssa said, "Ivy's Ever After by Dawn LairamoreIf you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that if there’s one book weakness I have, it’s fractured/retold fairy tales. So Ivy's Ever After looked right up my alley.Ivy is the only child of the king..." more

Friday, August 22, 2014 2:05:00 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Updates on things:
Alyssa said, "Well, things are finally settling down here, so I suppose it's time to give everyone an update. I am slowly adjusting to life in Mississippi.  We finally made the move okay, although it was SUPER crazy to get everything done.  I never want..." more

Friday, April 25, 2014 4:59:25 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Kindle Deals: Janette Rallison:
Alyssa said, "I'm still busy moving, but this is a feature I've been wanting to start for awhile, and there's an opportunity to share some of my favorite books today, so here goes. I'm really in love with my Kindle lately.  And one of the great things is..." more

Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:11:04 AM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Where I Have Been (again):
Alyssa said, "So I really don't like doing lots of "where am I" posts, but due to my long absence this time, I think I owe all of you an explanation. As longtime readers have noticed, I haven't posted anything since December.  Well, at the beginning of..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:32:23 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Waiting on Wednesday: Hero:
Alyssa said, "Okay, for today's pick we're dragging up the fairy tale them.  I know, I know, AGAIN.  But this one looks like something different.  So trust me on this one. Hero by Alethea KontisAbout the Book (copy from "Rough and..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:32:23 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Waiting on Wednesday: Ever After High:
Alyssa said, "Today's pick requires a bit of a different introduction...Has anyone heard of Monster High?  It's a book by Lisi Harrison.  I picked it up a couple years ago because Lisi was the author of one of my guilty pleasure series at that time, The..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:32:23 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Don't Forget to Nominate!:
Alyssa said, "Sorry things have been a little sparse around here lately.  I've found it just a bit difficult to get back to hobby things after losing Greysen a few weeks ago.  But life goes on and things are slowly returning to normal. I've been..." more

Thursday, February 27, 2014 10:32:23 PM
Alyssa Feller wrote a blog post titled Updates and News:
Alyssa said, "Okay people. I know I’ve been a little absent again lately. It’s amazing how much real life when you have a 9 to 5 job just gets in the way sometimes. Cuz I don't actually work 9 to 5, it's more like I get up for work at 5:00 in the morning,..." more