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Updates Made by Kat Apel
Thursday, December 30, 2010 3:08:47 AM
Kat Apel commented on Renee Taprell's Profile:
Kat said, "We meet again, Renee. :)"
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 5:57:15 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Kat has Moved!:
Kat said, ".Exciting news...This is just a quick post to let you know that I have moved - in cyberspace, that is!I have been eyeing off some friends' personalised wordpress pages (with separate page tabs, personalised headers and other extra features) and..." more
Sunday, July 26, 2009 7:12:57 PM
Kat Apel added This is the Mud! to her Bookshelf
Kat said, "'This is the Mud!' is actually WRITTEN by Kathryn Apel and ILLUSTRATED by Warren Crossett."
Friday, July 24, 2009 6:03:54 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled The Sky is Falling!:
Kat said, "There is an old and popular children’s story being enacted in Australia today – but sadly, this time it is no work of fiction and there’s a grim outcome for Australian readers of all ages.Led by Dymocks CEO Don Grove, and Board Member Bob..." more
Monday, July 20, 2009 9:57:22 PM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Aussie Born and Read:
Kat said, "As a mother, teacher and writer – and rural Australian at that – I am passionate about the need to keep Australian content in Australian books. I don’t believe it’s the only thing our children should be reading – but I do believe that it..." more
Saturday, July 18, 2009 9:40:04 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Do Australian Books Face the Same Fate as the Tasmanian Tiger?:
Kat said, "Australian publishing and Australian literary culture is at risk, with the Federal Government instigating an investigation into the Parallel Importation of Books. The Productivity Commission Report was released this week, and no surprises really, it..." more
Sunday, July 5, 2009 11:04:17 PM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Stepping out...:
Kat said, "Oops! Now that May is over, I seem to be very, very bad at this blogging business. I will try to do better!Last week I went on my first mini author tour, which sounds grand – but in truth, I only had two stops!On Thursday I visited Bundaberg..." more
Saturday, June 6, 2009 1:38:52 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Muddy Month of MAYhem - and MORE!:
Kat said, ".Hguuuuhhhhhh….. (Big Breath)Well, I'm still here, even though I have been quiet. It's just that May kinda knocked my socks off, and life continued on regardless. So, no new blog posts - until today. With June marching by, I thought I'd better..." more
Friday, May 29, 2009 11:23:36 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Verse Off Collection - All the rhyming poems:
Kat said, "We can’t finish the Muddy Month of May Madness without a compilation of poems from our Verse Off competition – so here goes with the rhyming collection. For the free verse collection, click across to the delightful Sally Murphy’s..." more
Sunday, May 24, 2009 12:51:31 PM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Verse Off Collection - Week Four:
Kat said, "Thanks to everyone who has taken part in our Verse Off competition. It has been a lot of fun challenging words and wits with these pictorial prompts.Most especially, thanks to the lovely Sally Murphy, for letting me splash some mud around her..." more
Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:27:47 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled The Verse Off - Week Four:
Kat said, ".Week Four of the Verse Off – and a special welcome to any who may be joining us for the first time! This is the final edition of the Verse Off - for now - so if you’ve been waiting to contribute, here's your chance! If you’ve played before,..." more
Monday, May 18, 2009 4:26:59 PM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled WriteFest 2009:
Kat said, ".On the weekend I was delighted to celebrate the release of ‘This is the Mud!’ as a part of the annual Bundaberg WriteFest. WriteFest has been a highlight of my year since it first came into existence, and even before, when it was the club Open..." more
Sunday, May 17, 2009 9:26:50 PM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Verse Off Collection - Week Three:
Kat said, "Our sand scribblings photo evoked a variety of images cleverly captured in poetry below. Enjoy!Janeen Brian saw...fishstranded on grainy groundpearly scalesnow dull and brownedno one heard a cry or soundso sad to see how it was foundMabel Kaplan..." more
Saturday, May 16, 2009 12:23:43 PM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled The Verse Off - Week Three:
Kat said, ".Week Three of the Verse Off – and a special welcome to any who may be joining us for the first time! (Feel free to scroll below to past posts and see what we’ve been up to.)If you’ve played before, you know the routine. If this is your first..." more
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 2:56:22 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled This is the Launch!:
Kat said, ".Well, this is it. Time to reflect on ‘the launch’. Sorry I’ve been slow – but I was;1) shattered after the emotional highs of last week,2) savouring the emotions... and3) a little scared that I won't be able to capture the joy, the..." more
Monday, May 11, 2009 11:05:40 PM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Verse Off Collection - Week Two:
Kat said, "Aargh! Sally is apologising for being slow to get her collection up - and mine isn't up!! But Sally has a good excuse (No internet!) whereas I... I'm still recovering from last week's mammoth party and all those 'highs'. And trying to get on top of..." more
Monday, May 11, 2009 7:08:11 AM
Kat Apel commented on Mark Svendsen's Profile:
Kat said, "Hi Mark. Looking forward to seeing you at WriteFest!"
Monday, May 11, 2009 12:05:53 AM
Kat Apel wrote a blog post titled Verse Off Collection - Week Two:
Kat said, "Aargh! Sally is apologising for being slow to get her collection up - and mine isn't up!! But Sally has a good excuse (No internet!) whereas I... I'm still recovering from last week's mammoth party and all those 'highs'. And trying to get on top of..." more
Thursday, December 30, 2010 3:09:17 AM
Kat Apel made friends with Renee Taprell