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Updates Made by lois toureen

Friday, February 25, 2011 11:39:53 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Groove Thing:
lois said, "Really need to get back in the groove here. Way too much time between posts."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 5:21:04 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Stupid Mistakes:
lois said, "My new nickname is Quick Draw McGraw. Because I'm toooooo stinkin' fast at punching the computer keys... the wrong computer key that is...." more

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 4:37:07 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Theme for 2011:
lois said, "Happy New Year everyone! I still haven't sold my first book. Yet as I reflect on this past year, I see a definite difference in my writing skills. My themes are more interesting. My characters are much fuller. My writing style..." more

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 12:40:50 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled I am a dinosaur...:
lois said, "because I simply can't abide a world where things like this are becoming the norm.I love everything about real books andnothing about digital imitations."

Thursday, October 28, 2010 1:03:26 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled NANOWRIMO:
lois said, "Decided to give it a whirl this year. I have never written in such a time frame before. It'll do me good, I'm sure. I was surprised to see 27 other writers signed in for my region. This is not a big town, by any means. Glad that I don't have to..." more

Tuesday, October 26, 2010 8:58:35 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled pbwriter @ 2010-10-26T11:36:00:
lois said, "<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"><!--bc_width="300"; bc_height="520"; bc_color_text="#666666"; bc_color_link="#0000FF"; bc_color_bg="#FFFFFF";..." more

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:21:57 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Easy Reader is Finally Finished:
lois said, "Bernice and Abigail Take a TripSpring has finally sprung. There are noisy bugs, chirping birds, and sweet-smelling flowers everywhere. The Waddlebutt sisters, Bernice and Abigail, are tickled pink to be outside, doing all of their favorite..." more

Wednesday, September 22, 2010 11:14:41 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled The First Day of Autumn:
lois said, "The first day of autumn when a young writer's thoughts turn to falling leaves, pumpkins, and poetry.Septemberby Helen Hunt Jackson The goldenrod is yellow;The corn is turning brown;The trees in apple orchardsWith fruit are bending down.The gentian's..." more

Sunday, September 12, 2010 5:47:34 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Soul Searching:
lois said, "After much soul searching, I can finally answer the question in my previous post. I write because I have to. I don't know why I have to, I just do.Something else I've  learned. I'm selfish. (I did know that already, but....) You see, I am..." more

Friday, August 20, 2010 9:10:22 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Why I Write:
lois said, "My eldest daughter and her family moved recently. They now live 9 hours away from me. Neither of my children have ever lived so far away. I'm having a hard time getting used to it.But I have a hard time getting used to change anyway. I think that's..." more

Saturday, August 7, 2010 9:12:54 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled News:
lois said, "Don't get excited, it isn't good. I haven't found a home yet, publisher or agent, for my current PB. BUT, I am almost done with the first book in my easy reader series. I want to write a couple more in the series and then start on a MG novel. I know..." more

Monday, July 5, 2010 9:47:39 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Emerson:
lois said, ""What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson"

Saturday, June 19, 2010 6:52:02 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled AVATAR:
lois said, "I just watched the movie. Interesting. Intriguing. Fast-paced.Reminds me of a futuristic Indians vs Cowboys movie."

Saturday, June 12, 2010 8:37:14 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Thinking about a middle grade book....:
lois said, "I have tried only a couple of times to write a longer book, but the expanse of the project seemed so daunting I stopped.  And today I came across this quote by one of my favorite authors:"The secret of getting started is breaking your..." more

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 6:49:08 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Easy Readers:
lois said, "I have discovered that easy readers (easy to read, but not easy to write) are a joy to work on. I took my 15 year old PB ms, and with a lot of praying, transformed it into a 40 page easy reader. I can't believe how indepth the characterization can..." more

Friday, June 4, 2010 8:09:44 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Question....:
lois said, "Is it bad form to send three different manuscripts to  three different agents?Two are PBs and one is an easy reader. And if it is okay, how should I word it in the letter?"

Thursday, June 3, 2010 7:31:36 AM
lois toureen made friends with Medeia Sharif

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 9:01:47 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Question....:
lois said, "Is it bad form to send three different manuscripts to  three different agents?Two are PBs and one is an easy reader. And if it is okay, how should I word it in the letter?"

Thursday, April 1, 2010 8:14:48 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Chapter Books:
lois said, "Yay, I finished draft #2 of my chapter book. I really am enjoying this format. This particular project is going quite well so far. I hope it keeps up this way."

Friday, March 26, 2010 7:58:52 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Waiting:
lois said, "While I'm waiting to hear from the publisher, I have been working on a revision of an old picturebook manuscript. I have changed it  quite a bit. Changed the format to a chapter book. Changed the voice. Changed the beginning. Left the..." more

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 8:42:18 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Submitted:
lois said, "Yesterday was a good day. I finished my manuscript and sent it off to the publisher that showed interest in my work. The one that took the time to return my manuscript (it had sat in her office for 5 years) and request  more. I sent my project..." more

Thursday, January 7, 2010 5:21:56 PM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Good Progress:
lois said, "I was stuck for a while on the plot of one of my picture books. And then the answer came to me via my 5 year-old grand daughter. She made one small comment, innocently,  that solved the whole plotting problem. Yay!"

Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:24:41 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled A Reiteration for My Own Benefit:
lois said, "For me, it bears repeating. My theme for the upcoming year isBE BRAVE"

Thursday, December 24, 2009 9:37:11 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Holiday Greetings:
lois said, "Wishing my LJ family a happy, safe, and merry Christmas!"

Thursday, December 17, 2009 11:26:41 AM
lois toureen wrote a blog post titled Theme for 2010:
lois said, "I know it's a bit early for this, but as I already know what my theme is for the new year, I shall post it:BE BRAVEIn all aspects of my life I need to be reminded of this."