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Updates Made by Marie Godley

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:48:12 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Beastly Christmas:
Marie said, " I've always loved fairy tales and one of my favourite is Beauty and the Beast. I would re-read it over and over, enjoyed the Disney version and any other film based on it.Is it any wonder that my short Christmas story was inspired by the..." more

Friday, September 2, 2016 3:38:10 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Transylvania Thank You:
Marie said, "My daughter, Megan, is studying Conservation Biology and Ecology at University. She had the opportunity to go to Transylvania, Romania to help in an on-going study over the summer. This was their brief. This is a four week expedition to the..." more

Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:16:45 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled One Month On:
Marie said, "Hi, everybody. One month since the box set A Breath of Paranormal was released. From sweet young adult to darker new adult, there's something for everyone in these tales of shapeshifters, witches, elementals, time travel and psychics. Penned by ten..." more

Saturday, July 30, 2016 5:19:50 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Time to Breathe:
Marie said, "I've just finished reading M.J. Rutter's book Time to Breathe. What a great read! The characters were believable and had depth to them, even the minor ones. they made you root for them, laugh with them, or want to punch them - oh wait, is that too..." more

Friday, July 15, 2016 2:49:46 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Grab the Popcorn:
Marie said, "  Grab your popcorn, or whatever munchies you fancy because my book trailer is finally finished.    And don't forget, at the moment you can buy Janalya as part of A Breath of Paranormal box set, so you..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:05:11 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled At War with the Panthers:
Marie said, "So you've probably heard - I have been shouting out about it, a lot - that Janalya is in the box set A Breath of Paranormal. Today I'd like to share an excerpt with you. Blurb:Janalya is an air elemental, searching for others of her kind.Katsuo is..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:01:28 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal is Here:
Marie said, "Release Day! There is nothing as exciting for an author, and today there are 9 other authors to keep me buzzing.From sweet young adult to darker new adult, there's something for everyone in these tales of shapeshifters, witches, elementals, time..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:01:23 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal gains Elemental Power:
Marie said, "Now it's time to tell you about my addition to A Breath of Paranormal. Janalya is an air elemental, searching for others of her kind. Katsuo is Shatara, a shape-shifting panther.History decrees that they are enemies, but fate seems to be..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:01:21 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal is Magic:
Marie said, "Magic is in A Breath of Paranormal with Teresa Roman's book, Daughter of Magic.Teresa Roman's absolute favorite things in life are her family and books. Her passion for reading is what inspired her to become a writer. She loves the way..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 2:01:20 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal Psychic Abilities:
Marie said, "Today A Breath of Paranormal is hosting a psychic - or rather her creator - Shereen Vedam. Once upon a time, Shereen read fantasy and romance novels to entertain herself. Now she writes heartwarming tales braided with threads of magic and love, and..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:59:12 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal Grows Fangs:
Marie said, "Day seven and we've found the vampires, thanks to Sharon Coady- what paranormal set would be complete without them!Best Selling Author Sharon Coady lives in Florida with her husband, three of their daughters and five of their eleven..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:57:07 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal Glitch:
Marie said, "A Breath of Paranormal author Brenda Pandos is here today with her time travel, dystopian novel which is an exciting edition to the set.Brenda Pandos is the author of several books in a plethora of genres including The Talisman Series and..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:55:39 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal Downfall:
Marie said, "Today is all about secrets as I feature another Breath of Paranormal author. Meet S.D. Wasley.S.D. Wasley was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia. She has been composing literary works since before she could write – at five years of age..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:53:14 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal Howls:
Marie said, "E.A. Weston's addition to A Breath of Pranormal brings us nicely back around to werewolves with her short novel Bite Me: Lupo Legacy. But before telling you more lets find out about her.E.A. Weston was born and raised in Dublin Ireland, She now..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:51:19 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal - Goes Greek:
Marie said, "Today we're going to ancient Greece with Victoria Pinder. Victoria Pinder grew up in Irish Catholic Boston before moving to the Miami sun. She’s worked in engineering, after passing many tests proving how easy Math came to her. Then hating her..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:51:06 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal - My Friend Jen:
Marie said, "Day two of getting to know the authors of A Breath of Paranormal and I'm delighted to introduce you to Jennifer Loiske.  Jen and I met many years ago when we both had our stories accepted for publication. Alas the books never emerged, the..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:50:51 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled A Breath of Paranormal:
Marie said, "Hi everyone - excited to announce that my book, Janalya is going into a box set, A breath of Paranormal, which is available to pre-order (release date is 10th July) I'm grateful to be alongside some great authors so let's meet..." more

Saturday, May 28, 2016 3:52:56 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Gathering Supplies:
Marie said, "That time of year again, bank holiday, here in the UK. So I'm really hoping to fit some more writing in.I have been baking in preparation (well I might let the family eat them too, in fact, hubby has already 'tested' one.These have to be taken..." more

Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6:04:50 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Writing Interuppted:
Marie said, "Hi, I'm back (waving at everyone furiously). Sorry it's been so long since my last post but I've been gutting my kitchen, and boy did it need it. I don't have pictures of before we started but here's one when we took the cupboards off of the..." more

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 4:41:46 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Elemental Friends:
Marie said, "JANALYA  Janalya had to leave her parents at a young age to go and live in the air elemental settlement of Anilthar. Here she could be trained in her new powers.Many years later, she is searching for others of her..." more

Thursday, February 4, 2016 11:15:58 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Inspired but not sure GK Chesterton would be amused.:
Marie said, "I was watching Father Brown on tv last night, my son, who had been on his laptop, shut it down and started watching too. My husband joined us just as a character was discovered dead. Nothing unusual in that considering the stories..." more

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 7:03:33 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Finale:
Marie said, "The long-awaited finale to Jennifer Loiske's McLean Twins series, Black Coven is out!Review of Black Coven:5***** Wow! This gets better and better!I was looking forward to this release since finishing the second novel and I have to say, wow!..." more

Monday, December 21, 2015 9:01:41 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Peace and Love:
Marie said, "Well it's Christmas week, so things are getting crazy here in the house, so let me take this opportunity to wish you all a peaceful, healthy, safe and joyous Christmas.If you are stuck for that last minute gift check out my Amazon pages Amazon UK..." more

Thursday, December 3, 2015 4:42:11 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled Meet The Pack:
Marie said, "A group of shapeshifters have left their village and gone rogue.  JARMIL: He's the leader. Cold, hard and ruthless. He thinks he's superior to all other beings, and rules by intimidation.KATSUO: Angry and disillusioned, he left with Jarmil to..." more

Thursday, November 26, 2015 2:20:12 AM
Marie Godley wrote a blog post titled You Can't Do It:
Marie said, "Has anybody said those words to you - "You can't do it/that." How did they make you feel? Because after all, what they're really saying is that you're not capable of doing it. Did it make you stubborn, determined to do it to prove them wrong? Well,..." more