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Updates Made by Laurie Starkey

Thursday, September 4, 2014 5:42:08 AM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled YA Promo on Deceived - Check it out?:
Laurie said, ""

Monday, September 1, 2014 6:57:44 AM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled New SK Ad

Sunday, August 31, 2014 10:15:43 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Updated my website via GoDaddy:
Laurie said, "I seriously keep coming across things on my to-do list that have absolutely nothing to do with writing my next book and everything to do with being a publicist. *friendly growl*That being said, I just finished up constructing my website, which is..." more

Thursday, August 28, 2014 2:25:31 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Deceived Preview: Chapter One:
Laurie said, "Well... I'm sitting on the precipice of hitting submit for the various uploads I've created for my first YA novel and thought it would be fun to put chapter one on here so that anyone interested can get a sneak peek.Hope you guys are doing great and..." more

Wednesday, August 27, 2014 3:33:26 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled WIP: Shallow Water:
Laurie said, "I wanted to share a Work In Progress (WIP) that I'm working on for a break from Soul Keeper now-and-again.The title of the novel is Shallow Water:Rachel Hampshire has always been on the outside looking it, never belonging in a way that gave her..." more

Tuesday, August 26, 2014 2:05:19 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Createspace - Paperback submission done!:
Laurie said, "In the insanity I label as brilliance, I realized that I needed to go ahead and work on getting my paperback version of Deceived uploaded to Createspace so that I could spend some time working on the formatting and perhaps even review a physical..." more

Saturday, August 23, 2014 9:29:05 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Random Scene Writing: Redemption:
Laurie said, "“Hold on, don’t let go.” He grunted, realizing he was losing his grip. The edge of the building he was hanging off of was more than twenty stories high.Why did she do this? After all I have done for her? To leave me again.The rain had begun..." more

Friday, August 22, 2014 2:29:00 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Virtual Book Tours, and Blogging, and Expo's - Oh MY!:
Laurie said, "I've realized that I don't need an external hard drive to hold all of my data, I need to figure out (quickly) how to utilize more of my brain... hello Lucy? (Odd, but interesting movie).I've been researching the idea of virtual blog tours and I..." more

Thursday, August 21, 2014 7:02:58 AM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Things I'd rather do than edit this book.... again:
Laurie said, "There are very few things that I deplore, but editing is one of them. I'm praying to win the lottery, not to pay off the house and the cars or to travel around the world, but to simply get a life-long editor.I'm a mathematician and grammar is my..." more

Monday, August 18, 2014 6:48:55 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Soul Keeper Theme Song:
Laurie said, "Uploaded an original theme song for my first book. Now I just need to figure out how all this trailer stuff works. :)Check it out and let me know if you like it.www.lastarkey.comLS."

Sunday, August 17, 2014 7:50:57 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Growing up with the Turtles:
Laurie said, "This past weekend I needed a break from editing, so I decided to take my kids to see the new Ninja Turtle Movie that came out a week or so ago.Now, just know that I grew up with the ninja turtles, watched the movies, played the games and raise my..." more

Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:53:10 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled SK I Cover Chosen!!:
Laurie said, "Well after looking at over a hundred covers for my first YA novel and taking a poll of far too many people, I've finally chosen the cover.Might I say once again that working with the designers from 99design was a total joy and such an incredibly..." more

Sunday, August 10, 2014 7:20:53 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled The Excitement of Choosing a Cover:
Laurie said, "From www.lastarkey.comFor those of you who have kids, you’ll get this.I’m wrapping up my last “reading” edit on my first Soul Keeper book and moving into working with 99design to have some brilliant graphic designer create a cover for the..." more

Saturday, August 9, 2014 8:04:56 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled New Blog Opened:
Laurie said, "Hi my friends,I've opened an additional blog for my books at wordpress. I'll still be blogging here, but wanted to drop the link to the new blog so that if you're interested in seeing my hopefully soon published works then you'll have a bird's eye..." more

Tuesday, August 5, 2014 11:18:54 AM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled The Power of Perserverance:
Laurie said, "I heard someone the other day say that anything is within reach as long as you're willing to keep moving toward the goal. I believe that complete and yet wonder why it's so hard to continue pushing forward.What is this mythical, magical anomaly..." more

Thursday, July 31, 2014 7:48:28 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled I'm thinking it's finally time...:
Laurie said, "My novels have been sitting on the shelf for a few years and I feel my old characters yelling for release like the images of your kids stuck in your iphone from 4 Christmases ago. Time to revive them and look into this thing called..." more

Monday, July 14, 2014 12:15:28 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Missions in Belize:
Laurie said, "We're starting out today on our first day of mission work here in Belize, and the team is excited and full of energy. The weather is a bit hot, but the rains are cooling things down to be quite bearable. The food is all fresh and delicious and the..." more

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 10:44:06 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Scene Writing: Always the Same:
Laurie said, "The air smelled of sulfur, the icy road before me doing nothing to quell my curiosity as velvet colored smoke lifted in the air just beyond my reach. A soft coo of a nightengale lifted in the wind around me and almost gave me pause.A warning? A..." more

Friday, April 25, 2014 11:37:30 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled How big is your box?:
Laurie said, "I've created a box with my thoughts and words.It's walls pull closer in response to my can’ts, don'ts, won'ts, shouldn'ts, and no's.As the enclosure squeezed my essence tighter and tighter. I struggle just to breathe.It's a comfortable..." more

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:27:17 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled A Year of Biblical Womanhood:
Laurie said, "My sweet friend, Naomi from biblestudy suggested that I read a book by Rachel Held Evans called, "A Year of Biblical Womanhood," a book where Rachel takes on a new challenge each month for the scope of year to follow various principals that the..." more

Monday, April 21, 2014 7:47:13 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled To Write or Not?:
Laurie said, "It's been a long year away from writing simply for the purpose of telling a story and yet I miss it more than words can express. I have a few Bible Study ideas that I want to jump on, but a religious fiction just keeps nipping at the recess of my..." more

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:17:06 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Waking up:
Laurie said, "So I've got about 10 different YA novel ideas running through my head like little demons and I know that before too long, I'll have to sit down and start writing one or all of their stories. There is nothing cooler than getting done with a book,..." more

Thursday, February 23, 2012 1:20:52 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled A Journey:
Laurie said, "Last night began the 2012 season of Lent, a time where Christians everywhere walk through the history and emotions of the foundation of our faith. The death and resurrection of Christ. It all started on a high moment when the heavens opened and Gods..." more

Thursday, February 9, 2012 2:19:30 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Verged from the Path (Devo):
Laurie said, "Hope this finds you guys going well and enjoying life! I was reading back through my journal this morning and sat in amazement at the number of times in the last two years I've "verged from the path" God has me on. You know each time I moved away..." more

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:56:39 PM
Laurie Starkey wrote a blog post titled Figment vs Critique Circle:
Laurie said, "So a couple of days ago, Colleen Lindsay tweeted about a relatively new site for YA and MG writing, reviews.. and the like. It's I jumped on to see what the fuss was about and it's a little odd, but really if you want to do..." more