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Updates Made by L.A. Reiss
Thursday, August 13, 2009 5:37:50 AM
L.A. Reiss added Per-Bast: A Tale of Cats in Ancient Egypt to her Bookshelf
L.A. said, "Hi! your book looks so interesting! Where can I pick up a copy? L A Reiss"
Sunday, April 26, 2009 6:39:26 AM
L.A. Reiss commented on Laura Redmond's Profile:
L.A. said, "From what I can tell, I am positive you will have many books with your name on their covers!"
Sunday, April 26, 2009 5:55:44 AM
L.A. Reiss commented on Laura Redmond's Profile:
L.A. said, "Hi, Laura. Thank you! It's nice to "meet" you. Are you a published illustrator? your work is FANTASTIC. Simply GORGEOUS!! :)"
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 5:05:06 AM
L.A. Reiss commented on MA Schofstoll's Profile:
L.A. said, "Hi again! Yes, I'm working on another middle grade novel and have another completed one. I also write short stories. I just won Pocket Magazine's fiction contest, which totally shocked me and still does!! :) How about you?"
Monday, February 23, 2009 2:17:55 PM
L.A. Reiss commented on L.A. Reiss's Profile:
L.A. said, "Thanks for the warm welcome! :)"
Monday, February 23, 2009 2:15:54 PM
L.A. Reiss commented on MA Schofstoll's Profile:
L.A. said, "Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome and sorry it took me forever to respond to you. :)"
Thursday, February 12, 2009 4:10:10 PM
L.A. Reiss commented on Karen C's Profile:
L.A. said, "Hey, Karen!"
Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:36:55 AM
L.A. Reiss commented on Deborah Cuneo's Profile:
L.A. said, ""
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:31:46 AM
L.A. Reiss commented on Lori Mortensen's Profile:
L.A. said, "Hi, Lori!! :)"
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:31:13 AM
L.A. Reiss commented on Mary Chambers's Profile:
L.A. said, "Hi, Mary! I see you are already on here! Lori too? Cool!"
Saturday, February 7, 2009 6:59:54 AM
L.A. Reiss commented on L.A. Reiss's Profile:
L.A. said, "Thanks, everyone. :)"
Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:12:57 AM
L.A. Reiss replied to lareiss's discussion about Per-Bast: A Tale of Cats in Ancient Egypt:
L.A. said, "Sure! You can get a copy there or at Thanks!"