
  • Name:
    Sandy Fussell
  • Occupation: Writer
  • Locale: Australia
  • Member Since: 3/31/2009

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Updates Made by Sandy Fussell

Sunday, February 15, 2015 5:07:18 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled A New Beginning:
Sandy said, "Today I am saying goodbye to blogging at Stories Are Light and setting up in my new blog home at . I hope you'll join me there."

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 9:05:42 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled A Togethery and Remembery Christmas Wish:
Sandy said, "I've been inspired by Christmassy crafting particularly the advent calendars on Tanya McCartney's blog and Children's Books Daily.Next year I will start earlier and make Advent calendars. I've filed the instructions away in Evernote. For this..." more

Thursday, November 27, 2014 6:30:48 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled I found something shiny in my email:
Sandy said, "Image by Vicky Brock via FlickrI found something shiny in my email.Email is not one of my favourite tasks. It’s a never-ending pile and it’s always in danger of collapsing on me. I’ve tried many strategies to manage it but nothing is working..." more

Friday, October 17, 2014 6:40:45 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Snap! It's a Magical Blog Tour:
Sandy said, "You know how when you visit friends, some are super organised and have the coffee and cake ready but others, although just as welcoming, are still trying to find where they put the coffee and whether there are any biscuits left in the cupboard that..." more

Tuesday, October 14, 2014 6:43:59 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Internet Travels #1: From The Plot Whisperer to Kathleen Duey:
Sandy said, "I am an seasoned internet traveler. Every day I spend up to an hour hitch-hiking from website to website. It’s good for my soul and it keeps my brain buzzing. My starting point might be a link that turns up in my morning Feedly. Or it might be a..." more

Friday, September 26, 2014 5:19:07 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled I suffer from puijilittatuq:
Sandy said, "You know that feeling when your brain is buzzing, the lights are flashing and the world is greener than ever and you can't sleep because you just have to write it all down....And often you can't because there are too many ideas and smells and images..." more

Wednesday, September 3, 2014 4:39:57 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Book Week, Hat-flipping and the Reason Why:
Sandy said, " Book week has an osmotic way of seeping into the weeks around it, whether its preparation or pre and post book Week school visits. It’s an exhausting time. Most of my commitments are in Sydney so it’s a four hour round trip on the train..." more

Sunday, August 24, 2014 11:59:11 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled WiP Sneak Peek:
Sandy said, "Five Parts DeadWhen Tim Pegler (whose 2010 novel Five Parts Dead remains a favourite of mine) tagged me to share 7 lines from page 7 or 77 of my current WiP, I was keen to see what snippet I would find. Little did I know it was really a challenge..." more

Thursday, August 14, 2014 5:25:17 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled :
Sandy said, "Every writer I’ve met (and that’s heaps) secretly wants to write a picture book (including me). I think it’s something to do with the magic of distilling a story into a small number of perfect words and then having an illustrator perform even..." more

Thursday, July 24, 2014 10:02:09 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Love Your Publisher - and related wonderfulness:
Sandy said, "One of the sessions I attended at the Australia-NZ 2014 SCBWI Conference gave the advice “love your publisher”. It was definitely a love-fest at this month’s inaugural Walker Books Australia (WBA) Author-Illustrator Conference. And what was..." more

Friday, July 18, 2014 7:55:32 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled My 7 Personal #SCBWI AusNZ 2014 Highlights:
Sandy said, "Catching up with distant friends (so many wonderful writers and illustrators hail from Perth) and making new ones. The 2014 Australian-New ZealandSCBWI Conference might just be the most inclusive place on earth.The Illustrators Showcase. It was..." more

Wednesday, July 2, 2014 12:46:30 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled The Writing Process Blog Hop:
Sandy said, "One of the best things about the writing process is the writerly friends I have made along the way, so I am especially pleased to be tagged by Rebecca Newman, writer for children and editor of the wonderful Alphabet Soupblog where you can..." more

Monday, June 9, 2014 10:23:28 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Long Weekend Reminiscing - Henry Lawson Festival of the Arts 2008:
Sandy said, "Tuesday morning and I'm sitting down to work after the long weekend. I have a quick check of Facebook first and discover last weekend Penelope Davie mentioned  that she had been to Henry Lawson Festival of the Arts at Grenfell and in the main..." more

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:15:01 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled A Word About Word Counts:
Sandy said, "I've heard it said you shouldn't count the words. Write what you want to. Let the story do the driving. Don't be distracted by the numbers. In a perfect Utopian literary world - and we all know there's no such thing - that might work for some. I..." more

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:59:43 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Mathematics, Magic and Mystery:
Sandy said, "I love maths. Specifically I love numbers the way some people feel about art, music and literature. I love words too and most of my friends and family understand that but very few understand my fascination with mathematics.It’s all about patterns..." more

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:59:43 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Why I Like Maths - A Visual Explanation - Enter the Mandelbrot:
Sandy said, "Source:’s about patterns, logic, beauty and infinity.  The way I can demonstrate is visually with fractals and specifically The Mandelbrot Set discovered as recently as 1980. The Mandlebrot set is a..." more

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 8:05:43 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled My Blogging Problem:
Sandy said, "My problem with blogging is it’s all in my head. I blog mentally all day – it’s a form of talking to myself without words. Because I am a writer those thoughts naturally organise themselves into prose.It has taken me an embarrassing amount of..." more

Sunday, March 9, 2014 10:48:51 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled An Excuse and a Repost: When a Series Ends:
Sandy said, "I looked at the date on my last blog post and its a very significant one - a week before my total thyroidectomy operation. I had an excellent surgeon but unfortunately there were complications and I hemorrhaged so had to have a second turn in..." more

Friday, February 28, 2014 12:24:38 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Birthday Books:
Sandy said, "These are my birthday books.These are the reasons I chose them:Sea Hearts by Margo Lanagan -  It was CBCA Book of the Year for Older Readers but that's not why I chose it (although that would have been good enough to influence me). I read..." more

Friday, February 28, 2014 12:24:38 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled A is for Asimov and Aldiss:
Sandy said, "I was thinking about authors that begin with the letter A (as you do!) and the same day read an article about the first science fiction book (believed to be ancient Roman for those interested) and I started to think about Isaac Asimov and the first..." more

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:41:35 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled When the Blogosphere Speaks, I Listen:
Sandy said, "I love it when the blogosphere speaks to me personally. Over on my good friend Di Bate's blog Writing for Children, author Sherryl Clark is writing a post for me. Not that Sherryl knows that!The post is called When Writers Resign. It talks about the..." more

Monday, April 15, 2013 10:54:53 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled In Praise of Pencils:
Sandy said, "I always work with a pencil. Not just any pencil. A 2B pencil, sharpened to the finest point possible, with a one of those rubbers that fit on the top. I go through packets of those - bright purple, grreen, yellow and  blue - they're still..." more

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 9:02:44 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled This Review Sold Me a Book:
Sandy said, "I don't often buy a book based solely on a review. For me, usually it's word or mouth or the recommendation of a friend, and then I might search out reviews before I buy. But I still read lots of reviews (and write a few too!) and yesterday I..." more

Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:13:13 AM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled Books I Bagged at the South Coast Lifeline Book Fair:
Sandy said, "I finally made it to the South Coast Lifeline Book Fair and was amazed at what I found. Not only is it well organised, the variety of titles available surprised me. Of course I headed straight for the Young Adult and Pre-Teen sections. I found lots..." more

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 11:35:11 PM
Sandy Fussell wrote a blog post titled The Next Big Thing:
Sandy said, "The Next Big Thing is a chain of book and author recommendations.Richard Harland tagged me on his blog and now it's my turn. Check out the books by the people I tagged at the end of this post What is the [working] title of your next book?Black..." more