
  • Name:
    Vanessa Barneveld
  • Occupation: Writer
  • Locale: Australia
  • Member Since: 3/2/2010

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Updates Made by Vanessa Barneveld

Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:31:53 AM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Protected::
Vanessa said, "This post is password protected. You must visit the website and enter the password to continue reading.Filed under: Uncategorized"

Saturday, January 4, 2014 6:30:34 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Moving House:
Vanessa said, "Happy 2014! I’ve traded this WordPress blog for an entirely new blog as part of my website upgrade. I hope you’ll join me there sometime! Filed under: Uncategorized"

Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:18:17 AM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Drum Roll, Please…:
Vanessa said, "Oh, wait, just a drum? Let’s bring out the full marching band, because I’m really excited for my fab friend Sara Hantz. She’s got two books coming out soon with Entangled Teen, and today I can show off both covers: IN THE BLOOD by..." more

Saturday, September 28, 2013 1:20:27 AM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled The Blog I Left Behind:
Vanessa said, "Oh, dear, it’s been some time since I’ve posted a blog. The days just keep getting sucked into a vortex, don’t they? What’s been happening? Well, in July I went to London and Amsterdam. I made a decision to pack in as much as..." more

Sunday, April 28, 2013 2:49:33 AM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Brown is Beautiful:
Vanessa said, "There is no end in sight to my baking odyssey. Today, my boss (he who wants me to write a blog post about the demise of The Bold and the Beautiful’s Stephanie Forrester), had a hankering for raspberry brownies, and I was happy to..." more

Saturday, March 16, 2013 11:25:54 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Childhood Favourites:
Vanessa said, "When I was in L.A. last year for a writers’ conference, I was really excited to find marble cake stocked in the hotel’s Starbucks pastry cabinet. Marble cake. Bought it. Ate it. Loved it. (And subsequently bought several more slices in..." more

Saturday, March 16, 2013 1:29:53 AM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Fancy Some Fancy Tea?:
Vanessa said, "It’s so important to be surrounded by the right conditions when you’re trying to draft a book. These days, I require low humidity, a temperature of 22C to 23C, cats not sitting anywhere near my lap or keyboard, chocolate, an affogato..." more

Wednesday, March 6, 2013 1:08:21 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Cookie Monster:
Vanessa said, "‘Fraid this is yet another post about my latest kitchen caper. I’m not obsessed with food. Well…maybe just a little. My workmates and I have been working very hard this past week, so I think we could do with a massive sugar hit...." more

Saturday, March 2, 2013 10:38:15 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Teacake for Two:
Vanessa said, "Yet another post about baking and not about writing. Sorry about that. Although…I do think about my manuscript while cooking, so it’s not a total departure. (My characters had a whole conversation in my head while I mixed the batter..." more

Monday, February 18, 2013 3:47:57 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled My Friend the Chocolate Coconut Cake:
Vanessa said, "My boss wanted me to blog about Stephanie Forrester, the Bold and Beautiful character who was finally killed off in the episode that aired here yesterday. (I’ll write that post another day, my dear leader!) Today is someone very..." more

Sunday, January 27, 2013 3:48:01 AM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Experimental Sunday Roast:
Vanessa said, "I’m experimenting with food again. You might be thinking, “Shouldn’t you be writing?” but studies have shown writers have big brains that need constant feeding*. So today, for my brain’s and my book’s health, I..." more

Monday, January 21, 2013 1:43:52 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled String Quartet Theory:
Vanessa said, "I’m partial to a good cover version, as you’ll find on a guest post I did a while ago at the blog of the very talented and musically inclined Stephanie Kuehnert (‘I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone’ – MTV  Books). So I was..." more

Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:15:59 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Where the Wild Things Grow:
Vanessa said, "Happy 2013! How did you celebrate the New Year? A cherry tomato plant unexpectedly sprouted in our little courtyard over the holidays, so my husband was inspired to plant a potager garden around it. He added roma tomatoes, rosemary, basil,..." more

Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:15:59 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Mascarpone and Me:
Vanessa said, "We had some friends over for brunch this morning, and this gave me the chance to use them as guinea pigs for two recipes I found yesterday: Caroline Velik’s mascarpone tart. Baked eggs in bread bowls from the My Recipes site. This is the..." more

Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:15:59 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Winter Wonderland:
Vanessa said, "Some of you know I’m actually in the Southern Hemisphere, where it’s the middle of summer and it’s so hot that people’s flip-flops are melting. (We call those things thongs here.) But on the northern end of the planet,..." more

Sunday, January 13, 2013 8:15:59 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Save or Delete?:
Vanessa said, "Day two of the Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood’s Winter Writing Festival! I’m trying to re-write the first 50 pages of my current book. I’ve written and trashed three versions of the first four opening pages already. Maybe it’s..." more

Monday, December 24, 2012 11:21:18 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled O Christmas Feast… O Christmas Feast…:
Vanessa said, "Happy holidays! Or as we Dutch say, “Prettig kerstfeest!” Or…as our cats say, “Merry Catmas!” We’re heading off soon for our traditional “waifs” Christmas feast with friends. Each year we either have..." more

Thursday, December 20, 2012 1:44:29 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled It’s Not Doomsday Per Se…:
Vanessa said, "It’s December 21*, the last day of the Mayan long-count calendar. Naturally, according to some, this can only mean one thing — it’s the end of the world as we know it. At 11:11 UTC, to be precise. Alarmists predict an apocalypse...." more

Saturday, December 15, 2012 11:34:38 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Drink Up, Cool Down:
Vanessa said, "It’s going to be a 30-degree Sunday, and I should be outside enjoying Sydney’s summer. Instead, I’m indoors and attempting to add another 2,500 words to my latest manuscript. As you can imagine, I’ll need a bit of nutritional..." more

Friday, November 30, 2012 8:07:14 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Cloudy with a Chance of Procrastination:
Vanessa said, "Stormy Sunday in south Sydney. It looked rather ominous for a while, but thankfully the worst of it bypassed my suburb. If you squint, you can see a British Airways flight making a steep ascent. Yesterday I wrote just shy of 2,000 words in the first..." more

Sunday, September 16, 2012 4:58:27 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled A First Time for Everything!:
Vanessa said, "The lovely people at HarperCollins Publishers Australia have put together a collection of ten short stories, all with a cyber-dating theme, in ‘URL Love: From Texting to Twitter, the Hottest Online Love Stories‘. It’s out TODAY!..." more

Monday, August 6, 2012 1:52:57 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Time For My Annual Blog Post!:
Vanessa said, "I’m in L.A. right now, having just attended Romance Writers of America’s annual conference, which this year was held at Disneyland the Anaheim Marriott. I had two missions. The first — attend as many YA-oriented workshops as..." more

Saturday, July 16, 2011 10:12:52 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled I Can Has Another Holiday?:
Vanessa said, "I’m back from New York City and L.A., just in time for the launch of I Can Has Cheezburger’s 2012 daily calendar. My two cats feature in this most “awsum” publication. I’m a tad miffed that my cats got published with..." more

Sunday, July 3, 2011 11:46:24 AM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Dazed and Bruised in New York City:
Vanessa said, "It’s a rainy, stormy morning in NY, where the weather was perfect all throughout the Romance Writers of America national conference until today. No matter. I can catch up on sleep, which I didn’t get much of during the conference. Plus,..." more

Saturday, June 18, 2011 8:55:07 PM
Vanessa Barneveld wrote a blog post titled Two New Releases YA Gotta Read:
Vanessa said, "Two of the most adorable people I know are celebrating book release fever right now. Erica O’Rourke won the Golden Heart last year for her dark urban fantasy YA, TORN. Not only did she win a shiny piece of coveted jewellery, she got a fetching..." more