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Updates Made by Chelsea Campbell

Monday, January 23, 2012 11:57:11 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Happy 2012!:
Chelsea said, "2011 was a pretty crazy year. It feels like it dragged on forever and at the same time was a huge whirlwind of hectic chaos that flew right by. I started grad school (a master’s program in Library and Information Science) and spent a week in..." more

Monday, January 23, 2012 11:57:11 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Ponies!:
Chelsea said, "As some of you probably know, I crochet. A lot. And in the last two months I started doing design work, which before then I thought I kind of hated. Because it was hard and I wasn’t passionate about anything enough to *want* to put in the..." more

Monday, December 5, 2011 7:57:36 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled BREAKING NEWS about the Renegade X SEQUEL!!!!:
Chelsea said, "I announced some exclusive information about the Renegade X sequel over at Laura’s Review Bookshelf, mainly that there WILL be one. Head over and check out my post to find out what this means for readers and what the book’s about.Also..." more

Saturday, November 26, 2011 7:31:59 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled The secret to success, as demonstrated by my cats.:
Chelsea said, "I was watching my two cats fight yesterday. Teisel, the big one that looks like an ocelot, refuses to attack unless he’s *perfectly* calculated exactly how he’s going to do it. When he’s going to pounce, where he’s going to..." more

Monday, September 5, 2011 8:27:40 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled There isn’t just one “The One”:
Chelsea said, "I have to preface this post with a little story. Once upon a time, about 6 years and 6 books ago, I read Donald Maass’ Writing the Breakout Novel, and it changed my life. No, seriously, it did. And I’m not big on how-to books when it..." more

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:09:23 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Boy Books:
Chelsea said, "Hi, my name is Chelsea, and I write boy books. Even though I’m a girl and even though boy books aren’t necessarily flying off the shelves. But you knew that already.There was a big kerfluffle lately, as a lot of you probably heard..." more

Saturday, August 20, 2011 2:18:09 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled My crazy summer is over at last!:
Chelsea said, "Or at least it’s almost over. I have ONE MORE DAY of my temporary day job, and then I’m finished. I survived all the craziness of starting grad school, going to the week long summer residency at Syracuse (and almost not being able to..." more

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 10:52:29 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Syracuse:
Chelsea said, "I leave for Syracuse, NY TOMORROW night. I’m flying through the night and getting there in the morning–fun, I know–and then I have the rest of the day to rest and get settled before classes start on Saturday. I’m going to..." more

Sunday, July 3, 2011 10:48:27 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled New Theme:
Chelsea said, "So you might notice I changed WP themes. I feel like this one’s easier to read and more pleasing to the eye. And it looks like a notebook!!! What is it about website themes that look like notebooks being so appealing? If I handed you a..." more

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 5:51:05 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled What's New:
Chelsea said, "So it's been a little while since I posted. Real Life sort of kidnapped me and locked me up in a cage dangling above an oversized cauldron and I only just now escaped. *phew* It's been a busy sprummer, and I think it's only going to continue to..." more

Sunday, April 24, 2011 3:20:30 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Starting and finishing books:
Chelsea said, "Since I finished a book last week and am picking up another one I started on a couple months ago, I decided to share some thoughts.Some of you might not have written a book before but are thinking about it or are busy on your first. And it's..." more

Wednesday, February 16, 2011 10:48:17 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Writing Wednesday - Dealing with Writer's Block:
Chelsea said, "I claimed I was going to do a post about writing today, but I had trouble deciding on a topic, so I procrastinated until now. And even now I'm still not sure what this post is about, but as I type this, some ideas are forming because, well, butt in..." more

Monday, February 14, 2011 9:03:36 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Miscellaneous Monday - Valentine's Day, Sun Lamp, and Grad Schools:
Chelsea said, "It's Valentine's Day! And one of the cats chewed on our Valentines roses we got and now it looks like we have slugs... in the house. O__OThe last week has been bad for my right leg. First, I jammed my big toe and now the joint aches a lot,..." more

Saturday, February 5, 2011 5:57:38 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Upcoming Stuff:
Chelsea said, "So, I'm working on a big overhaul of the site that hopefully I'll be able to share with everyone soon-ish. If everything goes according to plan, I'm going to be getting rid of Wordpress and exclusively using the LJ (but you won't have to go to a..." more

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:55:22 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled What I'm Reading + Yarn Update:
Chelsea said, "Since I started my yarn diet, I've been buying more books instead of yarn. I suspect at the end of the yarn diet I will need a book diet, but there are worse things to need a diet from. *glances accusingly at fridge* Anyway, here's what I've got..." more

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 9:55:22 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Neti Pot + Cats = O__o:
Chelsea said, "I was using the Neti Pot just now and Teisel, the 20lb Bengal, decided the saline solution flowing out my nose was the best thing ever. :/ I was like, "GO AWAY!" and he was like, "OM NOM NOM" and wouldn't go away. I tried letting the solution drip..." more

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 10:53:06 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled So this book I'm writing...:
Chelsea said, "is really hard! That's why I'm blogging about it instead of actually working on it. It's middle grade, and those are always really hard for me. (I say "always" as if I've written a lot of them. This will only be my second.) The last one I wrote..." more

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 5:19:12 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled The Yarn Stash:
Chelsea said, "Last night I took pics and documented all of my yarn as part of the Yarn Diet. In the past 5 years or so I've accumulated 199 skeins of yarn. O__o Some of them are quite hideous. I've bought bundles of cheap yarn at thrift stores and stashed them..." more

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 3:20:44 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled 2010, Meet 2011!:
Chelsea said, "I have trouble starting blog posts. I start writing them in my head, no problem, and then I decide to sit down and actually type one out, and... my mind blanks on how to start. Which is weird because once upon a time I knew how to start blog posts..." more

Thursday, November 11, 2010 9:17:00 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled winter noms:
Chelsea said, "I'm taking a break from working on my statement of purpose letter for grad school apps and thinking about making fudge. I have these peppermint bark chips that I'm going to put in it and maybe sprinkle on the top (I have a dream of this coming out..." more

Wednesday, November 10, 2010 1:29:01 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled WIPs:
Chelsea said, "So I'd promised myself I'd finish my Shades of Rome revisions before Monday, and when I'd only written 700 words over a period of three days, I was kind of doubting that it was going to happen. But I was DETERMINED, and so Sunday--thanks to copious..." more

Thursday, November 4, 2010 2:34:57 AM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled kaerfel @ 2010-11-04T00:31:00:
Chelsea said, "So yesterday (well, technically the day before yesterday, since it's after midnight) I got my first ever royalty statement.*le gasp!*But before you break out the streamers and cake, I have to tell you that a royalty statement is not the same thing..." more

Sunday, October 31, 2010 2:16:12 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Tenner Signing!:
Chelsea said, "Yesterday I participated in a book discussion and signing with fellow Washington Tenners, Karen Kincy, Denise Jaden, Mindi Scott, and Kimberly Derting. We all had a great time, answered questions for over an hour, and signed some books.Ignore how..." more

Saturday, October 9, 2010 12:58:27 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled Is it seriously October already?:
Chelsea said, "Not just October, but almost the middle of October. Definitely past the 1/4 point at any rate.You know what I didn't realize until just the other day? That fall smell--the kind of weird sweetish smell that smells really good--is actually the..." more

Thursday, September 30, 2010 2:53:56 PM
Chelsea Campbell wrote a blog post titled First day of school:
Chelsea said, "Yep, it's that time again! Back to school, and today was my first day at the University of Washington. But, Chelsea, didn't you claim you were NEVER GOING TO SCHOOL AGAIN?Ha... ha... Did I say that? I might have maybe said something like that..." more