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Selah Publishing Group

Christian Publishing. Selah Publishing Group provides book publishing and manufacturing services for institutions and individuals across the nation. Selah is not just a "self-publisher", or "vanity press." Rather, we are a book packager that provides the total range of services needed to produce quality books.

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Updated 8/15/2005

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 12 of 12     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Tales from the High Meadows Stories for Developing Character (Hardcover)
    Author: Byron Banta
(Unknown)  09/28/2005
1 Reviews  
2. The Legend of the Donkey's Cross (Hardcover)
    Author: Denise Prasek Woods, Dana Prasek McKelvain
Ages 4-8 02/2004
1 Reviews  
3. Harvey (Hardcover)
    Author: Gene A. Zach, The Ugly Little Hippopotamus
    Illustrator: Shelle Saylor
(Unknown)  12/2001
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4. Grandma's Wisdom: Secure in His Love, Faith and Joy (Hardcover)
    Author: Susan Fuller
(Unknown)  02/2004
2 Reviews  
5. Never Miss a Sunset (Paperback)
    Author: Jeanette Gilge
(Unknown)  01/2001
12 Reviews  
6. Me, a hero? (Unknown Binding)
    Author: George Sandrof
(Unknown)  /2001
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7. City-Kid Farmer (Paperback)
    Author: Jeanette Gilge
Ages 9-12 08/2000
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8. Growing-Up Summer (Paperback)
    Author: Jeanette Gilge
    Illustrator: Carl Hauge
(Unknown)  08/2000
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9. The Golf Master (My Fairway Friends) (Hardcover)
    Author: Tami Harris
    Illustrator: Bruce Sears
(Unknown)  03/2005
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10. Me, A Hero? (Paperback)
    Author: George Sandrof
(Unknown)  02/01/2001
1 Reviews  
11. The Adventures of Sandy Clown, The Journey Home (Hardcover)
    Author: Lori Erickson
    Illustrator: Boerman Erickson
(Unknown)  01/07/2003
1 Reviews  
12. Jubilee Journal (Spiral-bound)
    Author: Kathy Barrett
(Unknown)  10/01/2002
6 Reviews  
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