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Second Story Press

Second Story Press is a small Canadian feminist press publishing books of special interest to women. Our list is a mix of fiction, non-fiction and children's books. We look for manuscripts dealing with the many diverse and varied aspects of the lives of girls and women. If you feel that your manuscript fits with our list, please send it according to the instructions below. If you are a US author, you may want to consider sending your manuscript to one of the many US publishing houses; we try to focus on Canadian authors. Please keep in mind that as a feminist press, we are looking for non-sexist, non-racist and non-violent stories, as well as historical fiction, chapter books, novels and biography. Illustrations are not necessary. If you are interested in submitting, we strongly suggest that you familiarize yourself with the books we have published in the past.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: feminist press, women, feminist, girl

Main Address: 20 Maud Street Suite 401
Toronto ON M5V 2M5 Canada
Phone: 416-537-7850
Fax: 416-537-0588
Updated 11/17/2008

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy:
http://www.secondstorypress.on.ca/submissions We are currently accepting unsolicited manuscripts. Send your CV, SASE, a PRINTED outli... More
Contact Information: Second Story Press
Second Story Press
20 Maud Street, Suite 401
Toronto ON
Canada M5V 2M5


Updated 3/30/2006
Illustrator SubmissionsPolicy:
Please send a sample of your work and a C.V. to our address. We will only respond if interested, but will keep your portfolio on hand fo... More
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Results 1 - 25 of 178     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Violet (Hardcover)
    Author: Tania Duprey Stehlik
    Illustrator: Vanja Vuleta Jovanovic
Ages 4-8 09/01/2009
48 Reviews  
2. As a Boy (Hardcover)
    Author: Plan International
(Unknown)  09/06/2016
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3. War in My Town (Kindle Edition)
    Author: E. Graziani
(Unknown)  03/23/2015
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4. The Smart Princess and Other Deaf Tales (Paperback)
    Author: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf, Keelin Carey
Ages 4-8 03/01/2007
13 Reviews  
5. Fifteen Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents: A story about choices (I'm a Grea...
    Author: Kathryn Cole
    Illustrator: Qin Leng
(Unknown)  10/01/2015
8 Reviews  
6. A Month of Mondays (Paperback)
    Author: Joelle Anthony
(Unknown)  03/07/2017
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7. I Am Not a Number (Hardcover)
    Author: Jenny Kay Dupuis
    Illustrator: Gillian Newland
(Unknown)  10/04/2016
355 Reviews  
8. War in My Town (Paperback)
    Author: E. Graziani
(Unknown)  04/01/2015
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9. The Underground Reporters (Holocaust Remembrance Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Kathy Kacer
Young Adult 01/01/2003
2 Reviews  
10. Hana's Suitcase (Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers) (Kindle...
    Author: Karen Levine
(Unknown)  01/01/2002
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11. The Choice (Holocaust Remembrance Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Kathy Clark
(Unknown)  04/01/2015
9 Reviews  
12. The Secret of Gabi's Dresser (Holocaust Remembrance Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Kathy Kacer
Ages 9-12 01/01/1992
5 Reviews  
13. The Way to School (Hardcover)
    Author: Rosemary McCarney
(Unknown)  09/15/2015
43 Reviews  
14. Daughters of the Ark (Paperback)
    Author: Anna Morgan
Young Adult 01/01/2005
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15. Hiding Edith (Holocaust Remembrance Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Kathy Kacer
Young Adult 09/01/2006
67 Reviews  
16. Mom and Mum are Getting Married (Hardcover)
    Author: Ken Setterington
    Illustrator: Alice Priestley, Alice Priestly
Ages 4-8 01/01/2004
35 Reviews  
17. Super Women in Science (Women's Hall of Fame Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Kelly Di Domenico
Ages 9-12 01/01/2001
3 Reviews  
18. Our Heroes: How kids are Making a Difference (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Janet Wilson
(Unknown)  09/15/2014
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19. Great Women Leaders (Women's Hall of Fame Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Heather Ball
Ages 9-12 01/01/1996
2 Reviews  
20. Incredible Women Inventors (Women's Hall of Fame Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Sandra Braun
Young Adult 03/01/2007
5 Reviews  
21. Rachel's Hope (The Rachel Trilogy) (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Shelly Sanders
(Unknown)  09/01/2014
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22. The Girl Who Hated Books (Paperback)
    Author: Manjusha Pawagi
    Illustrator: Leanne Franson
Ages 4-8 09/01/2010
67 Reviews  
23. The Magician of Auschwitz (Hardcover)
    Author: Kathy Kacer
    Illustrator: Gillian Newland
(Unknown)  09/15/2014
48 Reviews  
24. Where's Mom's Hair? (A Family's Journey Through Cancer) (Paperback)
    Author: Debbie Watters, Emmett Watters, Haydn Watters
    Illustrator: Sophie Hogan
Ages 4-8 01/01/2005
4 Reviews  
25. Jeremy and the Air Pirates (The Jeremy Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Felicity Finn
    Illustrator: Sally Davies
Ages 4-8 01/01/1997
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Book trailer for Karen Krossing's novel Take the Stairs. ww...

Book trailer for Karen Krossing's novel Pure. www.karenkros...

Karen Krossing's 'Take the Stairs' www.karenkrossing.com

Watch the trailer for Violet, the new picture book coming in...