About Cathy
Hi everyone! I am a 53 year old mother (don't let the youthful photo fool you!!) of two boys and live near Ottawa, Ontario. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs to keep us busy.
I love to write and draw and enjoy sharing my work with the community. Just lately I've been enjoying some publishing success after plugging away for many years gathering rejection slips. I have had two short stories published online and I have a short story being published in a magazine this December. I also have a play being considered at a play publisher and just got an honourable mention of a story I entered in the WOW (Women On Writing) contest. Fun stuff!
Of course I would keep writing just because I love the creative process and sharing with others so that's what keeps me creating. I would enjoy hearing what you other creative spirits are up to.
I also sing and play flute with a women's choir so I guess you could say I enjoy all creative endeavours. It feeds my soul and I need to be creative or I feel like a robotic drudge.
Hi everyone! I am a 53 year old mother (don't let the youthful photo fool you!!) of two boys and live near Ottawa, Ontario. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs to keep us busy.
I love to write and draw and enjoy sharing my work with the community. Just lately I've been enjoying some publishing success after plugging away for many years gathering rejection slips. I have had two short stories published o...