About sweekruthi
Visit BookMyShow website or app
Select the show and proceed to make payment
To avail offer, check 'Avail Discounts & Offers’
Click on the tab ‘Credit/ Debit/ Net Banking’
Click on 'Select Offers' and choose ‘Pockets Weekend Delights Offer' from the Offer drop down list
Enter your 16-digit Pockets Wallet number in the box and click on 'Check'
To make payment, click on ‘Credit Card’ in the Payment Options box. Enter your Name as on the card, 16-digit Pockets Wallet number, Expiry date and CVV card details as mentioned in the app
Visit BookMyShow website or app
Select the show and proceed to make payment
To avail offer, check 'Avail Discounts & Offers’
Click on the tab ‘Credit/ Debit/ Net Banking’
Click on 'Select Offers' and choose ‘Pockets Weekend Delights Offer' from the Offer drop down list
Enter your 16-digit Pockets Wallet number in the box and click on 'Check'
To make payment, click on ‘Credit Card’ in ...