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Christina's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 from Christina's published works
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. On My Walk (Hardcover)
    Author: Kari-lynn Winters
    Illustrator: Christina Leist
    Publisher: Tradewind Books
Baby to Pre-K 03/01/2010
6 Reviews  
2. Jack the Bear (Hardcover)
    Author: Christina Leist
    Publisher: Simply Read Books
Ages 4-8 04/01/2009
2 Reviews  
3. A World of Stories (Paperback)
    Author: Kari-lynn Winters, Audrey Schumacher and ILLUSTRATOR: Cecilia PaplinskieHuman Rights Day (Dec. 10) If War Were</b), Claire Wilson and ILLUSTRATOR: Silvana BevilacquaWorld Ocean Day (June 8) Seashell IslandAUTHOR and ILLUSTRATOR: Christophe Jeunot
World Music Day (June 21) The Musical Giant
, Crystal J. Stranaghan and ILLUSTRATOR: Rosa Espadaler
International Day of the Book (April 23) Whatever It Is
, Dan Bar-el and ILLUSTRATOR: Alex van Houwelingen
World Animal Day (Oct. 4) Tiger's Invitation
, David Michael Slater and ILLUSTRATOR: Izabela Bzymek
World Math Day (March 5) The Number Tree
, Dixiane Hallaj and ILLUSTRATOR: Christina LeistInternational Stand-Up to Bullying Day (Feb. 15) The Labyrinth, Glenn G. Coats and ILLUSTRATOR: Jayleen Weaver
Talk Like a Pirate Day (Sept. 19) Long John
, Kari-Lynn Winters and ILLUSTRATOR: Scot Ritchie
Grandparents Day (second Sunday in Sept.) Calling the Fish
, M.W. Penn and ILLUSTRATOR: Mike Linton
World Poetry Day (March 8) If
, Mary R. Dunn and ILLUSTRATOR: Iva Visosevic
World Food Day (Oct. 16) The Stew That Fed the World
, Nancy McConnell and ILLUSTRATOR: Natalia Vasquez
Earth Day (April 22) Tontii
, Nate Tommer and ILLUSTRATOR: Jeri Weaver
World Sleep Day (March 14) The Sleep Sheep
, Paris Francine Gibson and ILLUSTRATOR: Julia Filipone
International Day for Tolerance (Nov. 16) No NO Day
, Sheila Hausbeck and ILLUSTRATOR: Carolyn Olson
International Left-Handers Day (Aug. 13) Napolean is Winking

    Illustrator: Christina Leist, Scot Ritchie, Various, Mike Linton, Izabela Bzymek, Alex van Houwelingen, Iva Visosevic, Jayleen Weaver
    Publisher: Gumboot Books
All Ages 09/08/2008
3 Reviews  
4. Baaaad Animals (Paperback)
    Author: Tiffany Stone
    Illustrator: Christina Leist
    Publisher: Tradewind Books
Ages 4-8 03/01/2007
3 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by Eric Hammond on 12/21/2007 at 11:10 AM:
Hi, Christina.
Merry Christmas & Welcome to JacketFlap.

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