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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Norma Andreu in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader


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About Norma

I live in Mexico City and I love the children's book world. I am a Children Illustrator and a painter, I work with oil and lately with collage. Come visit my blog Cara Carmina wich talks only about the world of Children Illustration, I have a lot of information that you might be interested in, like other illustrator blogs, books, publishers, fairs, contests and resources. Welcome to my world!!... More
Norma's Blog: Cara Carmina - Recent Posts
8/20/2010Meanwhile... (0 Comments )
I´m so sorry.... it´s just I have not time... but will be back! and meanwhile you can find me here: CARA CARMINA ATELIER!!!! I will come back... I promise!!! ......................... Lo siento mucho.... es que no he tenido tiempo.... pero he... Read the rest of this post
3/17/2010Invitation! - Invitación! (3 Comments )
You are all invited to my first solo show!!!! (while I write this I have a huge smile in my mouth and my heart is going so fast... I think that´s called "extremus happiness"!!!)It will be held here in Montreal, in the boutique atelier ARTISTRI,... Read the rest of this post
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(c) 2024 Norma Andreu
Books Recently Added to Norma's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 4 of 10 from Norma's bookshelf, View all 10 books
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1. The Little Prince (Hardcover)
    Author: Antoine De Saint-Exupery
    Publisher: Harcourt Children's Books
Ages 9-12 3/15/2008
72,469 Reviews  
2. Prince Silencio (Hardcover)
    Author: Anne Herbauts
    Publisher: Enchanted Lion Books
Ages 4-8 3/15/2008
6 Reviews  
3. Princess Alyss of Wonderland (Hardcover)
    Author: Frank Beddor
    Illustrator: Catia Chien
    Publisher: Dial
Ages 9-12 3/15/2008
92 Reviews  
4. Frida (Spanish Language Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Jonah Winter
    Illustrator: Ana Juan
    Publisher: Arthur A. Levine Books
N/A 3/15/2008
204 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by Ann Pilicer on 11/14/2008 at 10:57 AM:
Hi Norma,
I think Chiquita is great! I love your work. Welcome!
Comment by Lisa Griffin on 4/13/2008 at 12:32 PM:
I just love Chiquita, she is adorable. Thanks for sharing your blog and site.
Comment by Alicia Padron on 3/25/2008 at 9:11 AM:
Hi Norma! :o)
Comment by ella elviana on 3/24/2008 at 10:50 PM:
Hi norma, thanx for adding me--your works are interesting. welcome to the community.
Comment by Eric Hammond on 3/15/2008 at 3:27 PM:
Hello, Norma.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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