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About María

I was born in the Canary Islands (Spain), where I spent my childhood. But, as I grew up, my family’s travels took me to Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and then the United States. My love of books and literature motivated me to study Spanish literature. I worked as an educator for many years, teaching Spanish language and literature. A few years ago, I decided to try something new, and I now work as a ... More
María's Published Works Ages Date Published
There is 1 book in María's published works
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. Spanish with Abby and Zak (Spanish and English Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Maria Perez, Tracy Traynor
    Illustrator: Laura Hambleton
    Publisher: Milet Publishing
N/A 09/01/2008
2 Reviews  
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Books Recently Added to María's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 3 from María's bookshelf
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1. Sol y Viento: Beginning Spanish (Hardcover)
    Author: Bill VanPatten
    Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Young Adults 9/13/2008
María said: I contributed to the Practice Book and the Instructor's Manual and Testing Program that accompany this beginning Spanish textbook.
tags: I contributed
7 Reviews  
2. El mundo (Paperback with CD) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Christopher Corr
    Illustrator: Christopher Corr
    Publisher: Barefoot Books
N/A 9/13/2008
María tagged as: I edited , I translated
11 Reviews  
3. Spanish with Abby and Zak (Spanish and English Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Maria Perez, Tracy Traynor
    Illustrator: Laura Hambleton
    Publisher: Milet Publishing
N/A 9/13/2008
María tagged as: I wrote
2 Reviews  
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