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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning LeAnne Hardy in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader


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About LeAnne

: I have lived in six countries on four continents, sipped cream tea in Oxfordshire, eaten stewed goat at a Mozambican wedding, slid down rocks in a Mato Grosso river and shopped at Mall of America. My books for children and young adults come out of my cross-cultural experiences and my passion to use story to convey truth in a form that will permeate the lives of children and young people.
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LeAnne's Blog: Blog - LeAnne Hardy - Recent Posts
12/19/2014Praying through Messiah
Last December I was in New Haven, Connecticut, and attended a Messiah sing-along with the Yale concert choir and orchestra in their marvellous chapel. This fall I joined a local choral group to perform Handel’s Messiah with another regional choir... Read the rest of this post
12/14/2014A Story of Love, Loss and Grace (especially grace)
I am not a dog person. I dislike getting licked and slobbered on. I can’t stand yapping. When I see the toothpick legs of a skinny little Chihuahua everything in me wants to see how easily they will snap. (At such times, I carefully keep my hands... Read the rest of this post
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LeAnne's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 of 6 from LeAnne's published works, View all 6 books
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1. Beads and Braids (Key Readers: Red) (Paperback)
    Author: Leanne Hardy
    Publisher: Shuter & Shooter (Pty) Ltd
Ages 9-12 05/06/2007
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2. So That's What God Is Like (Hardcover)
    Author: Leanne Hardy
    Publisher: Kregel Publications
Ages 4-8 09/25/2004
2 Reviews  
3. Between Two Worlds (Hardcover)
    Author: Leanne Hardy
    Publisher: Tandem Library
Young Adults 01/2003
8 Reviews  
4. Wooden Ox (Hardcover)
    Author: Leanne Hardy
    Publisher: Tandem Library
Ages 9-12 09/2002
5 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by SalesRank(tm)
Profile Comments
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Comment by Peggy Archer on 1/20/2010 at 7:12 PM:
Hi LeAnne! So nice to see your face here! Welcome :)
Comment by Eric Hammond on 1/20/2010 at 12:58 PM:
Hello, LeAnne.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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