
  • Name:
    Alison Gregory (Giles-Damjanovska)
  • Occupation: Writer
  • Company: Self
  • Birthday: January 1
  • Locale: Australia
  • Member Since: 6/30/2014


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About Alison

Alison Giles-Damjanovska (1962 - ) (aka Alison Gregory) was born in Sydney, Australia. With a creative and curious spirit she has explored many areas of the globe and has had many creative vocations. All of these experiences embellish her writing which has been reviewed as lyrical, imaginative and highly visual. A published credit of Alison Gregory is Rodeo Darcy. Rodeo Darcy was short-listed fo... More
Alison's Published Works Ages Date Published
There is 1 book in Alison's published works
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. Rodeo Darcy (Hardcover)
    Author: Alison Gregory
    Illustrator: Mark Wilson
    Publisher: Univ of Western Australia Pr
Young Adults 05/01/2005
1 Reviews
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Books Recently Added to Alison's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
There is 1 book on Alison's bookshelf
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. Rodeo Darcy (Hardcover)
    Author: Alison Gregory
    Illustrator: Mark Wilson
    Publisher: Univ of Western Australia Pr
Young Adults 6/30/2014
1 Reviews
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Profile Comments
Comment by Eric Hammond on 7/1/2014 at 4:26 PM:
Hello, Alison.
Welcome to JacketFlap.
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