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About Janie

I wrote my first novel "Julie & The Lost Fairy Tale" after experiencing a right brain awakening. Writing the story of Julie was the way my brain processed putting together Humpty Dumpty pieces of myself. I wrote about 4,000 words a day for a period of three days. Fairy tales and dreams were woven into a fictional story telling how dreams do come true even if you have to wait a very long time. ... More
Janie's Blog: Creative/Therapeutic Writing - Recent Posts
6/11/2010Creative/Therapeutic Writing (0 Comments )
I found help through creative/therapeutic writing. Writing that had the power to change the unchangeable, move the unmovable and cure the uncurable. Even if it is only through a letter, a poem, keeping a journal or by writing stories. I worked... Read the rest of this post
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(c) 2024 Janie Lancaster
Janie's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 2 from Janie's published works
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1. Julie & The Lost Fairy Tale (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Janie, Lancaster
    Illustrator: Karen Kondrat
    Publisher: Janie Lancaster
N/A 11/29/2011
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2. Emily: Out of My Mother's Darkness (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Janie, Lancaster
    Publisher: Janie Lancaster
N/A 01/01/2011
1 Reviews
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Books Recently Added to Janie's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
There is 1 book on Janie's bookshelf
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1. Emily: Out of My Mother's Darkness (Paperback)
    Author: Janie, Lancaster
    Publisher: Star Publish
Young Adults 6/11/2010
Janie said: "Great book. Powerful writing. Haunting words. I have read many books about abuse. This one really focuses on the truly dark secrets and the struggles that continued to cling for a very long time. �...more
tags: Teens , Tweens , Therapeutic , Troubled Teens , Inspirational , Self Help
9 Reviews  
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this book has free teacher's lesson plans on the author's we...

edwina beena's polka dot day was designed to stimulate the r...
Profile Comments
Comment by Rama Dixit on 2/27/2011 at 8:44 PM:
Hi Janie...Thank you for the invite.
My pleasure...!!
Comment by Janie Lancaster on 7/25/2008 at 5:29 PM:
Midwest Book Review
Children's Bookwatch: July 2008
The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf

First published as a serial story in the newspapers, "Julie & The Lost Fairy Tale" is now compiled into the form of a novel for children and young adults. An original and captivatin... more
Comment by Karen Maurer on 6/14/2008 at 3:09 PM:
OMG. Janie! How are you? I think I owe you a reference letter. I will get work it into my week next week.
Keep writing.
Comment by Eric Hammond on 2/4/2008 at 3:52 PM:
Hello, Janie.
Welcome to JacketFlap.
Comment by Pat Burns on 2/3/2008 at 4:11 PM:
Hi Jamie,
Your book sounds so beautiful. I am glad you saw the value and joined this auhor/illustrator social network. wish you much success.
In gratitude,
Pat Burns
Cofounder of the Orange County Children's Book Festival

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