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About Nancy

Greetings fellow readers & writers! I'm the author of 14 books, including a YA: Down The Strings (E.P. Dutton); and The Pea Soup Poisonings (Hilliard & Harris) for ages 8-12 which last May, to my great surprise, won the Agatha Award for the 2006 Best Children's/YA novel. It's based on the childhood shenanigans of my own 4 kids. A sequel, The Great Circus Train Robbery, was an Agatha '08 finalist.... More
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Nancy's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 3 from Nancy's published works
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1. The Pea Soup Poisonings (Northern Spy club) (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Nancy Means Wright
    Publisher: Belgrave House
N/A 04/21/2012
1 Reviews
2. The great circus train robbery (Hardcover)
    Author: Nancy Means Wright
    Publisher: Hilliard & Harris Publishers
Ages 4-8 03/26/2008
3 Reviews  
3. Down The Strings (Paperback)
    Author: Nancy Means Wright
All Ages 11/22/2006
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Books Recently Added to Nancy's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
There is 1 book on Nancy's bookshelf
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1. The Great Circus Train Robbery (Paperback)
    Author: Nancy Means Wright
    Publisher: Hilliard & Harris Publishers
Ages 4-8 7/9/2008
Nancy said: Who stole 3 red rail cars from Spence's antique circus train? The hair-raising quest takes Zoe & Spence from a neighbor's murky basement to the Quirkus Circus to help 2 wacky clowns--until one of the ...more
tags: I wrote the book--just out and set in Vermont! Circus , I wrote the book--just out and set in Vermont! , I wrote , Circus , Vermont! Circus , Antique model trains. Kid's spy club. Apple orchards Kidnappings! Novel based on my own kids' misadv
3 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by Eleanor Aspin on 7/29/2008 at 7:52 PM:
Nancy, call me Ela, call me Eleanor, call me ElAspin...but just CALL ME! PLEASE!
All the best! ElAspin
Comment by Angel Domínguez on 7/10/2008 at 6:38 AM:
Hi, dear Nancy,
Don´t worry about to write in Spanish. My English it´s enough, I think, because our communication will be writing, the only thing which I can do... I´m awful speaking and specially HEARING... so, when I go to London, some of my two sons goes with me, as translators.
You ... more
Comment by Michelle Gagnon on 4/12/2008 at 11:47 PM:
Hi Nancy-
My books are most decidedly for adults, god help any kid who gets his/her hands on one :) I'll have to check out your St Martin's series! And I don't actually own a kindle, though my books are also available in that format. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my next birthday, th... more
Comment by Eleanor Aspin on 4/12/2008 at 7:34 PM:
Will do, Nancy...looking forward to more communication, since my novellas and novels are focused at 9-14 readers.
Comment by Eleanor Aspin on 4/12/2008 at 7:01 PM:
Hello, Nancy, this is Eleanor Aspin, author of 3 children's books, my latest being released this year. (Abby's Attic Adventures) I'm so pleased to meet a seasoned children's author. The journey of an author is emotional yet rewarding, despite the rejection letters. I look forward to learning more ab... more
Comment by Dixie Phillips on 2/14/2008 at 9:32 PM:
Hey Mizz Nancy,
We had a blizzard today in Iowa. Schools were cancelled and dangerous white-out conditions, but we stayed warm and dry inside. You must have a very special daughter. You tell her she blessed an Iowa woman's heart because she brought her mother cookies and flowers. :-) I'm bless... more
Comment by Melinda Wright on 1/14/2008 at 5:59 PM:
Hi Nancy,
we might get snow in Georgia soon. I hope any way... How are you this week?
Me, I'm blessed getting over the flu...
Be blessed and know you are.
Comment by Melinda Wright on 1/6/2008 at 5:44 PM:
Nancy you are funny lol when your car broke down..LOL to cute. Maybe you have a twin lol be blessed and know you are.
Comment by Dixie Phillips on 1/6/2008 at 5:38 PM:
Hi Nancy,
Loved reading your jacketflap.... Thanks for being my friend...
Comment by Melinda Wright on 1/4/2008 at 10:06 PM:
LOL Nancy I forgot to answer your questions about my nickname. Some (very Few) call me Pinky but real nickname is Bit lol I'm the main character in my books. My childrens book is Little Bit the pink crocodile, my stories or true.
Comment by Melinda Wright on 1/4/2008 at 9:50 PM:
awwwwwwwwwww Thank you Nancy. That was sweet of you. I hope your night is blessed...
Comment by Eric Hammond on 1/4/2008 at 10:45 AM:
Greetings, Nancy.
Welcome to JacketFlap.
Comment by Melinda Wright on 1/3/2008 at 10:30 PM:
Is there any advice you can help me with? You being an published author, I'm sure there are things you can teach me! I'm a quick learner lol, thank ya. Be blessed and know you are.
Comment by Melinda Wright on 1/3/2008 at 10:25 PM:
Thank ya ma'am. You can tell I'm from a small town in the south lol. Yes you are right ma'am. Thank you so much for having me as a friend. Be blessed and know you are.

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