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About MARY

Mary Hershey is an author for children and young adults, a certified personal coach for the creatively pregnant (and overdue) and a part-time Administrative Officer for the Department of Veteran Affairs. Mary's latest novel entitled Ten Lucky Things That Have Happened to Me Since I Nearly Got Hit by Lightning was published by Wendy Lamb Books/Random House in July 2008. Kirkus Reviews describe... More
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MARY's Blog: Shrinking Violet Promotions - Recent Posts
4/29/2012Ch-ch-ch-changes (12 Comments )
So. Hello there! It's been a while, hasn't it? Possibly the longest hiatus known to man. Or blogging. Or at least, Shrinking Violets.I never intended to be gone quite that long, and I missed talking with you all terribly! However, with my current... Read the rest of this post
11/28/2011The Curious Lifecycle of a Blog (12 Comments )
There have been a lot of articles lately on whether or not blogs are dead or have been replaced by Twitter/Google Plus/Facebook etc. (There is a particularly brilliant post over on Roni Loren's blog about the ten stages of blogging, which is a must... Read the rest of this post
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MARY's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 from MARY's published works
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1. 10 Lucky Things That Have Happened to Me Since I Nearly Got Hit by Light...
    Author: Mary Hershey
    Publisher: Wendy Lamb Books
Ages 9-12 07/08/2008
13 Reviews  
2. The One Where the Kid Nearly Jumps to His Death and Lands in California ...
    Author: Mary Hershey
    Publisher: Penguin Group USA and Audible
N/A 02/11/2008
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3. The One Where the Kid Nearly Jumps to His Death and Lands in California ...
    Author: Mary Hershey
    Publisher: Razorbill
Young Adults 03/01/2007
43 Reviews  
4. My Big Sister Is So Bossy She Says You Can't Read This Book (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Hershey
    Publisher: Wendy Lamb Books
Ages 9-12 05/10/2005
35 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by MARY HERSHEY on 8/27/2008 at 2:11 PM:
Oh! :-) Being creatively pregnant is having a book or project that is stuck or stalled or breech and one needs some help in the delivery.

Comment by Aidana WillowRaven on 8/27/2008 at 1:59 PM:
Thanks for having me.

What's creatively pregnant?

Aidana WillowRaven
Comment by Gayle Krause on 3/3/2008 at 4:57 PM:
Glad to see you found your way to this board. Welcome.

Comment by Eric Hammond on 3/2/2008 at 10:25 PM:
Hello, Mary.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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